* really great notes about importance of clean BLE disconnects: https://blog.classycode.com/a-short-story-about-android-ble-connection-timeouts-and-gatt-internal-errors-fa89e3f6a456
*change ls_secs is 1 hr normally, which is fine because if there are other nodes in the mesh and they send us a packet we will wake any time during ls_secs and update app state
* use states for meshservice: disconnected -> connected-> devsleep -> disconnected (3 states)
* when device enters LS state radiointerfaceservice publishes "Broadcasting connection=false", meshservice should then enter devicesleepstate for ls_secs + 30s (to allow for some margin)
* show pointer arrow on the outside of the user icons, always pointing towards them
* Use setLargeIcon to show user icons in the notification: file:///home/kevinh/packages/android-sdk-linux/docs/design/patterns/notifications.html
* Our notification about messages should use VISIBLITY_PRIVATE + setPublicVersion per file:///home/kevinh/packages/android-sdk-linux/docs/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.html
* Use LocationRequest.setSmallestDisplacement to save battery and decrease net activity
* use platform theme (dark or light)
* Do PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY for our gps updates when no one in the mesh is nearer than 200 meters
* spend some quality power consumption tuning with https://developer.android.com/studio/profile/energy-profiler and https://developer.android.com/topic/performance/power/battery-historian
* use google signin to get user name (make optional)
* keep past messages in db, one db per channel (currently we just keep an array in saved preferences)
* show user avatars in chat (use the google user info api)
* let users save old channels (i.e. have a menu of channels the user can use)
* also add a receiver that fires after a new update was installed from the play store
* if the rxpacket queue on the device overflows (because android hasn't connected in a while) send a special packet to android which means 'X packets have been dropped because you were offline' -drop oldest packets first
* call onNodeDBChanged after we haven't heard a packet from the mesh in a while - because that's how we decide we have less than 2 nodes in the mesh and should stop listening to the local GPS