kopia lustrzana https://github.com/mediacms-io/mediacms
447 wiersze
15 KiB
447 wiersze
15 KiB
# Kudos to Werner Robitza, AVEQ GmbH, for helping with ffmpeg
# related content
import itertools
import logging
import random
import re
from datetime import datetime
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
from django.db.models import Q
from cms import celery_app
from . import models
from .helpers import mask_ip
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_user_or_session(request):
"""Return a dictionary with user info
whether user is authenticated or not
this is used in action calculations, example for
increasing the watch counter of a media
ret = {}
if request.user.is_authenticated:
ret["user_id"] = request.user.id
if not request.session.session_key:
ret["user_session"] = request.session.session_key
ret["remote_ip_addr"] = mask_ip(request.META.get("REMOTE_ADDR"))
ret["remote_ip_addr"] = request.META.get("REMOTE_ADDR")
return ret
def pre_save_action(media, user, session_key, action, remote_ip):
"""This will perform some checkes
example threshold checks, before performing an action
from actions.models import MediaAction
if user:
query = MediaAction.objects.filter(media=media, action=action, user=user)
query = MediaAction.objects.filter(media=media, action=action, session_key=session_key)
query = query.order_by("-action_date")
if query:
query = query.first()
if action in ["like", "dislike", "report"]:
return False # has alread done action once
elif action == "watch" and user:
# increase the number of times a media is viewed
if media.duration:
now = datetime.now(query.action_date.tzinfo)
if (now - query.action_date).seconds > media.duration:
return True
if user: # first time action
return True
if not user:
# perform some checking for requests where no session
# id is specified (and user is anonymous) to avoid spam
# eg allow for the same remote_ip for a specific number of actions
query = MediaAction.objects.filter(media=media, action=action, remote_ip=remote_ip).filter(user=None).order_by("-action_date")
if query:
query = query.first()
now = datetime.now(query.action_date.tzinfo)
if action == "watch":
if not (now - query.action_date).seconds > media.duration:
return False
if (now - query.action_date).seconds > settings.TIME_TO_ACTION_ANONYMOUS:
return True
return True
return False
def is_mediacms_editor(user):
"""Whether user is MediaCMS editor"""
editor = False
if user.is_superuser or user.is_manager or user.is_editor:
editor = True
except BaseException:
return editor
def is_mediacms_manager(user):
"""Whether user is MediaCMS manager"""
manager = False
if user.is_superuser or user.is_manager:
manager = True
except BaseException:
return manager
def get_next_state(user, current_state, next_state):
"""Return valid state, given a current and next state
and the user object.
Users may themselves perform only allowed transitions
if next_state not in ["public", "private", "unlisted"]:
next_state = settings.PORTAL_WORKFLOW # get default state
if is_mediacms_editor(user):
# allow any transition
return next_state
if settings.PORTAL_WORKFLOW == "private":
next_state = "private"
if settings.PORTAL_WORKFLOW == "unlisted":
# don't allow to make media public in this case
if next_state == "public":
next_state = current_state
return next_state
def notify_users(friendly_token=None, action=None, extra=None):
"""Notify users through email, for a set of actions"""
notify_items = []
media = None
if friendly_token:
media = models.Media.objects.filter(friendly_token=friendly_token).first()
if not media:
return False
media_url = settings.SSL_FRONTEND_HOST + media.get_absolute_url()
if action == "media_reported" and media:
msg = """
Media %s was reported.
Reason: %s\n
Total times this media has been reported: %s\n
Media becomes private if it gets reported %s times\n
""" % (
title = "[{}] - Media was reported".format(settings.PORTAL_NAME)
d = {}
d["title"] = title
d["msg"] = msg
d["to"] = settings.ADMIN_EMAIL_LIST
title = "[{}] - Media was reported".format(settings.PORTAL_NAME)
d = {}
d["title"] = title
d["msg"] = msg
d["to"] = [media.user.email]
if action == "media_added" and media:
title = "[{}] - Media was added".format(settings.PORTAL_NAME)
msg = """
Media %s was added by user %s.
""" % (
d = {}
d["title"] = title
d["msg"] = msg
d["to"] = settings.ADMIN_EMAIL_LIST
if settings.USERS_NOTIFICATIONS.get("MEDIA_ADDED", False):
title = "[{}] - Your media was added".format(settings.PORTAL_NAME)
msg = """
Your media has been added! It will be encoded and will be available soon.
URL: %s
""" % (
d = {}
d["title"] = title
d["msg"] = msg
d["to"] = [media.user.email]
for item in notify_items:
email = EmailMessage(item["title"], item["msg"], settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, item["to"])
return True
def show_recommended_media(request, limit=100):
"""Return a list of recommended media
used on the index page
basic_query = Q(listable=True)
pmi = cache.get("popular_media_ids")
# produced by task get_list_of_popular_media and cached
if pmi:
media = list(models.Media.objects.filter(friendly_token__in=pmi).filter(basic_query).prefetch_related("user")[:limit])
media = list(models.Media.objects.filter(basic_query).order_by("-views", "-likes").prefetch_related("user")[:limit])
return media
def show_related_media(media, request=None, limit=100):
"""Return a list of related media"""
if settings.RELATED_MEDIA_STRATEGY == "calculated":
return show_related_media_calculated(media, request, limit)
elif settings.RELATED_MEDIA_STRATEGY == "author":
return show_related_media_author(media, request, limit)
return show_related_media_content(media, request, limit)
def show_related_media_content(media, request, limit):
"""Return a list of related media based on simple calculations"""
# Create list with author items
# then items on same category, then some random(latest)
# Aim is to always show enough (limit) videos
# and include author videos in any case
q_author = Q(listable=True, user=media.user)
m = list(models.Media.objects.filter(q_author).order_by().prefetch_related("user")[:limit])
# order by random criteria so that it doesn't bring the same results
# attention: only fields that are indexed make sense here! also need
# find a way for indexes with more than 1 field
order_criteria = [
# TODO: MAke this mess more readable, and add TAGS support - aka related
# tags rather than random media
if len(m) < limit:
category = media.category.first()
if category:
q_category = Q(listable=True, category=category)
q_res = models.Media.objects.filter(q_category).order_by(order_criteria[random.randint(0, len(order_criteria) - 1)]).prefetch_related("user")[: limit - media.user.media_count]
m = list(itertools.chain(m, q_res))
if len(m) < limit:
q_generic = Q(listable=True)
q_res = models.Media.objects.filter(q_generic).order_by(order_criteria[random.randint(0, len(order_criteria) - 1)]).prefetch_related("user")[: limit - media.user.media_count]
m = list(itertools.chain(m, q_res))
m = list(set(m[:limit])) # remove duplicates
m.remove(media) # remove media from results
except ValueError:
return m
def show_related_media_author(media, request, limit):
"""Return a list of related media form the same author"""
q_author = Q(listable=True, user=media.user)
m = list(models.Media.objects.filter(q_author).order_by().prefetch_related("user")[:limit])
# order by random criteria so that it doesn't bring the same results
# attention: only fields that are indexed make sense here! also need
# find a way for indexes with more than 1 field
m = list(set(m[:limit])) # remove duplicates
m.remove(media) # remove media from results
except ValueError:
return m
def show_related_media_calculated(media, request, limit):
"""Return a list of related media based on ML recommendations
A big todo!
return []
def update_user_ratings(user, media, user_ratings):
"""Populate user ratings for a media"""
for rating in user_ratings:
user_rating = models.Rating.objects.filter(user=user, media_id=media, rating_category_id=rating.get("category_id")).only("score").first()
if user_rating:
rating["score"] = user_rating.score
return user_ratings
def notify_user_on_comment(friendly_token):
"""Notify users through email, for a set of actions"""
media = models.Media.objects.filter(friendly_token=friendly_token).first()
if not media:
return False
user = media.user
media_url = settings.SSL_FRONTEND_HOST + media.get_absolute_url()
if user.notification_on_comments:
title = "[{}] - A comment was added".format(settings.PORTAL_NAME)
msg = """
A comment has been added to your media %s .
View it on %s
""" % (
email = EmailMessage(title, msg, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [media.user.email])
return True
def notify_user_on_mention(friendly_token, user_mentioned, cleaned_comment):
from users.models import User
media = models.Media.objects.filter(friendly_token=friendly_token).first()
if not media:
return False
user = User.objects.filter(username=user_mentioned).first()
media_url = settings.SSL_FRONTEND_HOST + media.get_absolute_url()
if user.notification_on_comments:
title = "[{}] - You were mentioned in a comment".format(settings.PORTAL_NAME)
msg = """
You were mentioned in a comment on %s .
View it on %s
Comment : %s
""" % (
email = EmailMessage(title, msg, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [user.email])
return True
def check_comment_for_mention(friendly_token, comment_text):
"""Check the comment for any mentions, and notify each mentioned users"""
cleaned_comment = ''
matches = re.findall('@\\(_(.+?)_\\)', comment_text)
if matches:
cleaned_comment = clean_comment(comment_text)
for match in list(dict.fromkeys(matches)):
notify_user_on_mention(friendly_token, match, cleaned_comment)
def clean_comment(raw_comment):
"""Clean the comment fromn ID and username Mentions for preview purposes"""
cleaned_comment = re.sub('@\\(_(.+?)_\\)', '', raw_comment)
cleaned_comment = cleaned_comment.replace("[_", '')
cleaned_comment = cleaned_comment.replace("_]", '')
return cleaned_comment
def list_tasks():
"""Lists celery tasks
To be used in an admin dashboard
i = celery_app.control.inspect([])
ret = {}
temp = {}
task_ids = []
media_profile_pairs = []
temp["active"] = i.active()
temp["reserved"] = i.reserved()
temp["scheduled"] = i.scheduled()
for state, state_dict in temp.items():
ret[state] = {}
ret[state]["tasks"] = []
for worker, worker_dict in state_dict.items():
for task in worker_dict:
task_dict = {}
task_dict["worker"] = worker
task_dict["task_id"] = task.get("id")
task_dict["args"] = task.get("args")
task_dict["name"] = task.get("name")
task_dict["time_start"] = task.get("time_start")
if task.get("name") == "encode_media":
task_args = task.get("args")
for bad in "(),'":
task_args = task_args.replace(bad, "")
friendly_token = task_args.split()[0]
profile_id = task_args.split()[1]
media = models.Media.objects.filter(friendly_token=friendly_token).first()
if media:
profile = models.EncodeProfile.objects.filter(id=profile_id).first()
if profile:
media_profile_pairs.append((media.friendly_token, profile.id))
task_dict["info"] = {}
task_dict["info"]["profile name"] = profile.name
task_dict["info"]["media title"] = media.title
encoding = models.Encoding.objects.filter(task_id=task.get("id")).first()
if encoding:
task_dict["info"]["encoding progress"] = encoding.progress
ret["task_ids"] = task_ids
ret["media_profile_pairs"] = media_profile_pairs
return ret