Feat robots.txt (#237)

* add robots.txt

* removes robots.txt manual steps
Markos Gogoulos 2021-07-02 17:19:02 +03:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 1f0cc4ff87
commit 060bb45725
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
4 zmienionych plików z 14 dodań i 65 usunięć

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import debug_toolbar
from django.conf.urls import include, url
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, re_path
from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView
from drf_yasg import openapi
from drf_yasg.views import get_schema_view
from rest_framework.permissions import AllowAny
@ -15,6 +16,10 @@ schema_view = get_schema_view(
urlpatterns = [
url(r"^__debug__/", include(debug_toolbar.urls)),
TemplateView.as_view(template_name="robots.txt", content_type="text/plain"),
url(r"^", include("files.urls")),
url(r"^", include("users.urls")),
url(r"^accounts/", include("allauth.urls")),

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@ -261,3 +261,10 @@ ADMINS_NOTIFICATIONS = {
- NEW_USER: a new user is added
- MEDIA_ADDED: a media is added
- MEDIA_REPORTED: the report for a media was hit
### Google Analytics
Checkout the instructions by alberto98fx on [Google Analytics](/docs/robots_and_analytics.md) page.

Wyświetl plik

@ -53,68 +53,3 @@
- ./templates/tracking.html://home/mediacms.io/mediacms/templates/tracking.html
# Robots.txt
1. Mediacms is missing robots.txt that can impact your seo.
Let's add it:
``` touch $DIR/mediacms/cms/robots.txt ```
2. Populate it with what you want:
User-Agent: *
Allow: /
Disallow: /admin
3. Inside ```files/views.py``` edit the default import and add HttpResponse under HttpResponseRedirect.
from django.http import (
4. Add a new view:
def robots(request):
f = open('/home/mediacms.io/mediacms/templates/cms/robots.txt', 'r')
file_content = f.read()
return HttpResponse(file_content, content_type="text/plain")
If you are using Docker the path is the one inside the container.
5. Open ```files/urls.py``` and add:
urlpatterns = [
url(r"^robots.txt", views.robots, name="robots"),
Inside urlpatterns.
6. If you are using Docker and did not mount the entire folder before you need to map the volumes:
image: mediacms/mediacms:latest
restart: unless-stopped
- "80:80"
replicas: 1
- ./files/views.py:/home/mediacms.io/mediacms/files/views.py
- ./files/urls.py:/home/mediacms.io/mediacms/files/urls.py
- ./templates/cms/robots.txt:/home/mediacms.io/mediacms/templates/cms/robots.txt
7. Call ```https://yourwebsite.com/robots.txt``` to check if everything is working.

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
User-Agent: *
Allow: /