* fixes for the newer app

Dominika Liberda 2021-04-09 18:33:03 +02:00
parent 5d56e39db6
commit 668bcaf6b4
2 changed files with 12 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ On the main screen of the mighty mBank mobile app, there's a huge text welcoming
## Instructions
1. Get mBank's `base.apk` from your device - it usually sits somewhere in `/data/app/*/base.apk`
2. Run the script with the APK as a parameter, and your real name as the second one - `./mbankDeadnameRemover.sh base.apk Laura`
1. Download mBank's app from apps.evozi.com or other apk downloader. You can also use Aurora store for this; Do not steal the app from `/data/app/pl.mbank*/`, as this has produced corrupted and uninstallable files.
2. Run the script with the APK as a parameter, and your real name as the second one - i.e. `./mbankDeadnameRemover.sh base.apk Laura`
3. Transfer the patched APK back to your device
4. Uninstall the old application from your device - this is needed, as Android won't let you install a self-signed application over another application
5. Install the APK, pair the app with mBank
@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ On the main screen of the mighty mBank mobile app, there's a huge text welcoming
## License
Licensed under [GPL 3.0](LICENSE.md); (C) selfisekai and redsPL, 2020
Licensed under [GPL 3.0](LICENSE.md); (C) selfisekai and sdomi, 2020-2021

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@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ mkdir mbank
cd mbank
[[ ! -f "apktool.jar" ]] && wget https://bitbucket.org/iBotPeaches/apktool/downloads/apktool_2.4.1.jar -O apktool.jar
[[ ! -f "signapk.jar" ]] && wget https://github.com/techexpertize/SignApk/raw/master/signapk.jar -O signapk.jar
[[ ! -f "zipalign.jar" ]] && wget https://git.sakamoto.pl/laudom/zipalign-java/uploads/8fcc06538b7392c623468e42c893f952/ZipAlign.jar -O zipalign.jar
java -jar apktool.jar d $apk -o base
strings_file_en=$(grep -Rl "Hello, %s" base/res/*)
strings_file_pl=$(grep -Rl "Witaj, %s" base/res/*)
@ -26,10 +28,13 @@ if [[ ! -f "crypto.crt" || ! -f "key.pk8" ]]; then
rm crypto.key crypto.csr certificate.pem
java -jar apktool.jar b base -o out.apk
java -jar signapk.jar crypto.crt key.pk8 out.apk out_signed.apk
java -jar apktool.jar --use-aapt2 b base -o out.apk
java -jar zipalign.jar out.apk out_aligned.apk # we don't know if this is strictly needed, but it might as well be
java -jar signapk.jar crypto.crt key.pk8 out_aligned.apk out_signed.apk
rm -R base
cp out_signed.apk ..
rm -R mbank/base
echo "IMPORTANT NOTE: please store crypto.crt and key.pk8 in a safe place - you'll need them to sign the app after any updates."
echo "OUTPUT FILE: mbank/out_signed.apk"
echo "OUTPUT FILE: out_signed.apk"