
211 wiersze
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mapscii - Terminal Map Viewer
by Michael Strassburger <>
UI and central command center
keypress = require 'keypress'
TermMouse = require 'term-mouse'
Promise = require 'bluebird'
Renderer = require './Renderer'
TileSource = require './TileSource'
utils = require './utils'
config = require './config'
module.exports = class Mapscii
width: null
height: null
canvas: null
mouse: null
mouseDragging: false
x: 0, y: 0
tileSource: null
renderer: null
zoom: 0
# sf lat: 37.787946, lon: -122.407522
# iceland lat: 64.124229, lon: -21.811552
# rgbg
# lat: 49.019493, lon: 12.098341
lat: 52.51298, lon: 13.42012
minZoom: null
constructor: (options) ->
config[key] = val for key, val of options
init: ->
.then =>
unless config.headless
.then =>
.then =>
_initTileSource: ->
@tileSource = new TileSource()
@tileSource.init config.source
_initKeyboard: ->
keypress config.input
config.input.setRawMode true
config.input.on 'keypress', (ch, key) => @_onKey key
_initMouse: ->
@mouse = TermMouse input: config.input, output: config.output
@mouse.on 'click', (event) => @_onClick event
@mouse.on 'scroll', (event) => @_onMouseScroll event
@mouse.on 'move', (event) => @_onMouseMove event
_initRenderer: ->
@renderer = new Renderer config.output, @tileSource
@renderer.loadStyleFile config.styleFile
config.output.on 'resize', =>
@zoom = if config.initialZoom isnt null then config.initialZoom else @minZoom
_resizeRenderer: (cb) ->
if config.size
@width = config.size.width
@height = config.size.height
@width = config.output.columns >> 1 << 2
@height = config.output.rows * 4 - 4
@minZoom = 4-Math.log(4096/@width)/Math.LN2
@renderer.setSize @width, @height
_onClick: (event) ->
if @mouseDragging and event.button is "left"
# TODO lat/lng based drag&drop
# @view[0] -= (@mouseDragging.x-@mousePosition.x)<<1
# @view[1] -= (@mouseDragging.y-@mousePosition.y)<<2
@mouseDragging = false
_onMouseScroll: (event) ->
# TODO: handle .x/y for directed zoom
@zoomBy config.zoomStep * if event.button is "up" then -1 else 1
_onMouseMove: (event) ->
projected =
x: event.x * 2
y: event.y * 4
# start dragging
if event.button is "left"
if @mouseDragging
# TODO lat/lng based drag&drop
# @view[0] -= (@mouseDragging.x-event.x)<<1
# @view[1] -= (@mouseDragging.y-event.y)<<2
if not @renderer.isDrawing and @renderer.lastDrawAt <
@mouseDragging = x: event.x, y: event.y
@mouseDragging = x: event.x, y: event.y
# update internal mouse tracker
@mousePosition = projected
@notify @_getFooter()
_onKey: (key) ->
# check if the pressed key is configured
draw = switch key?.name
when "q"
process.exit 0
when "w" then @zoomy = 1
when "s" then @zoomy = -1
when "a" then @zoomBy config.zoomStep
when "z" then @zoomBy -config.zoomStep
when "left" then @moveBy 0, -8/Math.pow(2, @zoom)
when "right" then @moveBy 0, 8/Math.pow(2, @zoom)
when "up" then @moveBy 6/Math.pow(2, @zoom), 0
when "down" then @moveBy -6/Math.pow(2, @zoom), 0
if draw isnt null
# display debug info for unhandled keys
@notify JSON.stringify key
_draw: ->
.draw @center, @zoom
.then (frame) =>
@_write frame
@notify @_getFooter()
.catch =>
@notify "renderer is busy"
.then =>
if @zoomy
if (@zoomy > 0 and @zoom < config.maxZoom) or (@zoomy < 0 and @zoom > @minZoom)
@zoom += @zoomy * config.zoomStep
@zoomy *= -1
setImmediate => @_draw()
_getFooter: ->
# tile = utils.ll2tile @center.lon,, @zoom
# "tile: #{utils.digits tile.x, 3}, #{utils.digits tile.x, 3} "+
"center: #{utils.digits, 3}, #{utils.digits @center.lon, 3} "+
"zoom: #{utils.digits @zoom, 2} "+
"mouse: #{@mousePosition.x-@width/2} #{@mousePosition.y-@height/2} "
notify: (text) ->
@_write "\r\x1B[K"+text unless config.headless
_write: (output) ->
config.output.write output
zoomBy: (step) ->
return @zoom = @minZoom if @zoom+step < @minZoom
return @zoom = config.maxZoom if @zoom+step > config.maxZoom
@zoom += step
moveBy: (lat, lon) ->
@setCenter, @center.lon+lon
setCenter: (lat, lon) ->
lon += 360 if lon < -180
lon -= 360 if lon > 180
lat = 85.0511 if lat > 85.0511
lat = -85.0511 if lat < -85.0511 = lat
@center.lon = lon