
66 wiersze
1.2 KiB

import path from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
export default {
language: 'en',
// TODO: adapt to osm2vectortiles successor openmaptiles v3)
// hosts the last available version, 2016-06-20
source: '',
//source: __dirname+"/../mbtiles/regensburg.mbtiles",
styleFile: __dirname + '/../styles/dark.json',
initialZoom: null,
maxZoom: 18,
zoomStep: 0.2,
// sf lat: 37.787946, lon: -122.407522
// iceland lat: 64.124229, lon: -21.811552
// rgbg
// lat: 49.019493, lon: 12.098341
initialLat: 52.51298,
initialLon: 13.42012,
simplifyPolylines: false,
useBraille: true,
// Downloaded files get persisted in ~/.mapscii
persistDownloadedTiles: true,
tileRange: 14,
projectSize: 256,
labelMargin: 5,
layers: {
housenum_label: {
margin: 4
poi_label: {
cluster: true,
margin: 5,
place_label: {
cluster: true,
state_label: {
cluster: true,
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
headless: false,
delimeter: '\n\r',
poiMarker: '◉',