# termap - Terminal Map Viewer Discover the world in your console! termap allows you to render and navigate VectorTile based maps in your console. * No native dependencies, 100% Coffee-/JavaScript * Use your mouse or keyboard to navigate the map * Use tile servers or local MBTiles and VectorTiles ## How to get it? `npm install -g termap` ## Behind the scenes ### Libraries * [`pbf`](https://github.com/mapbox/pbf) for Protobuf decoding * [`vector-tile`](https://github.com/mapbox/vector-tile-js) for [VectorTile](https://github.com/mapbox/vector-tile-spec/tree/master/2.1) parsing * [`term-mouse`](https://github.com/CoderPuppy/term-mouse) for mouse handling * [`keypress`](https://github.com/TooTallNate/keypress) for input handling * [`node-drawille`](https://github.com/madbence/node-drawille/) for braille rendering (to be replaced) ## Wishlist * node-gyp binding to [libdrawille](https://github.com/Huulivoide/libdrawille) for speed refactor possibilities + filled polygons ### TODOs * [ ] mapping of view to tiles to show * [ ] tile request system * [ ] from local mbtiles * [ ] from remote url * [ ] label drawing * [ ] lat/lng-center + zoom based viewport * [ ] TileSource class (abstracting URL, mbtiles, single vector tile source) * [ ] zoom while keeping center * [ ] API * [ ] setCenter * [ ] setZoom * [x] accurate mouse drag&drop * [x] handle console resize