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# coding: utf-8
# maposmatic, the web front-end of the MapOSMatic city map generation system
# Copyright (C) 2009 David Decotigny
# Copyright (C) 2009 Frédéric Lehobey
# Copyright (C) 2009 Pierre Mauduit
# Copyright (C) 2009 David Mentré
# Copyright (C) 2009 Maxime Petazzoni
# Copyright (C) 2009 Thomas Petazzoni
# Copyright (C) 2009 Gaël Utard
# Copyright (C) 2019 Hartmut Holzgraefe
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Forms for MapOSMatic
from django import forms
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.forms.utils import ErrorList
import time
import ocitysmap
from www.maposmatic import models, widgets
import www.settings
from multiupload.fields import MultiFileField
class MapSearchForm(forms.Form):
The map search form, allowing search through the rendered maps.
query = forms.CharField(min_length=1, required=True,
{'placeholder': _('Search for a map'),
'class': 'span2'}))
class MapRenderingJobForm(forms.ModelForm):
The main map rendering form, displayed on the 'Create Map' page. It's a
ModelForm based on the MapRenderingJob model.
class Meta:
model = models.MapRenderingJob
fields = ('layout', 'stylesheet', 'overlay',
'maptitle', 'administrative_city',
'lat_upper_left', 'lon_upper_left',
'lat_bottom_right', 'lon_bottom_right',
mode = forms.CharField(initial='bbox', widget=forms.HiddenInput)
layout = forms.ChoiceField(choices=(), widget=forms.RadioSelect(attrs= { 'onchange' : 'clearPaperSize(this.value); $("#layout-preview").attr("src","/media/img/layout/"+this.value+".png");'}))
stylesheet = forms.ChoiceField(choices=(), widget=forms.Select(attrs= { 'onchange' : '$("#style-preview").attr("src","/media/img/style/"+this.value+".jpg");'}))
overlay = forms.MultipleChoiceField(choices=(), widget=forms.SelectMultiple(attrs= { 'class': 'multipleSelect' }), required=False)
paper_width_mm = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.NumberInput(attrs= {'onchange' : 'change_papersize();', 'style': 'width: 5em;'}), min_value=100, max_value=2000)
paper_height_mm = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.NumberInput(attrs= {'onchange' : 'change_papersize();', 'style': 'width: 5em;'}), min_value=100, max_value=2000)
maptitle = forms.CharField(max_length=256, required=False)
bbox = widgets.AreaField(label=_("Area"),
fields=(forms.FloatField(), forms.FloatField(),
forms.FloatField(), forms.FloatField()))
uploadfile = MultiFileField(required=False)
map_lang_flag_list = []
for lang_key, lang_name in www.settings.MAP_LANGUAGES_LIST:
if lang_key == 'C':
map_lang_flag_list.append((lang_key, lang_name))
country_code = lang_key[3:5].lower()
lang_html = mark_safe("<span class='flag-icon flag-icon-%s'> </span> %s"
% (country_code, lang_name))
map_lang_flag_list.append((lang_key, lang_html))
map_language = forms.ChoiceField(choices=map_lang_flag_list,
attrs={'style': 'min-width: 200px'}))
administrative_osmid = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.HiddenInput,
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MapRenderingJobForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._ocitysmap = ocitysmap.OCitySMap(www.settings.OCITYSMAP_CFG_PATH)
layout_renderers = self._ocitysmap.get_all_renderers()
stylesheets = self._ocitysmap.get_all_style_configurations()
overlays = self._ocitysmap.get_all_overlay_configurations()
self.fields['layout'].choices = []
# TODO move descriptions to ocitysmap side
for r in layout_renderers:
if == 'plain':
description = _(u"Full-page layout without street index")
elif == 'single_page_index_side':
description = _(u"Full-page layout with the street index on the side")
elif == 'single_page_index_bottom':
description = _(u"Full-page layout with the street index at the bottom")
elif == 'single_page_index_extra_page':
description = _(u"Full-page layout with the street index on extra page (PDF only)")
elif == 'tk25':
description = _(u"TK25 full page layout")
elif == 'multi_page':
description = _(u"Multi-page layout")
# description = mark_safe(_(u"The %(layout_name)s layout") % {'layout_name'})
self.fields['layout'].choices.append((, description))
if not self.fields['layout'].initial:
self.fields['layout'].initial = layout_renderers[0].name
style_choices = {"": []}
for s in stylesheets:
if s.description is not None:
description = mark_safe(escape(s.description))
description = mark_safe(_("The <i>%(stylesheet_name)s</i> stylesheet") % {'stylesheet_name'})
if s.url:
description = mark_safe("%s <a target='_blank' href='%s' title='%s'><i class='fa fa-info-circle'></i></a>" % (description, s.url, _("more info")))
group =
group = ""
if group not in style_choices:
style_choices[group] = []
style_choices[].append((, description))
grouped_choices = []
for name, members in style_choices.items():
grouped_choices.append([name, members])
self.fields['stylesheet'].choices = grouped_choices;
if not self.fields['stylesheet'].initial:
self.fields['stylesheet'].initial = stylesheets[0].name
overlay_choices = {}
for s in overlays:
if s.description is not None:
description = mark_safe(escape(s.description))
description = mark_safe(_("The <i>%(stylesheet_name)s</i> overlay") % {'stylesheet_name'})
if s.url:
description = mark_safe("%s <a target='_blank' href='%s' title='%s'><i class='fa fa-info-circle'></i></a>" % (description, s.url, _("more info")))
if not in overlay_choices:
overlay_choices[] = []
overlay_choices[].append((, description))
grouped_choices = []
for name, members in overlay_choices.items():
grouped_choices.append([name, members])
self.fields['overlay'].choices = grouped_choices;
if not self.fields['overlay'].initial:
self.fields['overlay'].initial = ''
def clean(self):
"""Cleanup function for the map query form. Different checks are
required depending on the selected mode (by admininstrative city, or by
bounding box).
Returns the cleaned_data array.
cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data
mode = cleaned_data.get("mode")
city = cleaned_data.get("administrative_city")
title = cleaned_data.get("maptitle")
layout = cleaned_data.get("layout")
stylesheet = cleaned_data.get("stylesheet")
overlay_array = []
for overlay in cleaned_data.get("overlay"):
overlay = ",".join(overlay_array)
if layout == '':
msg = _(u"Layout required")
self._errors["layout"] = ErrorList([msg])
del cleaned_data["layout"]
if stylesheet == '':
msg = _(u"Stylesheet required")
self._errors["stylesheet"] = ErrorList([msg])
del cleaned_data["stylesheet"]
if mode == 'admin':
if city == "":
msg = _(u"Administrative city required")
self._errors["administrative_city"] = ErrorList([msg])
del cleaned_data["administrative_city"]
# Make sure that bbox and admin modes are exclusive
# TODO: we should maybe merge these two instead? (See also OcitysMap Github Issue #24)
cleaned_data["lat_upper_left"] = None
cleaned_data["lon_upper_left"] = None
cleaned_data["lat_bottom_right"] = None
cleaned_data["lon_bottom_right"] = None
except Exception as ex:
msg = _(u"Error with osm city: %s" % ex)
self._errors['administrative_osmid'] \
= ErrorList([msg])
elif mode == 'bbox':
# Check bounding box corners are provided
for f in [ "lat_upper_left", "lon_upper_left",
"lat_bottom_right", "lon_bottom_right" ]:
val = cleaned_data.get(f)
if val is None:
msg = _(u"Required")
self._errors['bbox'] = ErrorList([msg])
if f in cleaned_data:
del cleaned_data[f]
# Check latitude and longitude are different
if (cleaned_data.get("lat_upper_left")
== cleaned_data.get("lat_bottom_right")):
msg = _(u"Same latitude")
self._errors['bbox'] = ErrorList([msg])
del cleaned_data["lat_upper_left"]
del cleaned_data["lat_bottom_right"]
if (cleaned_data.get("lon_upper_left")
== cleaned_data.get("lon_bottom_right")):
msg = _(u"Same longitude")
self._errors['bbox'] = ErrorList([msg])
del cleaned_data["lon_upper_left"]
del cleaned_data["lon_bottom_right"]
# Make sure that bbox and admin modes are exclusive
cleaned_data["administrative_city"] = ''
cleaned_data["administrative_osmid"] = None
# Don't try to instanciate a bounding box with empty coordinates
if self._errors:
return cleaned_data
lat_upper_left = cleaned_data.get("lat_upper_left")
lon_upper_left = cleaned_data.get("lon_upper_left")
lat_bottom_right = cleaned_data.get("lat_bottom_right")
lon_bottom_right = cleaned_data.get("lon_bottom_right")
boundingbox = ocitysmap.coords.BoundingBox(
lat_upper_left, lon_upper_left,
lat_bottom_right, lon_bottom_right)
(metric_size_lat, metric_size_long) = boundingbox.spheric_sizes()
if (metric_size_lat > www.settings.BBOX_MAXIMUM_LENGTH_IN_METERS
or metric_size_long > www.settings.BBOX_MAXIMUM_LENGTH_IN_METERS):
msg = _(u"Bounding Box too large")
self._errors['bbox'] = ErrorList([msg])
return cleaned_data
def _check_osm_id(self, osm_id):
"""Make sure that the supplied OSM Id is valid and can be accepted for
rendering (bounding box not too large, etc.). Raise an exception in
case of error."""
bbox_wkt, area_wkt = self._ocitysmap.get_geographic_info(osm_id)
bbox = ocitysmap.coords.BoundingBox.parse_wkt(bbox_wkt)
(metric_size_lat, metric_size_long) = bbox.spheric_sizes()
if metric_size_lat > www.settings.BBOX_MAXIMUM_LENGTH_IN_METERS or \
metric_size_long > www.settings.BBOX_MAXIMUM_LENGTH_IN_METERS:
raise ValueError("Area too large")
class MapPaperSizeForm(forms.Form):
The map paper size form, which is only used to analyze the
arguments of the POST request to /apis/papersize/
osmid = forms.IntegerField(required=False)
layout = forms.CharField(max_length=256)
stylesheet = forms.CharField(max_length=256)
lat_upper_left = forms.FloatField(required=False, min_value=-90.0, max_value=90.0)
lon_upper_left = forms.FloatField(required=False, min_value=-180.0, max_value=180.0)
lat_bottom_right = forms.FloatField(required=False, min_value=-90.0, max_value=90.0)
lon_bottom_right = forms.FloatField(required=False, min_value=-180.0, max_value=180.0)
class MapRecreateForm(forms.Form):
The map recreate form, to reschedule an already processed job on the queue.
id = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=True)
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data
cleaned_data["id"] = int(cleaned_data.get("id", 0))
except ValueError:
cleaned_data["id"] = 0
return cleaned_data
class MapCancelForm(forms.Form):
The map cancel form, to cancel a job (when the user has the matching
id = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=True)
nonce = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=True)
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data
cleaned_data["id"] = int(cleaned_data.get("id", 0))
except ValueError:
cleaned_data["id"] = 0
return cleaned_data