
58 wiersze
3.1 KiB

{{- $old_filename := .Get "src" -}}
{{- $img := (.Page.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch (path.Join "images" $old_filename ) -}}
{{- if $img -}}
{{- $thumb := $img.Fit "800x800 q90 webp" -}}
{{- $new_filename := replace $old_filename (path.Ext $old_filename) "" -}}
{{- $dithered := printf "images/dithers/%s_dithered.png" $new_filename -}}
{{ $dithered_image := (.Page.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch $dithered }}
{{- $optBlock := dict "display" "block" -}}
{{- $alt := .Inner -}}
<div class="article-img {{if le $img.Width (mul $img.Height 1.2)}} vertical{{end}}">
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<img src="{{with $dithered_image }}{{ .Permalink }}{{end}}" alt='{{ with $alt }}{{ $alt | markdownify| plainify }}{{ else }}{{ .Get "alt" }}{{ . | markdownify| plainify }}{{ end }}' data-original="{{if $thumb}}{{$thumb.Permalink}}{{else}}images/{{$old_filename }}{{end}}" data-dither="{{with $dithered_image }}{{ .RelPermalink }}{{end}}" loading="lazy"/> </figure>
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{{ .Inner }}<svg class="dither-toggle icon" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
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<span class="tooltip view-orig">
{{ i18n "vieworig" | default "View original image"}}
<span class="tooltip view-dither">
{{ i18n "viewdither" | default "View dithered image"}}
{{- else -}}
{{ $new_filename := replace $old_filename (path.Ext $old_filename) ""}}
{{ $dithered := printf "images/dithers/%s_dithered.png" $new_filename }}
{{ $dithered_image := (.Page.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch $dithered }}
{{- $alt := .Inner -}}
<div class="article-img">
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{{ .Inner }}<svg class="dither-toggle icon" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
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<span class="tooltip view-orig">
{{ i18n "vieworig" | default "View original image"}}
<span class="tooltip view-dither">
{{ i18n "viewdither" | default "View dithered image"}}