
25 wiersze
2.1 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

2023-06-12 08:53:53 +00:00
{{ define "main" }} {{ $categoryTitle := .Title }} {{ $categoryDescription := ' ' }}
{{ if (eq .Data.Term "Low-tech Solutions") }} {{ $categoryTitle = i18n "lowtechtitle" }}
{{ $categoryDescription = i18n "lowtechdescription" | default "Interesting possibilities arise when you combine old technology with new knowledge and new materials, or when you apply old concepts and traditional knowledge to modern technology." }}
{{ else if (eq .Data.Term "High-tech Problems")}} {{ $categoryTitle = i18n "hightechtitle" }} {{ $categoryDescription = i18n "hightechdescription" | default "Technology has become the idol of our society, but technological progress is—more often than not—aimed at solving problems caused by earlier technical inventions." }}
{{ else if (eq .Data.Term "Obsolete Technology")}} {{ $categoryTitle = i18n "obsoletetitle" }} {{ $categoryDescription = i18n "obsoletedescription" | default "There is a lot of potential in past and often forgotten knowledge and technologies when it comes to designing a sustainable society." }}
{{ else if (eq .Data.Term "About")}} {{ $categoryTitle = i18n "about" }} {{ $categoryDescription = i18n "aboutdescription" | default "" }}{{ end }}
<main class="article-list">
{{ if (eq .Data.Singular "author")}} {{ i18n "written_by" | default "Written by"}} {{ else if (eq .Data.Singular "translator")}} {{ i18n "translated_by" | default "Translated by"}} {{ else if (eq .Data.Singular "tag")}} {{ i18n "theme" | default "Theme"}}{{ end }}
<h1 class="entry-title">{{ $categoryTitle | default .Title }}</h1>
{{ if not (eq $categoryDescription ' ') }}
<p class="summary">{{$categoryDescription}}
{{ end }}
<section id="list" class="grid">
{{ $allposts := .Pages }}
{{ $notunlisted := where .RegularPages ".Params.unlisted" "!=" "true" }}
{{ $posts := $allposts | intersect $notunlisted }}
{{ $paginator := .Paginate $posts }}
{{ range $paginator.Pages }} {{ partial "article-list/default" . }} {{ end }}
{{ if gt $paginator.TotalPages 1}} {{ partial "pagination" . }} {{ end }}
{{ end }}