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2023-06-12 08:53:53 +00:00
# Solar v.2
- Rebuild of Low-tech Magazine's Solar theme with Hugo
- Builds the entire site in minutes rather than hours :)
- Makes use of additional taxonomies that are possible in Hugo
Requires Hugo 0.10x or newer!
## Local Development
hugo server
## Organizing content
Content is organized as [Hugo Page Bundles](https://gohugo.io/content-management/page-bundles/).
That means that each post is a directory which contains:
* the article (`index.md`)
* the translations (`index.lang.md`)
* the images in the article (`images/`)
* dithered versions of the images (`images/dithers/`)
* comments in various languages (`comments.en.md`)
├── comments.en.md
├── images
│   ├── air-jaldi-epostman.png
│   ├── dithers
│   │   ├── air-jaldi-epostman_dithered.png
│   │   ├── freifunk-wifi-node_dithered.png
│   │   ├── node-air-jaldi-network_dithered.png
│   │   ├── node-spanish-guifi-network_dithered.png
│   │   ├── node-tegola_dithered.png
│   │   ├── sneakernet-on-rails_dithered.png
│   │   ├── tegola-project-low-tech-internet_dithered.png
│   │   ├── wifi-link_dithered.png
│   │   └── wireless-links-spanish-guifi-network_dithered.png
│   ├── freifunk-wifi-node.jpg
│   ├── node-air-jaldi-network.png
│   ├── node-spanish-guifi-network.png
│   ├── node-tegola.jpg
│   ├── sneakernet-on-rails.jpg
│   ├── tegola-project-low-tech-internet.png
│   ├── wifi-link.jpg
│   └── wireless-links-spanish-guifi-network.jpg
├── index.de.md
├── index.en.md
├── index.es.md
└── index.fr.md
At least one article is required: `index.md` or `index.lang.md`.
## Formatting articles
The design relies on the following [front matter](https://gohugo.io/content-management/front-matter/) fields:
title: "How to Build a Low-tech Internet"
date: "2015-10-26"
summary: "If we want the internet to keep working in circumstances where access to energy is more limited, we can learn important lessons from alternative network technologies."
slug: "how-to-build-a-low-tech-internet"
lang: "en"
authors: ["Kris De Decker" ]
categories: ["Low-tech Solutions"]
tags: ["ICT" ]
featured_image: "tegola-project-low-tech-internet.png"
draft: False
In the case of a translation you can specify the translators as well:
__!! Careful, only some metadata should to be translated, the other needs to be left intact.__
Specifically, the metadata keys (`title`, `date`, `summary` etc) should remain intact wheras the metadata values can be translated (such as the contents of `title` or `summary`).
However do __not__ translate the values of `slug`, `categories`, `tags` and `featured_image`.
title: "Cómo construir una Internet de Baja Tecnología" #TO TRANSLATE
date: "2015-10-26"
summary: "Si queremos que internet siga funcionando en circunstancias en que el acceso a la energía es más limitado, entonces podemos aprender lecciones importantes de las tecnologías de red alternativas." #TO TRANSLATE
slug: "how-to-build-a-low-tech-internet"
lang: "es" #ADD THE CORRECT LANG code (fr, es,etc.)
authors: ["Kris De Decker" ]
categories: ["Low-tech Solutions"]
tags: ["ICT" ]
featured_image: "tegola-project-low-tech-internet.png"
translators: ["Colectivo Disonancia"] #ADD TRANSLATOR FOR THIS LANGUAGE
draft: False
To add several authors or several tags, we use the following syntax:
authors: ["Kris De Decker","Marie Verdeil" ]
tags: ["ICT", "another tag", "another other tag"]
### Image shortcodes
The design relies on shortcodes for images rather than markdown image tags:
`{{% figure src="yutampo2.png" %}} Una borsa dacqua calda giapponese detta yutampo, fatta di plastica rigida. Fonte: All About Japan. [https://allabout-japan.com/en/article/6244/](https://allabout-japan.com/en/article/6244/) {{% /figure %}}
### Reader comments
If there are any comments to be rendered under an article they should be in a file called `comments.lang.md` and each comment rendered as such:
{{< comment name="Lord Byron" >}}
As the Liberty lads o'er the sea
Bought their freedom, and cheaply, with blood
So we, boys, we
Will die fighting, or live free,
And down with all kings but King Ludd”
{{</ comment >}}
## Author & Translator pages
This site builds custom taxonomies for `Authors` and `Translators` which can be accessed via `http://localhost:1313/authors/` and `http://localhost:1313/translators/` respectively. Individual data about each author or translator can be written in `content/authors/authorname/index.md`
# Additional utilities
In `utils` there are various utilities to be used before or after site rendering.
## dithering tool
`dither_images.py` recursively traverses folders and creates dithered versions of the images it finds. These are stored in the same folder as the images in a folder called "dithers".
### Installation & Depedencies
depends on [Pillow](https://pillow.readthedocs.io) and [hitherdither](https://github.com/hbldh/hitherdither)
`pip install Pillow git+https://www.github.com/hbldh/hitherdither`
### Usage
Dither all the images found in the subdirectories of `content`
`python3 utils/dither_images.py --directory content/`
Colorize the dithers as well based on the LTM categories:
`python3 utils/dither_images.py --directory content/ --colorize`
Run the script with more debug output:
`python3 utils/dither_images.py --directory content/ --colorize --verbose`
Remove all dithered files in the subdirectories of `content`:
`python3 utils/dither_images.py --remove --directory content/`
## Page Size Calculator
This script recursively traverses folders and enumerates the file size of all html pages and associated media.
The calculated total file size is then added to the HTML page. The script looks for a `div` with class `page-size` to add the page metadata in to. This div is currently found in `layouts/partials/footer.html`
#### Installation & Dependencies
Relies on BeautifulSoup
`pip install bs4`
#### Usage
This script should be run *after* the site has been generated on the resulting files. It is a post-processing step.
In the case of Hugo, this is usually the directory called `public`. Add the baseurl that you also use in production:
`python3 utils/calculate_size.py --directory public/ --baseURL https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com`
## build_site.sh
This is a script to build the hugo site and run the various support scripts. It assumes you generate and deploy the site on the same machine.
It can be used in `cron` to make a daily build at 12:15 and log the output.
`15 12 * * * /bin/bash /path/to/repo/utils/build_site.sh > /path/to/build.log 2>&1`
## pelican to hugo converter
`convert_to_hugo.py` converts posts of the Pelican format of Solar v1 to Hugo Page Bundles. Needs to be run only **once and never again** because it will _overwrite whatever you have in your content folder!_
You need to edit the file to set the input and output paths etc.
**N.B. this tool will do 95.3% of the work but you will need to manually fix a few individual files**
### Installation & Dependencies
depends on [jinja2](https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/3.1.x/)
`pip install jinja2`
### Usage
You need to first edit the file to set the input and output paths. These can be found around line 20.
`python3 utils/convert_to_hugo.py`
# Contributions
The Solar v.2 theme was made by
* [Marie Otsuka](https://motsuka.com/)[^1]
* [Roel Roscam Abbing](https://test.roelof.info)[^1]
* [Marie Verdeil](https://verdeil.net/)
With contributions by
* [Erhard Maria Klein](http://www.weitblick.de/)
[^1]: Marie and Roel created the [original Pelican theme](https://github.com/lowtechmag/solar) for the first version of https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com