
604 wiersze
18 KiB

const pMap = require('p-map');
const flatMap = require('lodash/flatMap');
const sortBy = require('lodash/sortBy');
const moment = require('moment');
const i18n = require('i18next');
const Timecode = require('smpte-timecode');
const execa = require('execa');
const { join } = require('path');
const fileType = require('file-type');
const readChunk = require('read-chunk');
const readline = require('readline');
const os = require('os');
const { getOutPath, getExtensionForFormat } = require('./util');
const { isDev } = require('../util');
function getFfCommandLine(cmd, args) {
const mapArg = arg => (/[^0-9a-zA-Z-_]/.test(arg) ? `'${arg}'` : arg);
return `${cmd} ${args.map(mapArg).join(' ')}`;
function getFfPath(cmd) {
const platform = os.platform();
if (platform === 'darwin') {
return isDev ? `ffmpeg-mac/${cmd}` : join(process.resourcesPath, cmd);
const exeName = platform === 'win32' ? `${cmd}.exe` : cmd;
return isDev
? `node_modules/ffmpeg-ffprobe-static/${exeName}`
: join(process.resourcesPath, `node_modules/ffmpeg-ffprobe-static/${exeName}`);
const getFfmpegPath = () => getFfPath('ffmpeg');
const getFfprobePath = () => getFfPath('ffprobe');
async function runFfprobe(args) {
const ffprobePath = getFfprobePath();
console.log(getFfCommandLine('ffprobe', args));
return execa(ffprobePath, args);
function runFfmpeg(args) {
const ffmpegPath = getFfmpegPath();
console.log(getFfCommandLine('ffmpeg', args));
return execa(ffmpegPath, args);
function handleProgress(process, cutDuration, onProgress) {
const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stderr });
rl.on('line', (line) => {
// console.log('progress', line);
try {
let match = line.match(/frame=\s*[^\s]+\s+fps=\s*[^\s]+\s+q=\s*[^\s]+\s+(?:size|Lsize)=\s*[^\s]+\s+time=\s*([^\s]+)\s+/);
// Audio only looks like this: "line size= 233422kB time=01:45:50.68 bitrate= 301.1kbits/s speed= 353x "
if (!match) match = line.match(/(?:size|Lsize)=\s*[^\s]+\s+time=\s*([^\s]+)\s+/);
if (!match) return;
const str = match[1];
// console.log(str);
const progressTime = Math.max(0, moment.duration(str).asSeconds());
// console.log(progressTime);
const progress = cutDuration ? progressTime / cutDuration : 0;
} catch (err) {
console.log('Failed to parse ffmpeg progress line', err);
function getIntervalAroundTime(time, window) {
return {
from: Math.max(time - window / 2, 0),
to: time + window / 2,
async function readFrames({ filePath, aroundTime, window, stream }) {
let intervalsArgs = [];
if (aroundTime != null) {
const { from, to } = getIntervalAroundTime(aroundTime, window);
intervalsArgs = ['-read_intervals', `${from}%${to}`];
const { stdout } = await runFfprobe(['-v', 'error', ...intervalsArgs, '-show_packets', '-select_streams', stream, '-show_entries', 'packet=pts_time,flags', '-of', 'json', filePath]);
const packetsFiltered = JSON.parse(stdout).packets
.map(p => ({ keyframe: p.flags[0] === 'K', time: parseFloat(p.pts_time, 10) }))
.filter(p => !Number.isNaN(p.time));
return sortBy(packetsFiltered, 'time');
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14005110/how-to-split-a-video-using-ffmpeg-so-that-each-chunk-starts-with-a-key-frame
// http://kicherer.org/joomla/index.php/de/blog/42-avcut-frame-accurate-video-cutting-with-only-small-quality-loss
function getSafeCutTime(frames, cutTime, nextMode) {
const sigma = 0.01;
const isCloseTo = (time1, time2) => Math.abs(time1 - time2) < sigma;
let index;
if (frames.length < 2) throw new Error(i18n.t('Less than 2 frames found'));
if (nextMode) {
index = frames.findIndex(f => f.keyframe && f.time >= cutTime - sigma);
if (index === -1) throw new Error(i18n.t('Failed to find next keyframe'));
if (index >= frames.length - 1) throw new Error(i18n.t('We are on the last frame'));
const { time } = frames[index];
if (isCloseTo(time, cutTime)) {
return undefined; // Already on keyframe, no need to modify cut time
return time;
const findReverseIndex = (arr, cb) => {
const ret = [...arr].reverse().findIndex(cb);
if (ret === -1) return -1;
return arr.length - 1 - ret;
index = findReverseIndex(frames, f => f.time <= cutTime + sigma);
if (index === -1) throw new Error(i18n.t('Failed to find any prev frame'));
if (index === 0) throw new Error(i18n.t('We are on the first frame'));
if (index === frames.length - 1) {
// Last frame of video, no need to modify cut time
return undefined;
if (frames[index + 1].keyframe) {
// Already on frame before keyframe, no need to modify cut time
return undefined;
// We are not on a frame before keyframe, look for preceding keyframe instead
index = findReverseIndex(frames, f => f.keyframe && f.time <= cutTime + sigma);
if (index === -1) throw new Error(i18n.t('Failed to find any prev keyframe'));
if (index === 0) throw new Error(i18n.t('We are on the first keyframe'));
// Use frame before the found keyframe
return frames[index - 1].time;
function findNearestKeyFrameTime({ frames, time, direction, fps }) {
const sigma = fps ? (1 / fps) : 0.1;
const keyframes = frames.filter(f => f.keyframe && (direction > 0 ? f.time > time + sigma : f.time < time - sigma));
if (keyframes.length === 0) return undefined;
const nearestFrame = sortBy(keyframes, keyframe => (direction > 0 ? keyframe.time - time : time - keyframe.time))[0];
if (!nearestFrame) return undefined;
return nearestFrame.time;
async function tryReadChaptersToEdl(filePath) {
try {
const { stdout } = await runFfprobe(['-i', filePath, '-show_chapters', '-print_format', 'json']);
return JSON.parse(stdout).chapters.map((chapter) => {
const start = parseFloat(chapter.start_time);
const end = parseFloat(chapter.end_time);
if (Number.isNaN(start) || Number.isNaN(end)) return undefined;
const name = chapter.tags && typeof chapter.tags.title === 'string' ? chapter.tags.title : undefined;
return {
}).filter((it) => it);
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to read chapters from file', err);
return [];
async function getFormatData(filePath) {
console.log('getFormatData', filePath);
const { stdout } = await runFfprobe([
'-of', 'json', '-show_format', '-i', filePath,
return JSON.parse(stdout).format;
async function getDuration(filePath) {
return parseFloat((await getFormatData(filePath)).duration);
async function createChaptersFromSegments({ segmentPaths, chapterNames }) {
if (chapterNames) {
try {
const durations = await pMap(segmentPaths, (segmentPath) => getDuration(segmentPath), { concurrency: 3 });
let timeAt = 0;
return durations.map((duration, i) => {
const ret = { start: timeAt, end: timeAt + duration, name: chapterNames[i] };
timeAt += duration;
return ret;
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to create chapters from segments', err);
return undefined;
* ffmpeg only supports encoding certain formats, and some of the detected input
* formats are not the same as the names used for encoding.
* Therefore we have to map between detected format and encode format
* See also ffmpeg -formats
function mapFormat(requestedFormat) {
switch (requestedFormat) {
// These two cmds produce identical output, so we assume that encoding "ipod" means encoding m4a
// ffmpeg -i example.aac -c copy OutputFile2.m4a
// ffmpeg -i example.aac -c copy -f ipod OutputFile.m4a
// See also https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/28
case 'm4a': return 'ipod';
case 'aac': return 'ipod';
default: return requestedFormat;
function determineOutputFormat(ffprobeFormats, ft) {
if (ffprobeFormats.includes(ft.ext)) return ft.ext;
return ffprobeFormats[0] || undefined;
async function getDefaultOutFormat(filePath, formatData) {
const formatsStr = formatData.format_name;
console.log('formats', formatsStr);
const formats = (formatsStr || '').split(',');
// ffprobe sometimes returns a list of formats, try to be a bit smarter about it.
const bytes = await readChunk(filePath, 0, 4100);
const ft = fileType(bytes) || {};
console.log(`fileType detected format ${JSON.stringify(ft)}`);
const assumedFormat = determineOutputFormat(formats, ft);
return mapFormat(assumedFormat);
async function getAllStreams(filePath) {
const { stdout } = await runFfprobe([
'-of', 'json', '-show_entries', 'stream', '-i', filePath,
return JSON.parse(stdout);
function getPreferredCodecFormat(codec, type) {
const map = {
mp3: 'mp3',
opus: 'opus',
vorbis: 'ogg',
h264: 'mp4',
hevc: 'mp4',
eac3: 'eac3',
subrip: 'srt',
// See mapFormat
m4a: 'ipod',
aac: 'ipod',
// TODO add more
// TODO allow user to change?
const format = map[codec];
if (format) return { ext: getExtensionForFormat(format), format };
if (type === 'video') return { ext: 'mkv', format: 'matroska' };
if (type === 'audio') return { ext: 'mka', format: 'matroska' };
if (type === 'subtitle') return { ext: 'mks', format: 'matroska' };
if (type === 'data') return { ext: 'bin', format: 'data' }; // https://superuser.com/questions/1243257/save-data-stream
return undefined;
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32922226/extract-every-audio-and-subtitles-from-a-video-with-ffmpeg
async function extractStreams({ filePath, customOutDir, streams }) {
const outStreams = streams.map((s) => ({
index: s.index,
codec: s.codec_name || s.codec_tag_string || s.codec_type,
type: s.codec_type,
format: getPreferredCodecFormat(s.codec_name, s.codec_type),
.filter(it => it && it.format && it.index != null);
// console.log(outStreams);
const streamArgs = flatMap(outStreams, ({
index, codec, type, format: { format, ext },
}) => [
'-map', `0:${index}`, '-c', 'copy', '-f', format, '-y', getOutPath(customOutDir, filePath, `stream-${index}-${type}-${codec}.${ext}`),
const ffmpegArgs = [
'-i', filePath,
// TODO progress
const { stdout } = await runFfmpeg(ffmpegArgs);
async function renderThumbnail(filePath, timestamp) {
const args = [
'-ss', timestamp,
'-i', filePath,
'-vf', 'scale=-2:200',
'-f', 'image2',
'-vframes', '1',
'-q:v', '10',
const ffmpegPath = await getFfmpegPath();
const { stdout } = await execa(ffmpegPath, args, { encoding: null });
const blob = new Blob([stdout], { type: 'image/jpeg' });
return URL.createObjectURL(blob);
async function renderThumbnails({ filePath, from, duration, onThumbnail }) {
// Time first render to determine how many to render
const startTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
let url = await renderThumbnail(filePath, from);
const endTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
onThumbnail({ time: from, url });
// Aim for max 3 sec to render all
const numThumbs = Math.floor(Math.min(Math.max(3 / (endTime - startTime), 3), 10));
// console.log(numThumbs);
const thumbTimes = Array(numThumbs - 1).fill().map((unused, i) => (from + ((duration * (i + 1)) / (numThumbs))));
// console.log(thumbTimes);
await pMap(thumbTimes, async (time) => {
url = await renderThumbnail(filePath, time);
onThumbnail({ time, url });
}, { concurrency: 2 });
async function renderWaveformPng({ filePath, aroundTime, window, color }) {
const { from, to } = getIntervalAroundTime(aroundTime, window);
const args1 = [
'-i', filePath,
'-ss', from,
'-t', to - from,
'-c', 'copy',
'-map', 'a:0',
'-f', 'matroska', // mpegts doesn't support vorbis etc
const args2 = [
'-i', '-',
'-filter_complex', `aformat=channel_layouts=mono,showwavespic=s=640x120:scale=sqrt:colors=${color}`,
'-frames:v', '1',
'-vcodec', 'png',
'-f', 'image2',
console.log(getFfCommandLine('ffmpeg1', args1));
console.log(getFfCommandLine('ffmpeg2', args2));
let ps1;
let ps2;
try {
const ffmpegPath = getFfmpegPath();
ps1 = execa(ffmpegPath, args1, { encoding: null, buffer: false });
ps2 = execa(ffmpegPath, args2, { encoding: null });
const { stdout } = await ps2;
const blob = new Blob([stdout], { type: 'image/png' });
return {
url: URL.createObjectURL(blob),
} catch (err) {
if (ps1) ps1.kill();
if (ps2) ps2.kill();
throw err;
async function extractWaveform({ filePath, outPath }) {
const numSegs = 10;
const duration = 60 * 60;
const maxLen = 0.1;
const segments = Array(numSegs).fill().map((unused, i) => [i * (duration / numSegs), Math.min(duration / numSegs, maxLen)]);
// https://superuser.com/questions/681885/how-can-i-remove-multiple-segments-from-a-video-using-ffmpeg
let filter = segments.map(([from, len], i) => `[0:a]atrim=start=${from}:end=${from + len},asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS[a${i}]`).join(';');
filter += ';';
filter += segments.map((arr, i) => `[a${i}]`).join('');
filter += `concat=n=${segments.length}:v=0:a=1[out]`;
await runFfmpeg([
'-f', 'wav',
// See also capture-frame.js
async function captureFrame({ timestamp, videoPath, outPath }) {
const args = [
'-ss', timestamp,
'-i', videoPath,
'-vframes', '1',
'-q:v', '3',
'-y', outPath,
const ffmpegPath = getFfmpegPath();
await execa(ffmpegPath, args, { encoding: null });
// https://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/3.2/libavutil_2utils_8c_source.html#l00079
const defaultProcessedCodecTypes = [
const isMov = (format) => ['ismv', 'ipod', 'mp4', 'mov'].includes(format);
function isStreamThumbnail(stream) {
return stream && stream.disposition && stream.disposition.attached_pic === 1;
function isAudioSupported(streams) {
const audioStreams = streams.filter(stream => stream.codec_type === 'audio');
if (audioStreams.length === 0) return true;
// TODO this could be improved
return audioStreams.some(stream => !['ac3'].includes(stream.codec_name));
function isIphoneHevc(format, streams) {
if (!streams.some((s) => s.codec_name === 'hevc')) return false;
const makeTag = format.tags && format.tags['com.apple.quicktime.make'];
const modelTag = format.tags && format.tags['com.apple.quicktime.model'];
return (makeTag === 'Apple' && modelTag.startsWith('iPhone'));
function getStreamFps(stream) {
const match = typeof stream.avg_frame_rate === 'string' && stream.avg_frame_rate.match(/^([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)$/);
if (stream.codec_type === 'video' && match) {
const num = parseInt(match[1], 10);
const den = parseInt(match[2], 10);
if (den > 0) return num / den;
return undefined;
function createRawFfmpeg({ fps = 25, path, inWidth, inHeight, seekTo, oneFrameOnly, execaOpts, streamIndex, outSize = 320 }) {
// const fps = 25; // TODO
const aspectRatio = inWidth / inHeight;
let newWidth;
let newHeight;
if (inWidth > inHeight) {
newWidth = outSize;
newHeight = Math.floor(newWidth / aspectRatio);
} else {
newHeight = outSize;
newWidth = Math.floor(newHeight * aspectRatio);
const args = [
'-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'panic',
'-ss', seekTo,
'-i', path,
'-vf', `fps=${fps},scale=${newWidth}:${newHeight}:flags=lanczos`,
'-map', `0:${streamIndex}`,
'-vcodec', 'rawvideo',
'-pix_fmt', 'rgba',
...(oneFrameOnly ? ['-frames:v', '1'] : []),
'-f', 'image2pipe',
// console.log(args);
return {
process: execa(getFfmpegPath(), args, execaOpts),
width: newWidth,
height: newHeight,
channels: 4,
function getOneRawFrame({ path, inWidth, inHeight, seekTo, streamIndex, outSize }) {
const { process, width, height, channels } = createRawFfmpeg({ path, inWidth, inHeight, seekTo, streamIndex, oneFrameOnly: true, execaOpts: { encoding: null }, outSize });
return { process, width, height, channels };
function encodeLiveRawStream({ path, inWidth, inHeight, seekTo, streamIndex }) {
const { process, width, height, channels } = createRawFfmpeg({ path, inWidth, inHeight, seekTo, streamIndex, execaOpts: { encoding: null, buffer: false } });
return {
function parseTimecode(str, frameRate) {
// console.log(str, frameRate);
const t = Timecode(str, frameRate ? parseFloat(frameRate.toFixed(3)) : undefined);
if (!t) return undefined;
const seconds = ((t.hours * 60) + t.minutes) * 60 + t.seconds + (t.frames / t.frameRate);
return Number.isFinite(seconds) ? seconds : undefined;
function getTimecodeFromStreams(streams) {
console.log('Trying to load timecode');
let foundTimecode;
streams.find((stream) => {
try {
if (stream.tags && stream.tags.timecode) {
const fps = getStreamFps(stream);
foundTimecode = parseTimecode(stream.tags.timecode, fps);
console.log('Loaded timecode', stream.tags.timecode, 'from stream', stream.index);
return true;
return undefined;
} catch (err) {
// console.warn('Failed to parse timecode from file streams', err);
return undefined;
return foundTimecode;
module.exports = {