
297 wiersze
10 KiB

// https://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/3.2/libavutil_2utils_8c_source.html#l00079
const defaultProcessedCodecTypes = [
const unprocessableCodecs = [
'dvb_teletext', // ffmpeg doesn't seem to support this https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/1343
// taken from `ffmpeg -codecs`
export const pcmAudioCodecs = [
export function getActiveDisposition(disposition) {
if (disposition == null) return undefined;
const existingActiveDispositionEntry = Object.entries(disposition).find(([, value]) => value === 1);
if (!existingActiveDispositionEntry) return undefined;
return existingActiveDispositionEntry[0]; // return the key
export const isMov = (format) => ['ismv', 'ipod', 'mp4', 'mov'].includes(format);
function getPerStreamFlags({ stream, outputIndex, outFormat, manuallyCopyDisposition = false, getVideoArgs = () => {} }) {
let args = [];
function addArgs(...newArgs) {
function addCodecArgs(codec) {
addArgs(`-c:${outputIndex}`, codec);
if (stream.codec_type === 'subtitle') {
// mp4/mov only supports mov_text, so convert it https://stackoverflow.com/a/17584272/6519037
// https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/418
if (isMov(outFormat) && stream.codec_name !== 'mov_text') {
} else if (outFormat === 'matroska' && stream.codec_name === 'mov_text') {
// matroska doesn't support mov_text, so convert it to SRT (popular codec)
// https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/418
// https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/bcfvev/can_someone_eli5_subtitles/
} else if (outFormat === 'webm' && stream.codec_name === 'mov_text') {
// Only WebVTT subtitles are supported for WebM.
} else {
} else if (stream.codec_type === 'audio') {
// pcm_bluray should only ever be put in Blu-ray-style m2ts files, Matroska has no format mapping for it anyway.
// Use normal PCM (ie. pcm_s16le or pcm_s24le depending on bitdepth).
// https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=174718
// https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/476
// ffmpeg cannot encode pcm_bluray
if (outFormat !== 'mpegts' && stream.codec_name === 'pcm_bluray') {
} else if (outFormat === 'dv' && stream.codec_name === 'pcm_s16le' && stream.sample_rate !== '48000') {
// DV seems to require 48kHz output
// https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/8352
// I think DV format only supports PCM_S16LE https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/b92028346c35dad837dd1160930435d88bd838b5/libavformat/dvenc.c#L450
addArgs(`-ar:${outputIndex}`, '48000'); // maybe technically not lossless?
} else {
} else if (stream.codec_type === 'video') {
const videoArgs = getVideoArgs({ streamIndex: stream.index, outputIndex });
if (videoArgs) {
args = [...videoArgs];
} else {
if (isMov(outFormat)) {
// 0x31766568 see https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/1444
if (['0x0000', '0x31637668', '0x31766568'].includes(stream.codec_tag) && stream.codec_name === 'hevc') {
addArgs(`-tag:${outputIndex}`, 'hvc1');
} else { // other stream types
// when concat'ing, disposition doesn't seem to get automatically transferred by ffmpeg, so we must do it manually
if (manuallyCopyDisposition && stream.disposition != null) {
const activeDisposition = getActiveDisposition(stream.disposition);
if (activeDisposition != null) {
addArgs(`-disposition:${outputIndex}`, String(activeDisposition));
args = [...args];
return args;
export function getMapStreamsArgs({ startIndex = 0, outFormat, allFilesMeta, copyFileStreams, manuallyCopyDisposition, getVideoArgs }) {
let args = [];
let outputIndex = startIndex;
copyFileStreams.forEach(({ streamIds, path }, fileIndex) => {
streamIds.forEach((streamId) => {
const { streams } = allFilesMeta[path];
const stream = streams.find((s) => s.index === streamId);
args = [
'-map', `${fileIndex}:${streamId}`,
...getPerStreamFlags({ stream, outputIndex, outFormat, manuallyCopyDisposition, getVideoArgs }),
outputIndex += 1;
return args;
export function shouldCopyStreamByDefault(stream) {
if (!defaultProcessedCodecTypes.includes(stream.codec_type)) return false;
if (unprocessableCodecs.includes(stream.codec_name)) return false;
return true;
export const attachedPicDisposition = 'attached_pic';
export function isStreamThumbnail(stream) {
return stream && stream.codec_type === 'video' && stream.disposition?.[attachedPicDisposition] === 1;
export const getAudioStreams = (streams) => streams.filter(stream => stream.codec_type === 'audio');
export const getRealVideoStreams = (streams) => streams.filter(stream => stream.codec_type === 'video' && !isStreamThumbnail(stream));
export const getSubtitleStreams = (streams) => streams.filter(stream => stream.codec_type === 'subtitle');
export function getStreamIdsToCopy({ streams, includeAllStreams }) {
if (includeAllStreams) {
return {
streamIdsToCopy: streams.map((stream) => stream.index),
excludedStreamIds: [],
// If preserveMetadataOnMerge option is enabled, we MUST explicitly map all streams even if includeAllStreams=false.
// We cannot use the ffmpeg's automatic stream selection or else ffmpeg might use the metadata source input (index 1)
// instead of the concat input (index 0)
// https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Automatic-stream-selection
const streamIdsToCopy = [];
// TODO try to mimic ffmpeg default mapping https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Automatic-stream-selection
const videoStreams = getRealVideoStreams(streams);
const audioStreams = getAudioStreams(streams);
const subtitleStreams = getSubtitleStreams(streams);
if (videoStreams.length > 0) streamIdsToCopy.push(videoStreams[0].index);
if (audioStreams.length > 0) streamIdsToCopy.push(audioStreams[0].index);
if (subtitleStreams.length > 0) streamIdsToCopy.push(subtitleStreams[0].index);
const excludedStreamIds = streams.filter((s) => !streamIdsToCopy.includes(s.index)).map((s) => s.index);
return { streamIdsToCopy, excludedStreamIds };
// this is just a rough check, could be improved
// todo check more accurately based on actual video stream
// https://github.com/StaZhu/enable-chromium-hevc-hardware-decoding#how-to-verify-certain-profile-or-resolution-is-supported
// https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/88#issuecomment-1363828563
export async function doesPlayerSupportHevcPlayback() {
const { supported } = await navigator.mediaCapabilities.decodingInfo({
type: 'file',
video: {
contentType: 'video/mp4; codecs="hev1.1.6.L93.B0"', // Main
width: 1920,
height: 1080,
bitrate: 10000,
framerate: 30,
return supported;
// With some codecs, the player will not give a playback error, but instead only play audio,
// so we will detect these codecs and convert to dummy
// "properly handle" here means either play it back or give a playback error if the video codec is not supported
// todo maybe improve https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/88#issuecomment-1363828563
export function willPlayerProperlyHandleVideo({ streams, hevcPlaybackSupported }) {
const realVideoStreams = getRealVideoStreams(streams);
// If audio-only format, assume all is OK
if (realVideoStreams.length === 0) return true;
// If we have at least one video that is NOT of the unsupported formats, assume the player will be able to play it natively
// But cover art / thumbnail streams don't count e.g. hevc with a png stream (disposition.attached_pic=1)
// https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/595
// https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/975
// https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/1407
// https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/1505 https://samples.ffmpeg.org/archive/video/mjpeg/mov+mjpeg+pcm_u8++MPlayerRC1PlaybackCrash_david@pastornet.net.au.mov
const chromiumSilentlyFailCodecs = ['prores', 'mpeg4', 'tscc2', 'dvvideo', 'mjpeg'];
if (!hevcPlaybackSupported) chromiumSilentlyFailCodecs.push('hevc');
return realVideoStreams.some((stream) => !chromiumSilentlyFailCodecs.includes(stream.codec_name));
export function isAudioDefinitelyNotSupported(streams) {
const audioStreams = getAudioStreams(streams);
if (audioStreams.length === 0) return false;
// TODO this could be improved
return audioStreams.every(stream => ['ac3'].includes(stream.codec_name));
export function getVideoTimebase(videoStream) {
const timebaseMatch = videoStream.time_base && videoStream.time_base.split('/');
if (timebaseMatch) {
const timebaseParsed = parseInt(timebaseMatch[1], 10);
if (!Number.isNaN(timebaseParsed)) return timebaseParsed;
return undefined;