
354 wiersze
12 KiB

import { XMLParser } from 'fast-xml-parser';
import i18n from 'i18next';
import csvParse from 'csv-parse/lib/browser';
import csvStringify from 'csv-stringify/lib/browser';
import pify from 'pify';
import sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy';
import type { ICueSheet, ITrack } from 'cue-parser/lib/types';
import { formatDuration } from './util/duration';
import { invertSegments, sortSegments } from './segments';
import { Segment, SegmentBase } from './types';
const csvParseAsync = pify(csvParse);
const csvStringifyAsync = pify(csvStringify);
export const getTimeFromFrameNum = (detectedFps: number, frameNum: number) => frameNum / detectedFps;
export function getFrameCountRaw(detectedFps: number | undefined, sec: number) {
if (detectedFps == null) return undefined;
return Math.round(sec * detectedFps);
function parseTime(str: string) {
const timeMatch = str.match(/^\D*(?:(?:(\d+):)?(\d{1,2}):)?(\d+)(?:\.(\d{1,3}))?:?/);
if (!timeMatch) return undefined;
const rest = str.slice(timeMatch[0].length);
const [, hourStr, minStr, secStr, msStr] = timeMatch;
const hour = hourStr != null ? parseInt(hourStr, 10) : 0;
const min = minStr != null ? parseInt(minStr, 10) : 0;
const sec = parseFloat(msStr != null ? `${secStr}.${msStr}` : secStr!);
const time = (((hour * 60) + min) * 60 + sec);
return { time, rest };
export function parseCsvTime(str: string) {
const parsed = parseTime(str.trim());
return parsed?.time;
export const getFrameValParser = (fps: number) => (str: string) => {
if (str === '') return undefined;
const frameCount = parseFloat(str);
return getTimeFromFrameNum(fps, frameCount);
export async function parseCsv(csvStr: string, parseTimeFn: (a: string) => number | undefined) {
const rows = await csvParseAsync(csvStr, {}) as [string, string, string][];
if (rows.length === 0) throw new Error(i18n.t('No rows found'));
if (!rows.every((row) => row.length === 3)) throw new Error(i18n.t('One or more rows does not have 3 columns'));
const mapped = rows
.map(([start, end, name]) => ({
start: parseTimeFn(start),
end: parseTimeFn(end),
name: name.trim(),
if (!mapped.every(({ start, end }) => (
(start === undefined || !Number.isNaN(start))
&& (end === undefined || !Number.isNaN(end))
))) {
throw new Error(i18n.t('Invalid start or end value. Must contain a number of seconds'));
return mapped;
export async function parseMplayerEdl(text: string) {
const allRows = text.split('\n').flatMap((line) => {
const match = line.match(/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+([0-3])\s*$/);
if (!match) return [];
const start = parseFloat(match[1]!);
const end = parseFloat(match[2]!);
const type = parseInt(match[3]!, 10);
if (Number.isNaN(start) || Number.isNaN(end)) return [];
if (start < 0 || end < 0 || start >= end) return [];
return [{ start, end, type }];
const cutAwaySegments = allRows.filter((row) => row.type === 0);
const muteSegments = allRows.filter((row) => row.type === 1);
const sceneMarkers = allRows.filter((row) => row.type === 2);
const commercialBreaks = allRows.filter((row) => row.type === 3);
const inverted = invertSegments(sortSegments(cutAwaySegments), true, true);
const map = (segments: SegmentBase[], name: string, type: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3) => segments.map(({ start, end }) => ({ start, end, name, tags: { mplayerEdlType: String(type) } }));
const out = [
...map(inverted, 'Cut', 0),
...map(muteSegments, 'Mute', 1),
...map(sceneMarkers, 'Scene Marker', 2),
...map(commercialBreaks, 'Commercial Break', 3),
if (out.length === 0) throw new Error(i18n.t('Invalid EDL data found'));
return out;
export function parseCuesheet(cuesheet: ICueSheet) {
// There are 75 such frames per second of audio.
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cue_sheet_(computing)
const fps = 75;
const { tracks } = cuesheet.files![0]!;
function getTime(track: ITrack) {
const index = track.indexes![0];
if (!index) return undefined;
const { time } = index;
if (!time) return undefined;
return (time.min * 60) + time.sec + time.frame / fps;
return tracks!.map((track, i) => {
const nextTrack = tracks![i + 1];
const end = nextTrack && getTime(nextTrack);
return { name: track.title, start: getTime(track), end, tags: { performer: track.performer, title: track.title } };
// See https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/993#issuecomment-1037090403
export function parsePbf(buf: Buffer) {
const text = buf.toString('utf16le');
const bookmarks = text.split('\n').map((line) => {
const match = line.match(/^\d+=(\d+)\*([^*]+)*([^*]+)?/);
if (match) return { time: parseInt(match[1]!, 10) / 1000, name: match[2] };
return undefined;
const out: Segment[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < bookmarks.length;) {
const bookmark = bookmarks[i]!;
const nextBookmark = bookmarks[i + 1];
if (!nextBookmark) {
out.push({ start: bookmark.time, end: undefined, name: bookmark.name });
i += 1;
} else {
out.push({ start: bookmark.time, end: nextBookmark && nextBookmark.time, name: bookmark.name });
i += nextBookmark.name === ' ' ? 2 : 1;
return out;
// https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/FinalCutPro_XML/VersionsoftheInterchangeFormat/VersionsoftheInterchangeFormat.html
export function parseXmeml(xmlStr: string) {
const xml = new XMLParser().parse(xmlStr);
// TODO maybe support media.audio also?
const { xmeml } = xml;
if (!xmeml) throw new Error('Root element <xmeml> not found in file');
let sequence;
if (xmeml.project?.children?.sequence) {
sequence = xmeml.project.children.sequence;
} else if (xmeml.sequence) {
sequence = xmeml.sequence;
} else {
throw new Error('No <sequence> element found');
if (!sequence?.media?.video?.track) {
throw new Error('No <track> element found');
// todo
const mainTrack: { clipitem: { in: number, out: number, rate: { timebase: number } }[] } = Array.isArray(sequence.media.video.track) ? sequence.media.video.track[0] : sequence.media.video.track;
return mainTrack.clipitem.map((item) => ({ start: item.in / item.rate.timebase, end: item.out / item.rate.timebase }));
export function parseFcpXml(xmlStr: string) {
const xml = new XMLParser({ ignoreAttributes: false }).parse(xmlStr);
const { fcpxml } = xml;
if (!fcpxml) throw new Error('Root element <fcpxml> not found in file');
function getTime(str: string) {
const match = str.match(/(\d+)\/(\d+)s/);
if (!match) throw new Error('Invalid attribute');
return parseInt(match[1]!, 10) / parseInt(match[2]!, 10);
// todo
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
return (fcpxml.library.event.project.sequence.spine['asset-clip'] as any[]).map((assetClip) => {
const start = getTime(assetClip['@_start']);
const duration = getTime(assetClip['@_duration']);
const end = start + duration;
return { start, end };
export function parseYouTube(str: string) {
function parseLine(lineStr: string) {
const timeParsed = parseTime(lineStr);
if (timeParsed == null) return undefined;
const { time, rest } = timeParsed;
const nameMatch = rest.match(/^[\s-]+([^\n]*)$/);
if (!nameMatch) return undefined;
const [, name] = nameMatch;
return { time, name };
const lines = str.split('\n').map((line) => parseLine(line)).flatMap((line) => (line ? [line] : []));
const linesSorted = sortBy(lines, (l) => l.time);
const edl = linesSorted.map((line, i) => {
const nextLine = linesSorted[i + 1];
return { start: line.time, end: nextLine?.time, name: line.name };
return edl.filter((ed) => ed.start !== ed.end);
export function formatYouTube(segments) {
return segments.map((segment) => {
const timeStr = formatDuration({ seconds: segment.start, showFraction: false, shorten: true });
const namePart = segment.name ? ` ${segment.name}` : '';
return `${timeStr}${namePart}`;
// because null/undefined is also valid values (start/end of timeline)
const safeFormatDuration = (duration) => (duration != null ? formatDuration({ seconds: duration }) : '');
export const formatSegmentsTimes = (cutSegments) => cutSegments.map(({ start, end, name }) => [
export async function formatCsvFrames({ cutSegments, getFrameCount }) {
const safeFormatFrameCount = (seconds) => (seconds != null ? getFrameCount(seconds) : '');
const formatted = cutSegments.map(({ start, end, name }) => [
return csvStringifyAsync(formatted);
export async function formatCsvSeconds(cutSegments) {
const rows = cutSegments.map(({ start, end, name }) => [start, end, name]);
return csvStringifyAsync(rows);
export async function formatCsvHuman(cutSegments) {
return csvStringifyAsync(formatSegmentsTimes(cutSegments));
export async function formatTsv(cutSegments) {
return csvStringifyAsync(formatSegmentsTimes(cutSegments), { delimiter: '\t' });
export function parseDvAnalyzerSummaryTxt(txt: string) {
const lines = txt.split(/\r?\n/);
let headerFound = false;
const times: { time: number, name: string, tags: Record<string, string> }[] = [];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
for (const line of lines) {
if (headerFound) {
const match = line.match(/^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}).(\d{3})\s+(\S+)\s+-\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+\s+\S+)\s+-\s+(\S+\s+\S+)/);
if (!match) break;
const h = parseInt(match[1]!, 10);
const m = parseInt(match[2]!, 10);
const s = parseInt(match[3]!, 10);
const ms = parseInt(match[4]!, 10);
const total = s + ((m + (h * 60)) * 60) + (ms / 1000);
const recordedStart = match[7]!;
const recordedEnd = match[8]!;
times.push({ time: total, name: recordedStart, tags: { recordedStart, recordedEnd } });
if (/^Absolute time\s+DV timecode range\s+Recorded date\/time range\s+Frame range\s*$/.test(line)) headerFound = true;
const edl = times.map(({ time, name, tags }, i) => {
const nextTime = times[i + 1];
return { start: time, end: nextTime?.time, name, tags };
return edl;
// http://www.textfiles.com/uploads/kds-srt.txt
export function parseSrt(text: string) {
const ret: { start?: number, end?: number, name: string, tags: Record<string, string | undefined> }[] = [];
// working state
let subtitleIndexAt: number | undefined;
let start: number | undefined;
let end: number | undefined;
let lines: string[] = [];
const flush = () => {
if (start != null && end != null && lines.length > 0) {
ret.push({ start, end, name: lines.join('\r\n'), tags: { index: subtitleIndexAt != null ? String(subtitleIndexAt) : undefined } });
start = undefined;
end = undefined;
subtitleIndexAt = undefined;
lines = [];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
for (const lineRaw of text.trim().split(/\r?\n/)) {
const line = lineRaw.trim();
if (line === '') {
} else if (subtitleIndexAt != null && subtitleIndexAt > 0) {
const match = line.match(/^(\d+:\d+:\d+[,.]\d+\s+)-->(\s+\d+:\d+:\d+[,.]\d+)$/);
if (match) {
const fixComma = (v) => v.replaceAll(',', '.');
start = parseTime(fixComma(match[1]))?.time;
end = parseTime(fixComma(match[2]))?.time;
} else if (start != null && end != null) {
} else if (/^\d+$/.test(line)) {
const parsedIndex = parseInt(line, 10);
if (!Number.isNaN(parsedIndex) && parsedIndex > 0) {
subtitleIndexAt = parsedIndex;
return ret;
export function formatSrt(segments) {
return segments.reduce((acc, segment, index) => `${acc}${index > 0 ? '\r\n' : ''}${index + 1}\r\n${formatDuration({ seconds: segment.start }).replaceAll('.', ',')} --> ${formatDuration({ seconds: segment.end }).replaceAll('.', ',')}\r\n${segment.name || '-'}\r\n`, '');