
81 wiersze
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import { getRealVideoStreams, getVideoTimebase } from './util/streams';
import { readKeyframesAroundTime, findNextKeyframe, findKeyframeAtExactTime } from './ffmpeg';
import { FFprobeStream } from '../ffprobe';
const { stat } = window.require('fs-extra');
const mapVideoCodec = (codec: string) => ({ av1: 'libsvtav1' }[codec] ?? codec);
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export async function getSmartCutParams({ path, videoDuration, desiredCutFrom, streams }: {
path: string, videoDuration: number, desiredCutFrom: number, streams: FFprobeStream[],
}) {
const videoStreams = getRealVideoStreams(streams);
if (videoStreams.length > 1) throw new Error('Can only smart cut video with exactly one video stream');
const [videoStream] = videoStreams;
if (videoStream == null) throw new Error('Smart cut only works on videos');
const readKeyframes = async (window: number) => readKeyframesAroundTime({ filePath: path, streamIndex: videoStream.index, aroundTime: desiredCutFrom, window });
let keyframes = await readKeyframes(10);
const keyframeAtExactTime = findKeyframeAtExactTime(keyframes, desiredCutFrom);
if (keyframeAtExactTime) {
console.log('Start cut is already on exact keyframe', keyframeAtExactTime.time);
return {
losslessCutFrom: keyframeAtExactTime.time,
videoStreamIndex: videoStream.index,
segmentNeedsSmartCut: false,
let nextKeyframe = findNextKeyframe(keyframes, desiredCutFrom);
if (nextKeyframe == null) {
// try again with a larger window
keyframes = await readKeyframes(60);
nextKeyframe = findNextKeyframe(keyframes, desiredCutFrom);
if (nextKeyframe == null) throw new Error('Cannot find any keyframe after the desired start cut point');
console.log('Smart cut from keyframe', { keyframe: nextKeyframe.time, desiredCutFrom });
let videoBitrate = parseInt(videoStream.bit_rate!, 10);
if (Number.isNaN(videoBitrate)) {
console.warn('Unable to detect input bitrate');
const stats = await stat(path);
videoBitrate = (stats.size * 8) / videoDuration;
// to account for inaccuracies and quality loss
// see discussion https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/126#issuecomment-1602266688
videoBitrate = Math.floor(videoBitrate * 1.2);
const { codec_name: detectedVideoCodec } = videoStream;
if (detectedVideoCodec == null) throw new Error('Unable to determine codec for smart cut');
const videoCodec = mapVideoCodec(detectedVideoCodec);
console.log({ detectedVideoCodec, videoCodec });
const timebase = getVideoTimebase(videoStream);
if (timebase == null) console.warn('Unable to determine timebase', videoStream.time_base);
// seems like ffmpeg handles this itself well when encoding same source file
// const videoLevel = parseLevel(videoStream);
// const videoProfile = parseProfile(videoStream);
return {
losslessCutFrom: nextKeyframe.time,
videoStreamIndex: videoStream.index,
segmentNeedsSmartCut: true,
videoBitrate: Math.floor(videoBitrate),
videoTimebase: timebase,