
180 wiersze
8.7 KiB

import { memo, useState, useEffect, useCallback, useRef, useMemo } from 'react';
import { useDebounce } from 'use-debounce';
import i18n from 'i18next';
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
import { WarningSignIcon, ErrorIcon, Button, IconButton, TickIcon, ResetIcon } from 'evergreen-ui';
import withReactContent from 'sweetalert2-react-content';
import { IoIosHelpCircle } from 'react-icons/io';
import { motion, AnimatePresence } from 'framer-motion';
import Swal from '../swal';
import HighlightedText from './HighlightedText';
import { defaultOutSegTemplate, segNumVariable, segSuffixVariable, GenerateOutSegFileNames } from '../util/outputNameTemplate';
import useUserSettings from '../hooks/useUserSettings';
import Switch from './Switch';
import Select from './Select';
import TextInput from './TextInput';
const ReactSwal = withReactContent(Swal);
const electron = window.require('electron');
const formatVariable = (variable) => `\${${variable}}`;
const extVar = formatVariable('EXT');
const OutSegTemplateEditor = memo(({ outSegTemplate, setOutSegTemplate, generateOutSegFileNames, currentSegIndexSafe }: {
outSegTemplate: string, setOutSegTemplate: (text: string) => void, generateOutSegFileNames: GenerateOutSegFileNames, currentSegIndexSafe: number,
}) => {
const { safeOutputFileName, toggleSafeOutputFileName, outputFileNameMinZeroPadding, setOutputFileNameMinZeroPadding } = useUserSettings();
const [text, setText] = useState(outSegTemplate);
const [debouncedText] = useDebounce(text, 500);
const [validText, setValidText] = useState<string>();
const [outSegProblems, setOutSegProblems] = useState<{ error?: string | undefined, sameAsInputFileNameWarning?: boolean | undefined }>({ error: undefined, sameAsInputFileNameWarning: false });
const [outSegFileNames, setOutSegFileNames] = useState<string[]>();
const [shown, setShown] = useState<boolean>();
const inputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
const { t } = useTranslation();
const hasTextNumericPaddedValue = useMemo(() => [segNumVariable, segSuffixVariable].some((v) => debouncedText.includes(formatVariable(v))), [debouncedText]);
useEffect(() => {
if (debouncedText == null) return;
try {
const outSegs = generateOutSegFileNames({ template: debouncedText });
setValidText(outSegs.outSegProblems.error == null ? debouncedText : undefined);
} catch (err) {
setOutSegProblems({ error: err instanceof Error ? err.message : String(err) });
}, [debouncedText, generateOutSegFileNames, t]);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string
const isMissingExtension = validText != null && !validText.endsWith(extVar);
const onAllSegmentsPreviewPress = useCallback(() => {
if (outSegFileNames == null) return;
title: t('Resulting segment file names', { count: outSegFileNames.length }),
html: (
<div style={{ textAlign: 'left', overflowY: 'auto', maxHeight: 400 }}>
{outSegFileNames.map((f) => <div key={f} style={{ marginBottom: 7 }}>{f}</div>)}
}, [outSegFileNames, t]);
useEffect(() => {
if (validText != null) setOutSegTemplate(validText);
}, [validText, setOutSegTemplate]);
const reset = useCallback(() => {
}, [setOutSegTemplate]);
const onHideClick = useCallback(() => {
if (outSegProblems.error == null) setShown(false);
}, [outSegProblems.error]);
const onShowClick = useCallback(() => {
if (!shown) setShown(true);
}, [shown]);
const onTextChange = useCallback((e) => setText(e.target.value), []);
const gotImportantMessage = outSegProblems.error != null || outSegProblems.sameAsInputFileNameWarning;
const needToShow = shown || gotImportantMessage;
const onVariableClick = useCallback((variable) => {
const input = inputRef.current;
const startPos = input!.selectionStart;
const endPos = input!.selectionEnd;
if (startPos == null || endPos == null) return;
const newValue = `${text.slice(0, startPos)}${`${formatVariable(variable)}${text.slice(endPos)}`}`;
}, [text]);
return (
<motion.div style={{ maxWidth: 600 }} animate={{ margin: needToShow ? '1.5em 0' : 0 }}>
<div>{outSegFileNames != null && t('Output name(s):', { count: outSegFileNames.length })}</div>
{outSegFileNames != null && <HighlightedText role="button" onClick={onShowClick} style={{ whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', wordBreak: 'break-word', cursor: needToShow ? undefined : 'pointer' }}>{outSegFileNames[currentSegIndexSafe] || outSegFileNames[0] || '-'}</HighlightedText>}
{needToShow && (
initial={{ opacity: 0, height: 0, marginTop: 0 }}
animate={{ opacity: 1, height: 'auto', marginTop: '1em' }}
exit={{ opacity: 0, height: 0, marginTop: 0 }}
<div style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: '.2em' }}>
<TextInput ref={inputRef} onChange={onTextChange} value={text} autoComplete="off" autoCapitalize="off" autoCorrect="off" />
{outSegFileNames != null && <Button height={20} onClick={onAllSegmentsPreviewPress} marginLeft={5}>{t('Preview')}</Button>}
<IconButton title={t('Reset')} icon={ResetIcon} height={20} onClick={reset} marginLeft={5} intent="danger" />
{!gotImportantMessage && <IconButton title={t('Close')} icon={TickIcon} height={20} onClick={onHideClick} marginLeft={5} intent="success" appearance="primary" />}
<div style={{ fontSize: '.8em', color: 'var(--gray11)', display: 'flex', gap: '.3em', flexWrap: 'wrap', alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: '.7em' }}>
<IoIosHelpCircle fontSize="1.3em" color="var(--gray12)" role="button" cursor="pointer" onClick={() => electron.shell.openExternal('https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/blob/master/import-export.md#customising-exported-file-names')} />
{['FILENAME', 'CUT_FROM', 'CUT_TO', segNumVariable, 'SEG_LABEL', segSuffixVariable, 'EXT', 'SEG_TAGS.XX', 'EPOCH_MS'].map((variable) => (
<span key={variable} role="button" style={{ cursor: 'pointer', marginRight: '.2em', textDecoration: 'underline', textDecorationStyle: 'dashed', fontSize: '.9em' }} onClick={() => onVariableClick(variable)}>{variable}</span>
{outSegProblems.error != null && (
<div style={{ marginBottom: '1em' }}>
<ErrorIcon color="var(--red9)" size={14} verticalAlign="baseline" /> {outSegProblems.error}
{outSegProblems.error == null && outSegProblems.sameAsInputFileNameWarning && (
<div style={{ marginBottom: '1em' }}>
<WarningSignIcon verticalAlign="middle" color="var(--amber9)" />{' '}
{i18n.t('Output file name is the same as the source file name. This increases the risk of accidentally overwriting or deleting source files!')}
{isMissingExtension && (
<div style={{ marginBottom: '1em' }}>
<WarningSignIcon verticalAlign="middle" color="var(--amber9)" />{' '}
{i18n.t('The file name template is missing {{ext}} and will result in a file without the suggested extension. This may result in an unplayable output file.', { ext: extVar })}
{hasTextNumericPaddedValue && (
<div style={{ marginBottom: '.3em' }}>
<Select value={outputFileNameMinZeroPadding} onChange={(e) => setOutputFileNameMinZeroPadding(parseInt(e.target.value, 10))} style={{ marginRight: '1em', fontSize: '1em' }}>
{Array.from({ length: 10 }).map((_v, i) => i + 1).map((v) => <option key={v} value={v}>{v}</option>)}
Minimum numeric padded length
<div title={t('Whether or not to sanitize output file names (sanitizing removes special characters)')} style={{ marginBottom: '.3em' }}>
<Switch checked={safeOutputFileName} onCheckedChange={toggleSafeOutputFileName} style={{ verticalAlign: 'middle', marginRight: '.5em' }} />
<span>{t('Sanitize file names')}</span>
{!safeOutputFileName && <WarningSignIcon color="var(--amber9)" style={{ marginLeft: '.5em', verticalAlign: 'middle' }} />}
export default OutSegTemplateEditor;