import React, { memo, useEffect, useState, useCallback, useRef, useMemo } from 'react'; import { FaAngleLeft, FaWindowClose } from 'react-icons/fa'; import { MdRotate90DegreesCcw } from 'react-icons/md'; import { AnimatePresence } from 'framer-motion'; import { ThemeProvider } from 'evergreen-ui'; import useDebounceOld from 'react-use/lib/useDebounce'; // Want to phase out this import { useDebounce } from 'use-debounce'; import i18n from 'i18next'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import { produce } from 'immer'; import fromPairs from 'lodash/fromPairs'; import sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy'; import flatMap from 'lodash/flatMap'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import sum from 'lodash/sum'; import theme from './theme'; import useTimelineScroll from './hooks/useTimelineScroll'; import useUserSettingsRoot from './hooks/useUserSettingsRoot'; import useFfmpegOperations from './hooks/useFfmpegOperations'; import useKeyframes from './hooks/useKeyframes'; import useWaveform from './hooks/useWaveform'; import useKeyboard from './hooks/useKeyboard'; import useFileFormatState from './hooks/useFileFormatState'; import useFrameCapture from './hooks/useFrameCapture'; import useSegments from './hooks/useSegments'; import useDirectoryAccess, { DirectoryAccessDeclinedError } from './hooks/useDirectoryAccess'; import { UserSettingsContext, SegColorsContext } from './contexts'; import NoFileLoaded from './NoFileLoaded'; import Canvas from './Canvas'; import TopMenu from './TopMenu'; import Sheet from './components/Sheet'; import LastCommandsSheet from './LastCommandsSheet'; import StreamsSelector from './StreamsSelector'; import SegmentList from './SegmentList'; import Settings from './components/Settings'; import Timeline from './Timeline'; import BottomBar from './BottomBar'; import ExportConfirm from './components/ExportConfirm'; import ValueTuners from './components/ValueTuners'; import VolumeControl from './components/VolumeControl'; import SubtitleControl from './components/SubtitleControl'; import BatchFilesList from './components/BatchFilesList'; import ConcatDialog from './components/ConcatDialog'; import KeyboardShortcuts from './components/KeyboardShortcuts'; import Working from './components/Working'; import OutputFormatSelect from './components/OutputFormatSelect'; import { loadMifiLink, runStartupCheck } from './mifi'; import { controlsBackground, darkModeTransition } from './colors'; import { getSegColor } from './util/colors'; import { getStreamFps, isCuttingStart, isCuttingEnd, readFileMeta, getSmarterOutFormat, renderThumbnails as ffmpegRenderThumbnails, extractStreams, setCustomFfPath as ffmpegSetCustomFfPath, isIphoneHevc, isProblematicAvc1, tryMapChaptersToEdl, getDuration, getTimecodeFromStreams, createChaptersFromSegments, extractSubtitleTrack, RefuseOverwriteError, abortFfmpegs, } from './ffmpeg'; import { shouldCopyStreamByDefault, getAudioStreams, getRealVideoStreams, isAudioDefinitelyNotSupported, willPlayerProperlyHandleVideo, doesPlayerSupportHevcPlayback, isStreamThumbnail } from './util/streams'; import { exportEdlFile, readEdlFile, saveLlcProject, loadLlcProject, askForEdlImport } from './edlStore'; import { formatYouTube, getFrameCountRaw, formatTsv } from './edlFormats'; import { getOutPath, getSuffixedOutPath, handleError, getOutDir, isStoreBuild, dragPreventer, havePermissionToReadFile, resolvePathIfNeeded, getPathReadAccessError, html5ifiedPrefix, html5dummySuffix, findExistingHtml5FriendlyFile, deleteFiles, isOutOfSpaceError, isExecaFailure, readFileSize, readFileSizes, checkFileSizes, setDocumentTitle, getOutFileExtension, getSuffixedFileName, mustDisallowVob, readVideoTs, } from './util'; import { toast, errorToast } from './swal'; import { formatDuration } from './util/duration'; import { adjustRate } from './util/rate-calculator'; import { askExtractFramesAsImages } from './dialogs/extractFrames'; import { askForHtml5ifySpeed } from './dialogs/html5ify'; import { askForOutDir, askForImportChapters, promptTimeOffset, askForFileOpenAction, confirmExtractAllStreamsDialog, showCleanupFilesDialog, showDiskFull, showExportFailedDialog, showConcatFailedDialog, openYouTubeChaptersDialog, showRefuseToOverwrite, openDirToast, openExportFinishedToast, openConcatFinishedToast, showOpenDialog } from './dialogs'; import { openSendReportDialog } from './reporting'; import { fallbackLng } from './i18n'; import { createSegment, getCleanCutSegments, findSegmentsAtCursor, sortSegments, convertSegmentsToChapters, hasAnySegmentOverlap, isDurationValid, playOnlyCurrentSegment } from './segments'; import { getOutSegError as getOutSegErrorRaw, generateOutSegFileNames as generateOutSegFileNamesRaw, defaultOutSegTemplate } from './util/outputNameTemplate'; import { rightBarWidth, leftBarWidth, ffmpegExtractWindow, zoomMax } from './util/constants'; import BigWaveform from './components/BigWaveform'; import isDev from './isDev'; const electron = window.require('electron'); const { exists } = window.require('fs-extra'); const filePathToUrl = window.require('file-url'); const { parse: parsePath, join: pathJoin, basename, dirname } = window.require('path'); const remote = window.require('@electron/remote'); const { focusWindow, hasDisabledNetworking, quitApp } = remote.require('./electron'); const calcShouldShowWaveform = (zoomedDuration) => (zoomedDuration != null && zoomedDuration < ffmpegExtractWindow * 8); const calcShouldShowKeyframes = (zoomedDuration) => (zoomedDuration != null && zoomedDuration < ffmpegExtractWindow * 8); const videoStyle = { width: '100%', height: '100%', objectFit: 'contain' }; const bottomStyle = { background: controlsBackground, transition: darkModeTransition }; let lastOpenedPath; const hevcPlaybackSupportedPromise = doesPlayerSupportHevcPlayback(); hevcPlaybackSupportedPromise.catch((err) => console.error(err)); function getImportProjectType(filePath) { if (filePath.endsWith('Summary.txt')) return 'dv-analyzer-summary-txt'; const edlFormatForExtension = { csv: 'csv', pbf: 'pbf', edl: 'mplayer', cue: 'cue', xml: 'xmeml', fcpxml: 'fcpxml' }; const matchingExt = Object.keys(edlFormatForExtension).find((ext) => filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(`.${ext}`)); if (!matchingExt) return undefined; return edlFormatForExtension[matchingExt]; } const App = memo(() => { // Per project state const [commandedTime, setCommandedTime] = useState(0); const [ffmpegCommandLog, setFfmpegCommandLog] = useState([]); const [previewFilePath, setPreviewFilePath] = useState(); const [working, setWorkingState] = useState(); const [usingDummyVideo, setUsingDummyVideo] = useState(false); const [playing, setPlaying] = useState(false); const [canvasPlayerEventId, setCanvasPlayerEventId] = useState(0); const playbackModeRef = useRef(); const [playerTime, setPlayerTime] = useState(); const [duration, setDuration] = useState(); const [rotation, setRotation] = useState(360); const [cutProgress, setCutProgress] = useState(); const [startTimeOffset, setStartTimeOffset] = useState(0); const [filePath, setFilePath] = useState(''); const [externalFilesMeta, setExternalFilesMeta] = useState({}); const [customTagsByFile, setCustomTagsByFile] = useState({}); const [paramsByStreamId, setParamsByStreamId] = useState(new Map()); const [detectedFps, setDetectedFps] = useState(); const [mainFileMeta, setMainFileMeta] = useState({ streams: [], formatData: {} }); const [mainVideoStream, setMainVideoStream] = useState(); const [mainAudioStream, setMainAudioStream] = useState(); const [copyStreamIdsByFile, setCopyStreamIdsByFile] = useState({}); const [streamsSelectorShown, setStreamsSelectorShown] = useState(false); const [concatDialogVisible, setConcatDialogVisible] = useState(false); const [zoomUnrounded, setZoom] = useState(1); const [thumbnails, setThumbnails] = useState([]); const [shortestFlag, setShortestFlag] = useState(false); const [zoomWindowStartTime, setZoomWindowStartTime] = useState(0); const [subtitlesByStreamId, setSubtitlesByStreamId] = useState({}); const [activeSubtitleStreamIndex, setActiveSubtitleStreamIndex] = useState(); const [hideCanvasPreview, setHideCanvasPreview] = useState(false); const [exportConfirmVisible, setExportConfirmVisible] = useState(false); const [cacheBuster, setCacheBuster] = useState(0); const [customMergedOutFileName, setMergedOutFileName] = useState(); const [outputPlaybackRate, setOutputPlaybackRateState] = useState(1); const { fileFormat, setFileFormat, detectedFileFormat, setDetectedFileFormat, isCustomFormatSelected } = useFileFormatState(); // State per application launch const [waveformMode, setWaveformMode] = useState(); const [thumbnailsEnabled, setThumbnailsEnabled] = useState(false); const [keyframesEnabled, setKeyframesEnabled] = useState(true); const [showRightBar, setShowRightBar] = useState(true); const [rememberConvertToSupportedFormat, setRememberConvertToSupportedFormat] = useState(); const [lastCommandsVisible, setLastCommandsVisible] = useState(false); const [settingsVisible, setSettingsVisible] = useState(false); const [tunerVisible, setTunerVisible] = useState(); const [keyboardShortcutsVisible, setKeyboardShortcutsVisible] = useState(false); const [mifiLink, setMifiLink] = useState(); const [alwaysConcatMultipleFiles, setAlwaysConcatMultipleFiles] = useState(false); // Batch state / concat files const [batchFiles, setBatchFiles] = useState([]); const [selectedBatchFiles, setSelectedBatchFiles] = useState([]); // Store "working" in a ref so we can avoid race conditions const workingRef = useRef(working); const setWorking = useCallback((val) => { workingRef.current = val; setWorkingState(val); }, []); useEffect(() => setDocumentTitle({ filePath, working, cutProgress }), [cutProgress, filePath, working]); const zoom = Math.floor(zoomUnrounded); const durationSafe = isDurationValid(duration) ? duration : 1; const zoomedDuration = isDurationValid(duration) ? duration / zoom : undefined; const allUserSettings = useUserSettingsRoot(); const { captureFormat, setCaptureFormat, customOutDir, setCustomOutDir, keyframeCut, setKeyframeCut, preserveMovData, setPreserveMovData, movFastStart, setMovFastStart, avoidNegativeTs, autoMerge, timecodeFormat, invertCutSegments, setInvertCutSegments, autoExportExtraStreams, askBeforeClose, enableAskForImportChapters, enableAskForFileOpenAction, playbackVolume, setPlaybackVolume, autoSaveProjectFile, wheelSensitivity, invertTimelineScroll, language, ffmpegExperimental, hideNotifications, autoLoadTimecode, autoDeleteMergedSegments, exportConfirmEnabled, setExportConfirmEnabled, segmentsToChapters, setSegmentsToChapters, preserveMetadataOnMerge, setPreserveMetadataOnMerge, simpleMode, setSimpleMode, outSegTemplate, setOutSegTemplate, keyboardSeekAccFactor, keyboardNormalSeekSpeed, treatInputFileModifiedTimeAsStart, treatOutputFileModifiedTimeAsStart, outFormatLocked, setOutFormatLocked, safeOutputFileName, setSafeOutputFileName, enableAutoHtml5ify, segmentsToChaptersOnly, keyBindings, setKeyBindings, resetKeyBindings, enableSmartCut, customFfPath, storeProjectInWorkingDir, setStoreProjectInWorkingDir, enableOverwriteOutput, mouseWheelZoomModifierKey, captureFrameMethod, captureFrameQuality, captureFrameFileNameFormat, enableNativeHevc, cleanupChoices, setCleanupChoices, darkMode, setDarkMode, preferStrongColors, outputFileNameMinZeroPadding, } = allUserSettings; useEffect(() => { ffmpegSetCustomFfPath(customFfPath); }, [customFfPath]); const outSegTemplateOrDefault = outSegTemplate || defaultOutSegTemplate; useEffect(() => { const l = language || fallbackLng; i18n.changeLanguage(l).catch(console.error); electron.ipcRenderer.send('setLanguage', l); }, [language]); const videoRef = useRef(); const setOutputPlaybackRate = useCallback((v) => { setOutputPlaybackRateState(v); if (videoRef.current) videoRef.current.playbackRate = v; }, []); const isFileOpened = !!filePath; const onOutputFormatUserChange = useCallback((newFormat) => { setFileFormat(newFormat); if (outFormatLocked) { setOutFormatLocked(newFormat === detectedFileFormat ? undefined : newFormat); } }, [detectedFileFormat, outFormatLocked, setFileFormat, setOutFormatLocked]); const toggleEnableThumbnails = useCallback(() => setThumbnailsEnabled((v) => !v), []); const toggleExportConfirmEnabled = useCallback(() => setExportConfirmEnabled((v) => { const newVal = !v;{ text: newVal ? i18n.t('Export options will be shown before exporting.') : i18n.t('Export options will not be shown before exporting.') }); return newVal; }), [setExportConfirmEnabled]); const toggleSegmentsToChapters = useCallback(() => setSegmentsToChapters((v) => !v), [setSegmentsToChapters]); const togglePreserveMetadataOnMerge = useCallback(() => setPreserveMetadataOnMerge((v) => !v), [setPreserveMetadataOnMerge]); const toggleKeyframesEnabled = useCallback(() => { setKeyframesEnabled((old) => { const enabled = !old; if (enabled && !calcShouldShowKeyframes(zoomedDuration)) {{ text: i18n.t('Key frames will show on the timeline. You need to zoom in to view them') }); } return enabled; }); }, [zoomedDuration]); function appendFfmpegCommandLog(command) { setFfmpegCommandLog(old => [...old, { command, time: new Date() }]); } const setCopyStreamIdsForPath = useCallback((path, cb) => { setCopyStreamIdsByFile((old) => { const oldIds = old[path] || {}; return ({ ...old, [path]: cb(oldIds) }); }); }, []); const toggleSegmentsList = useCallback(() => setShowRightBar(v => !v), []); const toggleCopyStreamId = useCallback((path, index) => { setCopyStreamIdsForPath(path, (old) => ({ ...old, [index]: !old[index] })); }, [setCopyStreamIdsForPath]); const hideAllNotifications = hideNotifications === 'all'; const toggleWaveformMode = useCallback(() => { if (waveformMode === 'waveform') { setWaveformMode('big-waveform'); } else if (waveformMode === 'big-waveform') { setWaveformMode(); } else { if (!hideAllNotifications){ text: i18n.t('Mini-waveform has been enabled. Click again to enable full-screen waveform') }); setWaveformMode('waveform'); } }, [hideAllNotifications, waveformMode]); const toggleSafeOutputFileName = useCallback(() => setSafeOutputFileName((v) => { if (v && !hideAllNotifications){ icon: 'info', text: i18n.t('Output file name will not be sanitized, and any special characters will be preserved. This may cause the export to fail and can cause other funny issues. Use at your own risk!') }); return !v; }), [setSafeOutputFileName, hideAllNotifications]); useEffect(() => { if (videoRef.current) videoRef.current.volume = playbackVolume; }, [playbackVolume]); const seekAbs = useCallback((val) => { const video = videoRef.current; if (val == null || Number.isNaN(val)) return; let outVal = val; if (outVal < 0) outVal = 0; if (outVal > video.duration) outVal = video.duration; video.currentTime = outVal; setCommandedTime(outVal); setCanvasPlayerEventId((id) => id + 1); // To make sure that we can seek even to the same commanded time that we are already add (e.g. loop current segment) }, []); const userSeekAbs = useCallback((val) => { playbackModeRef.current = undefined; // If the user seeks, we clear any custom playback mode return seekAbs(val); }, [seekAbs]); const commandedTimeRef = useRef(commandedTime); useEffect(() => { commandedTimeRef.current = commandedTime; }, [commandedTime]); const seekRel = useCallback((val) => { userSeekAbs(videoRef.current.currentTime + val); }, [userSeekAbs]); const seekRelPercent = useCallback((val) => { if (!isDurationValid(zoomedDuration)) return; seekRel(val * zoomedDuration); }, [seekRel, zoomedDuration]); const shortStep = useCallback((direction) => { // If we don't know fps, just assume 30 (for example if audio file) const fps = detectedFps || 30; // try to align with frame const currentTimeNearestFrameNumber = getFrameCountRaw(fps, videoRef.current.currentTime); const nextFrame = currentTimeNearestFrameNumber + direction; userSeekAbs(nextFrame / fps); }, [detectedFps, userSeekAbs]); // 360 means we don't modify rotation const isRotationSet = rotation !== 360; const effectiveRotation = useMemo(() => (isRotationSet ? rotation : (mainVideoStream && mainVideoStream.tags && mainVideoStream.tags.rotate && parseInt(mainVideoStream.tags.rotate, 10))), [isRotationSet, mainVideoStream, rotation]); const zoomRel = useCallback((rel) => setZoom((z) => Math.min(Math.max(z + (rel * (1 + (z / 10))), 1), zoomMax)), []); const canvasPlayerRequired = !!(mainVideoStream && usingDummyVideo); const canvasPlayerWanted = !!(mainVideoStream && isRotationSet && !hideCanvasPreview); // Allow user to disable it const canvasPlayerEnabled = (canvasPlayerRequired || canvasPlayerWanted); useEffect(() => { // Reset the user preference when the state changes to true if (canvasPlayerEnabled) setHideCanvasPreview(false); }, [canvasPlayerEnabled]); const comfortZoom = isDurationValid(duration) ? Math.max(duration / 100, 1) : undefined; const timelineToggleComfortZoom = useCallback(() => { if (!comfortZoom) return; setZoom((prevZoom) => { if (prevZoom === 1) return comfortZoom; return 1; }); }, [comfortZoom]); const onTimelineWheel = useTimelineScroll({ wheelSensitivity, mouseWheelZoomModifierKey, invertTimelineScroll, zoomRel, seekRel }); // Relevant time is the player's playback position if we're currently playing - if not, it's the user's commanded time. const relevantTime = useMemo(() => (playing ? playerTime : commandedTime) || 0, [commandedTime, playerTime, playing]); // The reason why we also have a getter is because it can be used when we need to get the time, but don't want to re-render for every time update (which can be heavy!) const getRelevantTime = useCallback(() => (playing ? videoRef.current.currentTime : commandedTimeRef.current) || 0, [playing]); const maxLabelLength = safeOutputFileName ? 100 : 500; const checkFileOpened = useCallback(() => { if (isFileOpened) return true;{ icon: 'info', title: i18n.t('You need to open a media file first') }); return false; }, [isFileOpened]); const { cutSegments, cutSegmentsHistory, createSegmentsFromKeyframes, shuffleSegments, detectBlackScenes, detectSilentScenes, detectSceneChanges, removeCutSegment, invertAllSegments, fillSegmentsGaps, combineOverlappingSegments, combineSelectedSegments, shiftAllSegmentTimes, alignSegmentTimesToKeyframes, onViewSegmentTags, updateSegOrder, updateSegOrders, reorderSegsByStartTime, addSegment, setCutStart, setCutEnd, onLabelSegment, splitCurrentSegment, createNumSegments, createFixedDurationSegments, createRandomSegments, apparentCutSegments, haveInvalidSegs, currentSegIndexSafe, currentCutSeg, currentApparentCutSeg, inverseCutSegments, clearSegments, loadCutSegments, isSegmentSelected, setCutTime, setCurrentSegIndex, onLabelSelectedSegments, deselectAllSegments, selectAllSegments, selectOnlyCurrentSegment, toggleCurrentSegmentSelected, invertSelectedSegments, removeSelectedSegments, setDeselectedSegmentIds, onSelectSegmentsByLabel, onSelectSegmentsByTag, toggleSegmentSelected, selectOnlySegment, getApparentCutSegmentById, selectedSegments, selectedSegmentsOrInverse, nonFilteredSegmentsOrInverse, segmentsToExport, duplicateCurrentSegment, duplicateSegment, } = useSegments({ filePath, workingRef, setWorking, setCutProgress, mainVideoStream, duration, getRelevantTime, maxLabelLength, checkFileOpened, invertCutSegments, segmentsToChaptersOnly }); const jumpSegStart = useCallback((index) => userSeekAbs(apparentCutSegments[index].start), [apparentCutSegments, userSeekAbs]); const jumpSegEnd = useCallback((index) => userSeekAbs(apparentCutSegments[index].end), [apparentCutSegments, userSeekAbs]); const jumpCutStart = useCallback(() => jumpSegStart(currentSegIndexSafe), [currentSegIndexSafe, jumpSegStart]); const jumpCutEnd = useCallback(() => jumpSegEnd(currentSegIndexSafe), [currentSegIndexSafe, jumpSegEnd]); const jumpTimelineStart = useCallback(() => userSeekAbs(0), [userSeekAbs]); const jumpTimelineEnd = useCallback(() => userSeekAbs(durationSafe), [durationSafe, userSeekAbs]); const getFrameCount = useCallback((sec) => getFrameCountRaw(detectedFps, sec), [detectedFps]); const formatTimecode = useCallback(({ seconds, shorten, fileNameFriendly }) => { if (timecodeFormat === 'frameCount') { const frameCount = getFrameCount(seconds); return frameCount != null ? frameCount : ''; } if (timecodeFormat === 'timecodeWithFramesFraction') { return formatDuration({ seconds, fps: detectedFps, shorten, fileNameFriendly }); } return formatDuration({ seconds, shorten, fileNameFriendly }); }, [detectedFps, timecodeFormat, getFrameCount]); const formatTimeAndFrames = useCallback((seconds) => { const frameCount = getFrameCount(seconds); const timeStr = timecodeFormat === 'timecodeWithFramesFraction' ? formatDuration({ seconds, fps: detectedFps }) : formatDuration({ seconds }); return `${timeStr} (${frameCount ?? '0'})`; }, [detectedFps, timecodeFormat, getFrameCount]); const { captureFrameFromTag, captureFrameFromFfmpeg, captureFramesRange } = useFrameCapture({ formatTimecode, treatOutputFileModifiedTimeAsStart }); // const getSafeCutTime = useCallback((cutTime, next) => ffmpeg.getSafeCutTime(neighbouringFrames, cutTime, next), [neighbouringFrames]); const outputDir = getOutDir(customOutDir, filePath); const usingPreviewFile = !!previewFilePath; const effectiveFilePath = previewFilePath || filePath; const fileUri = useMemo(() => { if (!effectiveFilePath) return ''; const uri = filePathToUrl(effectiveFilePath); // if (cacheBuster !== 0) { const qs = new URLSearchParams(); qs.set('t', cacheBuster); return `${uri}?${qs.toString()}`; } return uri; }, [cacheBuster, effectiveFilePath]); const projectSuffix = ''; const oldProjectSuffix = 'llc-edl.csv'; // New LLC format can be stored along with input file or in working dir (customOutDir) const getEdlFilePath = useCallback((fp, cod) => getSuffixedOutPath({ customOutDir: cod, filePath: fp, nameSuffix: projectSuffix }), []); // Old versions of LosslessCut used CSV files and stored them always in customOutDir: const getEdlFilePathOld = useCallback((fp, cod) => getSuffixedOutPath({ customOutDir: cod, filePath: fp, nameSuffix: oldProjectSuffix }), []); const getProjectFileSavePath = useCallback((storeProjectInWorkingDirIn) => getEdlFilePath(filePath, storeProjectInWorkingDirIn ? customOutDir : undefined), [getEdlFilePath, filePath, customOutDir]); const projectFileSavePath = useMemo(() => getProjectFileSavePath(storeProjectInWorkingDir), [getProjectFileSavePath, storeProjectInWorkingDir]); const currentSaveOperation = useMemo(() => { if (!projectFileSavePath) return undefined; return { cutSegments, projectFileSavePath, filePath }; }, [cutSegments, filePath, projectFileSavePath]); const [debouncedSaveOperation] = useDebounce(currentSaveOperation, isDev ? 2000 : 500); const lastSaveOperation = useRef(); useEffect(() => { async function save() { // NOTE: Could lose a save if user closes too fast, but not a big issue I think if (!autoSaveProjectFile || !debouncedSaveOperation) return; try { // Initial state? Don't save (same as createInitialCutSegments but without counting) if (isEqual(getCleanCutSegments(debouncedSaveOperation.cutSegments), getCleanCutSegments([createSegment()]))) return; if (lastSaveOperation.current && lastSaveOperation.current.projectFileSavePath === debouncedSaveOperation.projectFileSavePath && isEqual(getCleanCutSegments(lastSaveOperation.current.cutSegments), getCleanCutSegments(debouncedSaveOperation.cutSegments))) { console.log('Segments unchanged, skipping save'); return; } await saveLlcProject({ savePath: debouncedSaveOperation.projectFileSavePath, filePath: debouncedSaveOperation.filePath, cutSegments: debouncedSaveOperation.cutSegments }); lastSaveOperation.current = debouncedSaveOperation; } catch (err) { errorToast(i18n.t('Unable to save project file')); console.error('Failed to save CSV', err); } } save(); }, [debouncedSaveOperation, autoSaveProjectFile]); function onPlayingChange(val) { setPlaying(val); if (!val) { setCommandedTime(videoRef.current.currentTime); } } const onStopPlaying = useCallback(() => { onPlayingChange(false); playbackModeRef.current = undefined; }, []); const onVideoAbort = useCallback(() => { setPlaying(false); // we want to preserve current time playbackModeRef.current = undefined; }, []); const onSartPlaying = useCallback(() => onPlayingChange(true), []); const onDurationChange = useCallback((e) => { // Some files report duration infinity first, then proper duration later // Sometimes after seeking to end of file, duration might change const { duration: durationNew } =; console.log('onDurationChange', durationNew); if (isDurationValid(durationNew)) setDuration(durationNew); }, []); const increaseRotation = useCallback(() => { setRotation((r) => (r + 90) % 450); setHideCanvasPreview(false); // Matroska is known not to work, so we warn user. See const supportsRotation = !['matroska', 'webm'].includes(fileFormat); if (!supportsRotation && !hideAllNotifications){ text: i18n.t('Lossless rotation might not work with this file format. You may try changing to MP4') }); }, [hideAllNotifications, fileFormat]); const { ensureWritableOutDir, ensureAccessToSourceDir } = useDirectoryAccess({ setCustomOutDir }); const toggleCaptureFormat = useCallback(() => setCaptureFormat((f) => { const captureFormats = ['jpeg', 'png', 'webp']; let index = captureFormats.indexOf(f); if (index === -1) index = 0; index += 1; if (index >= captureFormats.length) index = 0; return captureFormats[index]; }), [setCaptureFormat]); const toggleKeyframeCut = useCallback((showMessage) => setKeyframeCut((val) => { const newVal = !val; if (showMessage && !hideAllNotifications) { if (newVal){ title: i18n.t('Keyframe cut enabled'), text: i18n.t('Will now cut at the nearest keyframe before the desired start cutpoint. This is recommended for most files.') }); else{ title: i18n.t('Keyframe cut disabled'), text: i18n.t('Will now cut at the exact position, but may leave an empty portion at the beginning of the file. You may have to set the cutpoint a few frames before the next keyframe to achieve a precise cut'), timer: 7000 }); } return newVal; }), [hideAllNotifications, setKeyframeCut]); const togglePreserveMovData = useCallback(() => setPreserveMovData((val) => !val), [setPreserveMovData]); const toggleMovFastStart = useCallback(() => setMovFastStart((val) => !val), [setMovFastStart]); const toggleSimpleMode = useCallback(() => setSimpleMode((v) => { if (!hideAllNotifications){ text: v ? i18n.t('Advanced view has been enabled. You will now also see non-essential buttons and functions') : i18n.t('Advanced view disabled. You will now see only the most essential buttons and functions') }); const newValue = !v; if (newValue) setInvertCutSegments(false); return newValue; }), [hideAllNotifications, setInvertCutSegments, setSimpleMode]); const effectiveExportMode = useMemo(() => { if (segmentsToChaptersOnly) return 'sesgments_to_chapters'; if (autoMerge && autoDeleteMergedSegments) return 'merge'; if (autoMerge) return 'merge+separate'; return 'separate'; }, [autoDeleteMergedSegments, autoMerge, segmentsToChaptersOnly]); const changeOutDir = useCallback(async () => { const newOutDir = await askForOutDir(outputDir); if (newOutDir) setCustomOutDir(newOutDir); }, [outputDir, setCustomOutDir]); const clearOutDir = useCallback(async () => { try { await ensureWritableOutDir({ inputPath: filePath, outDir: undefined }); setCustomOutDir(); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof DirectoryAccessDeclinedError) return; throw err; } }, [ensureWritableOutDir, filePath, setCustomOutDir]); const toggleStoreProjectInWorkingDir = useCallback(async () => { const newValue = !storeProjectInWorkingDir; const path = getProjectFileSavePath(newValue); if (path) { // path will be falsy if no file loaded try { await ensureAccessToSourceDir(path); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof DirectoryAccessDeclinedError) return; console.error(err); } } setStoreProjectInWorkingDir(newValue); }, [ensureAccessToSourceDir, getProjectFileSavePath, setStoreProjectInWorkingDir, storeProjectInWorkingDir]); const userSettingsContext = useMemo(() => ({ ...allUserSettings, toggleCaptureFormat, changeOutDir, toggleKeyframeCut, togglePreserveMovData, toggleMovFastStart, toggleExportConfirmEnabled, toggleSegmentsToChapters, togglePreserveMetadataOnMerge, toggleSimpleMode, toggleSafeOutputFileName, effectiveExportMode, }), [allUserSettings, changeOutDir, effectiveExportMode, toggleCaptureFormat, toggleExportConfirmEnabled, toggleKeyframeCut, toggleMovFastStart, togglePreserveMetadataOnMerge, togglePreserveMovData, toggleSafeOutputFileName, toggleSegmentsToChapters, toggleSimpleMode]); const segColorsContext = useMemo(() => ({ getSegColor: (seg) => { const color = getSegColor(seg); return preferStrongColors ? color.desaturate(0.2) : color.desaturate(0.6); }, }), [preferStrongColors]); const isCopyingStreamId = useCallback((path, streamId) => ( !!(copyStreamIdsByFile[path] || {})[streamId] ), [copyStreamIdsByFile]); const mainStreams = useMemo(() => mainFileMeta.streams, [mainFileMeta.streams]); const mainFileFormatData = useMemo(() => mainFileMeta.formatData, [mainFileMeta.formatData]); const mainFileChapters = useMemo(() => mainFileMeta.chapters, [mainFileMeta.chapters]); const copyAnyAudioTrack = useMemo(() => mainStreams.some(stream => isCopyingStreamId(filePath, stream.index) && stream.codec_type === 'audio'), [filePath, isCopyingStreamId, mainStreams]); const subtitleStreams = useMemo(() => mainStreams.filter((stream) => stream.codec_type === 'subtitle'), [mainStreams]); const activeSubtitle = useMemo(() => subtitlesByStreamId[activeSubtitleStreamIndex], [activeSubtitleStreamIndex, subtitlesByStreamId]); const onActiveSubtitleChange = useCallback(async (index) => { if (index == null) { setActiveSubtitleStreamIndex(); return; } if (subtitlesByStreamId[index]) { // Already loaded setActiveSubtitleStreamIndex(index); return; } const subtitleStream = index != null && subtitleStreams.find((s) => s.index === index); if (!subtitleStream || workingRef.current) return; try { setWorking(i18n.t('Loading subtitle')); const url = await extractSubtitleTrack(filePath, index); setSubtitlesByStreamId((old) => ({ ...old, [index]: { url, lang: subtitleStream.tags && subtitleStream.tags.language } })); setActiveSubtitleStreamIndex(index); } catch (err) { handleError(`Failed to extract subtitles for stream ${index}`, err.message); } finally { setWorking(); } }, [setWorking, subtitleStreams, subtitlesByStreamId, filePath]); const mainCopiedStreams = useMemo(() => mainStreams.filter((stream) => isCopyingStreamId(filePath, stream.index)), [filePath, isCopyingStreamId, mainStreams]); const mainCopiedThumbnailStreams = useMemo(() => mainCopiedStreams.filter(isStreamThumbnail), [mainCopiedStreams]); // Streams that are not copy enabled by default const extraStreams = useMemo(() => mainStreams.filter((stream) => !shouldCopyStreamByDefault(stream)), [mainStreams]); // Extra streams that the user has not selected for copy const nonCopiedExtraStreams = useMemo(() => extraStreams.filter((stream) => !isCopyingStreamId(filePath, stream.index)), [extraStreams, filePath, isCopyingStreamId]); const exportExtraStreams = autoExportExtraStreams && nonCopiedExtraStreams.length > 0; const copyFileStreams = useMemo(() => Object.entries(copyStreamIdsByFile).map(([path, streamIdsMap]) => ({ path, streamIds: Object.entries(streamIdsMap).filter(([, shouldCopy]) => shouldCopy).map(([streamIdStr]) => parseInt(streamIdStr, 10)), })), [copyStreamIdsByFile]); // total number of streams to copy for ALL files const numStreamsToCopy = useMemo(() => copyFileStreams.reduce((acc, { streamIds }) => acc + streamIds.length, 0), [copyFileStreams]); const allFilesMeta = useMemo(() => ({ ...externalFilesMeta, [filePath]: mainFileMeta, }), [externalFilesMeta, filePath, mainFileMeta]); // total number of streams for ALL files const numStreamsTotal = flatMap(Object.values(allFilesMeta), ({ streams }) => streams).length; const toggleStripAudio = useCallback(() => { setCopyStreamIdsForPath(filePath, (old) => { const newCopyStreamIds = { ...old }; mainStreams.forEach((stream) => { if (stream.codec_type === 'audio') newCopyStreamIds[stream.index] = !copyAnyAudioTrack; }); return newCopyStreamIds; }); }, [copyAnyAudioTrack, filePath, mainStreams, setCopyStreamIdsForPath]); const thumnailsRef = useRef([]); const thumnailsRenderingPromiseRef = useRef(); function addThumbnail(thumbnail) { // console.log('Rendered thumbnail', thumbnail.url); setThumbnails(v => [...v, thumbnail]); } const hasAudio = !!mainAudioStream; const hasVideo = !!mainVideoStream; const waveformEnabled = hasAudio && ['waveform', 'big-waveform'].includes(waveformMode); const bigWaveformEnabled = waveformEnabled && waveformMode === 'big-waveform'; const showThumbnails = thumbnailsEnabled && hasVideo; const [, cancelRenderThumbnails] = useDebounceOld(() => { async function renderThumbnails() { if (!showThumbnails || thumnailsRenderingPromiseRef.current) return; try { setThumbnails([]); const promise = ffmpegRenderThumbnails({ filePath, from: zoomWindowStartTime, duration: zoomedDuration, onThumbnail: addThumbnail }); thumnailsRenderingPromiseRef.current = promise; await promise; } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to render thumbnail', err); } finally { thumnailsRenderingPromiseRef.current = undefined; } } if (isDurationValid(zoomedDuration)) renderThumbnails(); }, 500, [zoomedDuration, filePath, zoomWindowStartTime, showThumbnails]); // Cleanup removed thumbnails useEffect(() => { thumnailsRef.current.forEach((thumbnail) => { if (!thumbnails.some(t => t.url === thumbnail.url)) URL.revokeObjectURL(thumbnail.url); }); thumnailsRef.current = thumbnails; }, [thumbnails]); // Cleanup removed subtitles const subtitlesByStreamIdRef = useRef({}); useEffect(() => { Object.values(thumnailsRef.current).forEach(({ url }) => { if (!Object.values(subtitlesByStreamId).some(t => t.url === url)) URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }); subtitlesByStreamIdRef.current = subtitlesByStreamId; }, [subtitlesByStreamId]); const shouldShowKeyframes = keyframesEnabled && hasVideo && calcShouldShowKeyframes(zoomedDuration); const shouldShowWaveform = calcShouldShowWaveform(zoomedDuration); const { neighbouringKeyFrames, findNearestKeyFrameTime } = useKeyframes({ keyframesEnabled, filePath, commandedTime, mainVideoStream, detectedFps, ffmpegExtractWindow }); const { waveforms } = useWaveform({ darkMode, filePath, relevantTime, waveformEnabled, mainAudioStream, shouldShowWaveform, ffmpegExtractWindow, durationSafe }); const resetState = useCallback(() => { console.log('State reset'); const video = videoRef.current; setCommandedTime(0); video.currentTime = 0; video.playbackRate = 1; // setWorking(); setPreviewFilePath(); setUsingDummyVideo(false); setPlaying(false); playbackModeRef.current = undefined; setCanvasPlayerEventId(0); setDuration(); cutSegmentsHistory.go(0); clearSegments(); setFileFormat(); setDetectedFileFormat(); setRotation(360); setCutProgress(); setStartTimeOffset(0); setFilePath(''); // Setting video src="" prevents memory leak in chromium setExternalFilesMeta({}); setCustomTagsByFile({}); setParamsByStreamId(new Map()); setDetectedFps(); setMainFileMeta({ streams: [], formatData: [] }); setMainVideoStream(); setMainAudioStream(); setCopyStreamIdsByFile({}); setStreamsSelectorShown(false); setZoom(1); setThumbnails([]); setShortestFlag(false); setZoomWindowStartTime(0); setDeselectedSegmentIds({}); setSubtitlesByStreamId({}); setActiveSubtitleStreamIndex(); setHideCanvasPreview(false); setExportConfirmVisible(false); setMergedOutFileName(); setOutputPlaybackRateState(1); cancelRenderThumbnails(); }, [cutSegmentsHistory, clearSegments, setFileFormat, setDetectedFileFormat, setDeselectedSegmentIds, cancelRenderThumbnails]); const showUnsupportedFileMessage = useCallback(() => { if (!hideAllNotifications){ timer: 13000, text: i18n.t('File not natively supported. Preview may have no audio or low quality. The final export will however be lossless with audio. You may convert it from the menu for a better preview with audio.') }); }, [hideAllNotifications]); const showPreviewFileLoadedMessage = useCallback((fileName) => { if (!hideAllNotifications){ icon: 'info', text: i18n.t('Loaded existing preview file: {{ fileName }}', { fileName }) }); }, [hideAllNotifications]); const areWeCutting = useMemo(() => segmentsToExport.some(({ start, end }) => isCuttingStart(start) || isCuttingEnd(end, duration)), [duration, segmentsToExport]); const needSmartCut = !!(areWeCutting && enableSmartCut); const { concatFiles, html5ifyDummy, cutMultiple, autoConcatCutSegments, html5ify, fixInvalidDuration, } = useFfmpegOperations({ filePath, treatInputFileModifiedTimeAsStart, treatOutputFileModifiedTimeAsStart, needSmartCut, enableOverwriteOutput, outputPlaybackRate }); const html5ifyAndLoad = useCallback(async (cod, fp, speed, hv, ha) => { const usesDummyVideo = ['fastest-audio', 'fastest-audio-remux', 'fastest'].includes(speed); console.log('html5ifyAndLoad', { speed, hasVideo: hv, hasAudio: ha, usesDummyVideo }); async function doHtml5ify() { if (speed == null) return undefined; if (speed === 'fastest') { const path = getSuffixedOutPath({ customOutDir: cod, filePath: fp, nameSuffix: `${html5ifiedPrefix}${html5dummySuffix}.mkv` }); try { setCutProgress(0); await html5ifyDummy({ filePath: fp, outPath: path, onProgress: setCutProgress }); } finally { setCutProgress(); } return path; } try { const shouldIncludeVideo = !usesDummyVideo && hv; return await html5ify({ customOutDir: cod, filePath: fp, speed, hasAudio: ha, hasVideo: shouldIncludeVideo, onProgress: setCutProgress }); } finally { setCutProgress(); } } const path = await doHtml5ify(); if (!path) return; setPreviewFilePath(path); setUsingDummyVideo(usesDummyVideo); }, [html5ify, html5ifyDummy]); const convertFormatBatch = useCallback(async () => { if (batchFiles.length < 1) return; const filePaths = => f.path); const failedFiles = []; let i = 0; const setTotalProgress = (fileProgress = 0) => setCutProgress((i + fileProgress) / filePaths.length); const { selectedOption: speed } = await askForHtml5ifySpeed({ allowedOptions: ['fastest-audio', 'fastest-audio-remux', 'fast-audio-remux', 'fast-audio', 'fast', 'slow', 'slow-audio', 'slowest'] }); if (!speed) return; if (workingRef.current) return; try { setWorking(i18n.t('Batch converting to supported format')); setCutProgress(0); // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for (const path of filePaths) { try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const newCustomOutDir = await ensureWritableOutDir({ inputPath: path, outDir: customOutDir }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await html5ify({ customOutDir: newCustomOutDir, filePath: path, speed, hasAudio: true, hasVideo: true, onProgress: setTotalProgress }); } catch (err2) { if (err2 instanceof DirectoryAccessDeclinedError) return; console.error('Failed to html5ify', path, err2); failedFiles.push(path); } i += 1; setTotalProgress(); } if (failedFiles.length > 0){ title: `${i18n.t('Failed to convert files:')} ${failedFiles.join(' ')}`, timer: null, showConfirmButton: true }); } catch (err) { errorToast(i18n.t('Failed to batch convert to supported format')); console.error('Failed to html5ify', err); } finally { setWorking(); setCutProgress(); } }, [batchFiles, customOutDir, ensureWritableOutDir, html5ify, setWorking]); const getConvertToSupportedFormat = useCallback((fallback) => rememberConvertToSupportedFormat || fallback, [rememberConvertToSupportedFormat]); const html5ifyAndLoadWithPreferences = useCallback(async (cod, fp, speed, hv, ha) => { if (!enableAutoHtml5ify) return; setWorking(i18n.t('Converting to supported format')); await html5ifyAndLoad(cod, fp, getConvertToSupportedFormat(speed), hv, ha); }, [enableAutoHtml5ify, setWorking, html5ifyAndLoad, getConvertToSupportedFormat]); const showPlaybackFailedMessage = () => errorToast(i18n.t('Unable to playback this file. Try to convert to supported format from the menu')); const getNewJumpIndex = (oldIndex, direction) => Math.max(oldIndex + direction, 0); const jumpSeg = useCallback((direction) => setCurrentSegIndex((old) => Math.min(getNewJumpIndex(old, direction), cutSegments.length - 1)), [cutSegments, setCurrentSegIndex]); const pause = useCallback(() => { if (!filePath || !playing) return; videoRef.current.pause(); }, [filePath, playing]); const play = useCallback((resetPlaybackRate) => { if (!filePath || playing) return; const video = videoRef.current; if (Math.abs(commandedTimeRef.current - video.currentTime) > 1) video.currentTime = commandedTimeRef.current; if (resetPlaybackRate) video.playbackRate = outputPlaybackRate; => { showPlaybackFailedMessage(); console.error(err); }); }, [filePath, outputPlaybackRate, playing]); const togglePlay = useCallback(({ resetPlaybackRate, playbackMode } = {}) => { playbackModeRef.current = undefined; if (playing) { pause(); return; } if (playbackMode != null) { if (playbackMode === 'loop-selected-segments') { const firstSelectedSegment = selectedSegments[0]; playbackModeRef.current = { segId: firstSelectedSegment.segId, playbackMode }; const index = apparentCutSegments.indexOf(firstSelectedSegment); if (index >= 0) setCurrentSegIndex(index); seekAbs(firstSelectedSegment.start); } else { playbackModeRef.current = { segId: currentApparentCutSeg.segId, playbackMode }; seekAbs(currentApparentCutSeg.start); } } play(resetPlaybackRate); }, [playing, play, pause, selectedSegments, apparentCutSegments, setCurrentSegIndex, seekAbs, currentApparentCutSeg.segId, currentApparentCutSeg.start]); const onTimeUpdate = useCallback((e) => { const { currentTime } =; if (playerTime === currentTime) return; setPlayerTime(currentTime); if (playbackModeRef.current != null) { const { segId, playbackMode } = playbackModeRef.current; const playingSegment = getApparentCutSegmentById(segId); if (playingSegment != null) { const { seek, stop, nextSegment } = playOnlyCurrentSegment({ playbackMode, currentTime, playingSegment }); // console.log({ seek, stop, nextSegment }); if (nextSegment != null) { const index = selectedSegments.indexOf(playingSegment); let newIndex = getNewJumpIndex(index >= 0 ? index : 0, 1); if (newIndex > selectedSegments.length - 1) newIndex = 0; // have reached end of last segment, start over const nextSelectedSegment = selectedSegments[newIndex]; if (nextSelectedSegment != null) seekAbs(nextSelectedSegment.start); playbackModeRef.current.segId = nextSelectedSegment.segId; } if (seek != null) seekAbs(seek); if (stop) { playbackModeRef.current = undefined; pause(); } } } }, [getApparentCutSegmentById, pause, playerTime, seekAbs, selectedSegments]); const closeFileWithConfirm = useCallback(() => { if (!isFileOpened || workingRef.current) return; // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert if (askBeforeClose && !window.confirm(i18n.t('Are you sure you want to close the current file?'))) return; resetState(); }, [askBeforeClose, resetState, isFileOpened]); const closeBatch = useCallback(() => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert if (askBeforeClose && !window.confirm(i18n.t('Are you sure you want to close the loaded batch of files?'))) return; setBatchFiles([]); setSelectedBatchFiles([]); }, [askBeforeClose]); const batchListRemoveFile = useCallback((path) => { setBatchFiles((existingBatch) => { const index = existingBatch.findIndex((existingFile) => existingFile.path === path); if (index < 0) return existingBatch; const newBatch = [...existingBatch]; newBatch.splice(index, 1); const newItemAtIndex = newBatch[index]; if (newItemAtIndex != null) setSelectedBatchFiles([newItemAtIndex.path]); else if (newBatch.length > 0) setSelectedBatchFiles([newBatch[0].path]); else setSelectedBatchFiles([]); return newBatch; }); }, []); const commonSettings = useMemo(() => ({ ffmpegExperimental, preserveMovData, movFastStart, preserveMetadataOnMerge, }), [ffmpegExperimental, movFastStart, preserveMetadataOnMerge, preserveMovData]); const openSendReportDialogWithState = useCallback(async (err) => { const state = { ...commonSettings, filePath, fileFormat, externalFilesMeta, mainStreams, copyStreamIdsByFile, cutSegments: => ({ start: s.start, end: s.end })), mainFileFormatData, rotation, shortestFlag, effectiveExportMode, outSegTemplate, }; openSendReportDialog(err, state); }, [commonSettings, copyStreamIdsByFile, cutSegments, effectiveExportMode, externalFilesMeta, fileFormat, filePath, mainFileFormatData, mainStreams, outSegTemplate, rotation, shortestFlag]); const openSendConcatReportDialogWithState = useCallback(async (err, reportState) => { const state = { ...commonSettings, ...reportState }; openSendReportDialog(err, state); }, [commonSettings]); const handleExportFailed = useCallback(async (err) => { const sendErrorReport = await showExportFailedDialog({ fileFormat, safeOutputFileName }); if (sendErrorReport) openSendReportDialogWithState(err); }, [fileFormat, safeOutputFileName, openSendReportDialogWithState]); const handleConcatFailed = useCallback(async (err, reportState) => { const sendErrorReport = await showConcatFailedDialog({ fileFormat }); if (sendErrorReport) openSendConcatReportDialogWithState(err, reportState); }, [fileFormat, openSendConcatReportDialogWithState]); const userConcatFiles = useCallback(async ({ paths, includeAllStreams, streams, fileFormat: outFormat, outFileName, clearBatchFilesAfterConcat }) => { if (workingRef.current) return; try { setConcatDialogVisible(false); setWorking(i18n.t('Merging')); const firstPath = paths[0]; if (!firstPath) return; const newCustomOutDir = await ensureWritableOutDir({ inputPath: firstPath, outDir: customOutDir }); const outDir = getOutDir(newCustomOutDir, firstPath); const outPath = getOutPath({ customOutDir: newCustomOutDir, filePath: firstPath, fileName: outFileName }); let chaptersFromSegments; if (segmentsToChapters) { const chapterNames = => parsePath(path).name); chaptersFromSegments = await createChaptersFromSegments({ segmentPaths: paths, chapterNames }); } const inputSize = sum(await readFileSizes(paths)); // console.log('merge', paths); const metadataFromPath = paths[0]; const { haveExcludedStreams } = await concatFiles({ paths, outPath, outDir, outFormat, metadataFromPath, includeAllStreams, streams, ffmpegExperimental, onProgress: setCutProgress, preserveMovData, movFastStart, preserveMetadataOnMerge, chapters: chaptersFromSegments, appendFfmpegCommandLog }); const warnings = []; const notices = []; const outputSize = await readFileSize(outPath); // * 1.06; // testing:) const sizeCheckResult = checkFileSizes(inputSize, outputSize); if (sizeCheckResult != null) warnings.push(sizeCheckResult); if (clearBatchFilesAfterConcat) closeBatch(); if (!includeAllStreams && haveExcludedStreams) notices.push(i18n.t('Some extra tracks have been discarded. You can change this option before merging.')); if (!hideAllNotifications) openConcatFinishedToast({ filePath: outPath, notices, warnings }); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof DirectoryAccessDeclinedError) return; if (err.killed === true) { // assume execa killed (aborted by user) return; } console.error('stdout:', err.stdout); console.error('stderr:', err.stderr); if (isExecaFailure(err)) { if (isOutOfSpaceError(err)) { showDiskFull(); return; } const reportState = { includeAllStreams, streams, outFormat, outFileName, segmentsToChapters }; handleConcatFailed(err, reportState); return; } handleError(err); } finally { setWorking(); setCutProgress(); } }, [setWorking, ensureWritableOutDir, customOutDir, segmentsToChapters, concatFiles, ffmpegExperimental, preserveMovData, movFastStart, preserveMetadataOnMerge, closeBatch, hideAllNotifications, handleConcatFailed]); const cleanupFiles = useCallback(async (cleanupChoices2) => { // Store paths before we reset state const savedPaths = { previewFilePath, sourceFilePath: filePath, projectFilePath: projectFileSavePath }; if (cleanupChoices2.closeFile) { batchListRemoveFile(savedPaths.sourceFilePath); // close the file resetState(); } try { setWorking(i18n.t('Cleaning up')); console.log('Cleaning up files', cleanupChoices2); const pathsToDelete = []; if (cleanupChoices2.trashTmpFiles && savedPaths.previewFilePath) pathsToDelete.push(savedPaths.previewFilePath); if (cleanupChoices2.trashProjectFile && savedPaths.projectFilePath) pathsToDelete.push(savedPaths.projectFilePath); if (cleanupChoices2.trashSourceFile && savedPaths.sourceFilePath) pathsToDelete.push(savedPaths.sourceFilePath); await deleteFiles(pathsToDelete, cleanupChoices2.deleteIfTrashFails); } catch (err) { errorToast(i18n.t('Unable to delete file: {{message}}', { message: err.message })); console.error(err); } }, [batchListRemoveFile, filePath, previewFilePath, projectFileSavePath, resetState, setWorking]); const askForCleanupChoices = useCallback(async () => { const trashResponse = await showCleanupFilesDialog(cleanupChoices); if (!trashResponse) return undefined; // Canceled setCleanupChoices(trashResponse); // Store for next time return trashResponse; }, [cleanupChoices, setCleanupChoices]); const cleanupFilesWithDialog = useCallback(async () => { let response = cleanupChoices; if (cleanupChoices.askForCleanup) { response = await askForCleanupChoices(); console.log('trashResponse', response); if (!response) return; // Canceled } await cleanupFiles(response); }, [askForCleanupChoices, cleanupChoices, cleanupFiles]); const cleanupFilesDialog = useCallback(async () => { if (!isFileOpened) return; if (workingRef.current) return; try { await cleanupFilesWithDialog(); } finally { setWorking(); } }, [cleanupFilesWithDialog, isFileOpened, setWorking]); const generateOutSegFileNames = useCallback(({ segments = segmentsToExport, template, forceSafeOutputFileName }) => ( generateOutSegFileNamesRaw({ segments, template, forceSafeOutputFileName, formatTimecode, isCustomFormatSelected, fileFormat, filePath, safeOutputFileName, maxLabelLength, outputFileNameMinZeroPadding }) ), [fileFormat, filePath, formatTimecode, isCustomFormatSelected, maxLabelLength, outputFileNameMinZeroPadding, safeOutputFileName, segmentsToExport]); const getOutSegError = useCallback((fileNames) => getOutSegErrorRaw({ fileNames, filePath, outputDir, safeOutputFileName }), [filePath, outputDir, safeOutputFileName]); const closeExportConfirm = useCallback(() => setExportConfirmVisible(false), []); const willMerge = segmentsToExport.length > 1 && autoMerge; const mergedOutFileName = useMemo(() => { if (customMergedOutFileName != null) return customMergedOutFileName; const ext = getOutFileExtension({ isCustomFormatSelected, outFormat: fileFormat, filePath }); return getSuffixedFileName(filePath, `cut-merged-${new Date().getTime()}${ext}`); }, [customMergedOutFileName, fileFormat, filePath, isCustomFormatSelected]); const mergedOutFilePath = useMemo(() => ( getOutPath({ customOutDir, filePath, fileName: mergedOutFileName }) ), [customOutDir, filePath, mergedOutFileName]); const onExportConfirm = useCallback(async () => { if (numStreamsToCopy === 0) { errorToast(i18n.t('No tracks selected for export')); return; } if (segmentsToExport.length < 1) { return; } if (haveInvalidSegs) { errorToast(i18n.t('Start time must be before end time')); return; } setStreamsSelectorShown(false); setExportConfirmVisible(false); if (workingRef.current) return; try { setWorking(i18n.t('Exporting')); // Special segments-to-chapters mode: let chaptersToAdd; if (segmentsToChaptersOnly) { const sortedSegments = sortSegments(selectedSegmentsOrInverse); if (hasAnySegmentOverlap(sortedSegments)) { errorToast(i18n.t('Make sure you have no overlapping segments.')); return; } chaptersToAdd = convertSegmentsToChapters(sortedSegments); } console.log('outSegTemplateOrDefault', outSegTemplateOrDefault); let outSegFileNames = generateOutSegFileNames({ segments: segmentsToExport, template: outSegTemplateOrDefault }); if (getOutSegError(outSegFileNames) != null) { console.warn('Output segments file name invalid, using default instead', outSegFileNames); outSegFileNames = generateOutSegFileNames({ segments: segmentsToExport, template: defaultOutSegTemplate, forceSafeOutputFileName: true }); } // throw (() => { const err = new Error('test'); err.code = 'ENOENT'; return err; })(); const outFiles = await cutMultiple({ outputDir, customOutDir, outFormat: fileFormat, videoDuration: duration, rotation: isRotationSet ? effectiveRotation : undefined, copyFileStreams, allFilesMeta, keyframeCut, segments: segmentsToExport, outSegFileNames, onProgress: setCutProgress, appendFfmpegCommandLog, shortestFlag, ffmpegExperimental, preserveMovData, preserveMetadataOnMerge, movFastStart, avoidNegativeTs, customTagsByFile, paramsByStreamId, chapters: chaptersToAdd, detectedFps, }); if (willMerge) { setCutProgress(0); setWorking(i18n.t('Merging')); const chapterNames = segmentsToChapters && !invertCutSegments ? => : undefined; await autoConcatCutSegments({ customOutDir, outFormat: fileFormat, segmentPaths: outFiles, ffmpegExperimental, preserveMovData, movFastStart, onProgress: setCutProgress, chapterNames, autoDeleteMergedSegments, preserveMetadataOnMerge, appendFfmpegCommandLog, mergedOutFilePath, }); } const notices = []; const warnings = []; if (!enableOverwriteOutput) warnings.push(i18n.t('Overwrite output setting is disabled and some files might have been skipped.')); if (!exportConfirmEnabled) notices.push(i18n.t('Export options are not shown. You can enable export options by clicking the icon right next to the export button.')); // if (isIphoneHevc(mainFileFormatData, mainStreams)) warnings.push(i18n.t('There is a known issue with cutting iPhone HEVC videos. The output file may not work in all players.')); // if (!ffmpegExperimental && isProblematicAvc1(fileFormat, mainStreams)) warnings.push(i18n.t('There is a known problem with this file type, and the output might not be playable. You can work around this problem by enabling the "Experimental flag" under Settings.')); if (exportExtraStreams) { try { setCutProgress(); // If extracting extra streams takes a long time, prevent loader from being stuck at 100% setWorking(i18n.t('Extracting {{count}} unprocessable tracks', { count: nonCopiedExtraStreams.length })); await extractStreams({ filePath, customOutDir, streams: nonCopiedExtraStreams, enableOverwriteOutput }); notices.push(i18n.t('Unprocessable streams were exported as separate files.')); } catch (err) { console.error('Extra stream export failed', err); warnings.push(i18n.t('Unable to export unprocessable streams.')); } } if (areWeCutting) notices.push(i18n.t('Cutpoints may be inaccurate.')); const revealPath = willMerge ? mergedOutFilePath : outFiles[0]; if (!hideAllNotifications) openExportFinishedToast({ filePath: revealPath, warnings, notices }); if (cleanupChoices.cleanupAfterExport) await cleanupFilesWithDialog(); } catch (err) { if (err.killed === true) { // assume execa killed (aborted by user) return; } console.error('stdout:', err.stdout); console.error('stderr:', err.stderr); if (isExecaFailure(err)) { if (isOutOfSpaceError(err)) { showDiskFull(); return; } handleExportFailed(err); return; } handleError(err); } finally { setWorking(); setCutProgress(); } }, [numStreamsToCopy, segmentsToExport, haveInvalidSegs, setWorking, segmentsToChaptersOnly, outSegTemplateOrDefault, generateOutSegFileNames, getOutSegError, cutMultiple, outputDir, customOutDir, fileFormat, duration, isRotationSet, effectiveRotation, copyFileStreams, allFilesMeta, keyframeCut, shortestFlag, ffmpegExperimental, preserveMovData, preserveMetadataOnMerge, movFastStart, avoidNegativeTs, customTagsByFile, paramsByStreamId, detectedFps, willMerge, enableOverwriteOutput, exportConfirmEnabled, mainFileFormatData, mainStreams, exportExtraStreams, areWeCutting, mergedOutFilePath, hideAllNotifications, cleanupChoices.cleanupAfterExport, cleanupFilesWithDialog, selectedSegmentsOrInverse, segmentsToChapters, invertCutSegments, autoConcatCutSegments, autoDeleteMergedSegments, nonCopiedExtraStreams, filePath, handleExportFailed]); const onExportPress = useCallback(async () => { if (!filePath) return; if (!exportConfirmEnabled || exportConfirmVisible) { await onExportConfirm(); } else { setExportConfirmVisible(true); } }, [filePath, exportConfirmEnabled, exportConfirmVisible, onExportConfirm]); const captureSnapshot = useCallback(async () => { if (!filePath) return; try { const currentTime = getRelevantTime(); const video = videoRef.current; const useFffmpeg = usingPreviewFile || captureFrameMethod === 'ffmpeg'; const outPath = useFffmpeg ? await captureFrameFromFfmpeg({ customOutDir, filePath, fromTime: currentTime, captureFormat, quality: captureFrameQuality }) : await captureFrameFromTag({ customOutDir, filePath, currentTime, captureFormat, video, quality: captureFrameQuality }); if (!hideAllNotifications) openDirToast({ icon: 'success', filePath: outPath, text: `${i18n.t('Screenshot captured to:')} ${outPath}` }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); errorToast(i18n.t('Failed to capture frame')); } }, [filePath, getRelevantTime, usingPreviewFile, captureFrameMethod, captureFrameFromFfmpeg, customOutDir, captureFormat, captureFrameQuality, captureFrameFromTag, hideAllNotifications]); const extractSegmentFramesAsImages = useCallback(async (segIds) => { if (!filePath || detectedFps == null || workingRef.current) return; const segments = apparentCutSegments.filter((seg) => segIds.includes(seg.segId)); const segmentsNumFrames = segments.reduce((acc, { start, end }) => acc + getFrameCount(end - start) ?? 0, 0); const captureFramesResponse = await askExtractFramesAsImages({ segmentsNumFrames, plural: segments.length > 1, fps: detectedFps }); if (captureFramesResponse == null) return; try { setWorking(i18n.t('Extracting frames')); console.log('Extracting frames as images', { segIds, captureFramesResponse }); setCutProgress(0); let lastOutPath; let totalProgress = 0; const onProgress = (progress) => { totalProgress += progress; setCutProgress(totalProgress / segments.length); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for (const segment of segments) { const { start, end } = segment; // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop lastOutPath = await captureFramesRange({ customOutDir, filePath, fps: detectedFps, fromTime: start, toTime: end, estimatedMaxNumFiles: captureFramesResponse.estimatedMaxNumFiles, captureFormat, quality: captureFrameQuality, filter: captureFramesResponse.filter, outputTimestamps: captureFrameFileNameFormat === 'timestamp', onProgress }); } if (!hideAllNotifications) openDirToast({ icon: 'success', filePath: lastOutPath, text: i18n.t('Frames extracted to: {{path}}', { path: outputDir }) }); } catch (err) { handleError(err); } finally { setWorking(); setCutProgress(); } }, [apparentCutSegments, captureFormat, captureFrameFileNameFormat, captureFrameQuality, captureFramesRange, customOutDir, detectedFps, filePath, getFrameCount, hideAllNotifications, outputDir, setWorking]); const extractCurrentSegmentFramesAsImages = useCallback(() => extractSegmentFramesAsImages([currentCutSeg?.segId]), [currentCutSeg?.segId, extractSegmentFramesAsImages]); const extractSelectedSegmentsFramesAsImages = useCallback(() => extractSegmentFramesAsImages( => seg.segId)), [extractSegmentFramesAsImages, selectedSegments]); const changePlaybackRate = useCallback((dir, rateMultiplier) => { if (canvasPlayerEnabled) {{ title: i18n.t('Unable to change playback rate right now'), timer: 1000 }); return; } const video = videoRef.current; if (!playing) {; } else { const newRate = adjustRate(video.playbackRate, dir, rateMultiplier);{ title: `${i18n.t('Playback rate:')} ${Math.round(newRate * 100)}%`, timer: 1000 }); video.playbackRate = newRate; } }, [playing, canvasPlayerEnabled]); const segmentAtCursor = useMemo(() => { const segmentsAtCursorIndexes = findSegmentsAtCursor(apparentCutSegments, commandedTime); const firstSegmentAtCursorIndex = segmentsAtCursorIndexes[0]; return cutSegments[firstSegmentAtCursorIndex]; }, [apparentCutSegments, commandedTime, cutSegments]); const loadEdlFile = useCallback(async ({ path, type, append }) => { console.log('Loading EDL file', type, path, append); loadCutSegments(await readEdlFile({ type, path }), append); }, [loadCutSegments]); const loadMedia = useCallback(async ({ filePath: fp, projectPath }) => { async function tryOpenProjectPath(path, type) { if (!(await exists(path))) return false; await loadEdlFile({ path, type }); return true; } const storeProjectInSourceDir = !storeProjectInWorkingDir; async function tryFindAndLoadProjectFile({ chapters, cod }) { try { // First try to open from from working dir if (await tryOpenProjectPath(getEdlFilePath(fp, cod), 'llc')) return; // then try to open project from source file dir const sameDirEdlFilePath = getEdlFilePath(fp); // MAS only allows fs.stat (fs-extra.exists) if we don't have access to input dir yet, so check first if the file exists, // so we don't need to annoy the user by asking for permission if the project file doesn't exist if (await exists(sameDirEdlFilePath)) { // Ok, the file exists. now we have to ask the user, because we need to read that file await ensureAccessToSourceDir(fp); // Ok, we got access from the user (or already have access), now read the project file await loadEdlFile({ path: sameDirEdlFilePath, type: 'llc' }); } // then finally old csv style project if (await tryOpenProjectPath(getEdlFilePathOld(fp, cod), 'csv')) return; // OK, we didn't find a project file, instead maybe try to create project (segments) from chapters const edl = await tryMapChaptersToEdl(chapters); if (edl.length > 0 && enableAskForImportChapters && (await askForImportChapters())) { console.log('Convert chapters to segments', edl); loadCutSegments(edl); } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof DirectoryAccessDeclinedError) throw err; console.error('EDL load failed, but continuing', err); errorToast(`${i18n.t('Failed to load segments')} (${err.message})`); } } setWorking(i18n.t('Loading file')); try { // Need to check if file is actually readable const pathReadAccessErrorCode = await getPathReadAccessError(fp); if (pathReadAccessErrorCode != null) { let errorMessage; if (pathReadAccessErrorCode === 'ENOENT') errorMessage = i18n.t('The media you tried to open does not exist'); else if (['EACCES', 'EPERM'].includes(pathReadAccessErrorCode)) errorMessage = i18n.t('You do not have permission to access this file'); else errorMessage = i18n.t('Could not open media due to error {{errorCode}}', { errorCode: pathReadAccessErrorCode }); errorToast(errorMessage); return; } // Not sure why this one is needed, but I think sometimes fs.access doesn't fail but it fails when actually trying to read if (!(await havePermissionToReadFile(fp))) { errorToast(i18n.t('You do not have permission to access this file')); return; } const fileMeta = await readFileMeta(fp); // console.log('file meta read', fileMeta); const fileFormatNew = await getSmarterOutFormat({ filePath: fp, fileMeta }); if (!fileFormatNew) throw new Error('Unable to determine file format'); const timecode = autoLoadTimecode ? getTimecodeFromStreams(fileMeta.streams) : undefined; const videoStreams = getRealVideoStreams(fileMeta.streams); const audioStreams = getAudioStreams(fileMeta.streams); const videoStream = videoStreams[0]; const audioStream = audioStreams[0]; const haveVideoStream = !!videoStream; const haveAudioStream = !!audioStream; const copyStreamIdsForPathNew = fromPairs( => [ stream.index, shouldCopyStreamByDefault(stream), ])); const validDuration = isDurationValid(parseFloat(fileMeta.format.duration)); const hevcPlaybackSupported = enableNativeHevc && await hevcPlaybackSupportedPromise; // need to ensure we have access to write to working directory const cod = await ensureWritableOutDir({ inputPath: fp, outDir: customOutDir }); // if storeProjectInSourceDir is true, we will be writing project file to input path's dir, so ensure that one too if (storeProjectInSourceDir) await ensureAccessToSourceDir(fp); const existingHtml5FriendlyFile = await findExistingHtml5FriendlyFile(fp, cod); const needsAutoHtml5ify = !existingHtml5FriendlyFile && !willPlayerProperlyHandleVideo({ streams: fileMeta.streams, hevcPlaybackSupported }) && validDuration; // BEGIN STATE UPDATES: console.log('loadMedia', fp, cod, projectPath); resetState(); if (existingHtml5FriendlyFile) { console.log('Found existing html5 friendly file', existingHtml5FriendlyFile.path); setUsingDummyVideo(existingHtml5FriendlyFile.usingDummyVideo); setPreviewFilePath(existingHtml5FriendlyFile.path); } if (needsAutoHtml5ify) { // Try to auto-html5ify if there are known issues with this file // 'fastest' works with almost all video files await html5ifyAndLoadWithPreferences(cod, fp, 'fastest', haveVideoStream, haveAudioStream); } if (projectPath) { await loadEdlFile({ path: projectPath, type: 'llc' }); } else { await tryFindAndLoadProjectFile({ chapters: fileMeta.chapters, cod }); } // throw new Error('test'); if (timecode) setStartTimeOffset(timecode); setDetectedFps(haveVideoStream ? getStreamFps(videoStream) : undefined); if (!haveVideoStream) setWaveformMode('big-waveform'); setMainFileMeta({ streams: fileMeta.streams, formatData: fileMeta.format, chapters: fileMeta.chapters }); setMainVideoStream(videoStream); setMainAudioStream(audioStream); setCopyStreamIdsForPath(fp, () => copyStreamIdsForPathNew); setFileFormat(outFormatLocked || fileFormatNew); setDetectedFileFormat(fileFormatNew); // only show one toast, or else we will only show the last one if (existingHtml5FriendlyFile) { showPreviewFileLoadedMessage(basename(existingHtml5FriendlyFile.path)); } else if (needsAutoHtml5ify) { showUnsupportedFileMessage(); } else if (isAudioDefinitelyNotSupported(fileMeta.streams)) { if (!hideAllNotifications){ icon: 'info', text: i18n.t('The audio track is not supported. You can convert to a supported format from the menu') }); } else if (!validDuration) {{ icon: 'warning', timer: 10000, text: i18n.t('This file does not have a valid duration. This may cause issues. You can try to fix the file\'s duration from the File menu') }); } // This needs to be last, because it triggers