import pMap from 'p-map'; import sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy'; import i18n from 'i18next'; import Timecode from 'smpte-timecode'; import minBy from 'lodash/minBy'; import { pcmAudioCodecs, getMapStreamsArgs, isMov } from './util/streams'; import { getSuffixedOutPath, isExecaFailure } from './util'; import { isDurationValid } from './segments'; const FileType = window.require('file-type'); const { pathExists } = window.require('fs-extra'); const remote = window.require('@electron/remote'); const { renderWaveformPng, mapTimesToSegments, detectSceneChanges, captureFrames, captureFrame, getFfCommandLine, runFfmpegConcat, runFfmpegWithProgress, html5ify, getDuration, abortFfmpegs, runFfmpeg, runFfprobe, getFfmpegPath, setCustomFfPath } = remote.require('./ffmpeg'); export { renderWaveformPng, mapTimesToSegments, detectSceneChanges, captureFrames, captureFrame, getFfCommandLine, runFfmpegConcat, runFfmpegWithProgress, html5ify, getDuration, abortFfmpegs, runFfprobe, getFfmpegPath, setCustomFfPath }; export class RefuseOverwriteError extends Error {} export function logStdoutStderr({ stdout, stderr }) { if (stdout.length > 0) { console.log('%cSTDOUT:', 'color: green; font-weight: bold'); console.log(stdout); } if (stderr.length > 0) { console.log('%cSTDERR:', 'color: blue; font-weight: bold'); console.log(stderr); } } export function isCuttingStart(cutFrom) { return cutFrom > 0; } export function isCuttingEnd(cutTo, duration) { if (!isDurationValid(duration)) return true; return cutTo < duration; } function getIntervalAroundTime(time, window) { return { from: Math.max(time - window / 2, 0), to: time + window / 2, }; } export async function readFrames({ filePath, from, to, streamIndex }) { const intervalsArgs = from != null && to != null ? ['-read_intervals', `${from}%${to}`] : []; const { stdout } = await runFfprobe(['-v', 'error', ...intervalsArgs, '-show_packets', '-select_streams', streamIndex, '-show_entries', 'packet=pts_time,flags', '-of', 'json', filePath]); const packetsFiltered = JSON.parse(stdout).packets .map(p => ({ keyframe: p.flags[0] === 'K', time: parseFloat(p.pts_time, 10), createdAt: new Date(), })) .filter(p => !Number.isNaN(p.time)); return sortBy(packetsFiltered, 'time'); } export async function readFramesAroundTime({ filePath, streamIndex, aroundTime, window }) { if (aroundTime == null) throw new Error('aroundTime was nullish'); const { from, to } = getIntervalAroundTime(aroundTime, window); return readFrames({ filePath, from, to, streamIndex }); } export async function readKeyframesAroundTime({ filePath, streamIndex, aroundTime, window }) { const frames = await readFramesAroundTime({ filePath, aroundTime, streamIndex, window }); return frames.filter((frame) => frame.keyframe); } export const findKeyframeAtExactTime = (keyframes, time) => keyframes.find((keyframe) => Math.abs(keyframe.time - time) < 0.000001); export const findNextKeyframe = (keyframes, time) => keyframes.find((keyframe) => keyframe.time >= time); // (assume they are already sorted) const findPreviousKeyframe = (keyframes, time) => keyframes.findLast((keyframe) => keyframe.time <= time); const findNearestKeyframe = (keyframes, time) => minBy(keyframes, (keyframe) => Math.abs(keyframe.time - time)); function findKeyframe(keyframes, time, mode) { switch (mode) { case 'nearest': return findNearestKeyframe(keyframes, time); case 'before': return findPreviousKeyframe(keyframes, time); case 'after': return findNextKeyframe(keyframes, time); default: return undefined; } } export async function findKeyframeNearTime({ filePath, streamIndex, time, mode }) { let keyframes = await readKeyframesAroundTime({ filePath, streamIndex, aroundTime: time, window: 10 }); let nearByKeyframe = findKeyframe(keyframes, time, mode); if (!nearByKeyframe) { keyframes = await readKeyframesAroundTime({ filePath, streamIndex, aroundTime: time, window: 60 }); nearByKeyframe = findKeyframe(keyframes, time, mode); } if (!nearByKeyframe) return undefined; return nearByKeyframe.time; } // todo this is not in use // // export function getSafeCutTime(frames, cutTime, nextMode) { const sigma = 0.01; const isCloseTo = (time1, time2) => Math.abs(time1 - time2) < sigma; let index; if (frames.length < 2) throw new Error(i18n.t('Less than 2 frames found')); if (nextMode) { index = frames.findIndex(f => f.keyframe && f.time >= cutTime - sigma); if (index === -1) throw new Error(i18n.t('Failed to find next keyframe')); if (index >= frames.length - 1) throw new Error(i18n.t('We are on the last frame')); const { time } = frames[index]; if (isCloseTo(time, cutTime)) { return undefined; // Already on keyframe, no need to modify cut time } return time; } const findReverseIndex = (arr, cb) => { const ret = [...arr].reverse().findIndex(cb); if (ret === -1) return -1; return arr.length - 1 - ret; }; index = findReverseIndex(frames, f => f.time <= cutTime + sigma); if (index === -1) throw new Error(i18n.t('Failed to find any prev frame')); if (index === 0) throw new Error(i18n.t('We are on the first frame')); if (index === frames.length - 1) { // Last frame of video, no need to modify cut time return undefined; } if (frames[index + 1].keyframe) { // Already on frame before keyframe, no need to modify cut time return undefined; } // We are not on a frame before keyframe, look for preceding keyframe instead index = findReverseIndex(frames, f => f.keyframe && f.time <= cutTime + sigma); if (index === -1) throw new Error(i18n.t('Failed to find any prev keyframe')); if (index === 0) throw new Error(i18n.t('We are on the first keyframe')); // Use frame before the found keyframe return frames[index - 1].time; } export function findNearestKeyFrameTime({ frames, time, direction, fps }) { const sigma = fps ? (1 / fps) : 0.1; const keyframes = frames.filter(f => f.keyframe && (direction > 0 ? f.time > time + sigma : f.time < time - sigma)); if (keyframes.length === 0) return undefined; const nearestKeyFrame = sortBy(keyframes, keyframe => (direction > 0 ? keyframe.time - time : time - keyframe.time))[0]; if (!nearestKeyFrame) return undefined; return nearestKeyFrame.time; } export async function tryMapChaptersToEdl(chapters) { try { return => { const start = parseFloat(chapter.start_time); const end = parseFloat(chapter.end_time); if (Number.isNaN(start) || Number.isNaN(end)) return undefined; const name = chapter.tags && typeof chapter.tags.title === 'string' ? chapter.tags.title : undefined; return { start, end, name, }; }).filter((it) => it); } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to read chapters from file', err); return []; } } export async function createChaptersFromSegments({ segmentPaths, chapterNames }) { if (!chapterNames) return undefined; try { const durations = await pMap(segmentPaths, (segmentPath) => getDuration(segmentPath), { concurrency: 3 }); let timeAt = 0; return, i) => { const ret = { start: timeAt, end: timeAt + duration, name: chapterNames[i] }; timeAt += duration; return ret; }); } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to create chapters from segments', err); return undefined; } } /** * ffmpeg only supports encoding certain formats, and some of the detected input * formats are not the same as the muxer name used for encoding. * Therefore we have to map between detected input format and encode format * See also ffmpeg -formats */ function mapDefaultFormat({ streams, requestedFormat }) { if (requestedFormat === 'mp4') { // Only MOV supports these codecs, so default to MOV instead if (streams.some((stream) => pcmAudioCodecs.includes(stream.codec_name))) { return 'mov'; } } // see sample.aac if (requestedFormat === 'aac') return 'adts'; return requestedFormat; } async function determineOutputFormat(ffprobeFormatsStr, filePath) { const ffprobeFormats = (ffprobeFormatsStr || '').split(',').map((str) => str.trim()).filter((str) => str); if (ffprobeFormats.length === 0) { console.warn('ffprobe returned unknown formats', ffprobeFormatsStr); return undefined; } const [firstFfprobeFormat] = ffprobeFormats; if (ffprobeFormats.length === 1) return firstFfprobeFormat; // If ffprobe returned a list of formats, try to be a bit smarter about it. // This should only be the case for matroska and mov. See `ffmpeg -formats` if (!['matroska', 'mov'].includes(firstFfprobeFormat)) { console.warn('Unknown ffprobe format list', ffprobeFormats); return firstFfprobeFormat; } const fileTypeResponse = await FileType.fromFile(filePath); if (fileTypeResponse == null) { console.warn('file-type failed to detect format, defaulting to first', ffprobeFormats); return firstFfprobeFormat; } // // // switch (fileTypeResponse.mime) { case 'video/x-matroska': return 'matroska'; case 'video/webm': return 'webm'; case 'video/quicktime': return 'mov'; case 'video/3gpp2': return '3g2'; case 'video/3gpp': return '3gp'; // These two cmds produce identical output, so we assume that encoding "ipod" means encoding m4a // ffmpeg -i example.aac -c copy OutputFile2.m4a // ffmpeg -i example.aac -c copy -f ipod OutputFile.m4a // See also case 'audio/x-m4a': case 'audio/mp4': return 'ipod'; case 'image/avif': case 'image/heif': case 'image/heif-sequence': case 'image/heic': case 'image/heic-sequence': case 'video/x-m4v': case 'video/mp4': case 'image/x-canon-cr3': return 'mp4'; default: { console.warn('file-type returned unknown format', ffprobeFormats, fileTypeResponse.mime); return firstFfprobeFormat; } } } export async function getSmarterOutFormat({ filePath, fileMeta: { format, streams } }) { const formatsStr = format.format_name; const assumedFormat = await determineOutputFormat(formatsStr, filePath); return mapDefaultFormat({ streams, requestedFormat: assumedFormat }); } export async function readFileMeta(filePath) { try { const { stdout } = await runFfprobe([ '-of', 'json', '-show_chapters', '-show_format', '-show_entries', 'stream', '-i', filePath, '-hide_banner', ]); let parsedJson; try { // parsedJson = JSON.parse(stdout); } catch (err) { console.log('ffprobe stdout', stdout); throw new Error('ffprobe returned malformed data'); } const { streams = [], format = {}, chapters = [] } = parsedJson; return { format, streams, chapters }; } catch (err) { // Windows will throw error with code ENOENT if format detection fails. if (isExecaFailure(err)) { const err2 = new Error(`Unsupported file: ${err.message}`); err2.code = 'LLC_FFPROBE_UNSUPPORTED_FILE'; throw err2; } throw err; } } function getPreferredCodecFormat(stream) { const map = { mp3: { format: 'mp3', ext: 'mp3' }, opus: { format: 'opus', ext: 'opus' }, vorbis: { format: 'ogg', ext: 'ogg' }, h264: { format: 'mp4', ext: 'mp4' }, hevc: { format: 'mp4', ext: 'mp4' }, eac3: { format: 'eac3', ext: 'eac3' }, subrip: { format: 'srt', ext: 'srt' }, mov_text: { format: 'mp4', ext: 'mp4' }, m4a: { format: 'ipod', ext: 'm4a' }, aac: { format: 'adts', ext: 'aac' }, jpeg: { format: 'image2', ext: 'jpeg' }, png: { format: 'image2', ext: 'png' }, // TODO add more // TODO allow user to change? }; const match = map[stream.codec_name]; if (match) return match; // default fallbacks: if (stream.codec_type === 'video') return { ext: 'mkv', format: 'matroska' }; if (stream.codec_type === 'audio') return { ext: 'mka', format: 'matroska' }; if (stream.codec_type === 'subtitle') return { ext: 'mks', format: 'matroska' }; if (stream.codec_type === 'data') return { ext: 'bin', format: 'data' }; // return undefined; } async function extractNonAttachmentStreams({ customOutDir, filePath, streams, enableOverwriteOutput }) { if (streams.length === 0) return []; const outStreams = => ({ index: s.index, codec: s.codec_name || s.codec_tag_string || s.codec_type, type: s.codec_type, format: getPreferredCodecFormat(s), })) .filter(({ format, index }) => format != null && index != null); // console.log(outStreams); let streamArgs = []; const outPaths = await pMap(outStreams, async ({ index, codec, type, format: { format, ext } }) => { const outPath = getSuffixedOutPath({ customOutDir, filePath, nameSuffix: `stream-${index}-${type}-${codec}.${ext}` }); if (!enableOverwriteOutput && await pathExists(outPath)) throw new RefuseOverwriteError(); streamArgs = [ ...streamArgs, '-map', `0:${index}`, '-c', 'copy', '-f', format, '-y', outPath, ]; return outPath; }, { concurrency: 1 }); const ffmpegArgs = [ '-hide_banner', '-i', filePath, ...streamArgs, ]; const { stdout } = await runFfmpeg(ffmpegArgs); console.log(stdout); return outPaths; } async function extractAttachmentStreams({ customOutDir, filePath, streams, enableOverwriteOutput }) { if (streams.length === 0) return []; console.log('Extracting', streams.length, 'attachment streams'); let streamArgs = []; const outPaths = await pMap(streams, async ({ index, codec_name: codec, codec_type: type }) => { const ext = codec || 'bin'; const outPath = getSuffixedOutPath({ customOutDir, filePath, nameSuffix: `stream-${index}-${type}-${codec}.${ext}` }); if (!enableOverwriteOutput && await pathExists(outPath)) throw new RefuseOverwriteError(); streamArgs = [ ...streamArgs, `-dump_attachment:${index}`, outPath, ]; return outPath; }, { concurrency: 1 }); const ffmpegArgs = [ '-y', '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'error', ...streamArgs, '-i', filePath, ]; try { const { stdout } = await runFfmpeg(ffmpegArgs); console.log(stdout); } catch (err) { // Unfortunately ffmpeg will exit with code 1 even though it's a success // Note: This is kind of hacky: if (err.exitCode === 1 && typeof err.stderr === 'string' && err.stderr.includes('At least one output file must be specified')) return outPaths; throw err; } return outPaths; } // export async function extractStreams({ filePath, customOutDir, streams, enableOverwriteOutput }) { const attachmentStreams = streams.filter((s) => s.codec_type === 'attachment'); const nonAttachmentStreams = streams.filter((s) => s.codec_type !== 'attachment'); // TODO progress // Attachment streams are handled differently from normal streams return [ ...(await extractNonAttachmentStreams({ customOutDir, filePath, streams: nonAttachmentStreams, enableOverwriteOutput })), ...(await extractAttachmentStreams({ customOutDir, filePath, streams: attachmentStreams, enableOverwriteOutput })), ]; } async function renderThumbnail(filePath, timestamp) { const args = [ '-ss', timestamp, '-i', filePath, '-vf', 'scale=-2:200', '-f', 'image2', '-vframes', '1', '-q:v', '10', '-', ]; const { stdout } = await runFfmpeg(args, { encoding: null }); const blob = new Blob([stdout], { type: 'image/jpeg' }); return URL.createObjectURL(blob); } export async function extractSubtitleTrack(filePath, streamId) { const args = [ '-hide_banner', '-i', filePath, '-map', `0:${streamId}`, '-f', 'webvtt', '-', ]; const { stdout } = await runFfmpeg(args, { encoding: null }); const blob = new Blob([stdout], { type: 'text/vtt' }); return URL.createObjectURL(blob); } export async function renderThumbnails({ filePath, from, duration, onThumbnail }) { // Time first render to determine how many to render const startTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000; let url = await renderThumbnail(filePath, from); const endTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000; onThumbnail({ time: from, url }); // Aim for max 3 sec to render all const numThumbs = Math.floor(Math.min(Math.max(3 / (endTime - startTime), 3), 10)); // console.log(numThumbs); const thumbTimes = Array(numThumbs - 1).fill().map((unused, i) => (from + ((duration * (i + 1)) / (numThumbs)))); // console.log(thumbTimes); await pMap(thumbTimes, async (time) => { url = await renderThumbnail(filePath, time); onThumbnail({ time, url }); }, { concurrency: 2 }); } export async function extractWaveform({ filePath, outPath }) { const numSegs = 10; const duration = 60 * 60; const maxLen = 0.1; const segments = Array(numSegs).fill().map((unused, i) => [i * (duration / numSegs), Math.min(duration / numSegs, maxLen)]); // let filter =[from, len], i) => `[0:a]atrim=start=${from}:end=${from + len},asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS[a${i}]`).join(';'); filter += ';'; filter +=, i) => `[a${i}]`).join(''); filter += `concat=n=${segments.length}:v=0:a=1[out]`; console.time('ffmpeg'); await runFfmpeg([ '-i', filePath, '-filter_complex', filter, '-map', '[out]', '-f', 'wav', '-y', outPath, ]); console.timeEnd('ffmpeg'); } export function isIphoneHevc(format, streams) { if (!streams.some((s) => s.codec_name === 'hevc')) return false; const makeTag = format.tags && format.tags['']; const modelTag = format.tags && format.tags['']; return (makeTag === 'Apple' && modelTag.startsWith('iPhone')); } export function isProblematicAvc1(outFormat, streams) { // it seems like this only happens for files that are also 4.2.2 10bit (yuv422p10le) // return isMov(outFormat) && streams.some((s) => s.codec_name === 'h264' && s.codec_tag === '0x31637661' && s.codec_tag_string === 'avc1' && s.pix_fmt === 'yuv422p10le'); } function parseFfprobeFps(stream) { const match = typeof stream.avg_frame_rate === 'string' && stream.avg_frame_rate.match(/^([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)$/); if (!match) return undefined; const num = parseInt(match[1], 10); const den = parseInt(match[2], 10); if (den > 0) return num / den; return undefined; } export function getStreamFps(stream) { if (stream.codec_type === 'video') { const fps = parseFfprobeFps(stream); return fps; } if (stream.codec_type === 'audio') { if (typeof stream.sample_rate === 'string') { const sampleRate = parseInt(stream.sample_rate, 10); if (!Number.isNaN(sampleRate) && sampleRate > 0) { if (stream.codec_name === 'mp3') { // const frameSize = 1152; return sampleRate / frameSize; } if (stream.codec_name === 'aac') { // const frameSize = 1024; return sampleRate / frameSize; } } } } return undefined; } function parseTimecode(str, frameRate) { // console.log(str, frameRate); const t = Timecode(str, frameRate ? parseFloat(frameRate.toFixed(3)) : undefined); if (!t) return undefined; const seconds = ((t.hours * 60) + t.minutes) * 60 + t.seconds + (t.frames / t.frameRate); return Number.isFinite(seconds) ? seconds : undefined; } export function getTimecodeFromStreams(streams) { console.log('Trying to load timecode'); let foundTimecode; streams.find((stream) => { try { if (stream.tags && stream.tags.timecode) { const fps = getStreamFps(stream); foundTimecode = parseTimecode(stream.tags.timecode, fps); console.log('Loaded timecode', stream.tags.timecode, 'from stream', stream.index); return true; } return undefined; } catch (err) { // console.warn('Failed to parse timecode from file streams', err); return undefined; } }); return foundTimecode; } export async function runFfmpegStartupCheck() { // will throw if exit code != 0 await runFfmpeg(['-hide_banner', '-f', 'lavfi', '-i', 'nullsrc=s=256x256:d=1', '-f', 'null', '-']); } // export const getExperimentalArgs = (ffmpegExperimental) => (ffmpegExperimental ? ['-strict', 'experimental'] : []); export const getVideoTimescaleArgs = (videoTimebase) => (videoTimebase != null ? ['-video_track_timescale', videoTimebase] : []); // inspired by export async function cutEncodeSmartPart({ filePath, cutFrom, cutTo, outPath, outFormat, videoCodec, videoBitrate, videoTimebase, allFilesMeta, copyFileStreams, videoStreamIndex, ffmpegExperimental }) { function getVideoArgs({ streamIndex, outputIndex }) { if (streamIndex !== videoStreamIndex) return undefined; const args = [ `-c:${outputIndex}`, videoCodec, `-b:${outputIndex}`, videoBitrate, ]; // seems like ffmpeg handles this itself well when encoding same source file // if (videoLevel != null) args.push(`-level:${outputIndex}`, videoLevel); // if (videoProfile != null) args.push(`-profile:${outputIndex}`, videoProfile); return args; } const mapStreamsArgs = getMapStreamsArgs({ allFilesMeta, copyFileStreams, outFormat, getVideoArgs, }); const ffmpegArgs = [ '-hide_banner', // No progress if we set loglevel warning :( // '-loglevel', 'warning', '-ss', cutFrom.toFixed(5), // if we don't -ss before -i, seeking will be slow for long files, see '-i', filePath, '-ss', '0', // If we don't do this, the output seems to start with an empty black after merging with the encoded part '-t', (cutTo - cutFrom).toFixed(5), ...mapStreamsArgs, // See '-ignore_unknown', ...getVideoTimescaleArgs(videoTimebase), ...getExperimentalArgs(ffmpegExperimental), '-f', outFormat, '-y', outPath, ]; await runFfmpeg(ffmpegArgs); }