import execa from 'execa'; import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'; // we need a wrapper script because altool tends to error out very often // // and it errors if binary already exists, we want it to just silently fail in that case const args = process.argv.slice(2); const filePath = args[0]; const apiKey = args[1]; const apiIssuer = args[2]; const appleId = args[3]; const bundleId = args[4]; // seems to be the same const ascPublicId = apiIssuer; const packageJson = JSON.parse(await readFile(new URL('../package.json', import.meta.url))); console.log('Using version', packageJson.version); const packageVersion = packageJson.version; // const packageVersion = '3.39.2'; const bundleVersion = packageVersion; const bundleShortVersionString = packageVersion; /* Example JSON response: { "tool-version": "4.060.1220", "tool-path": "\\/Applications\\/\\/Contents\\/SharedFrameworks\\/ContentDeliveryServices.framework\\/Versions\\/A\\/Frameworks\\/AppStoreService.framework", "os-version": "11.6.0", "product-errors": [ { "message": "Unable to upload archive.", "userInfo": { "NSLocalizedDescription": "Unable to upload archive.", "NSLocalizedFailureReason": "The file 'test' cannot be found." }, "code": -43 }, { "message": "Unable to upload archive.", "userInfo": { "NSLocalizedDescription": "Unable to upload archive.", "NSLocalizedFailureReason": "--upload-app is missing one or more required options: --type." }, "code": -1027 } ] } */ async function runAttempt() { // const xcrunArgs = ['altool', '--list-apps', '--output-format', 'json', '--apiKey', apiKey, '--apiIssuer', apiIssuer]; const xcrunArgs = [ 'altool', '--output-format', 'json', '--upload-package', filePath, '--type', 'macos', '--apiKey', apiKey, '--apiIssuer', apiIssuer, '--asc-public-id', ascPublicId, '--apple-id', appleId, '--bundle-id', bundleId, '--bundle-version', bundleVersion, '--bundle-short-version-string', bundleShortVersionString, ]; try { const { stdout } = await execa('xcrun', xcrunArgs); console.log('stdout', stdout); return false; } catch (err) { if (err.exitCode === 1 && err.stdout) { const errorJson = JSON.parse(err.stdout); const productErrors = errorJson['product-errors']; // Unable to authenticate if (productErrors.some((error) => error.code === -19209)) { console.log(productErrors); return true; // retry } // "The bundle version, x.y.z, must be a higher than the previously uploaded version." if (productErrors.some((error) => error.code === -19210)) { console.log(productErrors); // ignore return false; } } throw err; } } const maxRetries = 3; async function run() { for (let i = 0; i < maxRetries; i += 1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const wantRetry = await runAttempt(); if (!wantRetry) return; // success console.log('Retrying soon'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); } console.log('gave up'); process.exitCode = 1; } await run();