Add function to create number of segments #469

Mikael Finstad 2020-11-21 00:04:08 +01:00
rodzic a5a58ca8a1
commit 7da209b253
3 zmienionych plików z 69 dodań i 8 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -117,6 +117,18 @@ module.exports = (app, mainWindow, newVersion) => {
{ role: 'copy' },
{ role: 'paste' },
{ role: 'selectall' },
{ type: 'separator' },
label: 'Segments',
submenu: [
label: 'Create num segments',
click() {

Wyświetl plik

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import {
getOutPath, formatDuration, toast, errorToast, showFfmpegFail, setFileNameTitle,
promptTimeOffset, generateColor, getOutDir, withBlur, checkDirWriteAccess, dirExists, askForOutDir,
openDirToast, askForHtml5ifySpeed, askForYouTubeInput, isMasBuild, isStoreBuild, askForFileOpenAction,
askForImportChapters, createNumSegments,
} from './util';
import { openSendReportDialog } from './reporting';
import { fallbackLng } from './i18n';
@ -1386,6 +1386,12 @@ const App = memo(() => {
}, [addStreamSourceFile, isFileOpened, load, mergeFiles, assureOutDirAccess, enableAskForFileOpenAction]);
const checkFileOpened = useCallback(() => {
if (isFileOpened) return true;{ icon: 'info', title: i18n.t('You need to open a media file first') });
return false;
}, [isFileOpened]);
const onDrop = useCallback(async (ev) => {
const { files } = ev.dataTransfer;
@ -1394,11 +1400,12 @@ const App = memo(() => {
if (filePaths.length === 1 && filePaths[0].toLowerCase().endsWith('.csv')) {
if (!checkFileOpened()) return;
}, [userOpenFiles, loadEdlFile]);
}, [userOpenFiles, loadEdlFile, checkFileOpened]);
const html5ifyInternal = useCallback(async ({ customOutDir: cod, filePath: fp, speed, hasAudio: ha, hasVideo: hv }) => {
const path = getHtml5ifiedPath(cod, fp, speed);
@ -1519,7 +1526,7 @@ const App = memo(() => {
async function exportEdlFile() {
try {
if (!isFileOpened) return;
if (!checkFileOpened()) return;
const { canceled, filePath: fp } = await dialog.showSaveDialog({ defaultPath: `${new Date().getTime()}.csv`, filters: [{ name: i18n.t('CSV files'), extensions: ['csv'] }] });
if (canceled || !fp) return;
if (await exists(fp)) {
@ -1534,10 +1541,7 @@ const App = memo(() => {
async function importEdlFile(e, type) {
if (!isFileOpened) {{ icon: 'info', title: i18n.t('You need to open a media file first') });
if (!checkFileOpened()) return;
if (type === 'youtube') {
const edl = await askForYouTubeInput();
@ -1621,6 +1625,12 @@ const App = memo(() => {
async function createNumSegments2() {
if (!checkFileOpened()) return;
const segments = await createNumSegments(duration);
if (segments) loadCutSegments(segments);
electron.ipcRenderer.on('file-opened', fileOpened);
electron.ipcRenderer.on('close-file', closeFile);
electron.ipcRenderer.on('html5ify', html5ifyCurrentFile);
@ -1636,6 +1646,7 @@ const App = memo(() => {
electron.ipcRenderer.on('openAbout', openAbout);
electron.ipcRenderer.on('batchConvertFriendlyFormat', batchConvertFriendlyFormat);
electron.ipcRenderer.on('openSendReportDialog', openSendReportDialog2);
electron.ipcRenderer.on('createNumSegments', createNumSegments2);
return () => {
electron.ipcRenderer.removeListener('file-opened', fileOpened);
@ -1653,12 +1664,13 @@ const App = memo(() => {
electron.ipcRenderer.removeListener('openAbout', openAbout);
electron.ipcRenderer.removeListener('batchConvertFriendlyFormat', batchConvertFriendlyFormat);
electron.ipcRenderer.removeListener('openSendReportDialog', openSendReportDialog2);
electron.ipcRenderer.removeListener('createNumSegments', createNumSegments2);
}, [
mergeFiles, outputDir, filePath, isFileOpened, customOutDir, startTimeOffset, html5ifyCurrentFile,
createDummyVideo, resetState, extractAllStreams, userOpenFiles, cutSegmentsHistory, openSendReportDialogWithState,
loadEdlFile, cutSegments, edlFilePath, askBeforeClose, toggleHelp, toggleSettings, assureOutDirAccess, html5ifyAndLoad, html5ifyInternal,
loadCutSegments, duration, checkFileOpened,
async function showAddStreamSourceDialog() {

Wyświetl plik

@ -262,3 +262,40 @@ export async function askForImportChapters() {
return value;
async function askForNumSegments() {
const maxSegments = 1000;
const { value } = await{
input: 'number',
inputAttributes: {
min: 0,
max: maxSegments,
showCancelButton: true,
inputValue: '2',
text: i18n.t('Divide timeline into a number of equal length segments'),
inputValidator: (v) => {
const parsed = parseInt(v, 10);
if (!Number.isNaN(parsed) && parsed >= 2 && parsed <= maxSegments) {
return undefined;
return i18n.t('Please input a valid number of segments');
if (value == null) return undefined;
return parseInt(value, 10);
export async function createNumSegments(fileDuration) {
const numSegments = await askForNumSegments();
if (numSegments == null) return undefined;
const edl = [];
const segDuration = fileDuration / numSegments;
for (let i = 0; i < numSegments; i += 1) {
edl.push({ start: i * segDuration, end: i === numSegments - 1 ? undefined : (i + 1) * segDuration });
return edl;