refactor/improve media loading logic

Mikael Finstad 2023-02-16 16:12:20 +08:00
rodzic e9840d793d
commit 57f09198eb
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ID klucza GPG: 25AB36E3E81CBC26
2 zmienionych plików z 154 dodań i 128 usunięć

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import useKeyboard from './hooks/useKeyboard';
import useFileFormatState from './hooks/useFileFormatState';
import useFrameCapture from './hooks/useFrameCapture';
import useSegments from './hooks/useSegments';
import useDirectoryAccess from './hooks/useDirectoryAccess';
import UserSettingsContext from './contexts/UserSettingsContext';
@ -61,8 +62,8 @@ import { shouldCopyStreamByDefault, getAudioStreams, getRealVideoStreams, isAudi
import { exportEdlFile, readEdlFile, saveLlcProject, loadLlcProject, askForEdlImport } from './edlStore';
import { formatYouTube, getFrameCountRaw } from './edlFormats';
import {
getOutPath, getSuffixedOutPath, handleError, getOutDir, getFileDir,
checkDirWriteAccess, dirExists, isMasBuild, isStoreBuild, dragPreventer,
getOutPath, getSuffixedOutPath, handleError, getOutDir,
isMasBuild, isStoreBuild, dragPreventer,
filenamify, getOutFileExtension, generateSegFileName, defaultOutSegTemplate,
havePermissionToReadFile, resolvePathIfNeeded, getPathReadAccessError, html5ifiedPrefix, html5dummySuffix, findExistingHtml5FriendlyFile,
deleteFiles, isOutOfSpaceError, getNumDigits, isExecaFailure, readFileSize, readFileSizes, checkFileSizes, setDocumentTitle,
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ import { formatDuration } from './util/duration';
import { adjustRate } from './util/rate-calculator';
import { askExtractFramesAsImages } from './dialogs/extractFrames';
import { askForHtml5ifySpeed } from './dialogs/html5ify';
import { askForOutDir, askForInputDir, askForImportChapters, promptTimeOffset, askForFileOpenAction, confirmExtractAllStreamsDialog, showCleanupFilesDialog, showDiskFull, showExportFailedDialog, showConcatFailedDialog, openYouTubeChaptersDialog, openAbout, showRefuseToOverwrite, openDirToast, openCutFinishedToast, openConcatFinishedToast } from './dialogs';
import { askForOutDir, askForImportChapters, promptTimeOffset, askForFileOpenAction, confirmExtractAllStreamsDialog, showCleanupFilesDialog, showDiskFull, showExportFailedDialog, showConcatFailedDialog, openYouTubeChaptersDialog, openAbout, showRefuseToOverwrite, openDirToast, openCutFinishedToast, openConcatFinishedToast } from './dialogs';
import { openSendReportDialog } from './reporting';
import { fallbackLng } from './i18n';
import { createSegment, getCleanCutSegments, findSegmentsAtCursor, sortSegments, getSegmentTags, convertSegmentsToChapters, hasAnySegmentOverlap, isDurationValid } from './segments';
@ -454,66 +455,7 @@ const App = memo(() => {
if (!supportsRotation && !hideAllNotifications){ text: i18n.t('Lossless rotation might not work with this file format. You may try changing to MP4') });
}, [hideAllNotifications, fileFormat]);
const ensureAccessibleDirectories = useCallback(async ({ inputPath, checkInputDir }) => {
// MacOS App Store sandbox doesn't allow writing anywhere, and we set the flag
// With this flag, we can show the user an open-dialog for a directory, and once the user has opened that directory, we can write files there until the app is restarted.
// NOTE: when MAS (dev) build, Application Support will instead be here:
// ~/Library/Containers/no.mifi.losslesscut-mac/Data/Library/Application Support
// To start from scratch: rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/no.mifi.losslesscut-mac
// const simulateMasBuild = isDev; // can be used for testing this logic without having to build mas-dev
const simulateMasBuild = false;
const masMode = isMasBuild || simulateMasBuild;
if (checkInputDir) {
// Check input dir, if we need to write project file here
const inputFileDir = getFileDir(inputPath);
let simulateMasPermissionError = simulateMasBuild;
for (;;) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
if (await checkDirWriteAccess(inputFileDir) && !simulateMasPermissionError) break;
if (!masMode) {
// fail right away
errorToast(i18n.t('You have no write access to the directory of this file'));
return { cancel: true };
// We are now mas, so we need to try to force the user to allow access to the dir, so we can write the project file later
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const userSelectedDir = await askForInputDir(inputFileDir);
simulateMasPermissionError = false; // assume user chose the right dir
if (userSelectedDir == null) return { cancel: true }; // allow user to cancel
let newCustomOutDir = customOutDir;
// Reset if doesn't exist anymore
const customOutDirExists = await dirExists(customOutDir);
if (!customOutDirExists) {
newCustomOutDir = undefined;
const effectiveOutDirPath = getOutDir(newCustomOutDir, inputPath);
const hasDirWriteAccess = await checkDirWriteAccess(effectiveOutDirPath);
if (!hasDirWriteAccess || simulateMasBuild) {
if (masMode) {
const newOutDir = await askForOutDir(effectiveOutDirPath);
// If user canceled open dialog, refuse to continue, because we will get permission denied error from MAS sandbox
if (!newOutDir) return { cancel: true };
newCustomOutDir = newOutDir;
} else {
errorToast(i18n.t('You have no write access to the directory of this file, please select a custom working dir'));
newCustomOutDir = undefined;
return { cancel: true };
return { cancel: false, newCustomOutDir };
}, [customOutDir, setCustomOutDir]);
const { ensureWritableDirs } = useDirectoryAccess({ customOutDir, setCustomOutDir });
const toggleCaptureFormat = useCallback(() => setCaptureFormat(f => (f === 'png' ? 'jpeg' : 'png')), [setCaptureFormat]);
@ -678,6 +620,7 @@ const App = memo(() => {
const { waveforms } = useWaveform({ filePath, commandedTime, zoomedDuration, waveformEnabled, mainAudioStream, shouldShowWaveform, ffmpegExtractWindow });
const resetState = useCallback(() => {
console.log('State reset');
const video = videoRef.current;
video.currentTime = 0;
@ -760,8 +703,7 @@ const App = memo(() => {
}, [html5ify, html5ifyDummy, showUnsupportedFileMessage]);
}, [html5ify, html5ifyDummy]);
const convertFormatBatch = useCallback(async () => {
if (batchFiles.length < 1) return;
@ -783,7 +725,7 @@ const App = memo(() => {
for (const path of filePaths) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const { newCustomOutDir, cancel } = await ensureAccessibleDirectories({ inputPath: path });
const { newCustomOutDir, cancel } = await ensureWritableDirs({ inputPath: path });
if (cancel) return;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
@ -805,7 +747,7 @@ const App = memo(() => {
}, [batchFiles, ensureAccessibleDirectories, html5ify, setWorking]);
}, [batchFiles, ensureWritableDirs, html5ify, setWorking]);
const getConvertToSupportedFormat = useCallback((fallback) => rememberConvertToSupportedFormat || fallback, [rememberConvertToSupportedFormat]);
@ -922,7 +864,7 @@ const App = memo(() => {
const firstPath = paths[0];
if (!firstPath) return;
const { newCustomOutDir, cancel } = await ensureAccessibleDirectories({ inputPath: firstPath });
const { newCustomOutDir, cancel } = await ensureWritableDirs({ inputPath: firstPath });
if (cancel) return;
const outDir = getOutDir(newCustomOutDir, firstPath);
@ -975,7 +917,7 @@ const App = memo(() => {
}, [setWorking, ensureAccessibleDirectories, segmentsToChapters, concatFiles, ffmpegExperimental, preserveMovData, movFastStart, preserveMetadataOnMerge, closeBatch, hideAllNotifications, handleConcatFailed]);
}, [setWorking, ensureWritableDirs, segmentsToChapters, concatFiles, ffmpegExperimental, preserveMovData, movFastStart, preserveMetadataOnMerge, closeBatch, hideAllNotifications, handleConcatFailed]);
const cleanupFiles = useCallback(async (cleanupChoices2) => {
// Store paths before we reset state
@ -1291,25 +1233,7 @@ const App = memo(() => {
loadCutSegments(await readEdlFile({ type, path }), append);
}, [loadCutSegments]);
const loadMedia = useCallback(async ({ filePath: fp, customOutDir: cod, projectPath }) => {
console.log('loadMedia', fp, cod, projectPath);
console.log('state reset');
setWorking(i18n.t('Loading file'));
async function checkAndSetExistingHtml5FriendlyFile() {
const res = await findExistingHtml5FriendlyFile(fp, cod);
if (!res) return false;
console.log('Found existing supported file', res.path);
return true;
const loadMedia = useCallback(async ({ filePath: fp, projectPath }) => {
async function tryOpenProjectPath(path, type) {
if (!(await exists(path))) return false;
await loadEdlFile({ path, type });
@ -1339,14 +1263,30 @@ const App = memo(() => {
setWorking(i18n.t('Loading file'));
try {
// Need to check if file is actually readable
const pathReadAccessErrorCode = await getPathReadAccessError(fp);
if (pathReadAccessErrorCode != null) {
let errorMessage;
if (pathReadAccessErrorCode === 'ENOENT') errorMessage = i18n.t('The media you tried to open does not exist');
else if (['EACCES', 'EPERM'].includes(pathReadAccessErrorCode)) errorMessage = i18n.t('You do not have permission to access this file');
else errorMessage = i18n.t('Could not open media due to error {{errorCode}}', { errorCode: pathReadAccessErrorCode });
// Not sure why this one is needed, but I think sometimes fs.access doesn't fail but it fails when actually trying to read
if (!(await havePermissionToReadFile(fp))) {
errorToast(i18n.t('You do not have permission to access this file'));
const fileMeta = await readFileMeta(fp);
// console.log('file meta read', fileMeta);
const fileFormatNew = await getSmarterOutFormat({ filePath: fp, fileMeta });
// console.log(streams, fileMeta.format, fileFormat);
if (!fileFormatNew) throw new Error('Unable to determine file format');
const timecode = autoLoadTimecode ? getTimecodeFromStreams(fileMeta.streams) : undefined;
@ -1364,21 +1304,35 @@ const App = memo(() => {
stream.index, shouldCopyStreamByDefault(stream),
if (timecode) setStartTimeOffset(timecode);
setDetectedFps(haveVideoStream ? getStreamFps(videoStream) : undefined);
if (isAudioDefinitelyNotSupported(fileMeta.streams)) {{ icon: 'info', text: i18n.t('The audio track is not supported. You can convert to a supported format from the menu') });
const validDuration = isDurationValid(parseFloat(fileMeta.format.duration));
const hasLoadedExistingHtml5FriendlyFile = await checkAndSetExistingHtml5FriendlyFile();
const hevcPlaybackSupported = enableNativeHevc && await hevcPlaybackSupportedPromise;
// 'fastest' works with almost all video files
if (!hasLoadedExistingHtml5FriendlyFile && !willPlayerProperlyHandleVideo({ streams: fileMeta.streams, hevcPlaybackSupported }) && validDuration) {
const mightNeedAutoHtml5ify = !willPlayerProperlyHandleVideo({ streams: fileMeta.streams, hevcPlaybackSupported }) && validDuration;
// We may be be writing project file to input path's dir (if storeProjectInWorkingDir is true), or write html5ified file to input dir
const { newCustomOutDir: cod, canceled } = await ensureWritableDirs({ inputPath: fp, checkInputDir: !storeProjectInWorkingDir || mightNeedAutoHtml5ify });
if (canceled) return;
const existingHtml5FriendlyFile = await findExistingHtml5FriendlyFile(fp, cod);
const needsAutoHtml5ify = !existingHtml5FriendlyFile && mightNeedAutoHtml5ify;
console.log('loadMedia', fp, cod, projectPath);
if (existingHtml5FriendlyFile) {
console.log('Found existing html5 friendly file', existingHtml5FriendlyFile.path);
if (needsAutoHtml5ify) {
// Try to auto-html5ify if there are known issues with this file
// 'fastest' works with almost all video files
await html5ifyAndLoadWithPreferences(cod, fp, 'fastest', haveVideoStream, haveAudioStream);
@ -1386,8 +1340,8 @@ const App = memo(() => {
// throw new Error('test');
if (!validDuration){ icon: 'warning', timer: 10000, text: i18n.t('This file does not have a valid duration. This may cause issues. You can try to fix the file\'s duration from the File menu') });
if (timecode) setStartTimeOffset(timecode);
setDetectedFps(haveVideoStream ? getStreamFps(videoStream) : undefined);
setMainFileMeta({ streams: fileMeta.streams, formatData: fileMeta.format, chapters: fileMeta.chapters });
@ -1395,6 +1349,17 @@ const App = memo(() => {
setFileFormat(outFormatLocked || fileFormatNew);
// only show one toast, or else we will only show the last one
if (existingHtml5FriendlyFile) {
} else if (needsAutoHtml5ify) {
} else if (isAudioDefinitelyNotSupported(fileMeta.streams)) {{ icon: 'info', text: i18n.t('The audio track is not supported. You can convert to a supported format from the menu') });
} else if (!validDuration) {{ icon: 'warning', timer: 10000, text: i18n.t('This file does not have a valid duration. This may cause issues. You can try to fix the file\'s duration from the File menu') });
// This needs to be last, because it triggers <video> to load the video
// If not, onVideoError might be triggered before setWorking() has been cleared.
@ -1403,7 +1368,7 @@ const App = memo(() => {
throw err;
}, [resetState, setWorking, showPreviewFileLoadedMessage, loadEdlFile, getEdlFilePath, getEdlFilePathOld, enableAskForImportChapters, loadCutSegments, autoLoadTimecode, enableNativeHevc, setCopyStreamIdsForPath, setFileFormat, outFormatLocked, setDetectedFileFormat, html5ifyAndLoadWithPreferences]);
}, [ensureWritableDirs, storeProjectInWorkingDir, resetState, setWorking, loadEdlFile, getEdlFilePath, getEdlFilePathOld, enableAskForImportChapters, loadCutSegments, autoLoadTimecode, enableNativeHevc, setCopyStreamIdsForPath, setFileFormat, outFormatLocked, setDetectedFileFormat, showPreviewFileLoadedMessage, html5ifyAndLoadWithPreferences, showUnsupportedFileMessage]);
const toggleLastCommands = useCallback(() => setLastCommandsVisible(val => !val), []);
const toggleSettings = useCallback(() => setSettingsVisible(val => !val), []);
@ -1439,28 +1404,8 @@ const App = memo(() => {
const pathReadAccessErrorCode = await getPathReadAccessError(path);
if (pathReadAccessErrorCode != null) {
let errorMessage;
if (pathReadAccessErrorCode === 'ENOENT') errorMessage = i18n.t('The media you tried to open does not exist');
else if (['EACCES', 'EPERM'].includes(pathReadAccessErrorCode)) errorMessage = i18n.t('You do not have permission to access this file');
else errorMessage = i18n.t('Could not open media due to error {{errorCode}}', { errorCode: pathReadAccessErrorCode });
// Not sure why this one is needed, but I think sometimes fs.access doesn't fail but it fails when actually trying to read
if (!(await havePermissionToReadFile(path))) {
errorToast(i18n.t('You do not have permission to access this file'));
// checkInputDir: true because we may be be writing project file here (if storeProjectInWorkingDir is true)
const { newCustomOutDir, cancel } = await ensureAccessibleDirectories({ inputPath: path, checkInputDir: !storeProjectInWorkingDir });
if (cancel) return;
await loadMedia({ filePath: path, customOutDir: newCustomOutDir, projectPath });
}, [ensureAccessibleDirectories, loadMedia, storeProjectInWorkingDir]);
await loadMedia({ filePath: path, projectPath });
}, [loadMedia]);
// todo merge with userOpenFiles?
const batchOpenSingleFile = useCallback(async (path) => {
@ -1592,7 +1537,8 @@ const App = memo(() => {
const path = await fixInvalidDuration({ fileFormat, customOutDir, duration, onProgress: setCutProgress });{ icon: 'info', text: i18n.t('Duration has been fixed') });
await loadMedia({ filePath: path, customOutDir });
await loadMedia({ filePath: path });
} catch (err) {
errorToast(i18n.t('Failed to fix file duration'));
console.error('Failed to fix file duration', err);
@ -1953,9 +1899,11 @@ const App = memo(() => {
if (hasVideo) {
// "fastest" is the most likely type not to fail for video (but it is muted).
await html5ifyAndLoadWithPreferences(customOutDir, filePath, 'fastest', hasVideo, hasAudio);
} else if (hasAudio) {
// For audio do a fast re-encode
await html5ifyAndLoadWithPreferences(customOutDir, filePath, 'fastest-audio', hasVideo, hasAudio);
} catch (err) {
@ -1966,7 +1914,7 @@ const App = memo(() => {
} catch (err) {
}, [fileUri, usingPreviewFile, hasVideo, hasAudio, html5ifyAndLoadWithPreferences, customOutDir, filePath, setWorking]);
}, [fileUri, usingPreviewFile, filePath, setWorking, hasVideo, hasAudio, html5ifyAndLoadWithPreferences, customOutDir, showUnsupportedFileMessage]);
useEffect(() => {
async function exportEdlFile2(e, type) {

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import i18n from 'i18next';
import { getOutDir, getFileDir, checkDirWriteAccess, dirExists, isMasBuild } from '../util';
import { askForOutDir, askForInputDir } from '../dialogs';
import { errorToast } from '../swal';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
import isDev from '../isDev';
export default ({ customOutDir, setCustomOutDir }) => {
// MacOS App Store sandbox doesn't allow writing anywhere, and we set the flag
// With this flag, we can show the user an open-dialog for a directory, and once the user has opened that directory, we can write files there until the app is restarted.
// NOTE: when MAS (dev) build, Application Support will instead be here:
// ~/Library/Containers/no.mifi.losslesscut-mac/Data/Library/Application Support
// To start from scratch: rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/no.mifi.losslesscut-mac
const ensureWritableDirs = useCallback(async ({ inputPath, checkInputDir }) => {
// const simulateMasBuild = isDev; // can be used for testing this logic without having to build mas-dev
const simulateMasBuild = false;
const masMode = isMasBuild || simulateMasBuild;
// First check input file's directory, but only if we need to write to it (probably to write the project file)
if (checkInputDir) {
const inputFileDir = getFileDir(inputPath);
let simulateMasPermissionError = simulateMasBuild;
for (;;) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
if (await checkDirWriteAccess(inputFileDir) && !simulateMasPermissionError) break;
if (!masMode) {
// don't know what to do; fail right away
errorToast(i18n.t('You have no write access to the directory of this file'));
return { canceled: true };
// We are now mas, so we need to try to encourage the user to allow access to the dir, so we can write the project file later
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const userSelectedDir = await askForInputDir(inputFileDir);
simulateMasPermissionError = false; // assume user chose the right dir
if (userSelectedDir == null) return { canceled: true }; // allow user to cancel
// Now we have (optionally) checked input path. Need to also check working dir
let newCustomOutDir = customOutDir;
// Reset if doesn't exist anymore
const customOutDirExists = await dirExists(customOutDir);
if (!customOutDirExists) {
newCustomOutDir = undefined;
const effectiveOutDirPath = getOutDir(newCustomOutDir, inputPath);
const hasDirWriteAccess = await checkDirWriteAccess(effectiveOutDirPath);
if (!hasDirWriteAccess || simulateMasBuild) {
if (masMode) {
const newOutDir = await askForOutDir(effectiveOutDirPath);
// If user canceled open dialog, refuse to continue, because we will get permission denied error from MAS sandbox
if (!newOutDir) return { canceled: true };
newCustomOutDir = newOutDir;
} else {
errorToast(i18n.t('You have no write access to the directory of this file, please select a custom working dir'));
return { canceled: true };
return { canceled: false, newCustomOutDir };
}, [customOutDir, setCustomOutDir]);
return {