improve smart cut

Mikael Finstad 2022-10-15 11:58:09 +02:00
rodzic c9175d4270
commit 56bf836b12
1 zmienionych plików z 21 dodań i 14 usunięć

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@ -346,7 +346,8 @@ function useFfmpegOperations({ filePath, enableTransferTimestamps }) {
// This function will either call cutSingle (if no smart cut enabled)
// or if enabled, will first cut&encode the part before the next keyframe, trying to match the input file's codec params
// then it will cut the part *from* the keyframe to "end", and concat them together and return the concated file as a segment
// then it will cut the part *from* the keyframe to "end", and concat them together and return the concated file
// so that for the calling code it looks as if it's just a normal segment
async function maybeSmartCutSegment({ start: desiredCutFrom, end: cutTo }, i) {
const getSegmentOutPath = () => join(outputDir, segmentsFileNames[i]);
@ -365,7 +366,9 @@ function useFfmpegOperations({ filePath, enableTransferTimestamps }) {
const streamsToCopyFromMainFile = copyFileStreams.find(({ path }) => path === filePath).streamIds
.map((streamId) => streams.find((stream) => stream.index === streamId));
const { cutFrom: smartCutFrom, needsSmartCut, videoCodec, videoBitrate, videoStreamIndex, videoTimebase } = await getSmartCutParams({ path: filePath, videoDuration, desiredCutFrom, streams: streamsToCopyFromMainFile });
const { cutFrom: encodeCutTo, needsSmartCut, videoCodec, videoBitrate, videoStreamIndex, videoTimebase } = await getSmartCutParams({ path: filePath, videoDuration, desiredCutFrom, streams: streamsToCopyFromMainFile });
if (needsSmartCut && !detectedFps) throw new Error('Smart cut is not possible when FPS is unknown');
console.log('Smart cut on video stream', videoStreamIndex);
@ -378,39 +381,43 @@ function useFfmpegOperations({ filePath, enableTransferTimestamps }) {
streamIds: streamsToCopyFromMainFile.filter((stream) => !(stream.codec_type === 'video' && stream.index !== videoStreamIndex)).map((stream) => stream.index),
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
const cutEncodeSmartPartWrapper = async ({ cutFrom, cutTo, outPath }) => cutEncodeSmartPart({ filePath, cutFrom, cutTo, outPath, outFormat, videoCodec, videoBitrate, videoStreamIndex, videoTimebase, allFilesMeta, copyFileStreams: copyFileStreamsFiltered, ffmpegExperimental });
// If we are cutting within two keyframes, just encode the whole part and return that
// See
if (needsSmartCut && encodeCutTo > cutTo) {
const outPath = getSegmentOutPath();
await checkOverwrite(outPath);
await cutEncodeSmartPartWrapper({ cutFrom: desiredCutFrom, cutTo, outPath });
return outPath;
const ext = getOutFileExtension({ isCustomFormatSelected: true, outFormat, filePath });
const smartCutMainPartOutPath = needsSmartCut
? getSuffixedOutPath({ customOutDir, filePath, nameSuffix: `smartcut-segment-copy-${i}${ext}` })
: getSegmentOutPath();
if (!needsSmartCut) await checkOverwrite(smartCutMainPartOutPath);
const smartCutEncodedPartOutPath = getSuffixedOutPath({ customOutDir, filePath, nameSuffix: `smartcut-segment-encode-${i}${ext}` });
const smartCutSegmentsToConcat = [smartCutEncodedPartOutPath, smartCutMainPartOutPath];
if (smartCutFrom > cutTo) {
if (!detectedFps) throw new Error('Smart cut is not possible when FPS is unknown');
const file = getSegmentOutPath();
await cutEncodeSmartPart({ filePath, cutFrom: desiredCutFrom, cutTo, outPath: file, outFormat, videoCodec, videoBitrate, videoStreamIndex, videoTimebase, allFilesMeta, copyFileStreams: copyFileStreamsFiltered, ffmpegExperimental });
return file;
if (!needsSmartCut) await checkOverwrite(smartCutMainPartOutPath);
// for smart cut we need to use keyframe cut here
await cutSingle({
cutFrom: smartCutFrom, cutTo, chaptersPath, outPath: smartCutMainPartOutPath, copyFileStreams: copyFileStreamsFiltered, keyframeCut: true, avoidNegativeTs: false, videoDuration, rotation, allFilesMeta, outFormat, appendFfmpegCommandLog, shortestFlag, ffmpegExperimental, preserveMovData, movFastStart, customTagsByFile, customTagsByStreamId, dispositionByStreamId, videoTimebase, onProgress: onCutProgress,
cutFrom: encodeCutTo, cutTo, chaptersPath, outPath: smartCutMainPartOutPath, copyFileStreams: copyFileStreamsFiltered, keyframeCut: true, avoidNegativeTs: false, videoDuration, rotation, allFilesMeta, outFormat, appendFfmpegCommandLog, shortestFlag, ffmpegExperimental, preserveMovData, movFastStart, customTagsByFile, customTagsByStreamId, dispositionByStreamId, videoTimebase, onProgress: onCutProgress,
// OK, just return the single cut file (we may need smart cut in other segments though)
if (!needsSmartCut) return smartCutMainPartOutPath;
try {
if (!detectedFps) throw new Error('Smart cut is not possible when FPS is unknown');
const frameDuration = 1 / detectedFps;
const encodeCutTo = Math.max(desiredCutFrom + frameDuration, smartCutFrom - frameDuration); // Subtract one frame so we don't end up with duplicates when concating, and make sure we don't create a 0 length segment
const encodeCutToSafe = Math.max(desiredCutFrom + frameDuration, encodeCutTo - frameDuration); // Subtract one frame so we don't end up with duplicates when concating, and make sure we don't create a 0 length segment
await cutEncodeSmartPart({ filePath, cutFrom: desiredCutFrom, cutTo: encodeCutTo, outPath: smartCutEncodedPartOutPath, outFormat, videoCodec, videoBitrate, videoStreamIndex, videoTimebase, allFilesMeta, copyFileStreams: copyFileStreamsFiltered, ffmpegExperimental });
await cutEncodeSmartPartWrapper({ cutFrom: desiredCutFrom, cutTo: encodeCutToSafe, outPath: smartCutEncodedPartOutPath });
// need to re-read streams because indexes may have changed. Using main file as source of streams and metadata
const { streams: streamsAfterCut } = await readFileMeta(smartCutMainPartOutPath);