fix seek jerkiness

Mikael Finstad 2024-10-06 16:27:56 +02:00
rodzic 85a900e15b
commit 4b65d27728
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ID klucza GPG: 25AB36E3E81CBC26
1 zmienionych plików z 4 dodań i 4 usunięć

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@ -66,10 +66,6 @@ export default ({ filePath }: { filePath: string | undefined }) => {
setCompatPlayerEventId((id) => id + 1); // To make sure that we can seek even to the same commanded time that we are already add (e.g. loop current segment)
}, [smoothSeek]);
const seekRel = useCallback((val: number) => {
seekAbs(videoRef.current!.currentTime + val);
}, [seekAbs, videoRef]);
const commandedTimeRef = useRef(commandedTime);
useEffect(() => {
commandedTimeRef.current = commandedTime;
@ -80,6 +76,10 @@ export default ({ filePath }: { filePath: string | undefined }) => {
// The reason why we also have a getter is because it can be used when we need to get the time, but don't want to re-render for every time update (which can be heavy!)
const getRelevantTime = useCallback(() => (playingRef.current ? videoRef.current!.currentTime : commandedTimeRef.current) || 0, []);
const seekRel = useCallback((val: number) => {
seekAbs(getRelevantTime() + val);
}, [getRelevantTime, seekAbs]);
const onPlayingChange = useCallback((val: boolean) => {
playingRef.current = val;