# Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 V2 This example demonstrates sending a simple data packet using a Heltec Wifi LoRa 32 V2 development board. Please follow every instruction step below from top to bottom. [Heltec LoRa 32 V2 Product Page](https://heltec.org/project/wifi-lora-32/) [Heltec LoRa 32 V2 Docs](https://heltec-automation-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/esp32/index.html) ## Installing the Heltec ESP32 Library From the Arduino IDE, open the Library Manager (Sketch->Include Library->Manage Libraries). In the search box, type Heltec ESP32 and look for `Heltec ESP32 Dev-Boards`. Select the latest version and install. ## Install Serial Driver Find Directions [here](https://heltec-automation-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/general/establish_serial_connection.html). ## Install Arduino-ESP32 Board Support Find Directions [here](https://heltec-automation-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/esp32+arduino/quick_start.html#via-arduino-board-manager) ## Select Board Arduino IDE: 1. Select Tools -> Board: -> WiFi LoRa 32(V2) ## Select Region Arduino IDE: 1. Select Tools -> LoRaWAN Region: -> REGION_US915 ## Obtain Heltec License Key ### Upload `GetChipID` example Arduino IDE: 1. Select File -> Examples -> ESP32 -> ChipID -> GetChipID 2. Select Tools -> Port: "COM# or ttyACM#" 3. Select Sketch -> Upload 4. Wait for Done uploading message 5. Select Tools -> Serial Monitor Serial Monitor Window 1. Select 115200 baud from bottom right dropdown. 2. You should see something that looks like this every second `ESP32 Chip ID = ############` 3. Save this Chip ID ### Obtain License Key with Chip ID 1.Go to [resource.heltec.cn/search](http://resource.heltec.cn/search) 2. Enter ChipID 3. Save license field, will look like `0x########,0x#########,0x########,0x########` ## Upload `OTAA_OLED` example Arduino IDE: 1. Select File -> Examples -> ESP32_LoRaWAN -> OTAA_LED 2. Enter License Key at line 32 ``` uint32_t license[4] = {`0x########,0x#########,0x########,0x########}; ``` 3. Enter DevEUI(msb), AppEUI(msb), and AppKey(msb) from Helium Console, at lines 34,35,36. ``` uint8_t DevEui[] = { FILL_ME_IN }; uint8_t AppEui[] = { FILL_ME_IN }; uint8_t AppKey[] = { FILL_ME_IN }; ``` 4. Select Sketch -> Upload. 5. Wait for Done uploading message 6. Select Tools -> Serial Monitor Serial Monitor Window 1. Select 115200 baud from bottom right dropdown. 2. Wait for device to successfully join, may take 1-3 min, and show several failures. Do not be alarmed by the failures, it is expected.