package util import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "io/ioutil" "log" "net" "os" "regexp" "strings" "lieu/types" "" "" ) func Inflect(words []string) []string { var inflected []string for _, word := range words { inflected = append(inflected, inflection.Singular(word)) } return inflected } func Check(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } } // document.querySelectorAll-type functionality. limited functionality as of now (no classes or id support atm, i think!!) func QuerySelector(query string, current *goquery.Selection, results *[]string) { var op, operand string attrPattern := regexp.MustCompile(`(\w+)\[(\w+)\](.+)?`) attrValuePattern := regexp.MustCompile(`\[(\w+)\]`) if len(query) == 0 { return } fields := strings.Fields(query) part := fields[0] query = strings.Join(fields[1:], " ") if part == ">" { op = "subchild" } else if attrPattern.MatchString(part) { op = "element" matches := attrPattern.FindStringSubmatch(part) operand = matches[1] var optional string if len(matches) == 4 { optional = matches[3] } query = strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprintf("[%s]%s %s", matches[2], optional, query)) } else if attrValuePattern.MatchString(part) { op = "attr" operand = attrValuePattern.FindStringSubmatch(part)[1] } else if len(query) == 0 { op = "final" } else { op = "element" operand = part } switch op { case "element": // e.g. [el]; bla > [el]; but also [el] > bla current = current.Find(operand) if strings.HasSuffix(query, "first-of-type") { break } fallthrough case "subchild": // [preceding] > [future] // recurse querySelector on all [preceding] element types current.Each(func(j int, s *goquery.Selection) { QuerySelector(query, s, results) }) return case "attr": // x[attr] // extract the attribute if str, exists := current.Attr(operand); exists { *results = append(*results, str) } return case "final": // no more in query, and we did not end on an attr: get text *results = append(*results, current.Text()) } QuerySelector(query, current, results) } func DatabaseDoesNotExist(filepath string) { fmt.Printf("lieu: database %s does not exist\n", filepath) fmt.Println("lieu: try running `lieu ingest` if you have already crawled source data") Exit() } func CheckFileExists(path string) bool { _, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { return true } return os.IsExist(err) } func Humanize(n int) string { if n > 1000 { return fmt.Sprintf("%dk", n/1000) } else if n > 1000000 { return fmt.Sprintf("%dm", n/1000000) } return fmt.Sprintf("%d", n) } func Contains(arr []string, query string) bool { for _, item := range arr { if strings.Contains(query, item) { return true } } return false } func ReadList(filepath, sep string) []string { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath) if err != nil || len(data) == 0 { return []string{} } return strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(string(data), sep), sep) } func CheckPortOpen(port int) bool { tcpaddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", port)) if err != nil { return false } l, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", tcpaddr) defer l.Close() if err != nil { return false } return true } func ReadConfig() types.Config { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("lieu.toml") Check(err) var conf types.Config decoder := json.NewDecoder(toml.New(bytes.NewBuffer(data))) err = decoder.Decode(&conf) Check(err) return conf } func WriteMockConfig() { conf := []byte(`[general] name = "Sweet Webring" # used by the precrawl command and linked to in /about route url = "" webringSelector = "li > a" port = 10001 [theme] # colors specified in hex (or valid css names) which determine the theme of the lieu instance foreground = "#ffffff" background = "#000000" links = "#ffffff" [data] # the source file should contain the crawl command's output source = "data/crawled.txt" # location & name of the sqlite database database = "data/searchengine.db" # contains words and phrases disqualifying scraped paragraphs from being presented in search results heuristics = "data/heuristics.txt" # aka stopwords, in the search engine biz: wordlist = "data/wordlist.txt" [crawler] # manually curated list of domains, or the output of the precrawl command webring = "data/webring.txt" # domains that are banned from being crawled but might originally be part of the webring bannedDomains = "data/banned-domains.txt" # file suffixes that are banned from being crawled bannedSuffixes = "data/banned-suffixes.txt" # phrases and words which won't be scraped (e.g. if a contained in a link) boringWords = "data/boring-words.txt" # domains that won't be output as outgoing links boringDomains = "data/boring-domains.txt" # queries to search for finding preview text previewQueryList = "data/preview-query-list.txt" `) err := ioutil.WriteFile("lieu.toml", conf, 0644) Check(err) } func Exit() { os.Exit(0) } func DeduplicateSlice(intSlice []string) []string { keys := make(map[string]bool) list := []string{} for _, entry := range intSlice { if _, value := keys[entry]; !value { keys[entry] = true list = append(list, entry) } } return list }