
41 wiersze
2.3 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

{{ define "head" }}
HTML + CSS + overhaul performance (#2) * Inputs should have a label for accessibility. * Added missing standard head html elements * Spaced things a little bit * Added meta-description * Added og and twitter tags for embeds. * Added canonical url * Added missing favicons links and theme color * Added .ico version of favicon for compatibility purposes * Navigation elements should be in nav to allow screen readers to identify them * You should have only one h1 tag in your page. * Added reset file * Removed padding and margin from html (will redo later) * Removed all margins 0 (reset already has them) or arbitrary margins * Global styling should be on body, not html * Added the 62.5% rule to ease REM handling * CHANGE TIME! Creating a new CSS file because it's easier lol * Created fonts css file * Created config css file * Moved old base.css and old style.css to new folder * Renamed index.css to style.css * Moved reset to css folder * Added composition file for all our maco level positionning * Added role list to remove style, added navigation in nav in partial * Added header positionning * Splitted space between header and main with viewport height * Replace a class by article for accessibility and styling * Finished positionning elements on the home * bringing back some base styles from previous base file * Added title fonts back * Added utility class to simulate h2 style on header link * Added font swap to avoid invisible text when fonts are loading * Removed border from home-link * Created an utility class for italic text and added it to subtitle * Moved the header link style to blocks, as it's too specific to be utility * Changed class name in template * Added flow class utility to space elements between themselves * Put line-height to 1 on titltes to ease spacing between elements * Added input style from previous css and converted values to new REM * Forgot to add new class name to header partial * Fixed fonts urls * Imported blocks file in main file * Added form centering * Added button style * Added flex grow utility for the search input * Turned the whole header into a Block element instead of using config * Adjusted header padding to match existing design * Turned header into a fixed element, main takes 100vh * Removed grid centering from main since it's not used in other pages, now an utility class * Revert "Removed grid centering from main since it's not used in other pages, now an utility class" This reverts commit 4da18c1fb388490219922b2bcff457adcfe0a3a0. * Moved grid centering from composition to utilities since it's specific to the home * Added top 0 to stick to top * Created an utility margin class for main * Wrappred content into an article, added margin-top-main class * Added grid item center utility class to index * Added utility classe for article max-width * Added back hyphens for paragraphs * Added padding to main * Added flow and width63 classes to article * Added width63 to article on about page * Moved button from config to block as it's not a default style * Added label to search and redid styles * Added the name of the webring inside the label * Replace background image by inline svg in the button * Fixed margin on button * Added an aria label and title since the button has no text * ADjusted the size of the inline svg to avoid a flash of giant svg during loading * Removed unused style on form * Added a title element for accessibility * Created utility class two columns for search results * Removed padding from ul list by default * Move search in main, put results into list, added flow and two cols * Typo * Added flow2 spacing utility class * Added entries styles to blocks * Updated style of entries * Reduced main top margin * Added width126 class to contain entries, updated template * Added visually hidden class * Added same template as search for webring partial * Added missing article * Added translateY50% utility class * Added translateY to uncenter search box on index * Added break inside management to avoid text splitted between cols * Totally removed position fixed header, it was a wrong idea. Adjusted main instead. * Fixed input and button responsive design * Reduced transparency for accessibility reasons * Added a title for accessibility reasons * Added all code except reset inside main style file * Added reset directly in head * Fixed fonts urls * Deleted useless files * Converted fonts to woff2, went from 1.7mo to 400ko. * Moved fonts loading to the end of the file to avoid rendering issues
2021-05-13 15:00:01 +00:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
HTML + CSS + overhaul performance (#2) * Inputs should have a label for accessibility. * Added missing standard head html elements * Spaced things a little bit * Added meta-description * Added og and twitter tags for embeds. * Added canonical url * Added missing favicons links and theme color * Added .ico version of favicon for compatibility purposes * Navigation elements should be in nav to allow screen readers to identify them * You should have only one h1 tag in your page. * Added reset file * Removed padding and margin from html (will redo later) * Removed all margins 0 (reset already has them) or arbitrary margins * Global styling should be on body, not html * Added the 62.5% rule to ease REM handling * CHANGE TIME! Creating a new CSS file because it's easier lol * Created fonts css file * Created config css file * Moved old base.css and old style.css to new folder * Renamed index.css to style.css * Moved reset to css folder * Added composition file for all our maco level positionning * Added role list to remove style, added navigation in nav in partial * Added header positionning * Splitted space between header and main with viewport height * Replace a class by article for accessibility and styling * Finished positionning elements on the home * bringing back some base styles from previous base file * Added title fonts back * Added utility class to simulate h2 style on header link * Added font swap to avoid invisible text when fonts are loading * Removed border from home-link * Created an utility class for italic text and added it to subtitle * Moved the header link style to blocks, as it's too specific to be utility * Changed class name in template * Added flow class utility to space elements between themselves * Put line-height to 1 on titltes to ease spacing between elements * Added input style from previous css and converted values to new REM * Forgot to add new class name to header partial * Fixed fonts urls * Imported blocks file in main file * Added form centering * Added button style * Added flex grow utility for the search input * Turned the whole header into a Block element instead of using config * Adjusted header padding to match existing design * Turned header into a fixed element, main takes 100vh * Removed grid centering from main since it's not used in other pages, now an utility class * Revert "Removed grid centering from main since it's not used in other pages, now an utility class" This reverts commit 4da18c1fb388490219922b2bcff457adcfe0a3a0. * Moved grid centering from composition to utilities since it's specific to the home * Added top 0 to stick to top * Created an utility margin class for main * Wrappred content into an article, added margin-top-main class * Added grid item center utility class to index * Added utility classe for article max-width * Added back hyphens for paragraphs * Added padding to main * Added flow and width63 classes to article * Added width63 to article on about page * Moved button from config to block as it's not a default style * Added label to search and redid styles * Added the name of the webring inside the label * Replace background image by inline svg in the button * Fixed margin on button * Added an aria label and title since the button has no text * ADjusted the size of the inline svg to avoid a flash of giant svg during loading * Removed unused style on form * Added a title element for accessibility * Created utility class two columns for search results * Removed padding from ul list by default * Move search in main, put results into list, added flow and two cols * Typo * Added flow2 spacing utility class * Added entries styles to blocks * Updated style of entries * Reduced main top margin * Added width126 class to contain entries, updated template * Added visually hidden class * Added same template as search for webring partial * Added missing article * Added translateY50% utility class * Added translateY to uncenter search box on index * Added break inside management to avoid text splitted between cols * Totally removed position fixed header, it was a wrong idea. Adjusted main instead. * Fixed input and button responsive design * Reduced transparency for accessibility reasons * Added a title for accessibility reasons * Added all code except reset inside main style file * Added reset directly in head * Fixed fonts urls * Deleted useless files * Converted fonts to woff2, went from 1.7mo to 400ko. * Moved fonts loading to the end of the file to avoid rendering issues
2021-05-13 15:00:01 +00:00
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Lieu — webring search engine</title>
*,*::after,*::before{box-sizing:border-box}blockquote,body,dd,dl,figure,h1,h2,h3,h4,p{margin:0}ul[role='list'],ol[role='list']{list-style:none}html:focus-within{scroll-behavior:smooth}body{min-height:100vh;text-rendering:optimizeSpeed;line-height:1.5}a:not([class]){text-decoration-skip-ink:auto}img,picture{max-width:100%;display:block}button,input,select,textarea{font:inherit}@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce){html:focus-within{scroll-behavior:auto}*,*::after,*::before{animation-duration:0.01ms !important;animation-iteration-count:1 !important;transition-duration:0.01ms !important;scroll-behavior:auto !important}}
2021-04-22 10:21:51 +00:00
<link href="/assets/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
2022-02-20 14:36:07 +00:00
<link href="/assets/theme.css" rel="stylesheet">
HTML + CSS + overhaul performance (#2) * Inputs should have a label for accessibility. * Added missing standard head html elements * Spaced things a little bit * Added meta-description * Added og and twitter tags for embeds. * Added canonical url * Added missing favicons links and theme color * Added .ico version of favicon for compatibility purposes * Navigation elements should be in nav to allow screen readers to identify them * You should have only one h1 tag in your page. * Added reset file * Removed padding and margin from html (will redo later) * Removed all margins 0 (reset already has them) or arbitrary margins * Global styling should be on body, not html * Added the 62.5% rule to ease REM handling * CHANGE TIME! Creating a new CSS file because it's easier lol * Created fonts css file * Created config css file * Moved old base.css and old style.css to new folder * Renamed index.css to style.css * Moved reset to css folder * Added composition file for all our maco level positionning * Added role list to remove style, added navigation in nav in partial * Added header positionning * Splitted space between header and main with viewport height * Replace a class by article for accessibility and styling * Finished positionning elements on the home * bringing back some base styles from previous base file * Added title fonts back * Added utility class to simulate h2 style on header link * Added font swap to avoid invisible text when fonts are loading * Removed border from home-link * Created an utility class for italic text and added it to subtitle * Moved the header link style to blocks, as it's too specific to be utility * Changed class name in template * Added flow class utility to space elements between themselves * Put line-height to 1 on titltes to ease spacing between elements * Added input style from previous css and converted values to new REM * Forgot to add new class name to header partial * Fixed fonts urls * Imported blocks file in main file * Added form centering * Added button style * Added flex grow utility for the search input * Turned the whole header into a Block element instead of using config * Adjusted header padding to match existing design * Turned header into a fixed element, main takes 100vh * Removed grid centering from main since it's not used in other pages, now an utility class * Revert "Removed grid centering from main since it's not used in other pages, now an utility class" This reverts commit 4da18c1fb388490219922b2bcff457adcfe0a3a0. * Moved grid centering from composition to utilities since it's specific to the home * Added top 0 to stick to top * Created an utility margin class for main * Wrappred content into an article, added margin-top-main class * Added grid item center utility class to index * Added utility classe for article max-width * Added back hyphens for paragraphs * Added padding to main * Added flow and width63 classes to article * Added width63 to article on about page * Moved button from config to block as it's not a default style * Added label to search and redid styles * Added the name of the webring inside the label * Replace background image by inline svg in the button * Fixed margin on button * Added an aria label and title since the button has no text * ADjusted the size of the inline svg to avoid a flash of giant svg during loading * Removed unused style on form * Added a title element for accessibility * Created utility class two columns for search results * Removed padding from ul list by default * Move search in main, put results into list, added flow and two cols * Typo * Added flow2 spacing utility class * Added entries styles to blocks * Updated style of entries * Reduced main top margin * Added width126 class to contain entries, updated template * Added visually hidden class * Added same template as search for webring partial * Added missing article * Added translateY50% utility class * Added translateY to uncenter search box on index * Added break inside management to avoid text splitted between cols * Totally removed position fixed header, it was a wrong idea. Adjusted main instead. * Fixed input and button responsive design * Reduced transparency for accessibility reasons * Added a title for accessibility reasons * Added all code except reset inside main style file * Added reset directly in head * Fixed fonts urls * Deleted useless files * Converted fonts to woff2, went from 1.7mo to 400ko. * Moved fonts loading to the end of the file to avoid rendering issues
2021-05-13 15:00:01 +00:00
<link rel="icon" href="/assets/favicon.ico">
2022-11-26 01:01:16 +00:00
<link rel="icon" href="/assets/favicon.svg" type="image/svg+xml">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/assets/favicon.png">
HTML + CSS + overhaul performance (#2) * Inputs should have a label for accessibility. * Added missing standard head html elements * Spaced things a little bit * Added meta-description * Added og and twitter tags for embeds. * Added canonical url * Added missing favicons links and theme color * Added .ico version of favicon for compatibility purposes * Navigation elements should be in nav to allow screen readers to identify them * You should have only one h1 tag in your page. * Added reset file * Removed padding and margin from html (will redo later) * Removed all margins 0 (reset already has them) or arbitrary margins * Global styling should be on body, not html * Added the 62.5% rule to ease REM handling * CHANGE TIME! Creating a new CSS file because it's easier lol * Created fonts css file * Created config css file * Moved old base.css and old style.css to new folder * Renamed index.css to style.css * Moved reset to css folder * Added composition file for all our maco level positionning * Added role list to remove style, added navigation in nav in partial * Added header positionning * Splitted space between header and main with viewport height * Replace a class by article for accessibility and styling * Finished positionning elements on the home * bringing back some base styles from previous base file * Added title fonts back * Added utility class to simulate h2 style on header link * Added font swap to avoid invisible text when fonts are loading * Removed border from home-link * Created an utility class for italic text and added it to subtitle * Moved the header link style to blocks, as it's too specific to be utility * Changed class name in template * Added flow class utility to space elements between themselves * Put line-height to 1 on titltes to ease spacing between elements * Added input style from previous css and converted values to new REM * Forgot to add new class name to header partial * Fixed fonts urls * Imported blocks file in main file * Added form centering * Added button style * Added flex grow utility for the search input * Turned the whole header into a Block element instead of using config * Adjusted header padding to match existing design * Turned header into a fixed element, main takes 100vh * Removed grid centering from main since it's not used in other pages, now an utility class * Revert "Removed grid centering from main since it's not used in other pages, now an utility class" This reverts commit 4da18c1fb388490219922b2bcff457adcfe0a3a0. * Moved grid centering from composition to utilities since it's specific to the home * Added top 0 to stick to top * Created an utility margin class for main * Wrappred content into an article, added margin-top-main class * Added grid item center utility class to index * Added utility classe for article max-width * Added back hyphens for paragraphs * Added padding to main * Added flow and width63 classes to article * Added width63 to article on about page * Moved button from config to block as it's not a default style * Added label to search and redid styles * Added the name of the webring inside the label * Replace background image by inline svg in the button * Fixed margin on button * Added an aria label and title since the button has no text * ADjusted the size of the inline svg to avoid a flash of giant svg during loading * Removed unused style on form * Added a title element for accessibility * Created utility class two columns for search results * Removed padding from ul list by default * Move search in main, put results into list, added flow and two cols * Typo * Added flow2 spacing utility class * Added entries styles to blocks * Updated style of entries * Reduced main top margin * Added width126 class to contain entries, updated template * Added visually hidden class * Added same template as search for webring partial * Added missing article * Added translateY50% utility class * Added translateY to uncenter search box on index * Added break inside management to avoid text splitted between cols * Totally removed position fixed header, it was a wrong idea. Adjusted main instead. * Fixed input and button responsive design * Reduced transparency for accessibility reasons * Added a title for accessibility reasons * Added all code except reset inside main style file * Added reset directly in head * Fixed fonts urls * Deleted useless files * Converted fonts to woff2, went from 1.7mo to 400ko. * Moved fonts loading to the end of the file to avoid rendering issues
2021-05-13 15:00:01 +00:00
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/assets/favicon.png">
<meta name="theme-color" content="#000000">
<meta name="description" content="Lieu is a neighbourhood search engine, a way for personal webrings to increase serendipitous connexions.">
<meta property="og:title" content="Lieu — webring search engine">
<meta property="og:description" content="Lieu is a neighbourhood search engine, a way for personal webrings to increase serendipitous connexions.">
<meta property="og:image" content="/assets/favicon.png">
<meta property="og:image:alt" content="Logo of lieu">
<meta property="og:locale" content="en_US">
<meta property="og:type" content="website">
<meta name="twitter:card" content="Lieu is a neighbourhood search engine, a way for personal webrings to increase serendipitous connexions.">
<meta property="og:url" content="">
<link rel="canonical" href="">
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Lieu" href="/assets/opensearch.xml">
{{ end }}