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{{ template "head" . }}
{{ template "nav". }}
<span class="lieu">Lieu</span>—an alternative search engine. Created in response to the environs of
apathy concerning the use of hypertext search and discovery. In <span class="lieu">Lieu</span>, the
internet is not what is made searchable, but instead one's own neighbourhood. Put differently,
<span class="lieu">Lieu</span> is a neighbourhood search engine, a way for personal webrings to increase
serendipitous connexions.
This instance indexes the <a href="{{ .Data.RingLink }}">{{ .Data.InstanceName }}</a> - {{ .Data.DomainCount }} domains,
{{ .Data.PageCount }} pages, {{ .Data.TermCount }} search terms.
Some domains of the webring have been filtered out for a better search experience,
see <a href="{{ .Data.FilteredLink }}">the filtered list</a>.
Visit a <a href="/random">random page</a>.
<p><span class="lieu">Lieu</span> was created by <a href="">cblgh</a> at the onset of 2021.</p>
<p>For Lieu's AGPL licensed source code, <a href="">the repository</a>.</p>
{{ template "footer" . }}