/* * LibResilient config * * This is the config for LibResilient as deployed on the https://libresilient.is/ site * * When deploying LibResilient on your website you will need to create your own config, * using this one as a template. */ // plugins config self.LibResilientConfig.plugins = { 'fetch':{}, 'cache':{}, 'any-of': { plugins: { 'alt-fetch':{ // configuring the alternate endpoints plugin to use IPNS gateways // // NOTICE: we cannot use gateways that use hash directly in the (sub)domain: // https://github.com/node-fetch/node-fetch/issues/260 endpoints: [ 'https://ninetailed.ninja/ipns/QmYGVgGGfD5N4Xcc78CcMJ99dKcH6K6myhd4Uenv5yJwiJ/', // Russia 'https://10.via0.com/ipns/QmYGVgGGfD5N4Xcc78CcMJ99dKcH6K6myhd4Uenv5yJwiJ/', // USA 'https://ipfs.sloppyta.co/ipns/QmYGVgGGfD5N4Xcc78CcMJ99dKcH6K6myhd4Uenv5yJwiJ/', // UK 'https://gateway.temporal.cloud/ipns/QmYGVgGGfD5N4Xcc78CcMJ99dKcH6K6myhd4Uenv5yJwiJ/', // Germany 'https://ipfs.best-practice.se/ipns/QmYGVgGGfD5N4Xcc78CcMJ99dKcH6K6myhd4Uenv5yJwiJ/' // Sweden ] }, 'gun-ipfs': { gunPubkey: 'WUK5ylwqqgUorceQRa84qfbBFhk7eNRDUoPbGK05SyE.-yohFhTzWPpDT-UDMuKGgemOUrw_cMMYWpy6plILqrg' } } } } // we need to explicitly list components we want to see debug messages from self.LibResilientConfig.loggedComponents = ['service-worker', 'fetch', 'cache', 'any-of', 'alt-fetch', 'gun-ipfs']