import { describe, it, afterEach, beforeEach } from ""; import { assert, assertThrows, assertRejects, assertEquals } from ""; import { assertSpyCall, assertSpyCalls, spy, } from ""; beforeEach(()=>{ window.resolvingFetchSpy = spy(window.resolvingFetch) window.init = { name: 'redirect', redirectStatus: 302, redirectStatusText: "Found", redirectTo: "" } }) afterEach(()=>{ window.init = null window.resolvingFetchSpy = null }) describe('browser: redirect plugin', async () => { window.LibResilientPluginConstructors = new Map() window.LR = { log: (component, ...items)=>{ console.debug(component + ' :: ', ...items) } } window.resolvingFetch = (url, init) => { return Promise.resolve( new Response( new Blob( [JSON.stringify({ test: "success" })], {type: "application/json"} ), { status: 200, statusText: "OK", headers: { 'ETag': 'TestingETagHeader' } } ) ) } window.resolvingFetchSpy = null await import("../../../plugins/redirect/index.js"); it("should register in LibResilientPluginConstructors", () => { init = { name: 'redirect', redirectTo: '' } assertEquals(LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('redirect')(LR, init).name, 'redirect'); }); it("should fail with incorrect redirectTo config value", () => { init = { name: 'redirect', redirectTo: false } assertThrows( ()=>{ LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('redirect')(LR, init) }, Error, "redirectTo should be a string" ) }); it("should fail with incorrect redirectStatus config value", () => { init = { name: 'redirect', redirectTo: '', redirectStatus: 'incorrect' } assertThrows( ()=>{ LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('redirect')(LR, init) }, Error, "redirectStatus should be a number" ) }); it("should fail with incorrect redirectStatusText config value", () => { init = { name: 'redirect', redirectTo: '', redirectStatusText: false } assertThrows( ()=>{ LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('redirect')(LR, init) }, Error, "redirectStatusText should be a string" ) }); it("should register in LibResilientPluginConstructors without error even if all config data is incorrect, as long as enabled is false", () => { init = { name: 'redirect', redirectTo: false, redirectStatus: "incorrect", redirectStatusText: false, enabled: false } assertEquals(LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('redirect')(LR, init).name, 'redirect'); }); it("should return a 302 Found redirect to a configured location for any request", async () => { init = { name: 'redirect', redirectTo: "" } const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('redirect')(LR, init).fetch(''); assertEquals(response.status, 302) assertEquals(response.statusText, 'Found') assertEquals(response.headers.get('location'), '') }) })