/* ========================================================================= *\ |* === integrity-check: subresource integrity checks for wrapped plugins === *| \* ========================================================================= */ /** * this plugin does not implement any push method */ // no polluting of the global namespace please (function(LRPC){ // this never changes const pluginName = "integrity-check" LRPC.set(pluginName, (LR, init={})=>{ /* * plugin config settings */ // sane defaults let defaultConfig = { // list of plugins to wrap // this should always contain exactly one element, but still needs to be an array // as this is what the Service Worker script expects uses: [{ name: "alt-fetch" }], // if there is no integrity data available for an URL, should the request be allowed to proceed? requireIntegrity: false, // should *all* available hashes for the resource be checked and required? // // by default, if the resource matches *any* of the hashes, it's considered good to go // this follows the spec; from the documentation: // // Note: An integrity value may contain multiple hashes separated by whitespace. // A resource will be loaded if it matches one of those hashes. // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Subresource_Integrity#using_subresource_integrity // // TODO: not implemented yet! // TODO: https://gitlab.com/rysiekpl/libresilient/-/issues/22 //enforceAllHashes: false } // merge the defaults with settings from LibResilientConfig let config = {...defaultConfig, ...init} // reality check: if no wrapped plugin configured, complain if (config.uses.length != 1) { throw new Error(`Expected exactly one plugin to wrap, but ${config.uses.length} configured.`) } /** * helper function, converting binary to base64 * this need not be extremely fast, since it will only be used on digests * * binary_data - data to convert to base64 */ let binToBase64 = (binary_data) => { return btoa( (new Uint8Array(binary_data)) .reduce((bin, byte)=>{ return bin += String.fromCharCode(byte) }, '') ) } /** * helper function, getting the digest algo * from algorithm part of an integrity string * * integrity_algo - the algorithm part of an integrity string */ let getAlgo = (integrity_algo) => { switch (integrity_algo.toLowerCase()) { case 'sha256': return 'SHA-256'; break; case 'sha384': return 'SHA-384'; break; case 'sha512': return 'SHA-512'; break; default: throw new Error(`Unsupported integrity digest algorithm: ${nextIntegrityHash[0]}`) } } /** * getting content using regular HTTP(S) fetch() * * url - the url to fetch * init - Request() init data * * NOTICE: we have no way of knowing if the wrapped plugin performs any actual integrity check * NOTICE: if the wrapped plugin does check integrity, this will lead to checking it twice, * NOTICE: wasting resources */ let fetchAndVerifyContent = (url, init={}) => { // integrity data var integrity = [] // do we have integrity data in init? if ('integrity' in init && init.integrity != "") { // we need an array integrity = init.integrity.split(' ') LR.log(pluginName, `integrity for: ${url}\n- ${integrity}`) // no integrity data available, are we even allowed to proceed? } else if (config.requireIntegrity) { // bail if integrity data is not available throw new Error(`Integrity data required but not provided for: ${url}`) } // fetch data using the configured wrapped plugin var responsePromise = config.uses[0].fetch(url, init) // if we have no integrity data, we really do not have anything to do // apart from returning the response if (integrity.length == 0) { LR.log(pluginName, `no integrity data provided for: ${url}`) return responsePromise; } LR.log(pluginName, `preparing to check integrity of: ${url}`) // down the Promise slide we go // // TODO: what if responsePromise got rejected? // TODO: how to handle split()-related artifacts (empty strings etc)? return responsePromise // get the blob from a cloned response .then(response=>response.clone().blob()) .then(blob=>blob.arrayBuffer()) .then((ab)=>{ // go sequentially, find the first match return integrity // c.f. https://css-tricks.com/why-using-reduce-to-sequentially-resolve-promises-works/ .reduce( (previousPromise, nextIntegrityHash)=>{ return previousPromise .catch((err)=>{ // it's a string, we need an array nextIntegrityHash = nextIntegrityHash.split('-') // make sure the algo name is compatible with SubtleCrypto digest algo names try { nextIntegrityHash[0] = getAlgo(nextIntegrityHash[0]) } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e) } LR.log(pluginName, `verifying integrity for: ${url}\n- algo: ${nextIntegrityHash[0]}\n- hash: ${nextIntegrityHash[1]}`) return crypto .subtle .digest(nextIntegrityHash[0], ab) }) .then((digest)=>{ let b64digest = binToBase64(digest) LR.log(pluginName, `actual digest for: ${url}\n- algo: ${nextIntegrityHash[0]}\n- hash: ${b64digest}`) if (b64digest == nextIntegrityHash[1]) { LR.log(pluginName, `successfully verified integrity for: ${url}\n- algo: ${nextIntegrityHash[0]}\n- hash: ${nextIntegrityHash[1]}`) return responsePromise } else { return Promise.reject(Error('Digest does not match.')) } }) }, // we need to start with a rejected promise, since we're doing a catch()-slide Promise.reject()) }) .catch((err)=>{ return Promise.reject(Error(`No digest matched for: ${url}`)) }) } // and add ourselves to it // with some additional metadata return { name: pluginName, description: `performing subresource integrity checks for resources fetched by other plugins`, version: 'COMMIT_UNKNOWN', fetch: fetchAndVerifyContent, uses: config.uses } }) // done with not polluting the global namespace })(LibResilientPluginConstructors)