further improved error handling, fixing some corner cases (ref. #36)

Michał 'rysiek' Woźniak 2024-03-06 13:47:10 +00:00
rodzic e443e26aae
commit cf0b9d93b0
2 zmienionych plików z 25 dodań i 11 usunięć

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@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ describe('service-worker', async () => {
let response = await fetch_event.waitForResponse()
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, (self.LibResilientConfig.stillLoadingTimeout + 50)))
assertEquals((await response.text()).slice(0, 58), '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Still loading...</title>')
assertEquals((await response.text()).slice(0, 55), '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Still loading</title>')
it("should not use the still-loading screen when handling a regular request, even if a stashing plugin is configured and enabled and stillLoadingTimeout set to a positive integer", async () => {

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@ -274,12 +274,12 @@ let cacheConfigJSON = async (configURL, cresponse, use_source) => {
* cresponse - the Response object to work with
let getConfigJSON = async (cresponse) => {
if (cresponse == undefined) {
self.log('service-worker', 'config.json response is undefined')
if ( (cresponse === undefined) || (cresponse === null) || (typeof cresponse !== 'object') || ! ("status" in cresponse) || ! ("statusText" in cresponse) ) {
self.log('service-worker', 'config.json response is undefined or invalid')
return false;
if (cresponse.status != 200) {
self.log('service-worker', `config.json response status is not 200: ${cdata.status} ${cdata.statusText})`)
self.log('service-worker', `config.json response status is not 200: ${cresponse.status} ${cresponse.statusText})`)
return false;
// cloning the response before applying json()
@ -687,6 +687,9 @@ let initServiceWorker = async () => {
cacheConfigJSON(configURL, cresponse, "v1")
self.log('service-worker', `stale config.json fetch failed.`)
} catch(e) {
@ -938,7 +941,7 @@ let LibResilientResourceInfo = class {
// push the error info, along with method that generated it, onto the error stack
this.errors.push([this.values.method, data.error])
// response?
if ("statusText" in data.error) {
if ( (typeof data.error === 'object') && ("statusText" in data.error) ) {
msgdata.error = `HTTP status: ${data.error.status} ${data.error.statusText}`
// nope, exception
} else {
@ -1026,10 +1029,19 @@ let initFromRequest = (req) => {
* reqInfo - instance of LibResilientResourceInfo
let libresilientFetch = (plugin, url, init, reqInfo) => {
// we really need to catch any exceptions here
// otherwise other plugins will not run!
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise/catch#gotchas_when_throwing_errors
try {
// do we actually have a plugin to work with?
if ( (! plugin) || (typeof plugin !== "object") || ! ("name" in plugin) || ! ("fetch" in plugin) ) {
return Promise.reject(
new Error("Plugin is not valid.")
// status of the plugin
method: (plugin && "name" in plugin) ? plugin.name : "unknown",
@ -1183,7 +1195,7 @@ let getResourceThroughLibResilient = (url, init, clientId, useStashed=true, doSt
// if it's a stashing plugin...
if (typeof plugin.stash === 'function') {
// we obviously do not want to stash
self.log('service-worker', 'Not stashing, since resource is already retrieved by a stashing plugin:', url);
self.log('service-worker', 'not stashing, since resource is already retrieved by a stashing plugin:', url);
// since we got the data from a stashing plugin,
// let's run the rest of plugins in the background to check if we can get a fresher resource
// and stash it in cache for later use
@ -1193,7 +1205,7 @@ let getResourceThroughLibResilient = (url, init, clientId, useStashed=true, doSt
try {
getResourceThroughLibResilient(url, init, clientId, false, true, response.clone())
self.log('service-worker', 'background no-stashed fetch failed for:', url);
self.log('service-worker', 'background no-stashed fetch failed for:', url, `\n+-- error: ${e}`);
} catch(e) {
self.log('service-worker', 'background no-stashed fetch failed for:', url, `\n+-- error: ${e}`);
@ -1267,8 +1279,7 @@ let getResourceThroughLibResilient = (url, init, clientId, useStashed=true, doSt
// a final catch... in case all plugins fail
self.log('service-worker', "all plugins failed: ", err,
'\n+-- URL : ' + url)
self.log('service-worker', `all plugins failed for:\n+-- url : ${url}`)
// cleanup
@ -1283,11 +1294,14 @@ let getResourceThroughLibResilient = (url, init, clientId, useStashed=true, doSt
.reduce((acc, cur)=>{
if ( (typeof cur[0] !== "string") || (cur[0].length === 0) ) {
cur[0] = '<unknown>'
return acc + ' ' + cur.join(': ') + '\n'
}, '')}`)
// rethrow
throw err
// return the error wrapped in a rejected promise
return Promise.reject(err)