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/* ========================================================================= *\
|* === Signed Integrity: content integrity using signed integrity data === *|
\* ========================================================================= */
* signed-integrity plugin's deploy/utility functions
* this code expects a Deno runtime:
* helper function, converting binary to base64
* this need not be extremely fast, since it will only be used on digests
* binary_data - data to convert to base64
let binToBase64 = (binary_data) => {
return btoa(
(new Uint8Array(binary_data))
.reduce((bin, byte)=>{
return bin += String.fromCharCode(byte)
}, '')
* generate an ECDSA P-384 keypair and export it as a JWK
let genKeypair = async () => {
let keypair = await crypto.subtle.generateKey({
name: "ECDSA",
namedCurve: "P-384"
["sign", "verify"]
let exported_keypair = {
publicKey: await crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", keypair.publicKey),
privateKey: await crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", keypair.privateKey)
return JSON.stringify(exported_keypair)
* get a public key from a provided private key file
* keyfile - a path to a file containing the private key
let getPubkey = async (keyfile) => {
// we only want to process one file
if (Array.isArray(keyfile)) {
keyfile = keyfile[0]
// we need non-empty arguments
if ((typeof keyfile !== "string") || (keyfile == "")) {
throw new Error("No keyfile provided.")
// load the key
try {
var keydata = JSON.parse(Deno.readTextFileSync(keyfile));
} catch(e) {
throw new Error(`Failed to load private key from '${keyfile}': ${e.message}`, {cause: e})
// the key can be either in a CryptoKeyPair structure, or directly in CryptoKey structure
// standardize!
if ("privateKey" in keydata) {
keydata = keydata.privateKey
// make the key public by deleting private parts and modifying key_ops
// ref.
delete keydata.d;
keydata.key_ops = ['verify']
// import the key, thus making sure data is valid and makes sense
let key = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
name: 'ECDSA',
namedCurve: 'P-384'
// export it again
return JSON.stringify(await crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", key))
* get integrity digests for a given path
* path - path to a file whose digest is to be generated
* algos - array of SubtleCrypto.digest-compatible algorithm names
let getFileIntegrity = async (path, algos) => {
var result = []
// open the file and get some info on it
const file = await
{ read: true }
const fileInfo = await file.stat();
// are we working with a file?
if (fileInfo.isFile) {
//console.log(`+-- reading: ${path}`)
// initialize
var content = new Uint8Array()
var buf = new Uint8Array(1000);
// read the first batch
var numread = file.readSync(buf);
// read the rest, if there is anything to read
while (numread !== null) {
//console.log(` +-- read: ${numread}`)
//console.log(` +-- length: ${content.length}`)
// there has to be a better way...
var new_content = new Uint8Array(content.length + numread);
//console.log(` +-- new length: ${new_content.length}`)
if (buf.length === numread) {
new_content.set(buf, content.length)
} else {
new_content.set(buf.slice(0, numread), content.length)
content = new_content
// read some more
numread = file.readSync(buf);
//console.log(' +-- done.')
//console.log('+-- calculating digests')
for (const algo of algos) {
//console.log(` +-- ${algo}`)
var digest = algo.toLowerCase().replace('-', '') + '-' + binToBase64(await crypto.subtle.digest(algo, content))
//console.log(`+-- file done: ${path}`)
// we are not working with a file
} else {
result = false;
// putting this in a try-catch block as the file
// is apparently being auto-closed?
try {
await file.close();
} catch (BadResource) {}
// return the result
return result
* generate integrity files for provided paths
* paths - paths to files for which integrity files are to be generated
* keyfile - path of the file containing the private key to use
* algos - array of SubtleCrypto.digest-compatible hashing algorithms (default: ["SHA-256"])
* output - whether to output the signed integrity data to "files", or as "text" or "json" (default)
* extension - file extension to use when saving integrity files (default: ".integrity")
let genSignedIntegrity = async (
extension='.integrity') => {
// we need non-empty arguments
if (!Array.isArray(paths) || (paths.length == 0)) {
throw new Error("Expected non-empty list of paths to process.")
if ((typeof keyfile !== "string") || (keyfile == "")) {
throw new Error("No keyfile provided.")
if (!Array.isArray(algos) || (algos.length == 0)) {
throw new Error("Expected non-empty list of algorithms to use.")
if (!['json', 'text', 'files'].includes(output)) {
throw new Error("Expected 'json', 'text', or 'files' as output type.")
if ( (output == 'files') && ( (typeof extension !== "string") || (extension == "") ) ) {
throw new Error("No extension provided.")
// load the key
try {
var keydata = JSON.parse(Deno.readTextFileSync(keyfile));
} catch(e) {
throw new Error(`Failed to load private key from '${keyfile}': ${e.message}`, {cause: e})
// the key can be either in a CryptoKeyPair structure, or directly in CryptoKey structure
// standardize!
if ("privateKey" in keydata) {
keydata = keydata.privateKey
// import the key, thus making sure data is valid and makes sense
let privkey = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
name: 'ECDSA',
namedCurve: 'P-384'
// initialize the result
let result = {}
// do the thing for each path
for (const path of paths) {
// get the integrity hash
let integrity = await getFileIntegrity(path, algos)
// if integrity is false, the path is a directory or some such
if (integrity == false) {
// JWT header
let header = btoa('{"alg": "ES384"}').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/=/g, '')
// JWT payload -- the integrity hash
// from MDN: "An integrity value may contain multiple hashes separated by whitespace.
// A resource will be loaded if it matches one of those hashes."
let payload = btoa(`{"integrity": "${integrity.join(' ')}"}`).replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/=/g, '')
// get the signature for header + payload
let data = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode(header + '.' + payload)
let signature = new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.sign(
name: "ECDSA",
hash: {name: "SHA-384"}
// and prepare it for inclusion in the JWT
signature = binToBase64(signature).replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/=/g, '')
// put it all together
let jwt = header + '.' + payload + '.' + signature
// do we want output to text or files
result[path] = jwt
if (output == 'files') {
// write it out to {path}.extension
Deno.writeTextFileSync(path + extension, jwt)
// return whatever we have to return
if (output == 'json') {
return JSON.stringify(result);
} else if (output == 'text') {
return Object.keys(result).map(p=>`${p}: ${result[p]}`).join('\n') + '\n'
} else if (output == 'files') {
return "created integrity files:\n" + Object.keys(result).map(p=>`- ${p}${extension}`).join('\n') + "\n"
// this never changes
const pluginName = "signed-integrity"
const pluginDescription = "Fetching signed integrity data and using it to verify content.\nCLI used to generate subresource integrity tokens and save them in integrity files."
const pluginVersion = 'COMMIT_UNKNOWN'
const pluginActions = {
"gen-keypair": {
run: genKeypair,
description: "generate a keypair and export it as a JSON Web Key"
"get-pubkey": {
run: getPubkey,
description: "print out a public key derived from the provided private key",
arguments: {
'_': {
name: "keyfile",
description: "file containing the private key in JSON Web Key format"
"gen-integrity": {
run: genSignedIntegrity,
description: "generate integrity files for given paths",
arguments: {
'_': {
name: "file",
description: "paths to generate signed integrity files for"
keyfile: {
description: "path to the file containing a private key in JSON Web Key format",
string: true
algorithm: {
description: "SubtleCrypto.digest-compatible algorithm names to use when calculating digests (default: \"SHA-256\")",
collect: true,
string: true,
default: "SHA-256"
output: {
description: "output mode: 'files', 'text', or 'json'",
default: 'json',
string: true
extension: {
description: "file extension to use when saving integrity files",
default: '.integrity',
string: true
export {
pluginName as name,
pluginDescription as description,
pluginVersion as version,
pluginActions as actions