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/* ========================================================================= *\
|* === HTTP(S) fetch() from alternative endpoints === *|
\* ========================================================================= */
* this plugin does not implement any push method
* NOTICE: this plugin uses Promise.any()
* the polyfill is implemented in LibResilient's service-worker.js
// no polluting of the global namespace please
// this never changes
const pluginName = "dnslink-fetch"
LRPC.set(pluginName, (LR, init={})=>{
* plugin config settings
// sane defaults
let defaultConfig = {
// how many simultaneous connections to different endpoints do we want
// more concurrency means higher chance of a request succeeding
// but uses more bandwidth and other resources.
// this is not about DoH resolution, only one DoH endpoint *can* be
// configured and used at any time. this is about concurrency once the
// alternative endpoints are already resolved. that is, how many endpoints
// are used simultaneously to pull the actual content.
// 3 seems to be a reasonable default
concurrency: 3,
// DNS-over-HTTPS media type
// if this is set to "application/dns-message", the binary DNS wire format
// will be used and expected.
// if this is set to anything else, JSON format will be used and expected.
// when using the JSON format, it is probably safest to set it to "application/dns-json"
// as this media type seems to be accepted the widest and is required by CloudFlare.
// other often-used media types for DoH JSON API requests:
// - application/dns+json (RFC8427, registered with IANA)
// - application/x-javascript (Google, but accepts other media types as well)
// - application/json
// by default DoH JSON API is used
dohMediaType: "application/dns-json",
// should the requests to the DoH server be made using GET or POST HTTP method?
// this is *only* valid when dohMediaType above is set to "application/dns-message";
// otherwise it is ignored and GET HTTP method is used
dohMethod: "GET",
// DNS-over-HTTPS provider
// by default using Hostux DoH provider, info here:
// -
// other known DoH JSON API providers:
// - ''
// - ''
// - ''
// - ''
// - ''
dohProvider: ''
// merge the defaults with settings from the init var
let config = {...defaultConfig, ...init}
// reality check: dohMediaType must be a string
if (typeof(config.dohMediaType) !== "string" || (config.dohMediaType == '')) {
let err = new Error("dohMediaType not confgured")
throw err
// reality check: dohMethod must be a string, and either "GET" or "POST"
// also, "POST" only makes sense when using "application/dns-message" dohMediaType
if (typeof(config.dohMethod) !== "string" || (config.dohMethod == '')) {
let err = new Error("dohMethod not confgured")
throw err
} else {
// this should be uppercase
config.dohMethod = config.dohMethod.toUpperCase()
// and only GET or POST
if (config.dohMethod != "GET" && config.dohMethod != "POST") {
let err = new Error(`dohMethod can only be "GET" or "POST", but is set to: ${config.dohMethod}`)
throw err
// "POST" only makes sense when dohMediaType is "application/dns-message"
if (config.dohMethod === "POST" && config.dohMediaType != "application/dns-message") {
// this is just a warning though, "POST" is just going to be ignored
LR.log(pluginName, 'Warning: "POST" dohMethod is going to be ignored as dohMediaType is not "application/dns-message"')
// reality check: dohProvider must be a string
if (typeof(config.dohProvider) !== "string" || (config.dohProvider == '')) {
let err = new Error("dohProvider not confgured")
throw err
// externally defined functions
if (typeof self.importScripts !== 'undefined') {
LR.log(pluginName, 'importing doh.js')
// check if doh.js was properly loaded
if (typeof resolveEndpointsBinary !== "function") {
throw new Error("resolveEndpointsBinary() is not defined, is doh.js loaded?")
if (typeof resolveEndpointsJSON !== "function") {
throw new Error("resolveEndpointsJSON() is not defined, is doh.js loaded?")
* retrieving the alternative endpoints list from dnslink
* using DNS-over-HTTPS
* returns an array of strings, each being a valid endpoint,
* in the form of
* scheme://[/optional/path]
let resolveEndpoints = async (domain) => {
// first, we need the actual name we're asking about
// this needs to be ASCII-encoded, so if we want an IDN domain
// it needs to be punycode-encoded!
// TODO: we should *probably* do that ourselves here...
let dnslink_name = `_dnslink.${domain}`
// response we will need to process a bit
let response = []
// we can either resolve them using the binary DoH DNS wire format request...
if (config.dohMediaType === 'application/dns-message') {
// defined in doh.js
response = await resolveEndpointsBinary(dnslink_name, config, (msg)=>{LR.log(pluginName, msg)})
// ...or a DoH JSON API request
} else {
// defined in doh.js
response = await resolveEndpointsJSON(dnslink_name, config)
// filter by 'dnslink="/https?/', morph into scheme://...
// we can't rely on the data not to be wrapped in quotation marks, so we need to correct for that too
let re = /^"?dnslink=\/(https?)\/([^"]+)"?$/
response = response
.filter(r => re.test(r))
.map(r => r.replace(re, "$1:\/\/$2"));
// do we have anything to work with?
if (response.length < 1) {
throw new Error(`No TXT record contained http or https endpoint definition`)
// in case we need some debugging
LR.log(pluginName, '+-- alternative endpoints from DNSLink:\n - ' + response.join('"\n - '))
// this should be what we're looking for - an array of URLs
return response
* getting content using regular HTTP(S) fetch()
let fetchContentFromAlternativeEndpoints = async (url, init={}) => {
// remove the https://original.domain/ bit to get the relative path
// TODO: this assumes that URLs we handle are always relative to the root
// TODO: of the original domain, this needs to be documented
2023-09-26 20:32:54 +00:00
var urlData = url.replace(/https?:\/\//, '').split('/')
var domain = urlData.shift()
var path = urlData.join('/')
LR.log(pluginName, '+-- fetching:\n',
` - domain: ${domain}\n`,
` - path: ${path}\n`
// we really want to make fetch happen, Regina!
// TODO: this change should *probably* be handled on the Service Worker level
init.cache = 'reload'
// we don't want to modify the original endpoints array
var sourceEndpoints = await resolveEndpoints(domain)
// if we have fewer than the configured concurrency or just as many, use all of them
if (sourceEndpoints.length <= config.concurrency) {
var useEndpoints = sourceEndpoints
// otherwise get `config.concurrency` endpoints at random
} else {
var useEndpoints = new Array()
while (useEndpoints.length < config.concurrency) {
.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * sourceEndpoints.length), 1)[0]
// add the rest of the path to each endpoint
useEndpoints.forEach((endpoint, index) => {
useEndpoints[index] = endpoint + '/' + path;
// debug log
LR.log(pluginName, `+-- fetching from alternative endpoints:\n - ${useEndpoints.join('\n - ')}`)
return Promise.any(
u=>fetch(u, init)
.then((response) => {
// all good, it seems
LR.log(pluginName, "fetched:", response.url);
// we need to create a new Response object
// with all the headers added explicitly,
// since response.headers is immutable
var responseInit = {
status: response.status,
statusText: response.statusText,
headers: {},
url: url
response.headers.forEach(function(val, header){
responseInit.headers[header] = val;
// add the X-LibResilient-* headers to the mix
responseInit.headers['X-LibResilient-Method'] = pluginName
// we will not have it most of the time, due to CORS rules:
responseInit.headers['X-LibResilient-ETag'] = response.headers.get('ETag')
if (responseInit.headers['X-LibResilient-ETag'] === null) {
// far from perfect, but what are we going to do, eh?
responseInit.headers['X-LibResilient-ETag'] = response.headers.get('last-modified')
// return the new response, using the Blob from the original one
return response
.then((blob) => {
return new Response(
// return the plugin data structure
return {
name: pluginName,
description: 'HTTP(S) fetch() using alternative endpoints retrieved via DNSLink',
version: 'COMMIT_UNKNOWN',
fetch: fetchContentFromAlternativeEndpoints
// done with not polluting the global namespace