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2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* LibResilient Service Worker.
// initialize the LibResilientConfig array
// this also sets some sane defaults,
// which then can be modified via config.json
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
if (typeof self.LibResilientConfig !== 'object' || self.LibResilientConfig === null) {
self.LibResilientConfig = {
2023-11-10 21:08:03 +00:00
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
// how long do we wait before we decide that a plugin is unresponsive,
// and move on?
defaultPluginTimeout: 10000,
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
// how long should LibResilient wait before displaying the "still loading" screen
// to the user if the request mode is "navigate"?
// NOTICE: the still-loading screen is only used if this setting is > 0
// NOTICE: *and* there is a stashing plugin (normally, `cache`) configured and enabled in the config
// NOTICE: this is done to avoid loops -- otherwise, user would find themselves in a (manual, but still) loop
stillLoadingTimeout: 5000,
2023-11-10 21:08:03 +00:00
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
// plugins settings namespace
// this defines which plugins get loaded,
// and the order in which they are deployed to try to retrieve content
// assumption: plugin path = ./plugins/<plugin-name>.js
// this relies on JavaScript preserving the insertion order for properties
2021-09-15 20:06:04 +00:00
plugins: [{
name: 'fetch'
name: 'cache'
2023-11-10 21:08:03 +00:00
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
// which components should be logged?
// this is an array of strings, components not listed here
// will have their debug output disabled
// by default, the service worker and all enabled plugins
// (so, all components that are used)
loggedComponents: [
2023-10-07 04:58:48 +00:00
2023-11-10 21:08:03 +00:00
2023-10-07 04:58:48 +00:00
// should we normalize query params?
// this usually makes sense: a request to is
// exactly equivalent to
// but in case a given website does something weird with query params...
// ..normalization can be disabled here
2023-11-10 21:08:03 +00:00
normalizeQueryParams: true,
// do we want to use content-based MIME type detection using an external library?
// some plugins (for example, based on IPFS), receive content without a content type,
// because the transport simply does not support it. so we need to find a way to
// figure out the content type on our own -- that's done by the guessMimeType() function
// it can do this based on the extension of the file being requested,
// but that is a limited, imperfect approach.
// it can also load an external library (currently that's `file-type`), and guess
// the content type based on it. this approach is more exact, works for paths that
// do not have an "extension", and works for many more MIME types than the alternative.
// however, it is also slower (content needs to be read, inspected, and compared to a lot
// of signatures), and relies on an external library that needs to be distributed along
// with LibResilient.
// so, since it is not needed in case of most plugins, it is disabled by default.
useMimeSniffingLibrary: false
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* internal logging facility
* component - name of the component being logged about
* if the component is not in the LibResilientConfig.loggedComponents array,
* message will not be displayed
* items - the rest of arguments will be passed to console.debug()
self.log = function(component, ...items) {
if ( ('LibResilientConfig' in self) && ('loggedComponents' in self.LibResilientConfig) && (self.LibResilientConfig.loggedComponents != undefined)) {
if (self.LibResilientConfig.loggedComponents.indexOf(component) >= 0) {
console.debug(`LibResilient [COMMIT_UNKNOWN, ${component}] ::`, ...items)
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
2023-11-10 21:08:03 +00:00
// Map() of file extensions to MIME types for the guessing game below
// this is by no means complete, and focuses mainly on formats that
// are important on the Web
let ext_to_mime = new Map([
['htm', 'text/html'],
['html', 'text/html'],
['css', 'text/css'],
['js', 'text/javascript'],
['json', 'application/json'],
['svg', 'image/svg+xml'],
['ico', 'image/x-icon'],
['gif', 'image/gif'],
['png', 'image/png'],
['jpg', 'image/jpeg'],
['jpeg', 'image/jpeg'],
['jpe', 'image/jpeg'],
['jfif', 'image/jpeg'],
['pjpeg', 'image/jpeg'],
['pjp', 'image/jpeg'],
['webp', 'image/webp'],
['avi', 'video/avi'],
['mp4', 'video/mp4'],
['mp2', 'video/mpeg'],
['mp3', 'audio/mpeg'],
['mpa', 'video/mpeg'],
['pdf', 'application/pdf'],
['txt', 'text/plain'],
['ics', 'text/calendar'],
['jsonld', 'application/ld+json'],
['mjs', 'text/javascript'],
['oga', 'audio/ogg'],
['ogv', 'video/ogg'],
['ogx', 'application/ogg'],
['opus', 'audio/opus'],
['otf', 'font/otf'],
['ts', 'video/mp2t'],
['ttf', 'font/ttf'],
['weba', 'audio/webm'],
['webm', 'video/webm'],
['webp', 'image/webp'],
['woff', 'font/woff'],
['woff2', 'font/woff2'],
['xhtml', 'application/xhtml+xml'],
['xml', 'application/xml']
// preparing the variable for the MIME detection module
// in case we want to use it
let detectMimeFromBuffer = null
* guess the MIME type, based on content and path extension
* important: according to RFC 7231 we should not set Content-Type if we're not sure!
* @param ext - the extension of the path content was fetched as
* @param content - the content itself
* @returns string containing the MIME type, or empty string if guessing failed
self.guessMimeType = async function(ext, content) {
// if we have file-type library loaded, that means that useMimeSniffingLibrary config field is set to true
// and that we were able to load file-type.js
// in other words, we want to use it, we can use it -- so use it!
if (detectMimeFromBuffer !== null) {
let ft = undefined
try {
ft = await detectMimeFromBuffer(content)
} catch (e) {
self.log('service-worker', "+-- error while trying to guess MIME type based on content:", e);
// did we actually get anything?
if ( (ft !== undefined) && (typeof ft === "object") && ("mime" in ft) ) {
// yup!
self.log('service-worker', "+-- guessed MIME type based on content: " + ft.mime);
return ft.mime;
} else {
self.log('service-worker', "+-- unable to guess MIME type based on content.")
// an empty string is in our case equivalent to not setting the Content-Type
// as `new Blob()` with no `type` option set ends up having type set to an empty string
if (ext_to_mime.has(ext)) {
self.log('service-worker', "+-- guessed MIME type based on extension: " + ext_to_mime.get(ext));
return ext_to_mime.get(ext)
// if we're unable to guess the MIME type, we need to return an empty string
self.log('service-worker', " +-- unable to guess the MIME type");
return "";
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* verifying a config data object
* we are *NOT* checking for fields that are unknown/unexpected
* as resilience is more important than conrrectness here:
* we do want the config to load if at all it can be loaded,
* an extra field or two is not a problem here
* cdata - config data to verify
let verifyConfigData = (cdata) => {
// cdata needs to be an object
if ( typeof cdata !== "object" || cdata === null ) {
self.log('service-worker', 'fetched config does not contain a valid JSON object')
return false;
// basic check for the plugins field
if ( !("plugins" in cdata) || ! Array.isArray(cdata.plugins) ) {
self.log('service-worker', 'fetched config does not contain a valid "plugins" field')
return false;
// basic check for the loggedComponents
if ( !("loggedComponents" in cdata) || !Array.isArray(cdata.loggedComponents) ) {
self.log('service-worker', 'fetched config does not contain a valid "loggedComponents" field')
return false;
// defaultPluginTimeout is optional
if ("defaultPluginTimeout" in cdata) {
if (!Number.isInteger(cdata.defaultPluginTimeout)) {
self.log('service-worker', 'fetched config contains invalid "defaultPluginTimeout" data (integer expected)')
return false;
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
// stillLoadingTimeout is optional
if ("stillLoadingTimeout" in cdata) {
if (!Number.isInteger(cdata.stillLoadingTimeout)) {
self.log('service-worker', 'fetched config contains invalid "stillLoadingTimeout" data (integer expected)')
return false;
// normalizeQueryParams is optional
if ("normalizeQueryParams" in cdata) {
2023-11-10 21:08:03 +00:00
if (cdata.normalizeQueryParams !== true && cdata.normalizeQueryParams !== false) {
self.log('service-worker', 'fetched config contains invalid "normalizeQueryParams" data (boolean expected)')
return false;
2023-11-10 21:08:03 +00:00
// useMimeSniffingLibrary is optional
if ("useMimeSniffingLibrary" in cdata) {
if (cdata.useMimeSniffingLibrary !== true && cdata.useMimeSniffingLibrary !== false) {
self.log('service-worker', 'fetched config contains invalid "useMimeSniffingLibrary" data (boolean expected)')
return false;
// we're good
return true;
* cache the `config.json` response, wherever from we got it
* configURL - url of the config file
* cresponse - response we're caching
let cacheConfigJSON = async (configURL, cresponse, use_source) => {
try {
var cache = await
await cache.put(configURL, cresponse)
self.log('service-worker', `config cached in cache: ${use_source}.`)
} catch(e) {
self.log('service-worker', `failed to cache config in cache ${use_source}: ${e}`)
* get config JSON and verify it's valid
* cresponse - the Response object to work with
let getConfigJSON = async (cresponse) => {
if (cresponse == undefined) {
self.log('service-worker', 'config.json response is undefined')
return false;
if (cresponse.status != 200) {
self.log('service-worker', `config.json response status is not 200: ${cdata.status} ${cdata.statusText})`)
return false;
// cloning the response before applying json()
// so that we can cache the response later
var cdata = await cresponse.clone().json()
if (verifyConfigData(cdata)) {
return cdata;
return false;
* execute on the configuration
* load plugin modules, making constructors available
* cycle through the plugin config instantiating plugins and their dependencies
let executeConfig = (config) => {
// working on a copy of the plugins config so that config.plugins remains unmodified
// in case we need it later (for example, when re-loading the config)
let pluginsConfig = [...config.plugins]
// this is the stash for plugins that need dependencies instantiated first
let dependentPlugins = new Array()
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
// do we have any stashing plugins enabled?
// this is important for the still-loading screen
let stashingEnabled = false
// only now load the plugins (config.json could have changed the defaults)
while (pluginsConfig.length > 0) {
// get the first plugin config from the array
let pluginConfig = pluginsConfig.shift()
self.log('service-worker', `handling plugin type: ${}`)
// load the relevant plugin script (if not yet loaded)
if (!LibResilientPluginConstructors.has( {
self.log('service-worker', `${}: loading plugin's source`)
// do we have any dependencies we should handle first?
if (typeof pluginConfig.uses !== "undefined") {
self.log('service-worker', `${}: ${pluginConfig.uses.length} dependencies found`)
// move the dependency plugin configs to LibResilientConfig to be worked on next
for (let i=(pluginConfig.uses.length); i--; i>=0) {
self.log('service-worker', `${}: dependency found: ${pluginConfig.uses[i].name}`)
// put the plugin config in front of the plugin configs array
// set each dependency plugin config to false so that we can keep track
// as we fill those gaps later with instantiated dependency plugins
pluginConfig.uses[i] = false
// stash the plugin config until we have all the dependencies handled
self.log('service-worker', `${}: not instantiating until dependencies are ready`)
// move on to the next plugin config, which at this point will be
// the first of dependencies for the plugin whose config got stashed
do {
// if the plugin is not enabled, no instantiation for it nor for its dependencies
// if the pluginConfig does not have an "enabled" field, it should be assumed to be "true"
if ( ( "enabled" in pluginConfig ) && ( pluginConfig.enabled != true ) ) {
self.log('service-worker', `skipping ${} instantiation: plugin not enabled (dependencies will also not be instantiated)`)
pluginConfig = dependentPlugins.pop()
if (pluginConfig !== undefined) {
let didx = pluginConfig.uses.indexOf(false)
pluginConfig.uses.splice(didx, 1)
// instantiate the plugin
let plugin = LibResilientPluginConstructors.get(, pluginConfig)
self.log('service-worker', `${}: instantiated`)
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
// is this a stashing plugin?
// we need at least one stashing plugin to be able to use the still-loading screen
stashingEnabled = stashingEnabled || ( ( "stash" in plugin ) && ( typeof plugin.stash === "function" ) )
// do we have a stashed plugin that requires dependencies?
if (dependentPlugins.length === 0) {
// no we don't; so, this plugin goes directly to the plugin list
// we're done here
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
self.log('service-worker', `${}: no dependent plugins left, pushing directly to LibResilientPlugins`)
// at this point clearly there is at least one element in dependentPlugins
// so we can safely assume that the freshly instantiated plugin is a dependency
// in that case let's find the first empty spot for a dependency
let didx = dependentPlugins[dependentPlugins.length - 1].uses.indexOf(false)
// assign the freshly instantiated plugin as that dependency
dependentPlugins[dependentPlugins.length - 1].uses[didx] = plugin
self.log('service-worker', `${}: assigning as dependency (#${didx}) to ${dependentPlugins[dependentPlugins.length - 1].name}`)
// was this the last one?
if (didx >= dependentPlugins[dependentPlugins.length - 1].uses.length - 1) {
// yup, last one!
self.log('service-worker', `${}: this was the last dependency of ${dependentPlugins[dependentPlugins.length - 1].name}`)
// we can now proceed to instantiate the last element of dependentPlugins
pluginConfig = dependentPlugins.pop()
// it is not the last one, so there should be more dependency plugins to instantiate first
// before we can instantiate the last of element of dependentPlugins
// but that requires the full treatment, including checing the `uses` field for their configs
self.log('service-worker', `${}: not yet the last dependency of ${dependentPlugins[dependentPlugins.length - 1].name}`)
pluginConfig = false
// if pluginConfig is not false, rinse-repeat the plugin instantiation steps
// since we are dealing with the last element of dependentPlugins
} while ( (pluginConfig !== false) && (pluginConfig !== undefined) )
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
// do we want to use MIME type guessing based on content?
// dealing with this at the very end so that we know we can safely set detectMimeFromBuffer
// and not need to re-set it back in case anything fails
if (config.useMimeSniffingLibrary === true) {
// we do not want to hit a NetworkError and end up using the default config
// much better to end up not using the fancy MIME type detection in such a case
try {
// we do! load the external lib
} catch (e) {
self.log('service-worker', `error when fetching external MIME sniffing library: ${e.message}`)
if (typeof fileType !== 'undefined' && "fileTypeFromBuffer" in fileType) {
detectMimeFromBuffer = fileType.fileTypeFromBuffer
self.log('service-worker', 'loaded external MIME sniffing library')
} else {
self.log('service-worker', 'failed to load external MIME sniffing library!')
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
// finally -- if we do not have *any* stashing plugins enabled,
// we need to disable the still-loading screen
if ( ! stashingEnabled ) {
config.stillLoadingTimeout = 0
self.log('service-worker', 'still-loading screen disabled, as there are no stashing plugins enabled')
// we're good!
return true;
// flag signifying if the SW has been initialized already
var initDone = false
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
// load the plugins
let initServiceWorker = async () => {
// if init has already been done, skip!
if (initDone) {
self.log('service-worker', 'skipping service-worker init, already done')
return false;
// everything in a try-catch block
// so that we get an informative message if there's an error
try {
// we'll need this later
let cresponse = null
let config = null
// self.registration.scope contains the scope this service worker is registered for
// so it makes sense to pull config from `config.json` file directly under that location
// TODO: this should probably be configurable somehow
let configURL = self.registration.scope + "config.json"
// clean version of LibResilientPlugins
// NOTICE: this assumes LibResilientPlugins is not ever used *before* this runs
// NOTICE: this assumption seems to hold currently, but noting for clarity
self.LibResilientPlugins = new Array()
// create the LibResilientPluginConstructors map
// the global... hack is here so that we can run tests; not the most elegant
// TODO: find a better way
self.LibResilientPluginConstructors = self.LibResilientPluginConstructors || new Map()
// point backup of LibResilientPluginConstructors, in case we need to roll back
// this is used during cleanup in executeConfig()
// TODO: handle in a more elegant way
let lrpcBackup = new Map(self.LibResilientPluginConstructors)
// config sources to try
let config_sources = ['v1', 'v1:verified', 'fetch']
// keep track
let config_executed = false
let use_source = false
do {
// init config data var
let cdata = false
// where are we getting the config.json from this time?
// we eitehr get a string (name of a cache, or "fetch" for simple fetch()),
// or undefined (signifying need to use the defaults)
use_source = config_sources.shift()
try {
// are we using any kind of source, or fall back to defaults?
if ( typeof use_source === 'string' ) {
// some kind of source! cache?
if ( ( use_source === 'v1' ) || ( use_source === 'v1:verified' ) ) {
self.log('service-worker', `retrieving config.json from cache: ${use_source}.`)
cresponse = await caches.match(configURL, {cacheName: use_source})
// bail early if we got nothing
if (cresponse === undefined) {
self.log('service-worker', `config.json not found in cache: ${use_source}.`)
// regular fetch?
// (we don't have any plugin transports at this point, obviously...)
} else if ( use_source === "fetch" ) {
self.log('service-worker', `retrieving config.json using fetch().`)
cresponse = await fetch(configURL)
// that should not happen!
} else {
throw new Error(`unknown config.json source: ${use_source}; this should never happen!`)
// extract the retrieved JSON and verify it
cdata = await getConfigJSON(cresponse)
// do we have anything to work with?
if (cdata === false) {
// cached config.json was invalid; no biggie, try another cache, or fetch()
if ( ( use_source === 'v1' ) || ( use_source === 'v1:verified' ) ) {
self.log('service-worker', `cached config.json is not valid; cache: ${use_source}`)
// if that was a fetch() config, we need to fall-back to defaults!
} else {
self.log('service-worker', `fetched config.json is not valid; using defaults`)
// no valid config means we need to go around again
// we good!
} else {
self.log('service-worker', `valid-looking config.json retrieved.`)
// anything else just means "use defaults"
} else {
self.log('service-worker', `retrieving config.json failed completely, using built-in defaults.`)
// defaults means an empty object here,
// we're merging with actual defaults later on
cdata = {}
// exception? no bueno!
} catch(e) {
self.log('service-worker', `exception when trying to retrieve config.json: ${e.message}`)
// merge configs — either with the retrieved JSON,
// or with an empty object if using defaults
config = {...self.LibResilientConfig, ...cdata}
// try executing the config
// we want to catch any and all possible errors here
try {
config_executed = executeConfig(config)
// exception? no bueno
} catch (e) {
// inform
self.log('service-worker', `error while executing config: ${e.message}`)
// cleanup after a failed config execution
self.LibResilientPluginConstructors = new Map(lrpcBackup)
self.LibResilientPlugins = new Array()
// we are not good
config_executed = false;
// if we're using the defaults, and yet loading of the config failed
// something is massively wrong
if ( ( use_source === undefined ) && ( config_executed === false ) ) {
// this really should never happen
throw new Error('Failed to load the default config; this should never happen!')
// NOTICE: endless loop alert?
// NOTICE: this is not an endless loop because cresponse can only become false if we're using the default config
// NOTICE: and that single case is handled directly above
} while ( ! config_executed )
2021-09-15 20:06:04 +00:00
// we're good
self.LibResilientConfig = config
self.log('service-worker', 'config loaded.')
2021-09-15 20:06:04 +00:00
// we're good, let's cache the config as verified if we need to
// that is, if it comes from the "v1" cache...
if (use_source === "v1") {
self.log('service-worker', `successfully loaded config.json; caching in cache: v1:verified`)
await cacheConfigJSON(configURL, cresponse, 'v1:verified')
// we used the v1:verified cache; we should cache config.json into the v1 cache
// as that will speed things up a bit next time we need to load the service worker
} else if (use_source === "v1:verified") {
self.log('service-worker', `successfully loaded config.json; caching in cache: v1`)
await cacheConfigJSON(configURL, cresponse, 'v1')
// or, was fetch()-ed and valid (no caching if we're going with defaults, obviously)
} else if (use_source === "fetch") {
self.log('service-worker', `successfully loaded config.json; caching in caches: v1, v1:verified`)
// we want to cache to both, so that:
// 1. we get the extra bit of performance from using the v1 cache that is checked first
// 2. but we get the verified config already in the v1:verified cache for later
await cacheConfigJSON(configURL, await cresponse.clone(), 'v1')
await cacheConfigJSON(configURL, cresponse, 'v1:verified')
// inform
self.log('service-worker', `service worker initialized.\nstrategy in use: ${>', ')}`)
initDone = true;
// regardless how we got the config file, if it's older than 24h...
if ( ( cresponse !== false ) && (new Date()) - Date.parse(cresponse.headers.get('date')) > 86400000) {
// try to get it asynchronously through the plugins, and cache it
self.log('service-worker', `config.json stale, fetching through plugins`)
getResourceThroughLibResilient(configURL, {}, 'libresilient-internal', false, false)
.then(async cresponse=>{
// extract JSON and verify it
var cdata = await getConfigJSON(cresponse)
// did that work?
if (cdata === false) {
// we got a false in cdata, that means it probably is invalid (or the fetch failed)
self.log('service-worker', 'config.json loaded through transport other than fetch seems invalid, ignoring')
return false
// otherwise, we good for more in-depth testing!
} else {
// if we got the new config.json via a method *other* than plain old fetch(),
// we will not be able to use importScripts() to load any pugins that have not been loaded already
// NOTICE: this *only* checks if we have all the necessary plugin constructors already available
// which signifies that relevant code has been successfully loaded; but there are other failure modes!
if (cresponse.headers.get('x-libresilient-method') != 'fetch') {
// go through the plugins in the new config and check if we already have their constructors
// i.e. if the plugin scripts have already been loaded
let currentPlugin = cdata.plugins.shift()
do {
// plugin constructor not available, meaning: we'd have to importScripts() it
// but we can't since this was not retrieved via fetch(), so we cannot assume
// that the main domain of the website is up and available
// if we cache this newly retrieved config.json, next time the service worker gets restarted
// we will end up with an error while trying to run importScripts() for this plugin
// which in turn would lead to the service worker being unregistered
// if the main domain is not available, this would mean the website stops working
// even though we *were* able to retrieve the new config.json via plugins!
// so, ignoring this new config.json.
if (!LibResilientPluginConstructors.has( {
`warning: config.json loaded through transport other than fetch, but specifies not previously loaded plugin: "${}"\nignoring the whole config.json.`)
return false;
// push any dependencies into the array, at the very front
// thus gradually flattening the config
if ("uses" in currentPlugin) {
// get the next plugin to check
currentPlugin = cdata.plugins.shift()
} while ( (currentPlugin !== false) && (currentPlugin !== undefined) )
self.log('service-worker', `valid config.json successfully retrieved through plugins; caching.`)
// cache it, asynchronously, in the temporary cache
// as the config has not been "execute-tested" yet
cacheConfigJSON(configURL, cresponse, "v1")
} catch(e) {
// we only get a cryptic "Error while registering a service worker"
// unless we explicitly print the errors out in the console
// we got an error while initializing the service worker!
// better play it safe!
return false
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
return true;
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* fetch counter per clientId
* we need to keep track of active fetches per clientId
* so that we can inform a given clientId when we're completely done
self.activeFetches = new Map();
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* decrement fetches counter
* and inform the correct clientId if all is finished done
let decrementActiveFetches = (clientId) => {
// decrement the fetch counter for the client
self.activeFetches.set(clientId, self.activeFetches.get(clientId)-1)
self.log('service-worker', '+-- activeFetches[' + clientId + ']:', self.activeFetches.get(clientId))
if (self.activeFetches.get(clientId) === 0) {
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
self.log('service-worker', 'All fetches done!')
// inform the client
// client has to be smart enough to know if that is just temporary
// (and new fetches will fire in a moment, because a CSS file just
// got fetched) or not
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
postMessage(clientId, {
allFetched: true
self.log('service-worker', 'all-fetched message queued.')
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* returns a Promise that either resolves or rejects after a set timeout
* optionally with a specific error message
* time - the timeout (in ms)
* timeout_resolves - whether the Promise should resolve() or reject() when hitting the timeout (default: false (reject))
* error_message - optional error message to use when rejecting (default: false (no error message))
2023-09-26 20:32:54 +00:00
* returns an array containing:
* - timeout-related Promise as element 0
* - timeoutID as element 1
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
let promiseTimeout = (time, timeout_resolves=false, error_message=false) => {
2023-09-26 20:32:54 +00:00
let timeout_id = null
let timeout_promise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
timeout_id = setTimeout(()=>{
if (timeout_resolves) {
} else {
if (error_message) {
reject(new Error(error_message))
} else {
}, time);
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
2023-09-26 20:32:54 +00:00
// we need both the promise and the timeout ID
// so that we can clearTimeout() if/when needed
return [timeout_promise, timeout_id]
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
/* ========================================================================= *\
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
|* === LibResilientClient === *|
\* ========================================================================= */
* Libresilient client class
* handles communication with a client
* TODO: track active fetches as part of this class?
let LibResilientClient = class {
async postMessage(message) {
// log
self.log('service-worker', 'postMessage():', JSON.stringify(message))
// add our message to the message queue
// try to get the client from Client API based on clientId
if (! this.client) {
this.client = await self
// now, we might still not have a valid client here
if (! this.client) {
// store it for later, when we do get a valid client
self.log('service-worker', `postMessage(): no valid client for id: ${this.clientId}, added message to the queue`)
// we have a valid client, it seems!
} else {
// we want all messages to be delivered, and in order they were added
// our message is at the end and will get handled in due course
let msg = false
while (msg = this.messageQueue.shift()) {
try {
} catch (err) {
// if we fail for whatever reason, bail from the loop
self.log('service-worker', `postMessage(): client seems valid, but postMessage failed; message left in the queue\n- Error message: ${err}`)
constructor(clientId) {
self.log('service-worker', `new client: ${clientId}`)
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
// we often get the clientId long before
// we are able to get a valid client out of it
// so we need to keep both
this.clientId = clientId
this.client = null;
// queued messages for when we have a client available
this.messageQueue = []
// map of all known clients
let LibResilientClients = new Map()
* getting a client based on clientId and sending a message
* (or queueing it for later if we cannot get a valid client)
let postMessage = async (clientId, message) => {
// do we already have a LibResilientClient instance for that client id?
let client = LibResilientClients.get(clientId)
// if not, create it
if (client === undefined) {
client = new LibResilientClient(clientId)
LibResilientClients.set(clientId, client)
// send (or queue) the message
await client.postMessage(message)
/* ========================================================================= *\
|* === LibResilientResourceInfo === *|
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
\* ========================================================================= */
* LibResilient resource info class
* keeps the values as long as the service worker is running,
* and communicates all changes to relevant clients
* clients are responsible for saving and keeping the values across
* service worker restarts, if that's required
let LibResilientResourceInfo = class {
* constructor
* needed to set the URL and clientId
constructor(url, clientId) {
// actual values of the fields
// only used internally, and stored into the Indexed DB
this.values = {
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
url: '', // read only after initialization
clientId: null, // the client on whose behalf that request is being processed
method: null, // name of the current plugin (in case of state:running) or last plugin (for state:failed or state:success)
state: null, // can be "failed", "success", "running"
serviceWorker: 'COMMIT_UNKNOWN' // this will be replaced by commit sha in CI/CD; read-only
// errors from the plugins, contains tuples: [plugin-name, exception-or-response-object]
this.errors = []
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
// queued messages for when we have a client available
this.messageQueue = []
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
// set it
this.values.url = url
this.values.clientId = clientId
// we might not have a non-empty clientId if it's a cross-origin fetch
2023-09-26 20:32:54 +00:00
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
if (clientId) {
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* update this.values and immediately postMessage() to the relevant client
* data - an object with items to set in this.values
update(data) {
// debug
var msg = 'Updated LibResilientResourceInfo for: ' + this.values.url
// was there a change? if not, no need to postMessage
var changed = false
// update simple read-write properties
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
return ['method', 'state'].includes(k)
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
msg += '\n+-- ' + k + ': ' + data[k]
if (this.values[k] !== data[k]) {
msg += ' (changed!)'
changed = true
this.values[k] = data[k]
// start preparing the data to postMessage() over to the client
let msgdata = {...this.values}
// handle any error related info
if ('error' in data) {
// push the error info, along with method that generated it, onto the error stack
this.errors.push([this.values.method, data.error])
// response?
if ("statusText" in data.error) {
msgdata.error = `HTTP status: ${data.error.status} ${data.error.statusText}`
// nope, exception
} else {
msgdata.error = data.error.toString()
changed = true
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
self.log('service-worker', msg)
// send the message to the client
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
if (changed) {
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* method property
get method() {
return this.values.method
* state property
get state() {
return this.values.state
* serviceWorker property (read-only)
get serviceWorker() {
return this.values.serviceWorker
* url property (read-only)
get url() {
return this.values.url
* clientId property (read-only)
get clientId() {
return this.values.clientId
/* ========================================================================= *\
|* === Main Brain of LibResilient === *|
\* ========================================================================= */
* generate Request()-compatible init object from an existing Request
* req - the request to work off of
let initFromRequest = (req) => {
return {
method: req.method,
// TODO: ref.
//headers: req.headers, TODO: commented out:
//mode: req.mode, TODO: commented out because mode: navigate is haram in service worker, it seems
//credentials: req.credentials, TODO: commented out because credentials: "include" is haram if the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is '*'
cache: req.cache,
redirect: req.redirect,
referrer: req.referrer,
integrity: req.integrity
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* run a plugin's fetch() method
* while handling all the auxiliary stuff like saving info in reqInfo
* plugin - the plugin to use
* url - string containing the URL to fetch
* init - Request() initialization parameters
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* reqInfo - instance of LibResilientResourceInfo
let libresilientFetch = (plugin, url, init, reqInfo) => {
// we really need to catch any exceptions here
// otherwise other plugins will not run!
try {
// status of the plugin
method: (plugin && "name" in plugin) ? : "unknown",
state: "running"
2023-09-26 20:32:54 +00:00
// log stuff
self.log('service-worker', "LibResilient Service Worker handling URL:", url,
'\n+-- init:', Object.getOwnPropertyNames(init).map(p=>`\n - ${p}: ${init[p]}`).join(''),
'\n+-- using method(s):',
// starting the fetch...
// if it errors out immediately, at least we don't have to deal
// with a dangling promise timeout, set up below
let fetch_promise = plugin
.fetch(url, init)
// 5xx? that's a paddlin'
// we do want to pass 3xx and 4xx on back to the client though!
if (response.status >= 500) {
// throw an Error to fall back to LibResilient:
throw new Error('HTTP Error: ' + response.status + ' ' + response.statusText);
// ok, we're good
return response
let timeout_promise, timeout_id
[timeout_promise, timeout_id] = promiseTimeout(
`LibResilient request using ${} timed out after ${self.LibResilientConfig.defaultPluginTimeout}ms.`
// making sure there are no dangling promises etc
// this has to happen asynchronously
// make sure the timeout is cancelled as soon as the promise resolves
// we do not want any dangling promises/timeouts after all!
// no-op to make sure we don't end up with dangling rejected premises
// race the plugin(s) vs. the timeout
return Promise
} catch(e) {
return Promise.reject(e)
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* calling a libresilient plugin function on the first plugin that implements it
* call - method name to call
* args - arguments that will be passed to it
let callOnLibResilientPlugin = (call, args) => {
// find the first plugin implementing the method
2023-09-26 20:32:54 +00:00
for (let i=0; i<self.LibResilientPlugins.length; i++) {
if (typeof self.LibResilientPlugins[i][call] === 'function') {
self.log('service-worker', 'Calling plugin ' + self.LibResilientPlugins[i].name + '.' + call + '()')
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
// call it
// TODO: check if args is an Array?
return self.LibResilientPlugins[i][call].apply(null, args)
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* Cycles through all the plugins, in the order they got registered,
* and returns a Promise resolving to a Response in case any of the plugins
* was able to get the resource
* url - the url we want to fetch
* init - the init data for responses
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* clientId - string containing the clientId of the requesting client
* useStashed - use stashed resources; if false, only pull resources from live sources
* doStash - stash resources once fetched successfully; if false, do not stash pulled resources automagically
* stashedResponse - TBD
let getResourceThroughLibResilient = (url, init, clientId, useStashed=true, doStash=true, stashedResponse=null) => {
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
// set-up reqInfo for the fetch event
var reqInfo = new LibResilientResourceInfo(url, clientId)
// fetch counter
self.activeFetches.set(clientId, self.activeFetches.get(clientId)+1)
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
// filter out stash plugins if need be
var LibResilientPluginsRun = self.LibResilientPlugins.filter((plugin)=>{
return ( useStashed || typeof plugin.stash !== 'function')
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* this uses Array.reduce() to chain the LibResilientPlugins[]-generated Promises
* using the Promise the first registered plugin as the default value
* see:
* this also means that LibResilientPlugins[0].fetch() below will run first
* (counter-intutively!)
* we are slice()-ing it so that the first plugin is only run once; it is
* run in the initialValue parameter below already
* ref:
return LibResilientPluginsRun
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
(prevPromise, currentPlugin)=>{
return prevPromise.catch((error)=>{
self.log('service-worker', "LibResilient plugin error for:", url,
'\n+-- method : ' + reqInfo.method,
'\n+-- error : ' + error.toString())
// save info in reqInfo -- status of the previous method
error: error
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
return libresilientFetch(currentPlugin, url, init, reqInfo)
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
// this libresilientFetch() will run first
// all other promises generated by LibResilientPlugins[] will be chained on it
// using the catch() in reduce() above
// skipping this very first plugin by way of slice(1)
libresilientFetch(LibResilientPluginsRun[0], url, init, reqInfo)
// we got a successful response
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
// record the success
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
// get the plugin that was used to fetch content
2023-09-26 20:32:54 +00:00
let plugin = self.LibResilientPlugins.find(p=>
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
// if it's a stashing plugin...
if (typeof plugin.stash === 'function') {
// we obviously do not want to stash
self.log('service-worker', 'Not stashing, since resource is already retrieved by a stashing plugin:', url);
// since we got the data from a stashing plugin,
// let's run the rest of plugins in the background to check if we can get a fresher resource
// and stash it in cache for later use
self.log('service-worker', 'starting background no-stashed fetch for:', url);
// event.waitUntil?
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
try {
getResourceThroughLibResilient(url, init, clientId, false, true, response.clone())
self.log('service-worker', 'background no-stashed fetch failed for:', url);
} catch(e) {
self.log('service-worker', 'background no-stashed fetch failed for:', url, `\n+-- error: ${e}`);
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
// return the response so that stuff can keep happening
return response
// otherwise, let's see if we want to stash
// and if we already had a stashed version that differs
} else {
// do we have a stashed version that differs?
if (stashedResponse && stashedResponse.headers) {
// this is where we check if the response from whatever plugin we got it from
// is newer than what we've stashed
self.log('service-worker', 'checking freshness of stashed version of:', url,
'\n+-- stashed from :', stashedResponse.headers.get('X-LibResilient-Method'),
'\n+-- fetched using :', response.headers.get('X-LibResilient-Method'),
'\n+-- stashed X-LibResilient-ETag :', stashedResponse.headers.get('X-LibResilient-ETag'),
'\n+-- fetched X-LibResilient-ETag :', response.headers.get('X-LibResilient-ETag'))
// if the method does not match, or if it matches but the ETag doesn't
// we have a different response
// which means *probably* fresher content
if ( ( stashedResponse.headers.get('X-LibResilient-Method') !== response.headers.get('X-LibResilient-Method') )
|| ( stashedResponse.headers.get('X-LibResilient-ETag') !== response.headers.get('X-LibResilient-ETag') ) ) {
// inform!
self.log('service-worker', 'fetched version method or ETag differs from stashed for:', url)
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
postMessage(reqInfo.clientId, {
url: url,
fetchedDiffers: true
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
// TODO: this should probably modify doStash?
// do we want to stash?
if (doStash) {
// find the first stashing plugin
2023-09-26 20:32:54 +00:00
for (let i=0; i<self.LibResilientPlugins.length; i++) {
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
if (typeof self.LibResilientPlugins[i].stash === 'function') {
// ok, now we're in business
var hdrs = '\n+-- headers:'
response.headers.forEach((v, k)=>{
hdrs += `\n +-- ${k} : ${v}`
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
`stashing a successful fetch of: ${url}`,
`\n+-- fetched using : ${response.headers.get('X-LibResilient-Method')}`,
`\n+-- stashing using : ${self.LibResilientPlugins[i].name}`,
// working on clone()'ed response so that the original one is not touched
// TODO: should a failed stashing break the flow here? probably not!
return self.LibResilientPlugins[i].stash(response.clone(), url)
// original response will be needed further down
return response
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
// if we're here it means we went through the whole list of plugins
// and found not a single stashing plugin
// or we don't want to stash the resources in the first place
// that's fine, but let's make sure the response goes forth
return response
// a final catch... in case all plugins fail
self.log('service-worker', "all plugins failed: ", err,
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
'\n+-- URL : ' + url)
// cleanup
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
state: "failed",
error: err
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
// print out all the errors from plugins in console for debugging purposes
self.log('service-worker', `request errored out:\n+-- url: ${reqInfo.url}\n+-- plugin errors:\n${
.reduce((acc, cur)=>{
return acc + ' ' + cur.join(': ') + '\n'
}, '')}`)
2021-11-13 13:14:17 +00:00
// rethrow
throw err
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
/* ========================================================================= *\
|* === Setting up the event handlers === *|
\* ========================================================================= */
self.addEventListener('install', async (event) => {
let init_promise = initServiceWorker()
await event.waitUntil(init_promise)
if (await init_promise === true) {
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
// "COMMIT_UNKNOWN" will be replaced with commit ID
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
self.log('service-worker', "installed LibResilient Service Worker (commit: COMMIT_UNKNOWN).");
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
self.addEventListener('activate', async event => {
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
await event.waitUntil(self.clients.claim())
self.log('service-worker', "activated LibResilient Service Worker (commit: COMMIT_UNKNOWN).");
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* messages to be used on the still-loading screen and on the error page
* TODO: make this configurable via config.json
let still_loading_messages = {
title: "Still loading",
body: "The content is still being loaded, thank you for your patience.<br/><br/>This page will auto-reload in a few seconds. If it does not, please <a href='./'>click here</a>."
let success_messages = {
title: "Loaded, redirecting!",
body: "The content has loaded, you are being redirected."
let failure_messages = {
title: "Loading failed.",
body: "We're sorry, we were unable to load this page."
* this function returns the still-loading screen and error page HTML
* @param init_msgs text to initialize the HTML with
* @param success_msgs text to use upon request success; false disables them (false by default)
* @param failure_msgs text to use upon failure; false disables them (false by default)
let getUserFacingHTML = (init_msgs, success_msgs=false, failure_msgs=false) => {
// header and main part of the HTML page
let html =
`<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>${init_msgs.title}</title></head><body>
body {
margin: auto;
width: 30em;
margin: 2em auto;
background: #dddddd;
color: black;
font-family: sans-serif;
h1 {
height: 1em;
h1 > span {
animation: throbber 2s infinite 0s linear;
font-size: 70%;
position: relative;
top: 0.2em;
#throbber1 {
animation-delay: 0s;
#throbber2 {
animation-delay: 0.5s;
#throbber3 {
animation-delay: 1s;
@keyframes throbber {
0% {opacity: 1.0;}
50% {opacity: 0.1;}
100% {opacity: 1.0;}
#working {
color: gray;
font-family: monospace;
font-weight: bold;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
justify-content: left;
margin-top: 0em;
a {
color: #2d5589
#errors {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: smaller;
marin-top: 1em;
color: maroon;
opacity: 0.5;
font-family: monospace;
<h1 id="header">${init_msgs.title}<span id="throbber1">&#x2022;</span><span id="throbber2">&#x2022;</span><span id="throbber3">&#x2022;</span></h1>
<p id="working">attempts:&nbsp;<span id="status">1</span></p>
<p id="text">${init_msgs.body}</p>
<p id="errors"></p>
let attempts = 0;
let header = document.getElementById('header')
let text = document.getElementById('text')
let status = document.getElementById('status')
let errors = document.getElementById('errors')
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === window.location.href ) {`
// do we have any success messages?
// if not, ignore the whole success handling bit (including automatic reload!)
// try-catch because we really don't want an exception here
try {
if (success_msgs !== false) {
html += `
if ( === 'success' ) {
header.innerHTML = "${ success_msgs.title }"
document.title = "${ success_msgs.title }"
text.innerHTML = "${ success_msgs.body }"
} catch(e) {
self.log('service-worker', `templating the user-facing HTML threw an error: ${e}`)
// do we have any failure messages?
// if not, ignore the whole failure handling bit
// try-catch because we really don't want an exception here
try {
if (failure_msgs !== false) {
html += `
if ( === 'failed' ) {
header.innerHTML = "${ failure_msgs.title }"
document.title = "${ failure_msgs.title }"
text.innerHTML = "${ failure_msgs.body }"
} catch(e) {
self.log('service-worker', `templating the user-facing HTML threw an error: ${e}`)
// footer
html +=`
if ( 'error' in ) {
attempts += 1;
status.innerHTML = attempts;
errors.innerHTML += '(' + + ') ' + + '<br/>'
// return what we got out of that
return html
self.addEventListener('fetch', async event => {
return void event.respondWith(async function () {
// initialize the SW; this is necessary as SW can be stopped at any time
// and restarted when an event gets triggered -- `fetch` is just such an event.
// `install` and `activate` events only handle the initial installation of the SW
// this means that we might end up here without initServiceWorker() ever being run
// and so in a situation where plugins have never been actually set-up!
// the good news is that the config.json should have been cached already
await initServiceWorker()
// if event.resultingClientId is available, we need to use this
// otherwise event.clientId is what we want
// ref.
var clientId = (event.clientId !== null) ? event.clientId : 'unknown-client'
if (event.resultingClientId) {
clientId = event.resultingClientId
// yeah, we seem to have to send the client their clientId
// because there is no way to get that client-side
// and we need that for sane messaging later
// so let's also send the plugin list, why not
// *sigh* JS is great *sigh*
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
postMessage(clientId, {
clientId: clientId,
serviceWorker: 'COMMIT_UNKNOWN'
// counter!
if (typeof self.activeFetches.get(clientId) !== "number") {
self.activeFetches.set(clientId, 0)
// info
self.log('service-worker', "Fetching!",
"\n+-- url :", event.request.url,
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
"\n+-- mode :", event.request.mode,
"\n+-- clientId :", event.clientId,
"\n+-- resultingClientId:", event.resultingClientId,
"\n +-- activeFetches[" + clientId + "]:", self.activeFetches.get(clientId)
// External requests go through a regular fetch()
if (!event.request.url.startsWith(self.location.origin)) {
2023-09-26 20:32:54 +00:00
self.log('service-worker', 'External request, using standard fetch(); current origin: ' + self.location.origin)
return fetch(event.request);
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
// Non-GET requests go through a regular fetch()
if (event.request.method !== 'GET') {
2023-09-26 20:32:54 +00:00
self.log('service-worker', 'Non-GET request, using standard fetch()')
return fetch(event.request);
// clean the URL, removing any fragment identifier
var url = event.request.url.replace(/#.+$/, '');
2023-10-07 04:58:48 +00:00
// normalize query params, if we want that
if (self.LibResilientConfig.normalizeQueryParams) {
self.log('service-worker', 'normalizing query params')
url = url.split('?')
if (url.length > 1) {
url[1] = url[1].split('&').sort().join('&')
url = url.join('?')
// get the init object from Request
var init = initFromRequest(event.request)
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
// GET requests to our own domain that are *not* #libresilient-info requests
// get handled by plugins in case of an error
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
let lrPromise = getResourceThroughLibResilient(url, init, clientId)
// is the stillLoadingScreen enabled, and are we navigating, or just fetching some resource?
if ( ( self.LibResilientConfig.stillLoadingTimeout > 0 ) && ( event.request.mode === 'navigate' ) ) {
self.log('service-worker', `handling a navigate request; still-loading timeout: ${self.LibResilientConfig.stillLoadingTimeout}.`)
let slPromise, slTimeoutId
[slPromise, slTimeoutId] = promiseTimeout(self.LibResilientConfig.stillLoadingTimeout, true)
// make sure to clear the timeout related to slPromise
// in case we manage to get the content through the plugins
self.log('service-worker', `content retrieved; still-loading timeout cleared.`)
// return a Promise that races the "still loading" screen promise against the LibResilient plugins
return Promise.race([
// regular fetch-through-plugins
// the "still loading screen"
// this will delay a specified time, and ten return a Response
// with very basic HTML informing the user that the page is still loading,
// a Refresh header set, and a link for the user to reload the screen manually
// inform
self.log('service-worker', 'handling a navigate request is taking too long, showing the still-loading screen')
// we need to create a new Response object
// with all the headers added explicitly,
// since response.headers is immutable
var responseInit = {
status: 202,
statusText: "Accepted",
headers: {},
url: url
responseInit.headers['Content-Type'] = "text/html"
// refresh: we want a minimum of 1s; stillLoadingTimeout is in ms!
//responseInit.headers['Refresh'] = Math.ceil( self.LibResilientConfig.stillLoadingTimeout / 1000 )
//responseInit.headers['ETag'] = ???
//responseInit.headers['X-LibResilient-ETag'] = ???
responseInit.headers['X-LibResilient-Method'] = "still-loading"
// get the still-loading page contents
let stillLoadingHTML = getUserFacingHTML(
2024-02-23 17:58:45 +00:00
let blob = new Blob(
{type: "text/html"}
return new Response(
// nope, just fetching a resource
} else {
if ( event.request.mode === 'navigate' ) {
self.log('service-worker', `handling a navigate request, but still-loading screen is disabled.`)
} else {
self.log('service-worker', 'handling a regular request; still-loading screen will not be used.')
// no need for the whole "still loading screen" flow
return lrPromise;
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
* assumptions to be considered:
* every message contains clientId (so that we know where to respond if/when we need to)
self.addEventListener('message', async (event) => {
// initialize the SW; this is necessary as SW can be stopped at any time
// and restarted when an event gets triggered -- `message` is just such an event.
// `install` and `activate` events only handle the initial installation of the SW
// this means that we might end up here without initServiceWorker() ever being run
// and so in a situation where plugins have never been actually set-up!
// the good news is that the config.json should have been cached already
await initServiceWorker()
2021-04-06 17:18:37 +00:00
// inform
var msg = 'Message received!'
msg += '\n+-- key: ' + k + " :: val: " +[k]
self.log('service-worker', msg);
* supporting stash(), unstash(), and publish() only
if ( || || {
if ( {
if ( {
if ( {