Dsplib d5586dfb9e improved FFT performance and added verificator for radix-2 fft from 4 points to 65536
Changes to be committed:
modified:   _release/dspl.c
modified:   _release/dspl.h
modified:   dspl/dox/doxyfile_en
modified:   dspl/dox/footer_en.html
modified:   dspl/dox/header_en.html
modified:   dspl/src/dspl_internal.h
modified:   dspl/src/fft.c
modified:   dspl/src/fft_subkernel.c
modified:   dspl/src/filter_ap.c
modified:   include/dspl.h
modified:   performance/bin/octave/fft_cmplx_performance.m
modified:   performance/src/fft_cmplx_performance.c
new file:   verification/bin/octave/fft_radix2_verification.m
new file:   verification/src/fft_radix2_verification.c
2020-11-10 19:06:20 +03:00
dspl.c improved FFT performance and added verificator for radix-2 fft from 4 points to 65536 2020-11-10 19:06:20 +03:00
dspl.h improved FFT performance and added verificator for radix-2 fft from 4 points to 65536 2020-11-10 19:06:20 +03:00