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/*! ****************************************************************************
\ingroup TYPES_GROUP
\typedef complex_t
\brief Complex data type.
DSPL-2.0 decribes complex numbers data type as an array
of two `double` elements.
First element sets real part, second --- imaginary part.
For example:
complex_t z;
z[0] = 1.0;
z[1] = -2.0;
Variable `z = 1-2j`, here `j` - imaginary unit.
For the convenience of working with complex numbers implemented
special macros: \ref RE, \ref IM, \ref ABSSQR
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/*! ****************************************************************************
\ingroup TYPES_GROUP
\def ABSSQR(x)
The macro returns the square of the modulus of a complex number `x`.
Square of the modulus of a complex number \f$ x = a + j b \f$ equals:
|x|^2 = x x^* = a^2 + b^2.
complex_t z;
double y;
RE(z) = 1.0;
IM(z) = -2.0;
y = ABSSQR(z);
Variable `z = 1-2j`, here `j` - imaginary unit, but variable `y = 5`.
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/*! ****************************************************************************
\ingroup TYPES_GROUP
\def IM(x)
\brief Macro sets imaginary part of the complex number.
complex_t z;
RE(z) = 1.0;
IM(z) = -2.0;
Variable `z = 1-2j`, here `j` - imaginary unit.
This macro can be used to return
imaginary part of the complex number:
complex_t z = {3.0, -4.0};
double r;
r = IM(z);
In this example `z = 3-4i`,
but variable `r` will keep -4.
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/*! ****************************************************************************
\ingroup TYPES_GROUP
\def RE(x)
\brief Macro sets real part of the complex number.
complex_t z;
RE(z) = 1.0;
IM(z) = -2.0;
Variable `z = 1-2j`, here `j` - imaginary unit.
This macro can be used to return
real part of the complex number:
complex_t z = {3.0, -4.0};
double r;
r = RE(z);
In this example `z = 3-4i`,
but variable `r` will keep 3.
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/*! *****************************************************************************
\ingroup TYPES_GROUP
\fn int cmplx2re(complex_t* x, int n, double* re, double* im)
\brief Separate complex vector to the real and image vectors
Function fills `re` and `im` vectors corresponds to real and image
parts of the input complex array `x`. \n
\param[in] x
Pointer to the real complex vector. \n
Vector size is `[n x 1]`. \n \n
\param[in] n
Size of the input complex vector `x` and real and image
vectors `re` and `im`. \n \n
\param[out] re
Pointer to the real part vector. \n
Vector size is `[n x 1]`. \n
Memory must be allocated. \n \n
\param[out] im
Pointer to the image part vector. \n
Vector size is `[n x 1]`. \n
Memory must be allocated. \n \n
`RES_OK` if function converts complex vector successfully. \n
Else \ref ERROR_CODE_GROUP "code error". \n
Example: \n
complex_t x[3] = {{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}, {5.0, 6.0}};
double re[3], im[3];
cmplx2re(x, 3, re, im);
Vectors `re` and `im` will contains:
re[0] = 1.0; im[0] = 2.0;
re[1] = 3.0; im[1] = 4.0;
re[2] = 5.0; im[2] = 6.0;
\author Sergey Bakhurin.
****************************************************************************** */
/*! *****************************************************************************
\ingroup TYPES_GROUP
\fn int re2cmplx(double* x, int n, complex_t *y)
\brief Convert real array to the complex array.
Function copies the vector `x` to the real part of vector `y`.
Image part of the vector `y` sets as zero. \n
So complex vector contains data: \n
`y[i] = x[i] + j0, here i = 0,1,2 ... n-1`
\param[in] x
Pointer to the real vector `x`. \n
Vector size is `[n x 1]`. \n \n
\param[in] n
Size of the real vector `x` and complex vector `y`. \n \n
\param[out] y
Pointer to the complex vector `y`. \n
Vector size is `[n x 1]`. \n
Memory must be allocated. \n \n
`RES_OK` if function returns successfully. \n
Else \ref ERROR_CODE_GROUP "code error": \n
double x[3] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
complex_t y[3];
re2cmplx(x, 3, y);
Vector `y` will keep:
y[0] = 1+0j;
y[1] = 2+0j;
y[2] = 3+0j.
\author Sergey Bakhurin.
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