
82 wiersze
2.6 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "dspl.h"
// Filter order (must be even for bandstop IIR)
#define ORD 14
// Frequency response vector size
#define N 5001
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
void* hdspl; /* DSPL handle */
void* hplot; /* GNUPLOT handle */
hdspl = dspl_load(); // Load DSPL function
double a[ORD+1], b[ORD+1]; // H(s) coefficients
double rs = 60.0; // Bandstop suppression equals 60 dB
double rp = 1.0; // Bandpass ripple equals 1 dB
// Frequency (w), magnitude (mag), phase response (phi)
// and group delay (tau)
double w[N], mag[N], phi[N], tau[N];
int k;
// Calculate Chebyshev type 2 digital bandstop filter
int res = iir(rp, rs, ORD, 0.3, 0.7,
if(res != RES_OK)
printf("error code = 0x%8x\n", res);
// Print coefficients
for(k = 0; k < ORD+1; k++)
printf("b[%2d] = %9.3f a[%2d] = %9.3f\n", k, b[k], k, a[k]);
// Normalized circular frequency from 0 to pi
linspace(0, M_PI, N , DSPL_PERIODIC, w);
// Filter magnitude, phase response and group delay
filter_freq_resp(b, a, ORD, w, N, DSPL_FLAG_LOGMAG|DSPL_FLAG_UNWRAP,
mag, phi, tau);
// Normalized frequency from 0 to 1.
// w = 1 corresponds to Fs/2
for(k = 0; k < N; k++)
w[k] /= M_PI;
// Save filter frequency response to the txt-files
// for plotting by GNUPLOT
writetxt(w, mag, N, "dat/iir_bstop_mag.txt");
writetxt(w, phi, N, "dat/iir_bstop_phi.txt");
writetxt(w, tau, N, "dat/iir_bstop_tau.txt");
/* plotting by GNUPLOT */
gnuplot_create(argc, argv, 920, 260, "img/iir_bstop.png", &hplot);
gnuplot_cmd(hplot, "unset key");
gnuplot_cmd(hplot, "set grid");
gnuplot_cmd(hplot, "set xlabel 'normalized frequency'");
gnuplot_cmd(hplot, "set multiplot layout 1,3 rowsfirst");
gnuplot_cmd(hplot, "set ylabel 'Magnitude, dB'");
gnuplot_cmd(hplot, "set yrange [-100:5]");
gnuplot_cmd(hplot, "plot 'dat/iir_bstop_mag.txt' with lines");
gnuplot_cmd(hplot, "set ylabel 'Phase response, rad'");
gnuplot_cmd(hplot, "unset yrange");
gnuplot_cmd(hplot, "plot 'dat/iir_bstop_phi.txt' with lines");
gnuplot_cmd(hplot, "set ylabel 'Groupdelay, samples'");
gnuplot_cmd(hplot, "unset yrange");
gnuplot_cmd(hplot, "plot 'dat/iir_bstop_tau.txt' with lines");
gnuplot_cmd(hplot, "unset multiplot");
dspl_free(hdspl); // free dspl handle
// run GNUPLOT script
return 0;