/*! **************************************************************************** \defgroup SYS_LOADING_GROUP DSPL-2.0 Dynamic linking functions. This group describes the functions for DSPL-2.0 library using in an user applications. DSPL-2.0 is cross-platform library an uses common dynamic linking interface in Linux and Windows OS. \defgroup TYPES_GROUP DSPL-2.0 data types. This group describes DSPL-2.0 data types and functions and macros for data types conversion. \defgroup DFT_GROUP Discrete Fourier transform and fast Fourier transform algorithms \defgroup WIN_GROUP Windows function for filter design and spectrum analysis. \defgroup PSD_GROUP Digital spectral analysis \defgroup HILBERT_GROUP Hilbert transform algorithms. \defgroup FILTER_CONV_GROUP Convolution and digital filtration. This group describes functions for linear and circular convolutions, FIR filtration and IIR filtration. \defgroup IIR_FILTER_DESIGN_GROUP IIR filters design. \defgroup FIR_FILTER_DESIGN_GROUP FIR filter design. \defgroup FILTER_ANALYSIS_GROUP Analog and digital filter analysis. This group describes the algorithm for calculation parameters for analog and digital filters: Magnitude, phase response, groupdelay, impulse response and other. \defgroup RESAMPLING_GROUP Digital samplerate conversion (resampling) \defgroup ARRAY_GROUP Basic operations for real and complex arrays. \defgroup SPEC_MATH_COMMON_GROUP Basic math functions of the real and complex arguments. \defgroup SPEC_MATH_POLY_GROUP Polynomial functions and analysis. \defgroup SPEC_MATH_TRIG_GROUP Trigonometric and hyperbolic of functions the real and complex arguments. \defgroup SPEC_MATH_TRANSCEND Transcendent math functions \defgroup SPEC_MATH_ELLIP_GROUP Elliptic Jacobi functions of the real and complex arguments. \defgroup SPEC_MATH_RAND_GEN_GROUP Pseudo-random numbers generation This group describes the functions of the pseudo-random numbers generation by different algorithms. \defgroup SPEC_MATH_STAT_GROUP Math statistic functions. \defgroup SPEC_MATH_LINALG_GROUP Linear algebra and matrix operations. This group describes the linear algebra algorithms and matrix operations. DSPL-2.0 using internal interface for BLAS and LAPACK packages. \defgroup IN_OUT_GROUP Input and output data from external files. \defgroup PLOT_GROUP Plotting data by Gnuplot interface. \defgroup ERROR_CODE_GROUP Error codes. This group describes error codes, which can be returned from DSPL-2.0 functions. **************************************************************************** */