#include #include #include #include #include "dspl.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { void* hdspl; /* DSPL handle */ complex_t *pxd = NULL; complex_t *pyd = NULL; char str[512] = {0}; int nx, ny, tx, err, verr; double derr; random_t rnd = {0}; /* random structure */ hdspl = dspl_load(); /* Load DSPL function */ sprintf(str, "writebin and readbin for complex data:"); while(strlen(str) < 48) str[strlen(str)] = 46; err = random_init(&rnd, RAND_TYPE_MRG32K3A, NULL); if(err != RES_OK) goto exit_error_code; err = randi(&nx, 1, 1, 1000000, &rnd); if(err != RES_OK) goto exit_error_code; pxd = (complex_t*) malloc(nx * sizeof(complex_t)); /****************** verifiŅation function start **************************/ err = randn((double*)pxd, 2*nx, 1.0, 10.0, &rnd); if(err != RES_OK) goto exit_error_code; /************ Write input verification data to the file ******************/ err = writebin((void*)pxd, nx, DAT_COMPLEX, "dat/x.dat"); if(err != RES_OK) goto exit_error_code; /************ RUN external verificator (octave or python) ****************/ err = system("octave octave/writebin_readbin_verification.m"); /***************** Read external verificator output **********************/ err = readbin("dat/y.dat", (void**)(&pyd), &ny, &tx); if(err != RES_OK) goto exit_error_code; if(tx!=DAT_COMPLEX) { err = ERROR_DAT_TYPE; goto exit_error_code; } /**************************** Verification *******************************/ verr = verif_cmplx(pxd, pyd, ny, 1E-12, &derr); if(verr != DSPL_VERIF_SUCCESS) goto exit_error_verif; sprintf(str, "%s ok (err = %12.4E)", str, derr); goto exit_label; exit_error_code: sprintf(str, "%s FAILED (with code = 0x%8x)", str, err); goto exit_label; exit_error_verif: sprintf(str, "%s FAILED (err = %12.4E)", str, derr); exit_label: /************************ write str to log file **************************/ if(pxd) free(pxd); if(pyd) free(pyd); /* free dspl handle */ dspl_free(hdspl); printf("%s\n", str); return 0; }