Changed html template for doxygen and some docs for conv function

Changes to be committed:
modified:   dox/doxy_stylesheet.css
modified:   dox/footer.html
modified:   dox/header.html
modified:   dspl/dox/ru/conv.dox
modified:   dspl/src/conv.c
new file:   examples/src/conv_fft_test.c
modified:   include/dspl.c
modified:   include/dspl.h
modified:   release/include/dspl.c
modified:   release/include/dspl.h
Dsplib 2019-07-20 13:26:13 +03:00
rodzic 4054894f46
commit eebe14a493
10 zmienionych plików z 332 dodań i 251 usunięć

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@ -134,6 +134,100 @@ cc[5] = 0.0+24.0j
/*! ****************************************************************************
\fn int conv_fft(double* a, int na, double* b, int nb,
fft_t* pfft, double* c)
\brief Линейная свертка двух вещественных векторов с использованием алгоритмов
быстрого преобразования Фурье
Функция рассчитывает линейную свертку двух векторов \f$ c = a * b\f$ используя
секционную обработку с перекрытием в частотной области. Это позволяет сократить
вычислительные операции при расчете длинных сверток.
\param[in] a Указатель на первый вектор \f$a\f$.<BR>
Размер вектора `[na x 1]`.<BR><BR>
\param[in] na Размер первого вектора.<BR><BR>
\param[in] b Указатель на второй вектор \f$b\f$.<BR>
Размер вектора `[nb x 1]`.<BR><BR>
\param[in] nb Размер второго вектора.<BR><BR>
\param[in] pfft Указатель на структуру `fft_t` алгоритма
быстрого преобразования Фурье.<BR>
Функция изменит состояние полей структуры `fft_t`,
поэтому структура должна быть очищена перед выходом из
программы для исключения утечек памяти.<BR>
\param[in] nfft Размер алгоритма БПФ который будет использован для расчета
секционной свертки с перекрытием.<BR>
Данный параметр должен быть больше чем минимальное значение
размеров сворачиваемых векторов.<BR>
Например если `na=10`, а `nb=4`, то параметр `nfft` должен
быть больше 4.<BR>
Библиотека поддерживает алгоритмы БПФ составной длины
\f$n = n_0 \times n_1 \times n_2 \times n_3 \times \ldots \times n_p \times m\f$,
где \f$n_i = 2,3,5,7\f$, а \f$m \f$ --
произвольный простой множитель не превосходящий 46340.
(см. описание функции \ref fft_create). Однако, максимальное
быстродействие достигается при использовании длин равных
степени двойки.
\param[out] c Указатель на вектор свертки \f$ c = a * b\f$.<BR>
Размер вектора `[na + nb - 1 x 1]`.<BR>
Память должна быть выделена.<BR><BR>
`RES_OK` если свертка рассчитана успешно.<BR>
В противном случае \ref ERROR_CODE_GROUP "код ошибки".
\note Данная функция наиболее эффективна при вычислении длинных сверток.
Пример использования функции:
\include conv_fft_test.c
Результат работы:
conv_fft error: 0x00000000
conv error: 0x00000000
c[ 0] = -0.00 d[ 0] = 0.00
c[ 1] = -0.00 d[ 1] = 0.00
c[ 2] = 1.00 d[ 2] = 1.00
c[ 3] = 4.00 d[ 3] = 4.00
c[ 4] = 10.00 d[ 4] = 10.00
c[ 5] = 20.00 d[ 5] = 20.00
c[ 6] = 35.00 d[ 6] = 35.00
c[ 7] = 56.00 d[ 7] = 56.00
c[ 8] = 77.00 d[ 8] = 77.00
c[ 9] = 98.00 d[ 9] = 98.00
c[ 10] = 119.00 d[ 10] = 119.00
c[ 11] = 140.00 d[ 11] = 140.00
c[ 12] = 161.00 d[ 12] = 161.00
c[ 13] = 182.00 d[ 13] = 182.00
c[ 14] = 190.00 d[ 14] = 190.00
c[ 15] = 184.00 d[ 15] = 184.00
c[ 16] = 163.00 d[ 16] = 163.00
c[ 17] = 126.00 d[ 17] = 126.00
c[ 18] = 72.00 d[ 18] = 72.00
\author Бахурин Сергей
***************************************************************************** */
/*! ****************************************************************************
\fn int conv_fft_cmplx(complex_t* a, int na, complex_t* b, int nb,

Wyświetl plik

@ -225,11 +225,118 @@ int DSPL_API conv_cmplx(complex_t* a, int na, complex_t* b,
\fn int conv_fft(double* a, int na, double* b, int nb,
fft_t* pfft, int nfft, double* c)
\brief Real vectors fast linear convolution by using fast Fourier
transform algorithms
Function convolves two real vectors \f$ c = a * b\f$ length `na` and `nb`
in the frequency domain by using FFT algorithms. This approach provide
high-performance convolution which increases with `na` and `nb` increasing.
The output convolution is a vector `c` with length equal to `na + nb - 1`.
\param[in] a Pointer to the first vector `a`.<BR>
Vector size is `[na x 1]`.<BR><BR>
\param[in] na Size of the first vector `a`.<BR><BR>
\param[in] b Pointer to the second vector `b`.<BR>
Vector size is `[nb x 1]`.<BR><BR>
\param[in] nb Size of the second vector `b`.<BR><BR>
\param[in] pfft Pointer to the structure `fft_t`.<BR>
Function changes `fft_t` structure fields so `fft_t` must
be clear before program returns.<BR><BR>
\param[in] nfft FFT size. <BR>
This parameter set which FFT size will be used
for overlapped frequency domain convolution.<BR>
FFT size must be more of minimal `na` and `nb` value.
For example if `na = 10`, `nb = 4` then `nfft` parameter must
be more than 4. <BR>
\param[out] c Pointer to the convolution output vector \f$ c = a * b\f$.<BR>
Vector size is `[na + nb - 1 x 1]`.<BR>
Memory must be allocated.<BR><BR>
\return `RES_OK` if convolution is calculated successfully.<BR>
Else \ref ERROR_CODE_GROUP "code error". <BR><BR>
\include conv_fft_test.c
Program output:
conv_fft error: 0x00000000
conv error: 0x00000000
c[ 0] = -0.00 d[ 0] = 0.00
c[ 1] = -0.00 d[ 1] = 0.00
c[ 2] = 1.00 d[ 2] = 1.00
c[ 3] = 4.00 d[ 3] = 4.00
c[ 4] = 10.00 d[ 4] = 10.00
c[ 5] = 20.00 d[ 5] = 20.00
c[ 6] = 35.00 d[ 6] = 35.00
c[ 7] = 56.00 d[ 7] = 56.00
c[ 8] = 77.00 d[ 8] = 77.00
c[ 9] = 98.00 d[ 9] = 98.00
c[ 10] = 119.00 d[ 10] = 119.00
c[ 11] = 140.00 d[ 11] = 140.00
c[ 12] = 161.00 d[ 12] = 161.00
c[ 13] = 182.00 d[ 13] = 182.00
c[ 14] = 190.00 d[ 14] = 190.00
c[ 15] = 184.00 d[ 15] = 184.00
c[ 16] = 163.00 d[ 16] = 163.00
c[ 17] = 126.00 d[ 17] = 126.00
c[ 18] = 72.00 d[ 18] = 72.00
\author Sergey Bakhurin
int DSPL_API conv_fft(double* a, int na, double* b, int nb,
fft_t* pfft, int nfft, double* c)
complex_t *pa = NULL, *pb = NULL, *pc = NULL;
int err;
if(!a || !b || !c || !pfft)
return ERROR_PTR;
if(na<1 || nb < 1)
return ERROR_SIZE;
pa = (complex_t*) malloc(na*sizeof(complex_t));
pb = (complex_t*) malloc(nb*sizeof(complex_t));
pc = (complex_t*) malloc((na+nb-1)*sizeof(complex_t));
re2cmplx(a, na, pa);
re2cmplx(b, nb, pb);
err = conv_fft_cmplx(pa, na, pb, nb, pfft, nfft, pc);
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
err = cmplx2re(pc, na+nb-1, c, NULL);
if(pa) free(pa);
if(pb) free(pb);
if(pc) free(pc);
return err;
\fn int conv_fft_cmplx(complex_t* a, int na, complex_t* b, int nb,
fft_t* pfft, complex_t* c)
fft_t* pfft, int nfft, complex_t* c)
\brief Complex vectors fast linear convolution by using fast Fourier
transform algorithms
@ -299,7 +406,7 @@ int DSPL_API conv_fft_cmplx(complex_t* a, int na, complex_t* b, int nb,
fft_t* pfft, int nfft, complex_t* c)
int La, Lb, Lc, Nz, n, shift, ind, err;
int La, Lb, Lc, Nz, n, p0, p1, ind, err;
complex_t *pa, *pb;
complex_t *pt, *pA, *pB, *pC;
@ -329,7 +436,6 @@ int DSPL_API conv_fft_cmplx(complex_t* a, int na, complex_t* b, int nb,
if(Nz <= 0)
pt = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft*sizeof(complex_t));
pB = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft*sizeof(complex_t));
pA = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft*sizeof(complex_t));
@ -342,25 +448,34 @@ int DSPL_API conv_fft_cmplx(complex_t* a, int na, complex_t* b, int nb,
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
shift = -Lb;
p0 = -Lb;
p1 = p0 + nfft;
ind = 0;
while(shift + nfft < La)
while(ind < Lc)
if(shift < 0)
if(p0 >=0)
if(p1 < La)
err = fft_cmplx(pa + p0, nfft, pfft, pA);
memset(pt, 0, nfft*sizeof(complex_t));
memcpy(pt-shift, pa, (nfft+shift)*sizeof(complex_t));
memcpy(pt, pa+p0, (nfft+La-p1)*sizeof(complex_t));
err = fft_cmplx(pt, nfft, pfft, pA);
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
err = fft_cmplx(pa+shift, nfft, pfft, pA);
memset(pt, 0, nfft*sizeof(complex_t));
if(p1 < La)
memcpy(pt - p0, pa, (nfft+p0)*sizeof(complex_t));
memcpy(pt - p0, pa, La * sizeof(complex_t));
err = fft_cmplx(pt, nfft, pfft, pA);
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
for(n = 0; n < nfft; n++)
@ -368,36 +483,19 @@ int DSPL_API conv_fft_cmplx(complex_t* a, int na, complex_t* b, int nb,
IM(pC[n]) = CMIM(pA[n], pB[n]);
if(ind+nfft < Lc)
err = ifft_cmplx(pC, nfft, pfft, c+ind);
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
shift += Nz;
ind += Nz;
while(ind <= Lc)
memset(pt, 0, nfft*sizeof(complex_t));
memcpy(pt, pa + shift, (La-shift)*sizeof(complex_t));
memcpy(pt+Lb, pa, La*sizeof(complex_t));
err = fft_cmplx(pt, nfft, pfft, pA);
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
for(n = 0; n < nfft; n++)
RE(pC[n]) = CMRE(pA[n], pB[n]);
IM(pC[n]) = CMIM(pA[n], pB[n]);
err = ifft_cmplx(pC, nfft, pfft, pt);
memcpy(c+ind, pt, (Lc-ind)*sizeof(complex_t));
shift += Nz;
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
p0 += Nz;
p1 += Nz;
ind += Nz;
@ -410,167 +508,6 @@ exit_label:
return err;
/*int DSPL_API conv_fft_cmplx(complex_t* a, int na, complex_t* b, int nb,
fft_t* pfft, complex_t* c)
complex_t *pa = NULL;
complex_t *pb = NULL;
complex_t *pc = NULL;
complex_t *pA = NULL;
complex_t *pB = NULL;
complex_t *pC = NULL;
int nfft, nfft2, n, npos, err;
int ma, mb;
complex_t *ta, *tb;
if(!a || !b || !c)
return ERROR_PTR;
if(na < 1 || nb < 1)
return ERROR_SIZE;
if(na > nb)
ma = na;
mb = nb;
ta = a;
tb = b;
ma = nb;
mb = na;
ta = b;
tb = a;
if(ma > 2*mb)
nfft = 4;
n = mb-1;
nfft <<= 1;
nfft2 = nfft >> 1;
pa = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft * sizeof(complex_t));
pb = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft * sizeof(complex_t));
pc = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft * sizeof(complex_t));
pA = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft * sizeof(complex_t));
pB = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft * sizeof(complex_t));
pC = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft * sizeof(complex_t));
npos = -nfft2;
memset(pa, 0, nfft*sizeof(complex_t));
memset(pb, 0, nfft*sizeof(complex_t));
memcpy(pa + nfft2, ta, nfft2 * sizeof(complex_t));
memcpy(pb, tb, mb * sizeof(complex_t));
err = fft_cmplx(pa, nfft, pfft, pA);
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
err = fft_cmplx(pb, nfft, pfft, pB);
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
for(n = 0; n < nfft; n++)
RE(pC[n]) = CMRE(pA[n], pB[n]);
IM(pC[n]) = CMIM(pA[n], pB[n]);
err = ifft_cmplx(pC, nfft, pfft, pc);
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
memcpy(c, pc+nfft2, nfft2*sizeof(complex_t));
npos = 0;
while(npos < ma)
if(npos+nfft > ma)
memset(pa, 0, nfft * sizeof(complex_t));
memcpy(pa, ta+npos, (ma - npos) * sizeof(complex_t));
err = fft_cmplx(pa, nfft, pfft, pA);
err = fft_cmplx(ta+npos, nfft, pfft, pA);
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
for(n = 0; n < nfft; n++)
RE(pC[n]) = CMRE(pA[n], pB[n]);
IM(pC[n]) = CMIM(pA[n], pB[n]);
err = ifft_cmplx(pC, nfft, pfft, pc);
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
if(npos+nfft <= ma+mb-1)
memcpy(c+npos+nfft2, pc+nfft2,
if(ma+mb-1-npos-nfft2 > 0)
memcpy(c+npos+nfft2, pc+nfft2,(ma+mb-1-npos-nfft2)*sizeof(complex_t));
nfft = 4;
n = ma - 1;
nfft <<= 1;
pa = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft * sizeof(complex_t));
pb = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft * sizeof(complex_t));
pc = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft * sizeof(complex_t));
pA = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft * sizeof(complex_t));
pB = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft * sizeof(complex_t));
pC = (complex_t*)malloc(nfft * sizeof(complex_t));
memset(pa, 0, nfft*sizeof(complex_t));
memset(pb, 0, nfft*sizeof(complex_t));
memcpy(pa, ta, ma * sizeof(complex_t));
memcpy(pb, tb, mb * sizeof(complex_t));
err = fft_cmplx(pa, nfft, pfft, pA);
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
err = fft_cmplx(pb, nfft, pfft, pB);
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
for(n = 0; n < nfft; n++)
RE(pC[n]) = CMRE(pA[n], pB[n]);
IM(pC[n]) = CMIM(pA[n], pB[n]);
err = ifft_cmplx(pC, nfft, pfft, pc);
if(err != RES_OK)
goto exit_label;
memcpy(c, pc, (ma+mb-1)*sizeof(complex_t));
if(pa) free(pa);
if(pb) free(pb);
if(pc) free(pc);
if(pA) free(pA);
if(pB) free(pB);
if(pB) free(pC);
return err;

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "dspl.h"
#define N 13
#define M 7
int main()
void* handle; // DSPL handle
handle = dspl_load(); // Load DSPL function
double a[N], b[M], c[N+M-1], d[N+M-1];
fft_t pfft;
int n, err;
linspace(0, N, N, DSPL_PERIODIC, a);
linspace(0, M, M, DSPL_PERIODIC, b);
memset(&pfft, 0, sizeof(fft_t));
err = conv_fft(a, N, b, M, &pfft, 16, c);
printf("conv_fft error: 0x%.8x\n", err);
err = conv(a, N, b, M, d);
printf("conv error: 0x%.8x\n", err);
// print result
for(n = 0; n < N+M-1; n++)
printf("c[%3d] = %9.2f d[%3d] = %9.2f\n", n, c[n], n, d[n]);
fft_free(&pfft); // free fft structure memory
dspl_free(handle); // free dspl handle
return 0;

Wyświetl plik

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ p_cmplx2re cmplx2re ;
p_concat concat ;
p_conv conv ;
p_conv_cmplx conv_cmplx ;
p_conv_fft conv_fft ;
p_conv_fft_cmplx conv_fft_cmplx ;
p_cos_cmplx cos_cmplx ;
p_decimate decimate ;
@ -215,6 +216,7 @@ void* dspl_load()

Wyświetl plik

@ -344,6 +344,14 @@ DECLARE_FUNC(int, conv_cmplx, complex_t*
COMMA complex_t*);
DECLARE_FUNC(int, conv_fft, double* a
COMMA int na
COMMA double* b
COMMA int nb
COMMA fft_t* pfft
COMMA int nfft
COMMA double* c);
DECLARE_FUNC(int, conv_fft_cmplx, complex_t* a
COMMA int na
COMMA complex_t* b

Wyświetl plik

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ p_cmplx2re cmplx2re ;
p_concat concat ;
p_conv conv ;
p_conv_cmplx conv_cmplx ;
p_conv_fft conv_fft ;
p_conv_fft_cmplx conv_fft_cmplx ;
p_cos_cmplx cos_cmplx ;
p_decimate decimate ;
@ -215,6 +216,7 @@ void* dspl_load()

Wyświetl plik

@ -344,6 +344,14 @@ DECLARE_FUNC(int, conv_cmplx, complex_t*
COMMA complex_t*);
DECLARE_FUNC(int, conv_fft, double* a
COMMA int na
COMMA double* b
COMMA int nb
COMMA fft_t* pfft
COMMA int nfft
COMMA double* c);
DECLARE_FUNC(int, conv_fft_cmplx, complex_t* a
COMMA int na
COMMA complex_t* b