
157 wiersze
6.1 KiB

import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import AppShell from "./AppShell.svelte"
import Home from "./Home.svelte"
import TreeMap from "./TreeMap.svelte"
import TopicList from "./TopicList.svelte"
import TopicDetail from "./TopicDetail.svelte"
import FormatList from "./FormatList.svelte"
import FormatDetail from "./FormatDetail.svelte"
import ItemDetail from "./ItemDetail.svelte"
import Settings from "./Settings.svelte"
import Roadmap from "./Roadmap.svelte"
import RoadmapList from "./RoadmapList.svelte"
import RoadmapAlt from './roadmapAlt.svelte';
import NavButtonWithLabel from './NavButtonWithLabel.svelte';
import { SearchIcon, LibraryIcon, ViewGridIcon, GiftIcon, CogIcon, BookmarkAltIcon, BookmarkIcon, SupportIcon, MapIcon } from "@rgossiaux/svelte-heroicons/outline";
import Bookmarks from './Bookmarks.svelte';
import { io_getRandomTopicName, io_getTopicByName, io_getTopicList, io_getRandomItemId } from "../db/jsonlines.js"
let currentView = "/topics";
let randomTopicName;
let randomItemId;
$: alltopics = io_getTopicList();
function getRandomItemId() {
randomItemId = io_getRandomItemId();
function getRandomTopicName() {
randomTopicName = io_getRandomTopicName();
async function hashchange() {
// the poor man's router!
const path = window.location.hash.slice(1);
if (path.length > 0) {
currentView = path
} else {
window.location.hash = '/home';
currentView = '/home'
<svelte:window on:hashchange={hashchange}/>
<svelte:fragment slot="content">
{#if currentView === "/home" || currentView === "/"}
{:else if currentView === "/map"}
{:else if currentView === "/topics"}
<TopicList {alltopics}/>
{:else if currentView.startsWith("/topic/")}
<TopicDetail topicname={currentView.split("/").slice(2).join("/")} {alltopics}/>
{:else if currentView === "/formats"}
{:else if currentView.startsWith("/format/")}
<FormatDetail format={currentView.split("/")[2]} {alltopics}/>
{:else if currentView.startsWith("/item/")}
<ItemDetail itemid={currentView.split("/")[2]}/>
{:else if currentView == "/randomtopic"}
{#if randomTopicName}<TopicDetail topicname={randomTopicName} {alltopics}/>{/if}
{:else if currentView == "/randomitem"}
{#if randomItemId}<ItemDetail itemid={randomItemId}/>{/if}
{:else if currentView === "/wanttolearn"}
<Bookmarks kind={0}/>
{:else if currentView === "/finishedlearning"}
<Bookmarks kind={1}/>
{:else if currentView === "/settings"}
{:else if currentView.startsWith("/roadmap/")}
<Roadmap topic={currentView.split("/")[2]}/>
{:else if currentView.startsWith("/roadmaps")}
{:else if currentView.startsWith("/roadmap-alternate/")}
<RoadmapAlt topic={currentView.split("/")[2]}/>
<svelte:fragment slot="nav">
isActive={currentView === "/roadmaps"}
<MapIcon class=" flex-shrink-0 h-6 w-6"/>
isActive={currentView === "/map"}
label="Explore the Map"
<LibraryIcon class=" flex-shrink-0 h-6 w-6"/>
isActive={currentView === "/topics"}
<LibraryIcon class=" flex-shrink-0 h-6 w-6"/>
<NavButtonWithLabel isActive={currentView === "/formats"} target="#/formats" label="Formats">
<ViewGridIcon class=" flex-shrink-0 h-6 w-6"/>
<a href="#/randomtopic" on:click={getRandomTopicName} class={(currentView === "/randomtopic" ? 'text-secondary' : '') + " w-full group flex justify-start gap-3 items-center py-5 pl-4 text-sm font-medium"}>
<GiftIcon class=" flex-shrink-0 h-6 w-6"/>
<div class="flex flex-col items-start">
<h3 class="text-center">Random Topic</h3>
<div class={(currentView === "/randomtopic" ? 'bg-secondary w-full' : '') + " w-5 mt-0.25 h-0.5 bg-primary group-hover:w-full ease-in-out duration-300"}></div>
<a href="#/randomitem" on:click={getRandomItemId} class={(currentView === "/randomitem" ? 'text-secondary' : '') + " w-full group flex justify-start gap-3 items-center py-5 pl-4 text-sm font-medium"}>
<GiftIcon class=" flex-shrink-0 h-6 w-6"/>
<div class="flex flex-col items-start">
<h3 class="text-center">Random Item</h3>
<div class={(currentView === "/randomitem" ? 'bg-secondary w-full' : '') + " w-5 mt-0.25 h-0.5 bg-primary group-hover:w-full ease-in-out duration-300"}></div>
<NavButtonWithLabel isActive={currentView === "/wanttolearn"} target="#/wanttolearn" label="Want to learn">
<BookmarkIcon class=" flex-shrink-0 h-6 w-6"/>
<NavButtonWithLabel isActive={currentView === "/finishedlearning"} target="#/finishedlearning" label="Finished learning">
<BookmarkAltIcon class=" flex-shrink-0 h-6 w-6"/>
<!-- <NavButtonWithLabel isActive={currentView === "/settings"} target="#/settings" label="Settings">
<CogIcon class=" flex-shrink-0 h-6 w-6"/>
</NavButtonWithLabel> -->
<NavButtonWithLabel target="https://github.com/learn-awesome/learndb" label="Contribute">
<SupportIcon class=" flex-shrink-0 h-6 w-6"/>