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Slot Machine Game using Python
Slot Machine Game Guide
What is this Game?
This is a simple console-based slot machine game implemented in Python. It simulates a traditional slot machine where players can deposit money, place bets, and spin the slot machine to potentially win more money based on the symbols displayed.
1. Deposit Money: Players start by depositing an amount of money to play with.
2. Place Bets: Players can bet on up to 3 lines with a minimum bet of $1 and a maximum bet of $150 per line.
3. Spin: Players spin the slot machine and the result is a 3x3 grid of symbols.
4. Winning: If the symbols in any of the lines bet on match, players win money based on the value of the symbols.
Way of Play:
1. Deposit: The player is prompted to deposit an initial amount of money.
2. Bet: The player chooses how many lines to bet on and how much to bet per line.
3. Spin: The player spins the slot machine, which generates a random 3x3 grid of symbols.
4. Outcome: The result is displayed, showing whether the player has won or lost. The player's balance is updated accordingly.
5. Repeat or Quit: The player can choose to spin again or quit. The game ends if the player runs out of money.
Detailed Steps:
1. Start the Game:
- Run the main() function to start the game.
- The player is asked to deposit an amount of money to begin.
2. Place Bets:
- The player selects the number of lines to bet on (between 1 and 3).
- The player specifies the amount to bet per line (between $1 and $150).
3. Spin the Slot Machine:
- The slot machine generates a random 3x3 grid of symbols.
- The outcome is displayed on the screen.
4. Check Winnings:
- If any of the lines bet on have matching symbols, the player wins an amount calculated based on the symbol values and the bet amount.
- The player's balance is updated with the winnings or losses.
5. Continue or Quit:
- The player is asked if they want to spin again or quit.
- If the player's balance reaches zero, the game ends automatically.
6. End of Game:
- When the player chooses to quit or runs out of money, a final message thanking the player for playing is displayed.
This game is a fun way to simulate the experience of playing a slot machine, with simple rules and clear instructions for betting and spinning.
import random
# Constants for the slot machine configuration
MAX_BET = 150 # Maximum bet per line
MIN_BET = 1 # Minimum bet per line
ROWS = 3 # Number of rows in the slot machine
COLS = 3 # Number of columns in the slot machine
# Symbols and their respective counts on the slot machine
symbol_count = {
"A": 2,
"B": 4,
"C": 6,
"D": 8
# Values assigned to each symbol for calculating winnings
symbol_value = {
"A": 6,
"B": 5,
"C": 4,
"D": 3
# Function to check if the player has won
def check_winnings(columns, lines, bet, values):
winnings = 0
winning_lines = []
# Check each line the player has bet on
for line in range(lines):
symbol = columns[0][line]
for column in columns:
symbol_to_check = column[line]
if symbol != symbol_to_check:
winnings += values[symbol] * bet
winning_lines.append(line + 1)
return winnings, winning_lines
# Function to generate a random slot machine spin
def get_slot_machine_spin(rows, cols, symbols):
all_symbols = []
# Populate the list of symbols based on their counts
for symbol, symbol_count in symbols.items():
for _ in range(symbol_count):
columns = []
for _ in range(cols):
column = []
current_symbols = all_symbols[:]
# Select random symbols for each column
for _ in range(rows):
value = random.choice(current_symbols)
return columns
# Function to print the slot machine's result
def print_slot_machine(columns):
for row in range(len(columns[0])):
for i, column in enumerate(columns):
if i != len(columns) - 1:
print(column[row], end=" | ")
print(column[row], end="")
# Function to get the deposit amount from the user
def deposit():
while True:
amount = input("What would you like to deposit? $")
if amount.isdigit():
amount = int(amount)
if amount > 0:
print("Amount must be greater than 0.")
print("Please enter a number.")
return amount
# Function to get the number of lines to bet on from the user
def get_number_of_lines():
while True:
lines = input("Enter the number of lines to bet on (1-" + str(MAX_LINES) + ")? ")
if lines.isdigit():
lines = int(lines)
if 1 <= lines <= MAX_LINES:
print("Enter a valid number of lines.")
print("Please enter a number.")
return lines
# Function to get the bet amount per line from the user
def get_bet():
while True:
amount = input("What would you like to bet on each line? $")
if amount.isdigit():
amount = int(amount)
if MIN_BET <= amount <= MAX_BET:
print(f"Amount must be between ${MIN_BET} - ${MAX_BET}.")
print("Please enter a number.")
return amount
# Function to handle the main betting and spinning process
def spin(balance):
lines = get_number_of_lines()
while True:
bet = get_bet()
total_bet = bet * lines
if total_bet > balance:
print(f"Sorry, you do not have enough to bet that amount, your current balance is: ${balance}")
print(f"You are betting ${bet} on {lines} lines. Total bet is equal to: ${total_bet}")
slots = get_slot_machine_spin(ROWS, COLS, symbol_count)
winnings, winning_lines = check_winnings(slots, lines, bet, symbol_value)
print(f"You won ${winnings}.")
if winning_lines:
print(f"You won on lines:", *winning_lines)
print("You won on lines: 0")
return winnings - total_bet
# Main function to start the slot machine game
def main():
balance = deposit()
while True:
print(f"Current balance is ${balance}")
answer = input("Press enter to play (q to quit).")
if answer == "q":
balance += spin(balance)
if balance <= 0:
print("You have run out of money!")
print(f"You left with ${balance}")
print("Thank you for playing!")
# Entry point of the program

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# List of sections
- [Section title](filename.md)