kopia lustrzana https://github.com/jamesgao/kiln_controller
110 wiersze
3.5 KiB
110 wiersze
3.5 KiB
import re
import time
import random
import datetime
import logging
import threading
from collections import deque, namedtuple
logger = logging.getLogger("thermo")
def temp_to_cone(temp):
"""Convert the current temperature to cone value using linear interpolation"""
cones = [600,614,635,683,717,747,792,804,838,852,884,894,900,923,955,984,999,1046,1060,1101,1120,1137,1154,1162,1168,1186,1196,1222,1240,1263,1280,1305,1315,1326,1346]
names = [str(i).replace('-', '0') for i in range(-22,0)] + [str(i) for i in range(1, 14)]
for i in range(len(cones)-1):
low, high = cones[i], cones[i+1]
if low <= temp < high:
frac = (temp - low) / float(high - low)
return names[i]+'.%d'%int(frac*10)
return "13+"
tempsample = namedtuple("tempsample", ['time', 'temp'])
class MAX31850(object):
def __init__(self, name="3b-000000182b57", smooth_window=4):
self.device = "/sys/bus/w1/devices/%s/w1_slave"%name
self.history = deque(maxlen=smooth_window)
self.last = None
def _read_temp(self):
with open(self.device, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
while lines[0].strip()[-3:] != 'YES':
with open(self.device, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
match = re.match(r'^[0-9a-f\s]{27}t=(\d+)$', lines[1])
if match is not None:
return float(match.group(1)) / 1000.0
def get(self):
"""Blocking call to retrieve latest temperature sample"""
self.last = time.time()
return self.temperature
def temperature(self):
if self.last is None or time.time() - self.last > 5:
return self.get()
return tempsample(self.last, sum(self.history) / float(len(self.history)))
class Simulate(object):
def __init__(self, regulator, smooth_window=4):
self.regulator = regulator
self.history = deque(maxlen=smooth_window)
self.last = None
def _read_temp(self):
return max([self.regulator.output, 0]) * 1000. + 15+random.gauss(0,.2)
def get(self):
self.last = time.time()
return self.temperature
def temperature(self):
if self.last is None or time.time() - self.last > 5:
return self.get()
return tempsample(self.last, sum(self.history) / float(len(self.history)))
class Monitor(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, cls=MAX31850, **kwargs):
self.therm = cls(**kwargs)
self.running = True
from Adafruit_alphanumeric import AlphaScroller
self.display = AlphaScroller(interval=.4)
def run(self):
while self.running:
_, temp = self.therm.get()
if temp > 50:
if not self.display.shown:
fahr = temp * 9. / 5. + 32.
text = list('%0.0f'%temp) + ['degree'] + list('C %0.0f'%fahr)+['degree'] + list("F")
if 600 <= temp:
text += [' ', ' ', 'cone']+list(temp_to_cone(temp))
self.display.set_text(text, reset=False)
elif self.display.shown:
def stop(self):
self.running = False
if __name__ == "__main__":
monitor = Monitor()
monitor.start() |