Most of the UI elements behave as expected, but setting the Running
state is not yet complete. Still need to work out how to deal with the
profile names on the server side. Added a couple of images for the PCB.
Rendered version of the pcb is care of, where I ordered the
first batch of PCBs. The other image is rendered via EagleCAD.
Managed to update the pcb order in time. Auxtemp header takes a DS18B20
chip as an auxiliary temperature monitor, good for checking for propane
tank freezing or even as primary temperature control. Additional
powerstack header allows stacked breakouts to pass power between boards
Finally finished the circuit board design. I ended up going with a
pretty different approach than I was originally planning, since this
design is low impact and allows board stacking. An ATMEGA328 chip
running as an I2C slave will be the primary communication between the
raspberry pi and the hardware, instead of the raspberry pi directly
controlling the hardware. Code changes to accommodate will be
forthcoming, although this works towards allowing multi-zone heating