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import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
class MAX31855(object):
'''Python driver for [MAX38155 Cold-Junction Compensated Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter](
- The [GPIO Library]( (Already on most Raspberry Pi OS builds)
- A [Raspberry Pi](
def __init__(self, cs_pin, clock_pin, data_pin, units = "c", board = GPIO.BCM):
'''Initialize Soft (Bitbang) SPI bus
- cs_pin: Chip Select (CS) / Slave Select (SS) pin (Any GPIO)
- clock_pin: Clock (SCLK / SCK) pin (Any GPIO)
- data_pin: Data input (SO / MOSI) pin (Any GPIO)
- units: (optional) unit of measurement to return. ("c" (default) | "k" | "f")
- board: (optional) pin numbering method as per RPi.GPIO library (GPIO.BCM (default) | GPIO.BOARD)
self.cs_pin = cs_pin
self.clock_pin = clock_pin
self.data_pin = data_pin
self.units = units = None
self.board = board
# Initialize needed GPIO
GPIO.setup(self.cs_pin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(self.clock_pin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(self.data_pin, GPIO.IN)
# Pull chip select high to make chip inactive
GPIO.output(self.cs_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
def get(self):
'''Reads SPI bus and returns current value of thermocouple.'''
return getattr(self, "to_" + self.units)(self.data_to_tc_temperature())
def get_rj(self):
'''Reads SPI bus and returns current value of reference junction.'''
return getattr(self, "to_" + self.units)(self.data_to_rj_temperature())
def read(self):
'''Reads 32 bits of the SPI bus & stores as an integer in'''
bytesin = 0
# Select the chip
GPIO.output(self.cs_pin, GPIO.LOW)
# Read in 32 bits
for i in range(32):
GPIO.output(self.clock_pin, GPIO.LOW)
bytesin = bytesin << 1
if (GPIO.input(self.data_pin)):
bytesin = bytesin | 1
GPIO.output(self.clock_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
# Unselect the chip
GPIO.output(self.cs_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
# Save data = bytesin
def checkErrors(self, data_32 = None):
'''Checks error bits to see if there are any SCV, SCG, or OC faults'''
if data_32 is None:
data_32 =
anyErrors = (data_32 & 0x10000) != 0 # Fault bit, D16
noConnection = (data_32 & 0x00000001) != 0 # OC bit, D0
shortToGround = (data_32 & 0x00000002) != 0 # SCG bit, D1
shortToVCC = (data_32 & 0x00000004) != 0 # SCV bit, D2
if anyErrors:
if noConnection:
# raise MAX31855Error("No Connection")
print("MAX31855Error(No Connection)")
elif shortToGround:
#raise MAX31855Error("Thermocouple short to ground")
print("Thermocouple reports short to ground")
elif shortToVCC:
raise MAX31855Error("Thermocouple short to VCC")
# Perhaps another SPI device is trying to send data?
# Did you remember to initialize all other SPI devices?
raise MAX31855Error("Unknown Error")
def data_to_tc_temperature(self, data_32 = None):
'''Takes an integer and returns a thermocouple temperature in celsius.'''
if data_32 is None:
data_32 =
tc_data = ((data_32 >> 18) & 0x3FFF)
return self.convert_tc_data(tc_data)
def data_to_rj_temperature(self, data_32 = None):
'''Takes an integer and returns a reference junction temperature in celsius.'''
if data_32 is None:
data_32 =
rj_data = ((data_32 >> 4) & 0xFFF)
return self.convert_rj_data(rj_data)
def convert_tc_data(self, tc_data):
'''Convert thermocouple data to a useful number (celsius).'''
if tc_data & 0x2000:
# two's compliment
without_resolution = ~tc_data & 0x1FFF
without_resolution += 1
without_resolution *= -1
without_resolution = tc_data & 0x1FFF
return without_resolution * 0.25
def convert_rj_data(self, rj_data):
'''Convert reference junction data to a useful number (celsius).'''
if rj_data & 0x800:
without_resolution = ~rj_data & 0x7FF
without_resolution += 1
without_resolution *= -1
without_resolution = rj_data & 0x7FF
return without_resolution * 0.0625
def to_c(self, celsius):
'''Celsius passthrough for generic to_* method.'''
return celsius
def to_k(self, celsius):
'''Convert celsius to kelvin.'''
return celsius + 273.15
def to_f(self, celsius):
'''Convert celsius to fahrenheit.'''
return celsius * 9.0/5.0 + 32
def cleanup(self):
'''Selective GPIO cleanup'''
GPIO.setup(self.cs_pin, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(self.clock_pin, GPIO.IN)
class MAX31855Error(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Multi-chip example
import time
cs_pins = [4, 17, 18, 24]
clock_pin = 23
data_pin = 22
units = "f"
thermocouples = []
for cs_pin in cs_pins:
thermocouples.append(MAX31855(cs_pin, clock_pin, data_pin, units))
running = True
for thermocouple in thermocouples:
rj = thermocouple.get_rj()
tc = thermocouple.get()
except MAX31855Error as e:
tc = "Error: "+ e.value
running = False
print("tc: {} and rj: {}".format(tc, rj))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
running = False
for thermocouple in thermocouples: