kopia lustrzana https://github.com/jbruce12000/kiln-controller
190 wiersze
7.8 KiB
190 wiersze
7.8 KiB
import logging
import os
# uncomment this if using MAX-31856
#from lib.max31856 import MAX31856
# General options
### Logging
log_level = logging.INFO
log_format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s'
### Server
listening_port = 8081
# Cost Information
# This is used to calculate a cost estimate before a run. It's also used
# to produce the actual cost during a run. My kiln has three
# elements that when my switches are set to high, consume 9460 watts.
kwh_rate = 0.1319 # cost per kilowatt hour per currency_type to calculate cost to run job
kw_elements = 9.460 # if the kiln elements are on, the wattage in kilowatts
currency_type = "$" # Currency Symbol to show when calculating cost to run job
# GPIO Setup (BCM SoC Numbering Schema)
# Check the RasPi docs to see where these GPIOs are
# connected on the P1 header for your board type/rev.
# These were tested on a Pi B Rev2 but of course you
# can use whichever GPIO you prefer/have available.
### Outputs
gpio_heat = 23 # Switches zero-cross solid-state-relay
### Thermocouple Adapter selection:
# max31855 - bitbang SPI interface
# max31856 - bitbang SPI interface. must specify thermocouple_type.
max31855 = 1
max31856 = 0
# see lib/max31856.py for other thermocouple_type, only applies to max31856
# uncomment this if using MAX-31856
#thermocouple_type = MAX31856.MAX31856_S_TYPE
### Thermocouple Connection (using bitbang interfaces)
gpio_sensor_cs = 27
gpio_sensor_clock = 22
gpio_sensor_data = 17
gpio_sensor_di = 10 # only used with max31856
# duty cycle of the entire system in seconds
# Every N seconds a decision is made about switching the relay[s]
# on & off and for how long. The thermocouple is read
# temperature_average_samples times during and the average value is used.
sensor_time_wait = 2
# PID parameters
# These parameters control kiln temperature change. These settings work
# well with the simulated oven. You must tune them to work well with
# your specific kiln. Note that the integral pid_ki is
# inverted so that a smaller number means more integral action.
pid_kp = 25 # Proportional 25,200,200
pid_ki = 10 # Integral
pid_kd = 200 # Derivative
# Initial heating and Integral Windup
# this setting is deprecated and is no longer used. this happens by
# default and is the expected behavior.
stop_integral_windup = True
# Simulation parameters
simulate = True
sim_t_env = 60.0 # deg C
sim_c_heat = 500.0 # J/K heat capacity of heat element
sim_c_oven = 5000.0 # J/K heat capacity of oven
sim_p_heat = 5450.0 # W heating power of oven
sim_R_o_nocool = 0.5 # K/W thermal resistance oven -> environment
sim_R_o_cool = 0.05 # K/W " with cooling
sim_R_ho_noair = 0.1 # K/W thermal resistance heat element -> oven
sim_R_ho_air = 0.05 # K/W " with internal air circulation
# Time and Temperature parameters
# If you change the temp_scale, all settings in this file are assumed to
# be in that scale.
temp_scale = "f" # c = Celsius | f = Fahrenheit - Unit to display
time_scale_slope = "h" # s = Seconds | m = Minutes | h = Hours - Slope displayed in temp_scale per time_scale_slope
time_scale_profile = "m" # s = Seconds | m = Minutes | h = Hours - Enter and view target time in time_scale_profile
# emergency shutoff the profile if this temp is reached or exceeded.
# This just shuts off the profile. If your SSR is working, your kiln will
# naturally cool off. If your SSR has failed/shorted/closed circuit, this
# means your kiln receives full power until your house burns down.
# this should not replace you watching your kiln or use of a kiln-sitter
emergency_shutoff_temp = 2264 #cone 7
# If the current temperature is outside the pid control window,
# delay the schedule until it does back inside. This allows for heating
# and cooling as fast as possible and not continuing until temp is reached.
kiln_must_catch_up = True
# This setting is required.
# This setting defines the window within which PID control occurs.
# Outside this window (N degrees below or above the current target)
# the elements are either 100% on because the kiln is too cold
# or 100% off because the kiln is too hot. No integral builds up
# outside the window. The bigger you make the window, the more
# integral you will accumulate. This should be a positive integer.
pid_control_window = 5 #degrees
# thermocouple offset
# If you put your thermocouple in ice water and it reads 36F, you can
# set set this offset to -4 to compensate. This probably means you have a
# cheap thermocouple. Invest in a better thermocouple.
# number of samples of temperature to average.
# If you suffer from the high temperature kiln issue and have set
# honour_theromocouple_short_errors to False,
# you will likely need to increase this (eg I use 40)
temperature_average_samples = 40
# Thermocouple AC frequency filtering - set to True if in a 50Hz locale, else leave at False for 60Hz locale
ac_freq_50hz = False
# Emergencies - or maybe not
# There are all kinds of emergencies that can happen including:
# - temperature is too high (emergency_shutoff_temp exceeded)
# - lost connection to thermocouple
# - unknown error with thermocouple
# - too many errors in a short period from thermocouple
# but in some cases, you might want to ignore a specific error, log it,
# and continue running your profile.
ignore_temp_too_high = False
ignore_lost_connection_tc = False
ignore_unknown_tc_error = False
ignore_too_many_tc_errors = False
# some kilns/thermocouples start erroneously reporting "short"
# errors at higher temperatures due to plasma forming in the kiln.
# Set this to True to ignore these errors and assume the temperature
# reading was correct anyway
ignore_tc_short_errors = False
# automatic restarts - if you have a power brown-out and the raspberry pi
# reboots, this restarts your kiln where it left off in the firing profile.
# This only happens if power comes back before automatic_restart_window
# is exceeded (in minutes). The kiln-controller.py process must start
# automatically on boot-up for this to work.
# DO NOT put automatic_restart_state_file anywhere in /tmp. It could be
# cleaned up (deleted) by the OS on boot.
# The state file is written to disk every sensor_time_wait seconds (2s by default)
# and is written in the same directory as config.py.
automatic_restarts = True
automatic_restart_window = 15 # max minutes since power outage
automatic_restart_state_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ),'state.json'))
# load kiln profiles from this directory
# created a repo where anyone can contribute profiles. The objective is
# to load profiles from this repository by default.
# See https://github.com/jbruce12000/kiln-profiles
kiln_profiles_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ),"storage", "profiles"))
#kiln_profiles_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ),'..','kiln-profiles','pottery'))