Merge pull request #26 from adq/ziegler

Ziegler-Nicols kiln-tuner
Jason Bruce 2021-06-08 10:17:58 -04:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
commit 18b4fdc4ea
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# PID Tuning Using Ziegler-Nicols
This uses the Ziegler Nicols method to estimate values for the Kp/Ki/Kd PID control values.
The method implemented here is taken from ["Ziegler–Nichols Tuning Method"]( by Vishakha Vijay Patel
One issue with Ziegler Nicols is that is a **heuristic**: it generally works quite well, but it might not be the optimal values. Further manual adjustment may be necessary.
## Process Overview
1. First of all, you will record a temperature profile for your kiln.
2. Next, we use those figures to estimate Kp/Ki/Kd.
## Step 1: Record Temperature Profie
Ensure `kiln-controller` is **stopped** during profile recording: The profile must be recorded without any interference from the actual PID control loop (you also don't want two things changing the same GPIOs at the same time!)
Make sure your kiln is completely cool - we need to record the data starting from room temperature to correctly measure the effect of kiln/heating.
There needs to be no abnormal source of temperature change to the kiln: eg if you normally run with a kiln plug in place - make sure its in place for the test!
To record the profile, run:
python recordprofile zn.csv
The above will drive your kiln to 400 and record the temperature profile to the file `zn.csv`. The file will look something like this:
## Step 2: Compute the PID parameters
Once you have your zn.csv profile, run the following:
python zn zn.csv
The values will be output to stdout, for example:
Kp: 3.853985144980333 1/Ki: 87.78173053095107 Kd: 325.9599328488931
(Note that the Ki value is already inverted ready for use in config)
## Sanity checking the results
If you run
python zn zn.csv --showplot
It will display a plot of the parameters. It should look simular to this ![kiln-tuner-example.png](kiln-tuner-example.png).
Note: you will need python's `pyplot` installed for this to work.
The smooth linear part of the chart is very important. If it is too short, try increasing the target temperature (see later).
The red diagonal line: this **must** follow the smooth part of your chart closely.
## My diagonal line isn't right
You might need to adjust the line parameters to make it fit your data properly. You can do this as follows:
python zn zn.csv --tangentdivisor 4
`tangentdivisor` modifies which parts of the profile is used to calculate the line.
It is a floating point number >= 2; If necessary, try varying it till you get a better fit.
## Changing the target temperature
By default it is 400. You can change this as follows:
python recordprofile zn.csv --targettemp 500
(where the target temperature has been changed to 500 in the example above)

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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import csv
import time
import argparse
def recordprofile(csvfile, targettemp):
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
import config
sys.dont_write_bytecode = False
except ImportError:
print("Could not import config file.")
print("Copy to and adapt it for your setup.")
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.insert(0, script_dir + '/lib/')
from oven import RealOven, SimulatedOven
# open the file to log data to
f = open(csvfile, 'w')
csvout = csv.writer(f)
csvout.writerow(['time', 'temperature'])
# construct the oven
if config.simulate:
oven = SimulatedOven()
oven = RealOven()
# Main loop:
# * heat the oven to the target temperature at maximum burn.
# * when we reach it turn the heating off completely.
# * wait for it to decay back to the target again.
# * quit
# We record the temperature every second
stage = 'heating'
if not config.simulate:
oven.output.heat(1, tuning=True)
while True:
temp = oven.board.temp_sensor.temperature + \
csvout.writerow([time.time(), temp])
if stage == 'heating':
if temp >= targettemp:
if not config.simulate:
stage = 'cooling'
elif stage == 'cooling':
if temp < targettemp:
sys.stdout.write(f"\r{stage} {temp:.2f}/{targettemp} ")
# ensure we always shut the oven down!
if not config.simulate:
def line(a, b, x):
return a * x + b
def invline(a, b, y):
return (y - b) / a
def plot(xdata, ydata,
tangent_min, tangent_max, tangent_slope, tangent_offset,
lower_crossing_x, upper_crossing_x):
from matplotlib import pyplot
minx = min(xdata)
maxx = max(xdata)
miny = min(ydata)
maxy = max(ydata)
pyplot.scatter(xdata, ydata)
pyplot.plot([minx, maxx], [miny, miny], '--', color='purple')
pyplot.plot([minx, maxx], [maxy, maxy], '--', color='purple')
pyplot.plot(tangent_min[0], tangent_min[1], 'v', color='red')
pyplot.plot(tangent_max[0], tangent_max[1], 'v', color='red')
pyplot.plot([minx, maxx], [line(tangent_slope, tangent_offset, minx), line(tangent_slope, tangent_offset, maxx)], '--', color='red')
pyplot.plot([lower_crossing_x, lower_crossing_x], [miny, maxy], '--', color='black')
pyplot.plot([upper_crossing_x, upper_crossing_x], [miny, maxy], '--', color='black')
def calculate(filename, tangentdivisor, showplot):
# parse the csv file
xdata = []
ydata = []
filemintime = None
with open(filename) as f:
for row in csv.DictReader(f):
time = float(row['time'])
temp = float(row['temperature'])
if filemintime is None:
filemintime = time
xdata.append(time - filemintime)
except ValueError:
continue # just ignore bad values!
# gather points for tangent line
miny = min(ydata)
maxy = max(ydata)
midy = (maxy + miny) / 2
yoffset = int((maxy - miny) / tangentdivisor)
tangent_min = tangent_max = None
for i in range(0, len(xdata)):
rowx = xdata[i]
rowy = ydata[i]
if rowy >= (midy - yoffset) and tangent_min is None:
tangent_min = (rowx, rowy)
elif rowy >= (midy + yoffset) and tangent_max is None:
tangent_max = (rowx, rowy)
# calculate tangent line to the main temperature curve
tangent_slope = (tangent_max[1] - tangent_min[1]) / (tangent_max[0] - tangent_min[0])
tangent_offset = tangent_min[1] - line(tangent_slope, 0, tangent_min[0])
# determine the point at which the tangent line crosses the min/max temperaturess
lower_crossing_x = invline(tangent_slope, tangent_offset, miny)
upper_crossing_x = invline(tangent_slope, tangent_offset, maxy)
# compute parameters
L = lower_crossing_x - min(xdata)
T = upper_crossing_x - lower_crossing_x
# Magic Ziegler-Nicols constants ahead!
Kp = 1.2 * (T / L)
Ti = 2 * L
Td = 0.5 * L
Ki = Kp / Ti
Kd = Kp * Td
# outut to the user
print(f"Kp: {Kp} 1/Ki: {1/ Ki}, Kd: {Kd}")
if showplot:
plot(xdata, ydata,
tangent_min, tangent_max, tangent_slope, tangent_offset,
lower_crossing_x, upper_crossing_x)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Kiln tuner')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
parser_profile = subparsers.add_parser('recordprofile', help='Record kiln temperature profile')
parser_profile.add_argument('csvfile', type=str, help="The CSV file to write to.")
parser_profile.add_argument('--targettemp', type=int, default=400, help="The target temperature to drive the kiln to (default 400).")
parser_zn = subparsers.add_parser('zn', help='Calculate Ziegler-Nicols parameters')
parser_zn.add_argument('csvfile', type=str, help="The CSV file to read from. Must contain two columns called time (time in seconds) and temperature (observed temperature)")
parser_zn.add_argument('--showplot', action='store_true', help="If set, also plot results (requires pyplot to be pip installed)")
parser_zn.add_argument('--tangentdivisor', type=float, default=8, help="Adjust the tangent calculation to fit better. Must be >= 2 (default 8).")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.mode == 'recordprofile':
recordprofile(args.csvfile, args.targettemp)
elif args.mode == 'zn':
if args.tangentdivisor < 2:
raise ValueError("tangentdivisor must be >= 2")
calculate(args.csvfile, args.tangentdivisor, args.showplot)
elif args.mode == '':
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown mode {args.mode}")

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@ -27,8 +27,10 @@ class Output(object):
log.warning(msg) = False
def heat(self,sleepfor):
def heat(self,sleepfor, tuning=False):
self.GPIO.output(config.gpio_heat, self.GPIO.HIGH)
if tuning:
def cool(self,sleepfor):