/* Quansheng UV-K5 EEPROM programmer v0.7 * (c) 2023 Jacek Lipkowski * * This program can read and write the eeprom of Quansheng UVK5 Mark II * and probably other similar radios via the serial port. * * It can read/write arbitrary data, and might be useful for reverse * engineering the radio configuration. * * It can also flash you radio, which has a very high probability of * permanently breaking your radio. The flash image is an unencrypted * image, without the version inserted at 0x2000. * * Use at your own risk. * * * This program is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3 * License text avaliable at: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ /* * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "uvk5.h" #define VERSION "Quansheng UV-K5 EEPROM programmer v0.7 (c) 2023 Jacek Lipkowski " #define MODE_NONE 0 #define MODE_READ 1 #define MODE_WRITE 2 #define MODE_WRITE_MOST 3 #define MODE_WRITE_ALL 4 #define MODE_FLASH_DEBUG 5 #define MODE_FLASH 6 #define UVK5_EEPROM_SIZE 0x2000 #define UVK5_EEPROM_SIZE_WITHOUT_CALIBRATION 0x1d00 #define UVK5_EEPROM_BLOCKSIZE 0x80 #define UVK5_PREPARE_TRIES 10 /* actually the flash is bigger, but there is a bootloader at 0xf000 that we don't want to overwrite * if you're really brave, then you can modify the code by changing UVK5_MAX_FLASH_SIZE to 0x10000 * and probably flash the bootloader too, but i would really advise against doing this * * maybe at some point i will make a command line flag for this */ #define UVK5_MAX_FLASH_SIZE 0xf000 #define UVK5_FLASH_BLOCKSIZE 0x100 #define DEFAULT_SERIAL_PORT "/dev/ttyUSB0" #define DEFAULT_FILE_NAME "k5_eeprom.raw" #define DEFAULT_FLASH_NAME "k5_flash.raw" /* the vendor flasher sends the firmware version like "2.01.23" */ #define DEFAULT_FLASH_VERSION "*.01.23" /* globals */ speed_t ser_speed=B38400; char *ser_port=DEFAULT_SERIAL_PORT; int verbose=0; int mode=MODE_NONE; char *file=DEFAULT_FILE_NAME; char *flash_file=DEFAULT_FLASH_NAME; char flash_version_string[8]=DEFAULT_FLASH_VERSION; int write_offset=0; int write_length=-1; int i_know_what_im_doing=0; /* flag the user sets to confirm that he thinks he knows what he's doing */ struct k5_command { unsigned char *cmd; int len; unsigned char *obfuscated_cmd; int obfuscated_len; int crcok; }; /**** commands ********/ unsigned char uvk5_hello2[]={0x14, 0x05, 0x04, 0x00, 0x9f, 0x25, 0x5a, 0x64}; /* commands: * 0x14 - hello * 0x1b - read eeprom * 0x1d - write eeprom * 0xdd - reset radio */ /* * flash commands: * 0x30 - say hello to the radio and present the version (reply is also 0x18) * 0x19 - send flash block (reply from radio is 0x1a) * * from the radio: * 0x18 - broadcast from the radio when flash mode is enabled * * */ /* the last 6 bytes have to be the same for each "session" */ unsigned char uvk5_hello[]={ 0x14, 0x5, 0x4, 0x0, 0x6a, 0x39, 0x57, 0x64 }; unsigned char uvk5_readmem1[]={ 0x1b, 0x5, 0x8, 0x0, 0x80, 0xe, 0x80, 0x0, 0x6a, 0x39, 0x57, 0x64 }; /* byte6 - length (max 0x80), byte 4 (lsb) ,5 (msb) address */ unsigned char uvk5_writemem1[]={ 0x1d, 0x5, 0x18, 0x0, 0x50, 0xf, 0x10, 0x0, 0x14, 0xad, 0x5c, 0x64, 0x43, 0x48, 0x30, 0x30, 0x31, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; /* byte3 - command length, byte6 - data to be written length, byte4 - (lsb) byte5( msb) address, byte12-end data */ unsigned char uvk5_reset[]={ 0xdd, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0 }; /* terrible hexdump ripped from some old code, please don't look */ void hdump(unsigned char *buf,int len) { int tmp1; char adump[80]; int tmp2=0; int tmp3=0; unsigned char sss; char hexz[]="0123456789abcdef"; int lasttmp=0; printf("\n0x%6.6x |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |a |b |c |d |e |f |\n",len); printf("---------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+------------\n"); memset(&adump,' ',78); adump[78]=0; for (tmp1=0; tmp1=0) maxlen=maxlen-nr; if (maxlen==0) break; } if (ret==0) { fprintf(stderr,"read_timeout\n"); /* error albo timeout */ break; } } if (verbose>2) { printf("RXRXRX:\n"); hdump(buf2,len); } return(len); } void destroy_k5_struct(struct k5_command *cmd) { if (cmd->cmd) { free(cmd->cmd); } if (cmd->obfuscated_cmd) { free(cmd->obfuscated_cmd); } free(cmd); } /* ripped from https://mdfs.net/Info/Comp/Comms/CRC16.htm */ uint16_t crc16xmodem(unsigned char *addr, int num, int crc) { #define poly 0x1021 int i; for (; num>0; num--) /* Step through bytes in memory */ { crc = crc ^ (*addr++ << 8); /* Fetch byte from memory, XOR into CRC top byte*/ for (i=0; i<8; i++) /* Prepare to rotate 8 bits */ { crc = crc << 1; /* rotate */ if (crc & 0x10000) /* bit 15 was set (now bit 16)... */ crc = (crc ^ poly) & 0xFFFF; /* XOR with XMODEM polynomic */ /* and ensure CRC remains 16-bit value */ } /* Loop for 8 bits */ } /* Loop until num=0 */ return(crc); /* Return updated CRC */ } /* (de)obfuscate the string using xor */ void xorarr(unsigned char *inarr,int len) { int len2=0; unsigned char k5_xor_array[16]= { 0x16 , 0x6c , 0x14 , 0xe6 , 0x2e , 0x91 , 0x0d , 0x40 , 0x21 , 0x35 , 0xd5 , 0x40 , 0x13 , 0x03 , 0xe9 , 0x80 }; while (len2obfuscated_len,cmd->len,cmd->crcok); if (cmd->obfuscated_cmd) { printf("## obfuscated ##\n"); hdump(cmd->obfuscated_cmd,cmd->obfuscated_len); } if (cmd->cmd) { printf("## cleartext ##\n"); hdump(cmd->cmd,cmd->len); } printf("*****************\n"); } /* obfuscate a k5 datagram */ int k5_obfuscate(struct k5_command *cmd) { uint16_t c; if (!cmd->cmd) return(0); if (cmd->obfuscated_cmd) { free (cmd->obfuscated_cmd); } cmd->obfuscated_len=cmd->len+8; /* header + length + data + crc + footer */ cmd->obfuscated_cmd=calloc(cmd->obfuscated_len,1); cmd->obfuscated_cmd[0]=0xab; cmd->obfuscated_cmd[1]=0xcd; cmd->obfuscated_cmd[2]=(cmd->len)&0xff; cmd->obfuscated_cmd[3]=(cmd->len>>8)&0xff; memcpy((cmd->obfuscated_cmd)+4,cmd->cmd,cmd->len); c=crc16xmodem((cmd->obfuscated_cmd)+4,cmd->len,0); cmd->obfuscated_cmd[cmd->len+4]=c&0xff; cmd->obfuscated_cmd[cmd->len+5]=(c>>8)&0xff; xorarr((cmd->obfuscated_cmd)+4,cmd->len+2); cmd->obfuscated_cmd[cmd->len+6]=0xdc; cmd->obfuscated_cmd[cmd->len+7]=0xba; cmd->crcok=1; return(1); } /* deobfuscate a k5 datagram and verify it */ int k5_deobfuscate(struct k5_command *cmd) { uint16_t c,d; if (!cmd->obfuscated_cmd) return(0); if (cmd->cmd) { free (cmd->cmd); } /* check the obfuscated datagram */ if ((cmd->obfuscated_cmd[0]!=0xab)||(cmd->obfuscated_cmd[1]!=0xcd)) { //bad header if (verbose>2) { printf("bad header\n"); k5_hexdump(cmd); } return(0); } if ((cmd->obfuscated_cmd[cmd->obfuscated_len-2]!=0xdc)||(cmd->obfuscated_cmd[cmd->obfuscated_len-1]!=0xba)) { //bad footer if (verbose>2) { printf("bad footer\n"); k5_hexdump(cmd); } return(0); } cmd->len=cmd->obfuscated_len-6; /* header + length + data + crc + footer */ cmd->cmd=calloc(cmd->len,1); memcpy(cmd->cmd,cmd->obfuscated_cmd+4,cmd->len); xorarr(cmd->cmd,cmd->len); c=crc16xmodem(cmd->cmd,cmd->len-2,0); d=(cmd->cmd[cmd->len-2])|(cmd->cmd[cmd->len-1]<<8); //if ((*cmd->cmd[*cmd->cmd-2]==(c&0xff))&&(*cmd->cmd[*cmd->cmd-2]==((c<<8)&0xff))) /* the protocol looks like it would use crc from the radio to the pc, but instead the radio sends 0xffff */ if (d==0xffff) { cmd->crcok=1; cmd->len=cmd->len-2; /* skip crc */ } else { if (d==c) { printf("** the protocol actually uses proper crc on datagrams from the radio, please inform the author of the radio/firmware version\n"); k5_hexdump(cmd); } cmd->crcok=0; if (verbose>2) { printf("bad crc 0x%4.4x (should be 0x%4.4x)\n",d,c); k5_hexdump(cmd); } cmd->len=cmd->len-2; /* skip crc */ return(0); } return(1); } /* obfuscate a command, send it */ int k5_send_cmd(int fd,struct k5_command *cmd) { int l; if (!k5_obfuscate(cmd)) { fprintf(stderr,"obfuscate error!\n"); return(0); } if (verbose>1) k5_hexdump(cmd); l=write(fd,cmd->obfuscated_cmd,cmd->obfuscated_len); if (verbose>2) printf("write %i\n",l); return(1); } int k5_send_buf(int fd,unsigned char *buf,int len) { int l; struct k5_command *cmd; cmd=calloc(sizeof(struct k5_command),1); cmd->len=len; cmd->cmd=malloc(cmd->len); memcpy(cmd->cmd,buf,len); l=k5_send_cmd(fd,cmd); destroy_k5_struct(cmd); return(l); } /* receive a response, deobfuscate it */ struct k5_command *k5_receive(int fd,int tmout) { unsigned char buf[4]; struct k5_command *cmd; int len; len=read_timeout(fd,(unsigned char *)&buf,sizeof(buf),10000); /* wait 500ms */ if (len>0) { if (verbose>2) { printf("magic:\n"); hdump((unsigned char *)&buf,len); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"k5_receive: err read1\n"); return(0); } if ((buf[0]!=0xab)||(buf[1]!=0xcd)) { fprintf(stderr,"k5_receive: bad magic number\n"); return(0); } if (buf[3]!=0) { fprintf(stderr,"k5_receive: it seems that byte 3 can be something else than 0, please notify the author\n"); return(0); } cmd=calloc(sizeof(struct k5_command),1); cmd->obfuscated_len=buf[2]+8; cmd->obfuscated_cmd=calloc(cmd->obfuscated_len,1); memcpy(cmd->obfuscated_cmd,buf,4); len=read_timeout(fd,cmd->obfuscated_cmd+4,buf[2]+4,tmout); /* wait 500ms */ if ((len+4)!=(cmd->obfuscated_len)) { fprintf(stderr,"k5_receive err read1 len=%i wanted=%i\n",len,cmd->obfuscated_len); return(0); } /* deobfuscate */ k5_deobfuscate(cmd); if (verbose>2) k5_hexdump(cmd); return(cmd); } /******************************/ /* eeprom read/write support */ /******************************/ int k5_readmem(int fd, unsigned char *buf, unsigned char maxlen, int offset) { unsigned char readmem[sizeof(uvk5_readmem1)]; int r; struct k5_command *cmd; if (verbose>1) printf("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ readmem offset=0x%4.4x len=0x%2.2x\n",offset,maxlen); /* byte6 - length (max 0x80), byte 4 (lsb) ,5 (msb) address */ memcpy(readmem,uvk5_readmem1,sizeof(uvk5_readmem1)); readmem[6]=maxlen; readmem[4]=offset&0xff; readmem[5]=(offset>>8)&0xff; r=k5_send_buf(fd,readmem,sizeof(readmem)); if (!r) return(0); cmd=k5_receive(fd,10000); if (!cmd) return(0); if (verbose>2) k5_hexdump(cmd); memcpy(buf,cmd->cmd+8,cmd->len-8); destroy_k5_struct(cmd); return(1); } int k5_writemem(int fd, unsigned char *buf, unsigned char len, int offset) { unsigned char writemem[512]; int r; struct k5_command *cmd; if (verbose>1) printf("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ writemem offset=0x%4.4x len=0x%2.2x\n",offset,len); /* byte6 - length (max 0x80), byte 4 (lsb) ,5 (msb) address */ writemem[0]=0x1d; writemem[1]=0x5; writemem[2]=len+8; writemem[3]=0; writemem[4]=offset&0xff; writemem[5]=(offset>>8)&0xff; writemem[6]=len; writemem[7]=1; writemem[8]=0x6a; writemem[9]=0x39; writemem[10]=0x57; writemem[11]=0x64; memcpy((void *)&writemem+12,buf,len); r=k5_send_buf(fd,writemem,len+12); if (!r) return(0); cmd=k5_receive(fd,10000); if (!cmd) return(0); if (verbose>2) k5_hexdump(cmd); if (((cmd->cmd[0])!=0x1e)||((cmd->cmd[4])!=writemem[4])||((cmd->cmd[5])!=writemem[5])) { fprintf(stderr,"bad write confirmation\n"); destroy_k5_struct(cmd); return(0); } destroy_k5_struct(cmd); return(1); } /* reset the radio */ int k5_reset(int fd) { int r; if (verbose>1) printf("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ reset\n"); r=k5_send_buf(fd,uvk5_reset,sizeof(uvk5_reset)); return(r); } /* end of eeprom read/write support */ /******************************/ /* flash read/write support */ /******************************/ /* wait for a "i'm in flashing mode" message */ int wait_flash_message(int fd,int ntimes) { struct k5_command *cmd; int ok=0; char buf[17]; int i,j; while(ntimes) { ntimes--; if (verbose>1) { printf("wait_flash_message try %i\n",ntimes); } cmd=k5_receive(fd,10000); if (!cmd) { printf("wait_flash_message: timeout\n"); continue; } k5_hexdump(cmd); if (!cmd->cmd) { printf("wait_flash_message: received malformed packet\n"); destroy_k5_struct(cmd); continue; } if (cmd->cmd[0]!=0x18) { printf("wait_flash_message: got unexpected command type 0x%2.2x\n",cmd->cmd[0]); destroy_k5_struct(cmd); continue; } if (cmd->len!=36) { printf("wait_flash_message: got unexpected command length %i\n",cmd->len); destroy_k5_struct(cmd); continue; } /* * this is what a "i'm in flashing mode" packet looks like * * * 0x000024 |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |a |b |c |d |e |f | * ---------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+------------ * 0x000000: 18 05 20 00 01 02 02 06 1c 53 50 4a 37 47 ff 0f .. ......SPJ7G.. * 0x000010: 8c 00 53 00 32 2e 30 30 2e 30 36 00 34 0a 00 00 ..S. * 0x000020: 00 00 00 20 ... */ if ((cmd->cmd[2]!=0x20)||(cmd->cmd[3]!=0x0)||(cmd->cmd[4]!=0x1)||(cmd->cmd[5]!=0x2)||(cmd->cmd[6]!=0x2)) { printf("wait_flash_message: got unexpected packet contents\n"); destroy_k5_struct(cmd); continue; } /* all is good, so break */ ok=1; break; } if (!ok) { printf("wait_flash_message: no flash message from radio\n"); return(0); } for (i=0;i<(sizeof(buf)-1);i++) { j=i+0x14; if (j>=cmd->len) break; if (!isprint(cmd->cmd[j])) break; buf[i]=cmd->cmd[j]; } buf[i]=0; printf("Flasher version is: [%s]\n",buf); destroy_k5_struct(cmd); return(1); } /* sends the version of firmware that we will be flashing, * unobfuscated firmware will have the version number in 16 bytes at 0x2000 * probably these bytes are sent. * * the vendor flasher sends the real version, something like 2.01.23 * if we send a * as the first character, then all known bootloaders * will accept it */ int k5_send_flash_version_message(int fd,char *version_string) { int r; struct k5_command *cmd; //unsigned char uvk5_flash_version[]={ 0x30, 0x5, 0x10, 0x0, '2', '.', '0', '1', '.', '2', '3', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}; unsigned char uvk5_flash_version[]={ 0x30, 0x5, 0x10, 0x0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}; strncpy ((char *)&uvk5_flash_version+4,flash_version_string,8); r=k5_send_buf(fd,uvk5_flash_version,sizeof(uvk5_flash_version)); if (!r) return(0); /* check if we're still getting packets, usually this is a 0x18 type packet, but not sure what else the radio can send */ cmd=k5_receive(fd,10000); if (!cmd) return(0); if (verbose>1) k5_hexdump(cmd); destroy_k5_struct(cmd); return(1); } int k5_writeflash(int fd, unsigned char *buf, int len, int offset,int max_flash_addr) { int l; unsigned char writeflash[512]; int ok=0; int r; struct k5_command *cmd; if (verbose>1) printf("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ writeflash offset=0x%4.4x len=0x%2.2x\n",offset,len); memset(writeflash,0,sizeof(writeflash)); /* 0x19 0x5 0xc 0x1 0x8a 0x8d 0x9f 0x1d * address_msb address_lsb 0xe6 0x0 length_msb length_lsb 0x0 0x0 * [0x100 bytes of data, if length is <0x100 then fill the rest with zeroes] */ writeflash[0]=0x19; writeflash[1]=0x5; /* bytes 2,3: length is 0x10c */ writeflash[2]=0xc; writeflash[3]=1; writeflash[4]=0x8a; writeflash[5]=0x8d; writeflash[6]=0x9f; writeflash[7]=0x1d; writeflash[8]=(offset>>8)&0xff; writeflash[9]=offset&0xff; //writeflash[10]=0xe6; writeflash[10]=(max_flash_addr>>8)&0xff; writeflash[11]=0x00; //writeflash[11]=max_flash_addr&0xff; writeflash[12]=len&0xff; writeflash[13]=(len>>8)&0xff; writeflash[14]=0x00; writeflash[15]=0x00; memcpy((void *)&writeflash+16,buf,len); r=k5_send_buf(fd,writeflash,0x100+16); /* we always send 0x100 bytes, header is 16 bytes */ if (!r) return(0); /* wait for a reply packet */ l=5; while(l) { cmd=k5_receive(fd,10000); l--; if (!cmd) { usleep(1000); continue; } if (verbose>1) { printf("||||| reply packet after flash command\n"); k5_hexdump(cmd); } /* we're still getting "i'm in flash mode packets", can happen after the first flash command, ignore it */ if ((cmd->cmd[0]==0x18)&&(cmd->cmd[1]==0x05)&&(cmd->cmd[2]==0x20)&&(cmd->cmd[3]==0x0)&&(cmd->cmd[4]==0x1)&&(cmd->cmd[5]==0x2)&&(cmd->cmd[6]==0x2)) { if (verbose>1) printf("&&&&| ignoring \"i'm in flash mode\" packet\n"); destroy_k5_struct(cmd); continue; } /* reply packet: * 0x1a 0x5 0x8 0x0 0x8a 0x8d 0x9f 0x1d 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 */ if (((cmd->cmd[0])!=0x1a)||((cmd->cmd[8])!=writeflash[8])||((cmd->cmd[9])!=writeflash[9])) { fprintf(stderr,"bad write confirmation\n"); destroy_k5_struct(cmd); continue; } ok=1; destroy_k5_struct(cmd); break; } if (!ok) { printf("\n\nERROR: no confirmation for flash block 0x%4.4x, length 0x%4.4x\n\n",offset,len); /* TODO: what do we do if there wasn't a proper confirmation? retry maybe? */ } return(ok); } void helpme() { printf( "cmdline opts:\n" "-f \tfilename that contains the eeprom dump (default: " DEFAULT_FILE_NAME ")\n" "-b \tfilename that contains the raw flash image (default " DEFAULT_FLASH_NAME ")\n" "-Y \tincrease \"I know what i'm doing\" value, to enable functionality likely to break the radio\n" "-D \twait for the message from the radio flasher, print it's version\n" "-F \tflash firmware, WARNING: this will likely brick your radio!\n" "-M \tSet the firmware major version to during the flash process (default: " DEFAULT_FLASH_VERSION ")\n" "-O \toffset of block to flash in hex (default: 0)\n" "-L \tlength of file to flash in hex (default: all)\n" "-r \tread eeprom\n" "-w \twrite eeprom like the original software does\n" "-W \twrite most of the eeprom (but without what i think is calibration data)\n" "-B \twrite ALL of the eeprom (the \"brick my radio\" mode)\n" "-p \tdevice name (default: " DEFAULT_SERIAL_PORT ")\n" "-s \tserial speed (default: 38400, the UV-K5 doesn't accept any other speed)\n" "-h \tprint this help\n" "-v \tbe verbose, use multiple times for more verbosity\n" ); } static speed_t baud_to_speed_t(int baud) { switch (baud) { case 0: return B0; case 50: return B50; case 75: return B75; case 110: return B110; case 150: return B150; case 200: return B200; case 300: return B300; case 600: return B600; case 1200: return B1200; case 1800: return B1800; case 2400: return B2400; case 4800: return B4800; case 9600: return B9600; case 19200: return B19200; case 38400: return B38400; case 57600: return B57600; case 115200: return B115200; default: return B0; } } void parse_cmdline(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; int res; /* cmdline opts: * -f * -b * -F (flash firmware) * -O (hex offset) * -L (hex length) * -r (read) * -w (write) * -p * -s * -h (help) * -v (verbose) * -D (flashdebug) * -F (flash) * -Y (i know what i'm doing) */ while ((opt=getopt(argc,argv,"f:rwWBp:s:hvDFYb:L:O:M:"))!=EOF) { switch (opt) { case 'h': helpme(); exit(0); break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'Y': i_know_what_im_doing++; break; case 'r': mode=MODE_READ; break; case 'w': mode=MODE_WRITE; break; case 'D': mode=MODE_FLASH_DEBUG; break; case 'F': mode=MODE_FLASH; break; case 'b': flash_file=optarg; break; case 'M': strncpy(flash_version_string,optarg,sizeof(flash_version_string)-1); break; case 'O': res=sscanf(optarg,"%x",&write_offset); if (res!=1) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, could not parse offset %s\n",optarg); exit(1); } break; case 'L': res=sscanf(optarg,"%x",&write_length); if (res!=1) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, could not parse length %s\n",optarg); exit(1); } break; case 'W': mode=MODE_WRITE_MOST; break; case 'B': mode=MODE_WRITE_ALL; break; case 'f': file=optarg; break; case 'p': ser_port=optarg; break; case 's': ser_speed=baud_to_speed_t(atoi(optarg)); if (ser_speed==B0) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, unknown speed %s\n",optarg); exit(1); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Unknown command line option %s\n",optarg); exit(1); break; } } } if ((mode==MODE_FLASH)&&(write_offset%UVK5_FLASH_BLOCKSIZE!=0)) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: write offset has to be a multiple of %x\n",UVK5_FLASH_BLOCKSIZE); exit(1); } if ((mode==MODE_WRITE)&&(write_offset%UVK5_EEPROM_BLOCKSIZE!=0)) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: write offset has to be a multiple of %x\n",UVK5_EEPROM_BLOCKSIZE); exit(1); } } int write_file(char *name, unsigned char *buffer, int len) { int fd; int l; fd=open(name,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,0600); if (fd<0) { printf("open %s error %d %s\n", name,errno, strerror(errno)); return(-1); } l=write(fd,buffer,len); if (l!=len) { printf("short write (%i) error %d %s\n", l,errno, strerror(errno)); return(-1); } close(fd); return(1); } int k5_prepare(int fd) { int r; struct k5_command *cmd; r=k5_send_buf(fd,uvk5_hello,sizeof(uvk5_hello)); if (!r) return(0); cmd=k5_receive(fd,10000); if (!cmd) return(0); printf("****** Connected to firmware version: [%s]\n",(cmd->cmd)+4); destroy_k5_struct(cmd); return(1); } int main(int argc,char **argv) { int fd,ffd; unsigned char eeprom[UVK5_EEPROM_SIZE]; unsigned char flash[UVK5_MAX_FLASH_SIZE]; int flash_length; int flash_max_addr; int flash_max_block_addr; int i,r,j,len; printf (VERSION "\n\n"); parse_cmdline(argc,argv); if (mode==MODE_NONE) { fprintf(stderr,"No operating mode selected, use -w or -r\n"); helpme(); exit(1); } fd=openport(ser_port,ser_speed); if (fd<0) { fprintf(stderr,"Open %s failed\n",ser_port); exit(1); } if (i_know_what_im_doing) { printf("\"I know what i'm doing\" value set to %i\n",i_know_what_im_doing); } /* flash mode */ switch(mode) { case MODE_FLASH_DEBUG: if (i_know_what_im_doing<1) { printf("ERROR: the \"I know what i'm doing\" value has to be at least 1 to confirm that you know what you're doing\n"); exit(0); } wait_flash_message(fd,10000); exit(0); break; case MODE_FLASH: if (i_know_what_im_doing<3) { printf("ERROR: the \"I know what i'm doing\" value has to be at least 3, to confirm that you really know what you're doing\n"); exit(0); } ffd=open(flash_file,O_RDONLY); if (ffd<0) { fprintf(stderr,"open %s error %d %s\n", file, errno, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } flash_length=read(ffd,(unsigned char *)&flash,UVK5_MAX_FLASH_SIZE); close(ffd); /* arbitrary limit do that someone doesn't flash some random short file */ if ((i_know_what_im_doing<5)&&(flash_length<50000)) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to read whole eeprom from file %s (read %i), file too short or some other error\n",file,flash_length); if (flash_length>0) { fprintf(stderr,"This failsafe is here so that people don't mistake config files with flash.\nIt can be ignored with an 'i know what i'm doing' value of at least 5\n"); } exit(1); } if (verbose>0) { printf ("Read file %s success\n",flash_file); } flash_max_addr=flash_length; if (write_length>0) flash_max_addr=write_offset+write_length; if (flash_max_addr>flash_length) flash_max_addr=flash_length; if (flash_max_addr&0xff) { flash_max_block_addr=(flash_max_addr&0xff00)+UVK5_FLASH_BLOCKSIZE; } else { flash_max_block_addr=(flash_max_addr&0xff00); } printf("Writing blocks from address 0x%x until 0x%x, firmware size is 0x%x\n",write_offset,flash_max_block_addr,flash_length); if (flash_max_block_addr>UVK5_MAX_FLASH_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr,"flash length 0x%x is greater than max flash size 0x%x\n",flash_max_block_addr,UVK5_MAX_FLASH_SIZE); exit(1); } r=wait_flash_message(fd,10000); if (!r) exit(0); k5_send_flash_version_message(fd,flash_version_string); for(i=write_offset; iUVK5_FLASH_BLOCKSIZE) len=UVK5_FLASH_BLOCKSIZE; r=k5_writeflash(fd, (unsigned char *)&flash+i,len,i,flash_max_block_addr); printf("*** FLASH at 0x%4.4x length 0x%4.4x result=%i\n",i,len,r); if (!r) { printf("Stopping flash due to ERROR!!!\n"); break; } } exit(0); } for (i=0;i0) { printf("k5_prepare: try %i\n",i); } r=k5_prepare(fd); if (r) break; } if (!r) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to init radio\n"); exit(1); } switch(mode) { case MODE_READ: for(i=0;i0) { printf("\rread block 0x%4.4X %i%%",i,(100*i/UVK5_EEPROM_SIZE)); fflush(stdout); } } close(fd); if (verbose>0) { printf("\rSucessfuly read eeprom\n"); } if (verbose>2) { hdump((unsigned char *)&eeprom,UVK5_EEPROM_SIZE); } write_file(file,(unsigned char *)&eeprom,UVK5_EEPROM_SIZE); break; case MODE_WRITE: case MODE_WRITE_MOST: case MODE_WRITE_ALL: if ((mode==MODE_WRITE_ALL)&&(i_know_what_im_doing<1)) { printf("ERROR: the \"I know what i'm doing\" value has to be at least 1 to confirm that you know what you're doing\n"); exit(0); } /* read file */ ffd=open(file,O_RDONLY); if (ffd<0) { fprintf(stderr,"open %s error %d %s\n", file, errno, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } r=read(ffd,(unsigned char *)&eeprom[i],UVK5_EEPROM_SIZE); if (r!=UVK5_EEPROM_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to read whole eeprom from file %s, file too short?\n",file); exit(1); } close(ffd); if (verbose>0) { printf ("Read file %s success\n",file); } if ((mode==MODE_WRITE_ALL) || (mode==MODE_WRITE_MOST)) { j=UVK5_EEPROM_SIZE_WITHOUT_CALIBRATION; if (mode==MODE_WRITE_ALL) j=UVK5_EEPROM_SIZE; /* write to radio */ for(i=0;i0) { printf("\rwrite block 0x%4.4X %i%%",i,(100*i/j)); fflush(stdout); } } } else { /* write to radio */ i=0; while (uvk5_writes[i][1]) { i++; } j=i; i=0; while (uvk5_writes[i][1]) { if (!k5_writemem(fd,(unsigned char *)&eeprom[uvk5_writes[i][0]],uvk5_writes[i][1],uvk5_writes[i][0])) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to write block 0x%4.4X length 0x%2.2x\n",uvk5_writes[i][0],uvk5_writes[i][1]); exit(1); } if (verbose>0) { printf("\rwrite block 0x%4.4X %i%%",i,(100*i/j)); fflush(stdout); } i++; } } k5_reset(fd); if (verbose>0) { printf("\rSucessfuly wrote eeprom\n"); } break; default: fprintf(stderr,"this shouldn't happen :)\n"); break; } return(0); /* silence gcc */ }