/* GENERIC STM32F103C */ // Initial and hardcoded settings #define initial_speed_wpm 26 // "factory default" keyer speed setting #define initial_command_mode_speed_wpm 20 // "factory default" command mode speed setting #define initial_sidetone_freq 600 // "factory default" sidetone frequency setting #define sidetone_hz_limit_low 299 #define sidetone_hz_limit_high 2001 #define hz_high_beep 1500 // frequency in hertz of high beep #define hz_low_beep 400 // frequency in hertz of low beep #define initial_dah_to_dit_ratio 300 // 300 = 3 / normal 3:1 ratio #define initial_ptt_lead_time_tx1 0 // PTT lead time in mS #define initial_ptt_tail_time_tx1 10 // PTT tail time in mS #define initial_ptt_lead_time_tx2 0 // PTT lead time in mS #define initial_ptt_tail_time_tx2 10 // PTT tail time in mS #define initial_ptt_lead_time_tx3 0 // PTT lead time in mS #define initial_ptt_tail_time_tx3 10 // PTT tail time in mS #define initial_ptt_lead_time_tx4 0 // PTT lead time in mS #define initial_ptt_tail_time_tx4 10 // PTT tail time in mS #define initial_ptt_lead_time_tx5 0 // PTT lead time in mS #define initial_ptt_tail_time_tx5 10 // PTT tail time in mS #define initial_ptt_lead_time_tx6 0 // PTT lead time in mS #define initial_ptt_tail_time_tx6 10 // PTT tail time in mS #define initial_qrss_dit_length 1 // QRSS dit length in seconds #define initial_pot_wpm_low_value 13 // Potentiometer WPM fully CCW #define initial_pot_wpm_high_value 35 // Potentiometer WPM fully CW #define wpm_limit_low 5 #define wpm_limit_high 60 #define potentiometer_change_threshold 0.9 // don't change the keyer speed until pot wpm has changed more than this #define send_buffer_size 150 #define default_length_letterspace 3 #define default_length_wordspace 7 #define default_keying_compensation 0 // number of milliseconds to extend all dits and dahs - for QSK on boatanchors #define default_first_extension_time 0 // number of milliseconds to extend first sent dit or dah //#define default_pot_full_scale_reading 1023 //For AVR boards #define default_pot_full_scale_reading 4095 //SP5IOU 20180329 FOR stm32 Boards. #define default_weighting 50 // 50 = weighting factor of 1 (normal) #define default_ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units 0.0 #define winkey_c0_wait_time 1 // the number of milliseconds to wait to send 0xc0 byte after send buffer has been sent #define winkey_command_timeout_ms 5000 #define winkey_discard_bytes_startup 3 // this is used if OPTION_WINKEY_DISCARD_BYTES_AT_STARTUP is enabled above #define winkey_xoff_threshold 20 // the number of chars in the buffer when we begin sending XOFFs #define winkey_xon_threshold 10 // the number of chars in the buffer below which we deactivate XOFF #define default_memory_repeat_time 3000 // time in milliseconds #define LCD_COLUMNS 16 #define LCD_ROWS 2 #define lcd_i2c_address_mathertel_PCF8574 0x27 // I2C address of display for FEATURE_LCD_MATHERTEL_PCF8574 #define lcd_i2c_address_fdebrander_lcd 0x27 // I2C address of display for FEATURE_LCD_I2C_FDEBRABANDER #define lcd_i2c_address_ydv1_lcd 0x27 // I2C address of display for FEATURE_LCD_YDv1 //#define lcd_i2c_address_ydv1_lcd 0x38 // I2C address of display for FEATURE_LCD_YDv1 #define lcd_i2c_address_sainsmart_lcd 0x27 // I2C address of display for FEATURE_LCD_SAINSMART_I2C #define hell_pixel_microseconds 4025 #define program_memory_limit_consec_spaces 1 #define serial_leading_zeros 1 // set to 1 to activate leading zeros in serial numbers (i.e. #1 = 001) #define serial_cut_numbers 0 // set to 1 to activate cut numbers in serial numbers (i.e. #10 = 1T, #19 = 1N) #define go_to_sleep_inactivity_time 10 // minutes - FEATURE_SLEEP #define dim_backlight_inactive_time 5 // minutes - FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM #define default_cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_percent 33 // use with FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING; should be between 0 to 99 % (0% = true iambic b;100% = iambic a behavior) #define default_cw_echo_timing_factor 1.75 // "factory default" setting #define default_autospace_timing_factor 2.0 // "factory default" setting #define winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_timing_factor 0.25 #define potentiometer_always_on 0 #define ptt_interlock_check_every_ms 100 #define ptt_interlock_active_state HIGH #define unknown_cw_character '*' #define cli_paddle_echo_on_at_boot 1 #define cli_straight_key_echo_on_at_boot 1 #define tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_active_state HIGH #define tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_inactive_state LOW #define potentiometer_check_interval_ms 150 #define potentiometer_reading_threshold 1 #define default_paddle_interruption_quiet_time_element_lengths 0 #define default_wordsworth_wordspace 6 #define default_wordsworth_repetition 1 #define serial_program_memory_buffer_size 500 #define eeprom_write_time_ms 30000 #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS #define analog_buttons_number_of_buttons 1 // For Keypad only command butrton is neaded 6 //4 // includes the command button (command button + 3 memory buttons = 4) //sp5iou 20180319 #define analog_buttons_r1 10 #define analog_buttons_r2 1 #endif #if defined(FEATURE_BUTTONS) && !defined(FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD) && !defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) && !defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) #define number_of_memories byte(analog_buttons_number_of_buttons-1) #else // #define number_of_memories byte(12) #define number_of_memories byte(10) //sp5iou 20180329 With many memories, be carefull to not put to much content. It caould disable memory programming and eeprom formatting is then necessary #endif #ifdef FEATURE_CAPACITIVE_PADDLE_PINS #define capacitance_threshold 2 #endif //FEATURE_CAPACITIVE_PADDLE_PINS #ifdef FEATURE_LED_RING #define led_ring_low_limit 10 #define led_ring_high_limit 50 #endif //FEATURE_LED_RING #ifdef FEATURE_QLF #define qlf_dit_max 125 #define qlf_dit_min 75 #define qlf_dah_max 200 #define qlf_dah_min 100 #define qlf_on_by_default 0 #endif //FEATURE_QLF #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_UCXLOG_9600_BAUD #define WINKEY_DEFAULT_BAUD 9600 #else #define WINKEY_DEFAULT_BAUD 1200 #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_UCXLOG_9600_BAUD // alter these below to map alternate sidetones for Winkey interface protocol emulation #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_1 3759 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_2 1879 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_3 1252 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_4 940 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_5 752 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_6 625 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_7 535 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_8 469 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_9 417 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_10 375 #else //OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_1 4000 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_2 2000 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_3 1333 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_4 1000 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_5 800 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_6 666 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_7 571 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_8 500 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_9 444 #define WINKEY_SIDETONE_10 400 #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT #define WINKEY_1_REPORT_VERSION_NUMBER 10 #define WINKEY_2_REPORT_VERSION_NUMBER 23 // alter these to map to alternate hang time wordspace units #define WINKEY_HANG_TIME_1_0 1.0 #define WINKEY_HANG_TIME_1_33 1.33 #define WINKEY_HANG_TIME_1_66 1.66 #define WINKEY_HANG_TIME_2_0 2.0 #define WINKEY_RETURN_THIS_FOR_ADMIN_GET_CAL_WK1 0x0a #define WINKEY_RETURN_THIS_FOR_ADMIN_GET_CAL_WK2 0x18 #define WINKEY_RETURN_THIS_FOR_ADMIN_PADDLE_A2D 0xEE #define WINKEY_RETURN_THIS_FOR_ADMIN_SPEED_A2D 0x00 #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION #define PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT &Serial #define PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT_BAUD 115200 // This applies only when the port is in Command Line Interface mode. In Winkey mode it will default to 1200. #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT #define SECONDARY_SERIAL_PORT &Serial1 #define SECONDARY_SERIAL_PORT_BAUD 115200 #endif #define CW_DECODER_SCREEN_COLUMNS 120 // word wrap at this many columns #define CW_DECODER_SPACE_PRINT_THRESH 4.5 // print space if no tone for this many element lengths #define CW_DECODER_SPACE_DECODE_THRESH 2.0 // invoke character decode if no tone for this many element lengths #define CW_DECODER_NOISE_FILTER 20 // ignore elements shorter than this (mS) #define STRAIGHT_KEY_ACTIVE_STATE LOW #ifdef FEATURE_DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO #define DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_LOWER_LIMIT_WPM 30 #define DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_LOWER_LIMIT_RATIO 300 // 300 = 3:1 ratio #define DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_UPPER_LIMIT_WPM 70 #define DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_UPPER_LIMIT_RATIO 240 // 240 = 2.4:1 ratio #endif //FEATURE_DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO #if defined(FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION) #define COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_ARRAY_SIZE 16 #define COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_TIME_INTERCHAR_LOWER_LIMIT 1 #define COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_TIME_INTERCHAR_UPPER_LIMIT 6.0 #define COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_AVERAGE_ALARM_THRESHOLD 3.0 #endif //FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION #if defined(FEATURE_SLEEP) #define KEYER_AWAKE_PIN_AWAKE_STATE HIGH #define KEYER_AWAKE_PIN_ASLEEP_STATE LOW #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM) #define keyer_power_led_awake_duty 255 // PWM duty cycle. 0 is 0%, 255 is 100% #define keyer_power_led_asleep_duty 25 // 25 is quite dim. Use 0 for off #endif #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) // #define FEATURE_ETHERNET_IP {192,168,1,178} // default IP address ("") // #define FEATURE_ETHERNET_MAC {0xDE,0xAD,0xBE,0xEF,0xFE,0xED} #define FEATURE_ETHERNET_IP {192,168,1,179} // default IP address ("") #define FEATURE_ETHERNET_MAC {0xDE,0xAD,0xBE,0xEF,0xFE,0xEE} #define FEATURE_ETHERNET_DNS {8,8,8,8} #define FEATURE_ETHERNET_GATEWAY {192,168,1,1} // default gateway #define FEATURE_ETHERNET_SUBNET_MASK {255,255,255,0} // default subnet mask #define FEATURE_ETHERNET_WEB_LISTENER_PORT 80 #define FEATURE_UDP_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE 128 #define FEATURE_UDP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE 128 #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET #define WEB_SERVER_CONTROL_TX_KEY_TIME_LIMIT_SECS 10 #define FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS 2 #define FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_DEFAULT_RCV_UDP_PORT 8888 #define FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_BUFFER_TIME_MS 500 #if defined(FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD)|| defined (FEATURE_3x4_KEYPAD) #define KEYPAD_ROWS 4 //KeyPad Rows #if defined(FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD) #define KEYPAD_COLS 4 //keypad Columns #else #define KEYPAD_COLS 3 #endif #define mem1 0 //Memory numbers for Keypad: Actual memory numbers start with "0" #define mem2 1 #define mem3 2 #define mem4 3 #define mem5 4 #define mem6 5 #define mem7 6 #define mem8 7 #define mem9 8 #define mem10 9 #define mem11 10 #define mem12 11 #endif //#if defined(FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD)|| defined (FEATURE_3x4_KEYPAD) #define initial_sidetone_mode 1 // Sidetone mode, 0=OFF, 1=ON, 2=PADDLE_ONLY #define sd_card_spi_ss_line 4 #if defined(OPTION_DFROBOT_LCD_COMMAND_BUTTONS) // For V1.1 board use these values #define dfrobot_btnRIGHT_analog 50 #define dfrobot_btnUP_analog 250 #define dfrobot_btnDOWN_analog 450 #define dfrobot_btnLEFT_analog 650 #define dfrobot_btnSELECT_analog 850 // For V1.0 board use these values // #define dfrobot_btnRIGHT_analog 50 // #define dfrobot_btnUP_analog 195 // #define dfrobot_btnDOWN_analog 380 // #define dfrobot_btnLEFT_analog 555 // #define dfrobot_btnSELECT_analog 790 // button to memory mappings (0 = command button, 1 = memory 1, 2 = memory 2, etc.) #define dfrobot_btnRIGHT 2 #define dfrobot_btnUP 1 #define dfrobot_btnDOWN 3 #define dfrobot_btnLEFT 4 #define dfrobot_btnSELECT 0 #define dfrobot_btnNONE 255 // do not change #endif #define sequencer_pins_active_state HIGH #define sequencer_pins_inactive_state LOW #define ptt_line_active_state HIGH #define ptt_line_inactive_state LOW #define tx_key_line_active_state HIGH #define tx_key_line_inactive_state LOW #define ptt_input_pin_active_state LOW #define ptt_input_pin_inactive_state HIGH #define tx_inhibit_pin_active_state LOW #define tx_inhibit_pin_inactive_state HIGH #define tx_pause_pin_active_state LOW #define tx_pause_pin_inactive_state HIGH #define sidetone_line_active_state HIGH #define sidetone_line_inactive_state LOW #if defined(ARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI) || defined(ARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32f103C) //sp5iou 20180329 #define button_value_factor 4095 //sp5iou contributed #else #define button_value_factor 1023 #endif #define farnsworth_timing_calibration 1.15 #define sidetone_volume_low_limit 10 #define sidetone_volume_high_limit 500 #define custom_startup_field "your custom text here" // an example could be callsign and name, eg. "AB1XYZ Bob", (or "Worlds best operator" which requires a 20 column display), string length shouldo be no more than the number of columns on the display #define command_mode_acknowledgement_character 'E' #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) #define command_a_iambic_a "A" #define command_b_iambic_b "B" #define command_c_single_paddle "SINGLE" #define command_d_ultimatic "ULT" #define command_h_weight_dit_dah_ratio_default "R" #define command_i_tx_on "TX ON" #define command_i_tx_off "TX OFF" #define command_k_dit_dah_buffers_on "ON" #define command_k_dit_dah_buffers_off "OFF" #define command_n_paddle_reverse "REV" #define command_n_paddle_normal "NORM" #define command_o_sidetone_off "ST OFF" #define command_o_sidetone_paddle_only "ST PD ONLY" #define command_o_sidetone_on "ST ON" #define command_t_tune_mode "TUNE" #define command_v_potentiometer_on "POT ON" #define command_v_potentiometer_off "POT OFF" #define command_error "ERR" #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT #define HI_TEXT "HI" // Must be in UPPER case