
165 wiersze
3.6 KiB

/* globals postMessage: false, DataView: false, self: false, onmessage: true */
/* jshint -W097 */
"use strict";
onmessage = function(e) {
self.onmessage = function(msg) {
postLog("info", "Received message.");
try {
if (msg.data.type === "extract") {
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown message type.");
} catch (err) {
function postError(err) {
postMessage({ type: "error", data: err });
function postLog(level, msg) {
postMessage({ type: "log", data: { level: level, msg: msg }});
function untarBuffer(arrayBuffer) {
try {
postLog("info", "buffer size: " + arrayBuffer.byteLength);
var tarFileStream = new TarFileStream(arrayBuffer);
while (tarFileStream.hasNext()) {
var file = tarFileStream.next();
if (file.buffer) {
postMessage({ type: "extract", data: file }, [file.buffer]);
postMessage({ type: "complete" });
} catch (err) {
function TarFile() {
TarFile.prototype = {
function Stream(arrayBuffer) {
this._bufferView = new DataView(arrayBuffer);
this._position = 0;
Stream.prototype = {
readString: function(charCount) {
var charSize = 1;
var byteCount = charCount * charSize;
var charCodes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < charCount; ++i) {
var charCode = this._bufferView.getUint8(this.position() + (i * charSize));
if (charCode !== 0) {
} else {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, charCodes);
readBuffer: function(byteCount) {
return this._bufferView.buffer.slice(this._position, byteCount);
seek: function(byteCount) {
this._position += byteCount;
peekUint32: function() {
return this._bufferView.getUint32(this.position());
position: function(newpos) {
if (newpos === undefined) {
return this._position;
} else {
this._position = newpos;
size: function() {
return this._bufferView.byteLength;
function TarFileStream(arrayBuffer) {
this._stream = new Stream(arrayBuffer);
TarFileStream.prototype = {
hasNext: function() {
return this._stream.position() < this._stream.size() && this._stream.peekUint32() !== 0;
next: function() {
var stream = this._stream;
var file = new TarFile();
var headerBeginPos = stream.position;
var dataBeginPos = headerBeginPos + 512;
// Read header
file.name = stream.readString(100);
file.mode = stream.readString(8);
file.uid = stream.readString(8);
file.gid = stream.readString(8);
file.size = parseInt(stream.readString(12), 8);
file.modificationTime = parseInt(stream.readString(12), 8);
file.checksum = stream.readString(8);
file.type = stream.readString(1);
file.linkname = stream.readString(1);
file.ustarFormat = stream.readString(6);
if (file.ustarFormat === "ustar") {
file.version = stream.readString(2);
file.uname = stream.readString(32);
file.gname = stream.readString(32);
file.devmajor = stream.readString(8);
file.devminor = stream.readString(8);
file.namePrefix = stream.readString(155);
if (file.namePrefix.length > 0) {
file.name = file.namePrefix + file.name;
// Normal file is either "\0" or 0.
if (file.type === 0 || file.type === "\0") {
file.buffer = stream.readBuffer(file.size);
} else if (file.type == 5) {
// Directory - should we do anything with this? Nope!
} else {
// We only care about real files, not symlinks.
// File data is padded to reach a 512 byte boundary; skip the padded bytes.
var bytesToSkipCount = 512 - file.size % 512;
return file;